Shinichi Onodera

Last Updated :2025/03/04

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor
Web Site
Water and material cycles under human impacts such as urbanization and agricultural activity, climate change and natural disaster are evaluated, and healthy cycles using recycling and offset systems are being produces in watersheds. These researches, conducted on Osaka, and Jakarta mega-cities, Asian and Brazilian agricultural lands etc. are contributing to sustainable uses of water and material and environmental conservation. Approaches.

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Science, Chiba University
  • Master of Science, Chiba University

Research Fields

  • Environmental science;Sustainable and environmental system development;Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system
  • Environmental science;Sustainable and environmental system development;Environmental and ecological symbiosis
  • Environmental science;Environmental analyses and evaluation;Environmental dynamic analysis
  • Environmental science;Environmental analyses and evaluation;Environmental impact assessment
  • Environmental science;Environmental conservation;Environmental risk control and evaluation
  • Complex systems;Geography;Geography

Research Keywords

  • runoff|pollution
  • watershed
  • watershed
  • metal
  • cycle
  • water
  • acidification
  • hydrogeomorphology mountains
  • Nutrient

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Mass cycle and global environment
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Experimental Methods and Laboratory Work in Science A
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Introduction of Natural Environmental Science in Earth Surface
  4. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Introduction to Water and Material Cycle
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Natural Sciences of Life and Environment
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Fundamental Laboratory Course in Geology
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practical Methods in Geology
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Laboratory Course in Natural Environmental Sciences A
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Practical Methods in Natural Environmental SciencesA
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Quarternary Environment Science
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Laboratory Course in Natural Environmental Sciences B
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Practical Methods in Natural Environmental SciencesB
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Laboratory Course in Natural Environmental Sciences C
  14. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Practical Methods in Natural Environmental SciencesC
  15. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Lecture and Field Work In Natural Environment
  16. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Environmental Science in Catchment Areas
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering A
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering B
  21. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program Common Subjects 3 (Resilient Development)
  22. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Dynamics of Earth Surface Material Cycle

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Spatiotemporal shallow and deep groundwater dynamics in a forested mountain catchment with diverse slope gradients, western Japan, GROUNDWATER FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 25, 202405
  2. Evaluation of the Effects of Environmental Factors on Seasonal Variations in Fish Diversity on a Coastal Island in Western Japan, ENVIRONMENTS, 11(3), 202403
  3. Evaluation of Phosphorus Enrichment in Groundwater by Legacy Phosphorus in Orchard Soils with High Phosphorus Adsorption Capacity Using Phosphate Oxygen Isotope Analysis, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 58(12), 5372-5382, 20240315
  4. Assessment of nitrogen budget in detailed spatial pattern using high precision modeling approach with constructed accurate agricultural behavior, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 912, 20240220
  5. Spatial and Temporal Variations and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Fractions in Sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, Southern China, ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY, 84(3), 389-399, 202304
  6. Spatial and temporal dynamics and fluxes estimation of manganese fractions in sediments from the Pearl River Estuary, southern China, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 197, 202312
