Yutaka Kadoya
Last Updated :2025/02/03
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor
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Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2004/04/01, 2020/03/31, "Professor、 Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter、 Hiroshima University", ADSM, Prof.
- 1994/04/01, 1998/03/31, "Reseach Associate、 Faculty of Engineering、 Hiroshima University", Eng., Res. Ass.
- 1998/04/01, 2001/03/31, "Associate Professor、 Faculty of Engineering、 Hiroshima University", Eng., Ass. Prof.
- 2001/04/01, 2004/03/31, "Associate Professor、 Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter、 Hiroshima University", ADSM, Ass. Prof.
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
- Master of Engineering, Kyoto University
Research Fields
- Interdisciplinary science and engineering;Nano / Micro science;Nano / Microsystems
- Interdisciplinary science and engineering;Applied physics;Optical engineering, Photon science
- Interdisciplinary science and engineering;Applied physics;General applied physics
- Engineering;Electrical and electronic engineering;Electron device / Electronic equipment
Research Keywords
- Optics in nano structures and related devices
- THz electromagnetic wave
- quantum optics
- Semiconductor
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Affiliated Academic Societies
- Optical Society of America
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
- Laser society of Japan
- Japan society of applied physics
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Optoelectronic Semiconductor Devices
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Seminar on Electronics A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Seminar on Electronics B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Academic Presentation in Electronics
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Exercises in Electronics A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Exercises in Electronics A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Exercises in Electronics B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Exercises in Electronics B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Optics and photonics
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Advanced Study in Quantum Matter
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Advanced Study in Quantum Matter
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Breaking Bullseye's Symmetry for Axial Field Focusing, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 36(5), 455-460, 2015
- Radiation pattern of plasmonic nano-antennas in a homogeneous medium, OPTICS EXPRESS, 22(11), 13263-13268, 2014
- Terahertz full horn-antenna characterization, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 102(14), 141115-1-141115-3, 20130401
- Characterization of Terahertz Absorption in Clathrate Compound by Compact Spectroscopic Chip, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 52(2), 028003-1-028003-2, 20130201
- THz wave propagation in two-dimensional metallic photonic crystal with mechanically tunable photonic-bands, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20(16), 17271-17280, 20120701
- Design of Two-Dimensional Low-Dielectric Photonic Crystal and Its Terahertz Waveguide Application, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51(6), 062201-1-062201-5, 20120601
- Mechanical active control of surface plasmon properties, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20(9), 9523-9534, 20120401
- Extraordinary carrier multiplication gated by a picosecond electric field pulse, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2, 594-1-594-6, 20111201
- THz Pulse Propagation on Microstrip Discontinuities, JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 32(5), 666-672, 20110501
- Real-time terahertz near-field microscope, OPTICS EXPRESS, 19(9), 8277-8284, 20110401
- Weak measurement of photon polarization by back-action-induced path interference, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 13(3), 033041-1-033041-11, 20110301
- Dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells induced by single-cycle terahertz pulses, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 97(21), 211902-1-211902-3, 20101101
- Improved sensitivity of terahertz detection by GaAs photoconductive antennas excited at 1560 nm, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 97(20), 201110-1-201110-3, 20101101
- Directional control of light by a nano-optical Yagi-Uda antenna, NATURE PHOTONICS, 4(5), 312-315, 20100501
- Reconstruction of spatial qutrit states based on realistic measurement operators, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 80(6), 062102-1-062102-7, 20091201
- High-Sensitivity Detection of ATP Using Bioluminescence at an Optical Fiber End, ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN, 92(9), 53-59, 20090901
- Measurement and control of spatial qubits generated by passing photons through double slits, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78(1), 012307-1-012307-9, 20080701