  7. Groundwater Dynamics near the Saltwater-Freshwater Interface in an Island of Seto Inland Sea, WATER, 15(7), 202304
  8. A new method for phosphate purification for oxygen isotope ratio analysis in freshwater and soil extracts using solid-phase extraction with zirconium-loaded resin, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 36(22), 20221130
  9. A new sampling method with zirconium-loaded resin for phosphate oxygen isotope analysis in oligotrophic freshwater systems, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 36(22), 20221130
  10. Assessment of long-term phosphorus budget changes influenced by anthropogenic factors in a coastal catchment of Osaka Bay, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 843, 20221015
  11. Nitrate Contamination in Groundwater: Evaluating the Effects of Demographic Aging and Depopulation in an Island with Intensive Citrus Cultivation, Water, 14(14), 20220721
  12. Effects of forest growth in different vegetation communities on forest catchment water balance, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 809, 20220225
  13. Evaluation of nitrogen loading in the last 80 years in an urbanized Asian coastal catchment through the reconstruction of severe contamination period, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 17(1), 202201
  14. A Conflict between the Legacy of Eutrophication and Cultural Oligotrophication in Hiroshima Bay, Oceans, 2, 546-565, 20210816
  15. Long-term variations in water balance by increase in percent imperviousness of urban regions, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 602, 20210814
  16. Estimation of Phosphorus Transport Influenced by Climate Change in a Rice Paddy Catchment Using SWAT, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 15(4), 759-772, 20210629
  17. Assessment of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) as a Source of Nutrient at Jakarta Bay, Indonesia, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 789(1), 20210628
  19. Vulnerability of groundwater to iron and manganese contamination in the coastal alluvial plain of a developing Indonesian city, SN APPLIED SCIENCES, 3(4), 20210302
  21. Species and potential sources of phosphorus in groundwater in and around Mataram City, Lombok Island, Indonesia, SN APPLIED SCIENCES, 3(1), 20210107
  22. Potential Sources of Ammonium-Nitrogen in the Coastal Groundwater Determined from a Combined Analysis of Nitrogen Isotope, Biological and Geological Parameters, and Land Use, WATER, 13(1), 20201225
  23. Material transport and cycle in watersheds: toward the interdisciplinary collaboration between limnology and the other research disciplines, LIMNOLOGY, 21(3), 427-428, 20200718
  24. Phosphorus cycling in watersheds: from limnology to environmental science, Limnology, 21(3), 327-328, 20200718
  25. The impact of land use and climate change on surface runoff and groundwater in Cimanuk watershed, Indonesia, LIMNOLOGY, 21(3), 487-498, 20200626
  26. Sediment phosphorus cycling in a nutrient-rich embayment in relation to sediment phosphorus pool and release, LIMNOLOGY, 21(3), 415-425, 20200613
  27. Effect of in-stream impoundment on water quality of a suburban stream, LIMNOLOGY, 21(3), 393-402, 20200424
  28. Pb-210 dating to investigate the historical variations and identification of different sources of heavy metal pollution in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, Southern China, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 150, 20191025
  29. Evaluation of the spatial distribution of submarine groundwater discharge in a small island scale using the Rn-222 tracer method and comparative modeling, MARINE CHEMISTRY, 209, 25-35, 20190220
  30. Nitrogen dynamics in a highly urbanized coastal area of western Japan: impact of sewage-derived loads, PROGRESS IN EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE, 5, 20180320
  31. Vertical distribution of sediment phosphorus in Lake Hachirogata related to the effect of land reclamation on phosphorus accumulation, ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, 37(4), 486-494, 20160216
  32. Impact analysis of the decline of agricultural land-use on flood risk and material flux in hilly and mountainous watersheds, Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS), 370, 39-44, 20150611
  33. Formation process of the Holocene clay layer in a coastal alluvial plain of an enclosed sea: case study of the Okayama Plain, JAHS, 44(3), 161-177, 20140725
  34. Effects of dam construction on sediment phosphorus in a semi-enclosed bay of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 135, 191-200, 20131220
  35. Effect of climate change on flood events as major driver of nutrient discharge from a suburban watershed, western Japan, IAHS Publication, 359, 38-43, 20130701
  36. Effects of residence time and nutrient load on eutrophic conditions and phytoplankton variations in agricultural reservoirs, IAHS Publication, 361, 197-203, 20130701
  37. Nutrient transport and surface water-groundwater interactions in the tidal zone of the Yamato River, Japan, IAHS Publication, 361, 204-211, 20130701
  38. The effect of small impoundments on nutrient transport in a suburban watershed, IAHS Publication, 363, 172-177, 20130701
  39. Seasonal variation of the 222Rn concentration in the central part of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry, 6, 339-344, 20120301
  40. Spatial variation of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the central part of Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry, 5, 117-123, 20111201
  41. Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand, Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664, 20111201
  42. Transport and transformation of chemical components in the groundwater flow system of Jakarta metropolitan area, Riset Geologi dan Pertambangan, 21, 1-5, 20111201
  43. Interaction between river and groundwater in Jakarta megacity, coastal alluvial plain, Indonesia, IAHS Pblication, 345, 151-155, 20110701
  44. Nutrient exchange between surface water and subsurface water in ponded shallow reservoir of a suburban river catchment, IAHS Publication, 345, 37-41, 20110701
  45. Effect of Climate Change on Nutrient Discharge in a Coastal Area, Western Japan, IAHS Publication, 348, 172-177, 20110701
  46. Reconstruction of 100 years variation in phosphorus load using the sediment profile of an artificial lake in western Japan, IAHS Publication, 348, 45-50, 20110701
  47. Hydrogeological constraint on nitrate and arsenic contamination in Asian metropolitan groundwater, Hydrological Processes, 25, 2742-2754, 20110601
  48. Multiple isotope (H, O, N, S and Sr) approach elucidates complex pollution causes in the shallow groundwaters of the Taipei urban area, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 397(1-2), 23-36, 20110124
  49. Application of multi-isotope ratios to study the source and quality of urban groundwater in metro manila, Philippines, Applied Geochemistry, 25, 900-909, 20100901
  50. Effects of environmental regulations on heavy metal pollution decline in core sediments from Manila Bay, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60, 780-785, 20100901
  51. Methane uptake rates in Japanese forest soils depend on the oxidation ability of topsoil, with a new estimate for global methane uptake in temperate forest, Biogeochemistry, 92, 281-295, 20091001
  52. Hydrogeochemical Assessment of Metals Contamination in an Urban Drainage System, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 3, 164-173, 20091001
  53. Investigation of fresh and salt water distribution by resistivity survey in Yellow River Delta, Geophysical exploration, 62(5), 543-552, 20091001
  54. Degradation of subsurface environment under the human activities and climate variability in Asian cities, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 329, 1-6, 20090701
  55. Effect of urbanization on the groundwater discharge into Jakarta Bay, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 329, 233-240, 20090701
  56. Evaluation of nitrate attenuation potential in the groundwater of Jakarta metropolitan area, Indonesia, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 329, 305-310, 20090701
  57. Cause of groundwater contamination in Jakarta alluvium volcanic fan deduced by sulfate and strontium isotope ratios, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 329, 201-206, 20090701
  58. Sulfate and strontium isotopic variations of groundwater in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 329, 284-290, 20090701
  59. Dissolved nitrogen removal in the ponded streams of an alluvial, suburban basin with a developing city, western Japan, 330, 150-153, 20090701
  60. River mouth dam effect on integrated management of coastal water resource, Western Japan, Interanational Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 330, 150-153, 20090701
  61. Anthropogenic effects on the subsurface thermal and groundwater environments in Osaka, Japan and Bangkok, Thailand, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 407(9), 3153-3164, 20090415
  62. Human impacts on groundwater flow and contamination deduced by multiple isotopes in Seoul City, South Korea, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 407(9), 3189-3197, 20090415
  63. ★, Effects of intensive urbanization on the intrusion of shallow groundwater into deep groundwater: Examples from Bangkok and Jakarta, Science of The Total Environment, 407, 3209-3217, 20090301