- THz wave propagation on strip lines: Devices, properties, and applications, RADIOENGINEERING, 17(2), 48-55, 20080601
- Propagation of terahertz pulses on coplanar strip-lines on low permittivity substrates and a spectroscopy application, APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 1(1), 012009-1-012009-3, 20080101
- High Sensitivity Detection of ATP using Bioluminescence at an Optical Fiber End, Trans. IEEE of Japan, 10(127), 1498-1503, 20071001
- Terahertz conductivity of localized photoinduced carriers in a Mott insulator YTiO3 at low excitation density, contrasted with the metallic nature in a band semiconductor Si, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 19(40), 406224-1-406224-12, 20071001
- Design parameters for a nano-optical Yagi-Uda antenna, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 9(7), 217-1-217-12, 20070701
- Terahertz wave emission and detection using photoconductive antennas made on low-temperature-grown InGaAs with 1.56 mu m pulse excitation, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91(1), 011102-1-011102-3, 20070701
- Detection of terahertz waves using low-temperature-grown InGaAs with 1.56 mu m pulse excitation, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 90(10), 101119-1-101119-3, 20070501
- Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of photoinduced carriers in YTiO3, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 310(2), 913-915, 20070301
- Possible polaron effect in complex terahertz conductivity of electron-doped nanoporous crystal 12CaO center dot 7Al(2)O(3), JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 75(8), 084715-1-084715-6, 20060801
- THz spectroscopic characterization of biomolecule/water systems by compact sensor chips, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 89(4), 041114-1-041114-3, 20060701
- Micro-strip-line-based sensing chips for characterization of polar liquids in terahertz regime, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 88(21), 212511-1-212511-3, 20060501
- Propagation characteristics of terahertz electrical signals on micro-strip lines made of optically transparent conductors, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS & EXPRESS LETTERS, 44(32), L1011-L1014, 20050801
- Terahertz wave detection performance of photoconductive antennas: Role of antenna structure and gate pulse intensity, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 97(10), 103103-1-103103-6, 20050501
- Observation of Jonscher law in ac hopping conduction of the electron-doped nanoporous crystal 12CaO center dot 7Al(2)O(3) in a THz frequency range, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 70(19), 193104-1-193104-4, 20041101
- Evaluation of carrier dynamics in n-AlxGa1-xAs films by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy with characteristic-matrix analysis, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS, 43(10), 7320-7321, 20041001
- Generation of extremely weak sub-Poissonian light using high-efficiency light-emitting diodes, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS & EXPRESS LETTERS, 43(8B), L1114-L1117, 20040801
- Low-frequency spectral enhancement of THz electromagnetic waves emitted from InAs surface with increased excitation intensity, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 95(4), 2141-2145, 20040201
- Broadband photon-number squeezing in light-emitting diodes at low photon-flux levels, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 83(6), 1113-1115, 20030801
- Analysis of mutual communication between qubits by capacitive coupling, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 67(5), 050301-1-050301-4, 20030501
- Effect of static electric field on the beat structures in four-wave mixing signals from semiconductor microcavities, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 71(10), 2384-2387, 20021001
- Wideband sub-Poissonian light generation in light-emitting diodes incorporating a heavily-doped active region, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 81(18), 3317-3319, 20021001
- Theory of photon-number squeezing in a heterojunction LED by the nonlinear backward pump process, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 65(16), 165326-1-165326-15, 20020401
- Photon-number squeezing by the nonlinear backward pump process in a constant-voltage heterojunction LED, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 65(16), 165325-1-165325-9, 20020401
- THz electromagnetic wave radiation from bulk semiconductor microcavities excited by short laser pulses, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS, 41(3A), L256-L259, 20020301
- Generation of heralded twin-photons in a series-coupled mesoscopic light-emitting diode system, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS, 40(2A), L85-L88, 20010201
- Photon-number squeezing in a light-emitting diode driven by a constant-voltage source: Pump regulation by the non-coulombic effect, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS, 39(11B), L1167-L1170, 20001101