  64. Sources of nitrate and ammonium contamination in groundwater under developing Asian megacities, Science of The Total Environment, 407, 3219-3231, 20090301
  65. Submarine groundwater discharge from the Yellow River Delta to the Bohai Sea, China, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 113, 20081101
  66. In-situ estimation of nitrate attenuation and pore velocity relationship in a granitic mountainous catchment, western Japan, Proceedings of 36th IAH Congress., 36-S13-154, 1-6, 20081026
  67. Comparative study on water quality among Asian megacities based on major ion concentrations, HYDROLOGICAL CHANGES AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT, 295-300, 20081001
  68. Saline groundwater flow in the Yellow River delta, China, HYDROLOGICAL CHANGES AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT, 307-312, 20081001
  69. Investigation of fresh and salt water distribution by resistivity method in Yellow River Delta:, HYDROLOGICAL CHANGES AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT, 387-392, 20081001
  70. Degradation of subsurface environment in Asian coastal cities, HYDROLOGICAL CHANGES AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT, 605-610, 20081001
  71. Evaluation of denitrification potential in coastal groundwater using simple in situ injection experiment, HYDROLOGICAL CHANGES AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT, 653-658, 20081001
  72. Effect of surface and groundwater interaction on nitrate reduction process in a small alluvial fan catchment, IAHS Publication, 321, 76-82, 20080401
  73. Denitrification process controlled by groundwater flow condition in the coastal aquifer of a mountainous agricultural catchment, southern Japan, Proceedings of Groundwater Quality 2007, 9(266), 1-8, 20071201
  74. Comparison of contaminat and nutrient load process by groundwater from land to ocean at coastal mega-cities in Asia, Proceedings of Groundwater Quality 2007, 4(269), 1-8, 20071201
  75. Role of sediment discharge and submarine groundwater discharge as contaminant discharge process to ocean at coastal mega-cities, Proceedings of Int. Symp. on current problem in groundwater management, 1-9, 20071201
  76. Nutrient transport in the extensive tidal flat with large tidal variation, South Korea, Proceedings of 2nd International symposium of Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control, 265-267, 20070920
  77. Spatial distribution of nitrate attenuation area in small mountainous catchments of an inland sea, Proceedings of 2nd International symposium of Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control, 489-491, 20070920
  78. Nitrate contamination in groundwater of the Yellow River Delta and its effect on the marine environment, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 314, 271-277, 20070701
  79. ★, Effect of frequent storms on nutrient discharge in a mountainous coastal catchment, western Japan, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 314, 108-116, 20070701
  80. Nutrient dynamics with interaction of groundwater and seawater in abeach slope of steep island, western Japan, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 312, 150-158, 20070701
  81. Investigation of submarine groundwater discharge using several methods in the inter-tidal zone, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 312, 60-67, 20070701
  82. Evaluation of fresh groundwater contributions to the nutrient dynamics at shallow subtidal area adjacent to metro-Bangkok, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 312, 169-179, 20070701
  83. Nutrient transport process with groundwater flow in a small mountainous catchment with intensive agricultural area, southern Japan, Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Interrelations between Seawater and Groundwater, 20061201
  84. Sorption of Zn and Mn ions from single and binary metal solutions by Kaolinite: influence of physico-chemical factors, Material and Geoenvironment, 53(4), 419-432, 20061201
  85. Nutrient load through submarine groundwater discharge to the Seto Inland Sea: case study at a small granitic island, Proceedings of International Symposium on interrelations between seawater and groundwater, 1, 38-41, 20061201
  86. Nitrate attenuation process in the coastal aquifer of a small mountainous catchment with intensive agricultural area, southern Japan, Proceedings of Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologist, 34(5), 1-4, 20061001
  87. High potential for increase in CO2 flux from forest soil surface due global warming in cooler area of Japan, Annals of Forest Science, 63, 537-546, 20061001
  88. Nitrate emission process in a coastal agricultural catchment, Southern Japan, Proceedings of Internatinal Nitrogen Conference, 3, 545-548, 20051201
  89. Approaches to estimation of contaminant load variation at mega-cities, Proceedings of RIHN International Symposium, 32-35, 20051031
  90. Surface and groundwater qualities in an urbanized catchment: scenaria from a developing country, International Association of Hydrological Science Publication, 296, 506-516, 20051031
  91. Nitrate transport and reduction measures in coastal aquifer of agricultural watershed, southern Japan, Proceedings of IAHR Congress, 31, 5381-5388, 20051031
  92. Formation and flow of saline groundwater in the Yellow RIver delta, China, Proceedings of IAHR Congress, 31, 5375-5380, 20051031
  93. Comparative study of bedload sediment yield processes in small mountainous catchments covered by secondary and disturbed forests, western Japan, Hydrobiologia, 494, 265-270, 20030201
  94. Evaluation of cation exchange processes in acid soil slope for solute transport modelling in unsaturated zone, Carolinae-Geologica Acta Universitatis, 46(2/3), 439-441, 20020401
  95. Metal ion variations from rainfall to stream in a small catchment covered by degraded soil in the Setouchi Region, 63, 22-30, 20020201
  96. Sediment yield variation in small catchments with different bedrock ina humid temprate region, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 33(4), 435-439, 20011001
  97. Experimental study on the estimation of the infiltration process in water repellent soil, using the electrical exploration, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resource, 14(1), 27-33, 20010401
  98. Painfall-runoff processes in a granitic mountain catchment, Setouchi Region, Journal of Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences, 31(2), 73-82, 20010401
  99. Evaluation of Geographic variation in acidification of water source catchments, Asahi Beer, 14, 139-146, 20010401
  100. Soil chemical properties and mass cycle in Miyajima Island ; Comparison with those in soil degraded catchments around there, 21-30, 20010401
  101. Change in biogeochemical process liked by temperature from low to sobalpine mountain., Int. Ass. Hydrological Science Publication, 257, 103-109, 19990401
  102. Nitrate and sulfate transports in the shallow groundwater on Tsukuba Upland area, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Groundwater in Environmental Problems, 79-84, 19990112
  103. Effects of rock and vegetation types and elevation on element concentrations in mountain streams in the western side of Tokyo, Japan., 225-228, 19980401
  104. Estimation of groundwater recharge on various sites in a tropical semiarid basin using a water balance model in dry surface soil., Proceedings of CEReS Int. Symp., 149-154, 19970401
  105. Stable isotopic compositions of deep groundwater caused by partial infiltration into the restricted recharge area of semiarid basin in Tanzania., Models for assessing and monitoring groundwater quality. IAHS Publication, 227, 75-83, 19950401
  106. Hydrochemical study on forested land adjacent to farm land on the Tsukuba Upland, Japan., Proceedings of 25th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists : Management to sustain shallow groundwater system= Adelaide, 2-B, 719-722, 19940401
  107. Seasonal variation in sediment yield on a gentle slope in semi-arid region, Tanzania., Sediment Problems : Strategies for monitoring= prediction and control. IAHS Publication, 217, 29-37, 19930401
  108. Measurement of infiltration rates for estimation of overland flow amount on the semi-arid region in Tanzania., 22(3), 815-816, 19910401
  109. Precipitation-discharge processes of the subsurface water and hydrogeomorphological characteristics in the multi-layered hillslope near Tokyo., Schweizer Ingenieur und Architekt, 116, 430-431, 19900401
  110. Long-term variations in water balance by increase in percent imperviousness of urban regions, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 602, 202111
  111. Estimation of Phosphorus Transport Influenced by Climate Change in a Rice Paddy Catchment Using SWAT, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 15(4), 759-772, 202108
  114. Potential Sources of Ammonium-Nitrogen in the Coastal Groundwater Determined from a Combined Analysis of Nitrogen Isotope, Biological and Geological Parameters, and Land Use, WATER, 13(1), 202101
  115. The impact of land use and climate change on surface runoff and groundwater in Cimanuk watershed, Indonesia, LIMNOLOGY, 21(3), 487-498, 202008
  116. Sediment phosphorus cycling in a nutrient-rich embayment in relation to sediment phosphorus pool and release, LIMNOLOGY, 21(3), 415-425, 202008