- Squeezing of photon-number fluctuations in the frequency range wider than 300 MHz in light-emitting diodes at room temperature, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, 17(7), 1257-1262, 20000701
- Beating structure on the spectrally resolved four-wave mixing: Polarization dependence, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 69(7), 2349-2353, 20000701
- Beat structure in spectrally resolved four-wave mixing under crosslinear polarization in GaAs quantum wells, PHYSICA E, 7(3-4), 572-575, 20000501
- THz electromagnetic wave radiation from semiconductor microcavities in nonperturbative regime, Physica B, 272(1-4), 467-471, 19991201
- Influence of the backward-pump process on photon-number squeezing in a constant-current-driven heterojunction LED : Transition from thermionic emission to diffusion limits, Physical Review B, 60(24), 16686-16700, 19990701
- THz electromagnetic wave radiation from coherent oscillation of exciton population in high-Q semiconductor microcavities, Applied Physics Letters, 74(25), 3839-3841, 19990601
- Controlled spontaneous emissions from current-driven semiconductor microcavity triodes, Applied Physics Letters, 74(9), 1278-1280, 19990301
- Wideband deep penetration of photon-number fluctuations into the quantum regime in series-coupled light-emitting diodes, Optics Letters, 24(1), 40-42, 19990101
- Ultra clean etching of GaAs by HCl gas and in-situ overgrowth of (Al)GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy, Journal of Applied Physics, 83(1), 567-576, 19980101
- Wide-band suppression of photon-number fluctuations in a high-speed light-emitting diode driven by a constant-current source, Applied Physics Letters, 72(3), 284-286, 19980101
- Nonlinear optical responses of exciton-microcavity coupled system in weak and intermediate coupling regime, Journal of Luminescence, 72-74, 297-299, 19970601
- Electron-and photon-manipulation in microcavities and practical applications, Superlattices and Microstructures, 22(1), 97-107, 19970301
- Effect of oxygen incorporation at AlGaAs/GaAs interfaces on the electrical properties of two-dimensional electron gas, Applied Physics Letters, 70(5), 595-597, 19970201
- Influence of Photon Reabsorption on the Transfer Efficiency of Output Intensity in Semiconductor Microcavities, IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., 9(2), 179-181, 19970201
- Coherent Control of Terahertz Generation in a DC-Biased Semiconductor Microcavity, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2(3), 720-723, 19960901
- Electronic States in Edge Quantum Wires on GaAs/AlGaAs Facet Structures, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 35(3), 1886-1889, 19960301
- Oscillator strength dependence of cavity-polariton mode splitting in semiconductor microcavities, Applied Physics Letters, 68(3), 281-283, 19960101
- Transport properties of two-dimensional electron gas in AlGaAs/GaAs selectively doped heterojunctions with embedded InAs quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters, 67(23), 3444-3446, 19951201
- Effect of intense intersubband optical excitation on the electron distribution in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 34(11), 5989-5992, 19951101
- Fabrication of 10-Nanometer-scale GaAs Dot Structures by In Situ Selective Gas Etching with Self-Assembled InAs Dots as a Mask, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 34(9B), L1198-L1201, 19950901
- Self-formation of 100 nm scale wire structures during molecular beam epitaxial growth of AlGaAs on patterned substrates, Journal of Crystal Growth, 150(1-4), 317-321, 19950501
- Effect of Ionized Impurities at Heterointerface on Concentration and Mobility of Two-Dimensional Electrons in Selectively Doped Heterojunction Structures, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 33(9A), 4859-4862, 19940901
- Control of electron population by intersubband optical excitation in potential-inserted double quantum well structures, Applied Physics Letters, 65(4), 424-426, 19940701
- Ultrahigh-Vacuum In-Situ Patterning and MBE Overgrowth of GaAs and AlGaAs Using an InAs Mask Layer, Nanostructures and Quantum Effects= Springer-Verlag, 189-193, 19940401
- Quantitative study of oxygen incorporation on MBE-grown AlAs surfaces during growth interruption and its effect on nonradiative recombination in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells, Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 136= IOP Publishing. Ltd., 517-522, 19940401
- Oxygen incorporation in GaAs/AlGaAs interfaces grown by molecular beam epitaxy, CONTROL OF SEMICONDUCTOR INTERFACE= Elsevier Science B. V., 93-96, 19940401
- Etching of InAs in HCl Gas and Selective Removal of InAs Layer on GaAs in Ultrahigh-Vacuum Processing System, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 32(10B), L1496-L1499, 19931001
- Detection of oxygen incorporated in molecular-beam epitaxy grown GaAs-on-AlAs interfaces and AlAs layers by secondary ion mass spectrometry, Applied Physics Letters, 63(14), 1924-1926, 19931001
- Electron beam-enhanced etching of InAs in Cl2 gas and novel in situ patterning of GaAs with an InAs mask layer, Applied Physics Letters, 63(13), 1789-1791, 19930901