  117. Effect of in-stream impoundment on water quality of a suburban stream, LIMNOLOGY, 21(3), 393-402, 202008
  118. Pb-210 dating to investigate the historical variations and identification of different sources of heavy metal pollution in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, Southern China, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 150, 202001
  122. Recovery of groundwater in the Sanriku region contaminated by the tsunami inundation from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, 76(6), 201703
  123. Effect of physical and morphometric factors on nutrient removal properties in agricultural ponds, Water Science and Technology, 72(12), 2187-2193, 201512
  124. Estimation of the groundwater flux to the spring through the more permeable pathway near a river, using annual water temperature variations, 57(2), 207-219, 201505
  125. Nitrous oxide emission with submarine groundwater discharge in an agricultural watershed affected by significant fertilizer application., 2014 9th IWA International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries, vol.2, 196-203, 201411
  126. Different isotopic evolutionary trends of delta S-34 and delta O-18 compositions of dissolved sulfate in an anaerobic deltaic aquifer system, APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY, 46, 30-42, 201407
  127. An overview of the effects of urbanization on the quantity and quality of groundwater in South Asian megacities, LIMNOLOGY, 14(2), 135-145, 201304
  128. Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta, China, HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL, 15(8), 1605-1614, 200712
  129. I-2. Evaluation of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) based on the coastal topography and groundwater flow, NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI, 82(5), 807-807, 2016
  130. Estimation of long term nutrient loadings into a hypereutrophic artificial lake in lowland catchment, western Japan, IAHS Publication, 368, 337-342, 2015
  131. Evaluation of drought impact on groundwater recharge rate using SWAT and Hydrus models on an agricultural island in western Japan, Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS), 371, 143-148, 2015
  132. Evaluation for the effect of non-stationary nutrient transport on the coastal seaweed cultivation in western Japan, Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS), 371, 149-155, 2015
  133. Behavior of phosphorus in coastal groundwater discharge areas, 20(1), 55-62, 2015
  134. Estimations of phosphorus flux from a watershed, using hydrological models : overviews, 20(1), 111-116, 2015
  135. Estimating nitrogen flux from a watershed using hydrological model:—an overview of recent achievements and future directions—, JAHS, 44(4), 207-223, 2014
  136. Nutrient component of groundwater in agricultural land, Proceedings of Workshop on Water, Nitrogen, and Agriculture in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, 41-44, 2014
  137. Dynamics of water and nutrients around border of eucalyptus and sugar cane in Rio Claro, Proceedings of Workshop on Water, Nitrogen, and Agriculture in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, 37-40, 2014
  138. Water and TP budgets analysis including submarine groundwater near the intertidal zone, Proceedings of the Twenty-second (2012) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 821-825, 2012
  139. Investigation report of groundwater affected by Tsunami on March 11 2011 in the Sanriku area (2), Proceeding of Annual Conference, 25(0), 2012
  140. Nutrient transport with the river water-groundwater interaction in the tidal reach of the Yamato river basin, Proceeding of Annual Conference, 25(0), 2012
  141. Estimation of lineaments in catchment scale, using satellite image, 123-127, 2008
  142. Estimation of nutrient load in the Ota River and the Ashida River watersheds using GIS, 129-136, 2008
  143. Introduction on Special Issue of Symposium of "Rainfall-runoff processes and groundwater flow in mountaionus catchments", 31(2), 17-18, 2001

Publications such as books

  1. 2001/04, ground water recharge in mountains , 2001, 04, Scholarly Book, Joint work
  2. 2011/06, Forest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry Chapter 30 Effect of Forest Fires on Hydrology and Biogeochemistry of Watersheds, 2011, 06, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 740
  3. 2011/06, Groundwater & Subsurface Environment in Asia Chap.6 Subsurface pollution in Asian megacities, 2011, 06, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 312

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Water security: Integrating Hydrological and Socio-Economic Cycles, Ricardo Hirata, Reginaldo Bertolo, Juliana Gardenalli de Freitas, Alexandra Suhogusoff, Carlos Gamba, Shin-ichi Onodera, Mitsuyo Saito, Leila Goodarzi, Leonardo Capeleto de Andrade, JpGU2023, 2023/05/21, With Invitation, English
  2. Comparative Research in Osaka and Jakarta About Nutrient Cycle and Water Resources, Shin-Ichi Onodera, Sustainable management of water resource and nutrient cycle in Asian megacity catchment, 2023/11/18, Without Invitation, English
  3. Water and Nutrients Budget in Agricultural and Urban Catchment, Sai Tun Aung Si, Shin-ichi Onodera, Kunyang Wang, Mitsuyo Saito, Sharon Bih Kimbi, JpGU2023, 2023/05/21, Without Invitation, English
  4. Impact of Anthropogenic phosphorus loading on authigenic apatite in marine sediment of Osaka Bay, Muhammad Shahinur Rahman, Shin-ichi Onodera, Takuya Ishida, Mitsuyo Saito , Kunyang Wang, Takahiro Hosono, Yu Umezawa, JpGU2023, 2023/05/21, Without Invitation, English
  5. Evaluation of the performance of SWAT model in a karstic watershed by different calibration time steps, Nang Yu War, Shin-ichi Onodera, Kunyang Wang, Yuta Shimizu, Mitsuyo Saito, JpGU2023, 2023/05/21, Without Invitation, English
  6. Spatial and Temporal Water Balance in a Forested Catchment in Western Japan Using the SWAT Model, Rendilicha Halake Guyo, Kunyang Wang, Mitsuyo Saito, Shin-ichi Onodera , Sharon Bih Kimbi, Nang Yu War, Yuta Shimizu, Toshitsugu Moroizumi, JpGU2023, 2023/05/21, Without Invitation, English
  7. Impact of Land use change on groundwater recharge in an emerging suburban catchment- Evaluation for Sustainable water use, Sharon Bih Kimbi, Kunyang Wang, Shin-ichi Onodera, Yuta Shimizu, Ichirow Kaihotsu, JpGU2023, 2023/05/21, Without Invitation, English
  8. Water security: Integrating Hydrological and Socio-Economic Cycles, Ricardo Hirata, Reginaldo Bertolo, Juliana Gardenalli de Freitas, Alexandra Suhogusoff, Carlos Gamba, Shin-ichi Onodera, Mitsuyo Saito, Leila Goodarzi, Leonardo Capeleto de Andrade, JpGU2023, Without Invitation, English
  9. Use of Nature-Based Solutions (SbN) for improving the quality of contaminated groundwater by urban nutrients, Reginaldo Antonio Bertolo, Vinicius Rogel P Oliveira, Priscila Ikematsu, Tatiana Luís Tavares, Shin-ichi Onodera, Mitsuyo Saito, Ricardo Hirata, JpGU2023, 2023/05/21, With Invitation, English
  10. Modelling suspended sediment transport in a large forested catchment of Western Japan using Soil and Water Assessment Tool, Nang Yu War, Shin-ichi Onodera, Kunyang Wang, Yuta Shimizu, Mitsuyo Saito, JpGU2023, 2023/05/21, Without Invitation, English
  11. Estimation of spatial variation of groundwater recharge rate in Asahi River catchment, western Japan using SWAT, Rendilicha Halake Guyo,Yuta Shimizu,Mitsuyo Saito,Shin-ichi Onodera,Yusuke Tomozawa,Sharon Bih Kimbi,Kunyang Wan, JpGU2022, 2022/05/22, Without Invitation, English, Japan Geoscience Union, Makuhari Messe
  12. Island-scale spatial variation in the coastal environmental factors: Case study in the Seto Inland Sea, western Japan, Nhat Hong Nguyen,Mitsuyo Saito,Mayuko Hamada,Shin-ichi Onodera,Takuya Akinaga,Aiping Zhu, JpGU2022, 2022/05/22, Without Invitation, English, Japan Geoscience Union, Makuhari Messe
  13. Estimation of suspended sediment discharge in Takahashi River using Soil and Water Assessment Tool, Nang Yu War,Shin-ichi Onodera,Mitsuyo Saito,Yuta Shimizu,Kunyang Wang,Yusuke Tomozawa, JpGU2022, 2022/05/22, Without Invitation, English, Japan Geoscience Union, Makuhari Messe
  14. Does weekly data could fill the bridge between daily and monthly data in modeling work?, Kunyang Wang,Shin-ichi Onodera,Mitsuyo Saito, JpGU2022, 2022/05/22, Without Invitation, English, Japan Geoscience Union, Makuhari Messe
  15. Evaluation Of Sources and Fate of Nitrate in the Agricultural Island of Osakishimojima (Seto Inland Sea, Japan) Using Nitrogen Isotope, Sharon Bih Kimbi,Shin-ichi Onodera,Mitsuyo Saito,Takuya Ishida,Makoto _Tamura,Yusuke Tomozawa,Nagasaka Itaru, JpGU2022, 2022/05/22, Without Invitation, English, Japan Geoscience Union, Makuhari Messe
  16. Estimation of soil erosion under major land covers of Inle Lake Watershed in Shan State, Myanmar, Nang Yu War,Mya Thandar Toe,Shin-ichi Onodera, JpGU2022, 2022/05/22, Without Invitation, English, Japan Geoscience Union, Makuhari Messe
  17. Long-term Phosphorus Balance Changes influenced by Anthropologic Factors in Yamato River Catchment, Kunyang Wang,Shin-ichi Onodera,Mitsuyo Saito,Takuya Ishida , JpGU2022, 2022/05/22, Without Invitation, English, Japan Geoscience Union, Makuhari Messe
  18. Variation Of Water Balance Components in the Kurose River Basin Between The 1980s and 2000s Using SWAT, Sharon Bih Kimbi,Kunyang Wang,Shin-ichi Onodera,Ichirow Kaihotsu,Yuta Shimizu,Yusuke Tomozawa, JpGU2022, 2022/05/22, Without Invitation, English, Japan Geoscience Union, Makuhari Messe
  19. Change in groundwater recharge with urbanization using SWAT in Higashihiroshima, Sharon Bih KIMBI , Kungyang WANG , Shin-ichi ONODERA , Ichirow Kaihotsu, JpGU2022, 2022/05/21, Without Invitation, English
  20. Integrating traditional and new water solutions to increase cities' resilience in tackling global climate change problems, Ricardo Hirata, Shin-ichi Onodera, Mitsuyo Saito, Yuta Shimizu, Reginaldo Bertolo, Edson Wendland, Luciana Rodrigues Ferreira, JpGU2021, 2021/05/30, With Invitation, English, Online
  21. Groundwater issues and adaptations in agricultural lands in Japan: nitrate pollution issues in a small catchment scale not only groundwater but agriculture and environmental science, ROUND TABLE 8: Solving the challenges of groundwater agriculture, Shin-ichi Onodera, IAH2021 Online, 2021/08/22, With Invitation, English
  22. "Spatial Variation in Lacustrine Groundwater Discharge(LGD) as a Nutrient Source in Lake Biwa,Japan., JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 2017/05, Without Invitation, English
  23. "Effect of tidal variation on sediment nutrient releasing from Osaka Bay.", JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 2017/05, Without Invitation, English
  24. "Estimation of water balance in two forests dominated, steep catchments of western Japan, using SWAT model.", Admajaya, F. T., Onodera, S., Shimizu, Y., Saito, M., Admajaya, F. T., Onodera, S., Shimizu, Y., Saito, M., AGU Fall Meeting, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English, New Orleans, USA
  25. "Intensities of groundwater pollution and salinization in Asian coastal cities", AGU Fall Meeting, 2017/12, Without Invitation, English, New Orleans, USA
  26. A review of SWAT model on application for estimating nutrient dynamics in agricultural watersheds, Shimizu Y., Onodera S., and Matsumori K., Shimizu Y., Onodera S., and Matsumori K., JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 2017/05, Without Invitation, English
  27. Sewage water impacts on groundwater and coastal canals in Osaka city; high nutrient and flood impacts, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 2017/05, Without Invitation
  28. Spatial evaluation of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on an island scale in a temperate coastal sea, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 2017/05, Without Invitation
  29. Observation for the temporal variation of lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) in Lake Biwa, JpGU-AGU joint Meeting 2017, 2017/05, With Invitation, English
  30. Characteristic of oxygen isotope ratio of phosphate in endmember of Lake Biwa, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 2017/05, Without Invitation
  31. Seasonal and annual variations in hydrological elements in a Japan Sea side and Seto Inland Sea side catchments,using SWAT model, 2017/09/30, Without Invitation
  32. High accuracy application of SWAT model to steep catchments; to estimate evapotranspiration, overland flow, base flow and groundwater recharge, Fandy Tri Admajaya , Yuta Shimizu ,Mitsuyo Saito , and Shinichi Onodera, Fandy Tri Admajaya , Yuta Shimizu ,Mitsuyo Saito , and Shinichi Onodera, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI(Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))), 2021, 2024
  2. 2019
  3. 2018
  4. 2021
  5. 2020
  6. 2007
  7. 2008
  8. 2011
  9. 2011
  10. 2010
  11. KAKENHI, 2013, 2015
  12. KAKENHI, Establishment of sustainable production systems by coupling eucalyptus plantation in land-use sequences, 2011, 2013
  13. KAKENHI, Determination of phosphorus cycles with groundwater and river discharge processes for evaluating the resource potential of them in Seto Inland Sea Watersheds, 2009, 2011
  14. KAKENHI, 2008, 2010
  15. KAKENHI, Effect of groundwater and seawater interaction on nitrogen dynamics in coastal sediment of inland sea, 2007, 2009
  16. KAKENHI, 2006, 2008
  17. KAKENHI, Evaluations of carbon and dissolved material material transport by submarine groundwater discharge in coastal zone of East Asia, 2005, 2007
  18. KAKENHI, 2004, 2006
  19. KAKENHI, 2003, 2004
  20. KAKENHI, Evaluation of effects of environmental degradation on natural mass cycles, 2001, 2003
  21. KAKENHI, Study on Mechanism of Water Cycle in the Tuul River Basin of the Cold Arid land, 2001, 2003
  22. KAKENHI, 2000, 2001
  23. KAKENHI, 2013, 2015
  24. 2013, 2013
  25. 2014, 2014
  26. 2014, 2016
  27. 2015, 2015
  28. 2015, 2017
  29. 2016, 2018
  30. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), 2017, 2019
  31. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)), 2018, 2021