- Formation of high mobility two-dimensional electron gas at etch-regrown AlGaAs/GaAs interface prepared by chlorine gas etching and MBE in an UHV multichamber system, Journal of Crystal Growth, 127(1-4), 877-880, 19930401
- Incorporation of silicon during MBE growth of GaAs on(111)A substrates, Journal of Crystal Growth, 127(1-4), 871-876, 19930401
- Molecular-beam-epitaxial growth of n-AlGaAs on clean Cl2-gas etched GaAs surfaces and the formation of high mobility two-dimensional electron gas at the etch-regrown interfaces, Applied Physics Letters, 61(14), 1658-1660, 19921001
- Electrical properties and dopant incorporation mechanisms of Si doped GaAs and (AlGa) As grown on (111) A GaAs surfaces by MBE, Journal of Crystal Growth, 111(1-4), 280-283, 19910601
- Multipole surface plasmons in metallic nanohole arrays, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 91(23), 235406-1-235406-10, 20150605
- Crystalstructureoflow-temperature-grownIn0.45Ga0.55As
on anInPsubstrate, Journal of Crystal Growth, 425, 99-101, 2015
- Effect of thermal annealing on the crystallization of low-temperature-grown In0.42Ga0.58As on InP substrate, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 55(11), 201611
- Estimation of the Number of Quantum Dots Immobilized on an Ultra-flat Au Surface, NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS, 12, 20170426
- Light-induced electron localization in a quantum Hall system, Nature Physics, 13(7), 688-692, 201707
- Substrate effects on the optical properties of metal gratings, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, 34(12), 2578-2585, 20171201
- Light Enhancement under the Opening of Metal Gratings on Semiconductor Substrate, The Review of Laser Engineering, 47(7), 375-379, 201907
- Polarization-based branch selection of bound states in the continuum in dielectric waveguide modes anti-crossed by a metal grating, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 21(11), 201911
- Measurement and Analysis of Noise Spectra in Terahertz Wave Detection Utilizing Low-temperature-grown GaAs Photoconductive Antenna, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves, 40(11-12), 1150-1159, 201912
- Evaluation of surface roughness of metal films using plasmonic Fano resonance in attenuated total reflection, Physical Review B, 101(8), 085414-1-085414-11, 202002
- Detection of Initial Stage of Aluminum Corrosion in NaCl Solution Utilizing Surface Plasmon Resonance, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 20(16), 9091-9096, 202008
- Bound states in the continuum and exceptional points in dielectric waveguide equipped with a metal grating, New Journal of Physics, 22(7), 073029-1-073029-14, 202007
Publications such as books
- 1998/09, OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL MATERIALS II , Confinement95= World Scientific Publishing, 1998, 09, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation
- 2005/06, Terahertz Optoelectronics , Springer Verlag, 2005, 06, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 387
- 2018, Fano Resonances in Optics and Microwaves: Physics and Applications, Multiple-Resonance Interference, Springer, 2018, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, Munehiro Nishida, Yutaka Kadoya, 3319997319, 582, 331-356
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Efficient extraction of terahertz wave totally reflected at semiconductor surface by double metal gratings, Yutaka Kadoya, S. Takeyasu, M. Nishida, 24th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, 2023/09/27, With Invitation, English
- Electrical flicker-noise analysis based on trapping and de-trapping model in quantum-cascade detectors, Tatsuo Dogakiuchi, K. Fujita, and Y. Kadoya, SPIE 12895, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XX, 128950I, 2024/01/30, Without Invitation, English
- Metal-capped high-contrast-grating for efficient surface-extraction of THz waves generated by difference-frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers, Yutaka Kadoya, Yuki Hashiuchi, SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, 2021/04/12, With Invitation, English
- Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Using Photoconductive Antenna, Y. Kadoya, Y. Kadoya, M. Nitta, R. Nakamura, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, 2020/09/02, With Invitation, English
- Impact of electrical contact between electrode metal and low-temperature-grown GaAs on the signal and noise of photoconductive antennas for THz wave detection, Yutaka Kadoya, SPIE Defense+Commersial Sensing, Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies XIII, 2020/04/27, With Invitation, English
- Bound states in the continuum in the dielectric waveguide with metal grating controlled by polarization, Ryo Kikkawa, Ryo Kikkawa, Munehiro Nishida, Yutaka Kadoya, The 42nd PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), 2019/12/18, Without Invitation, English, THE ELECTROMAGNETICS ACADEMY, Xiamen, China
- Noises in photoconductive antennas under fs pulse excitation, Yutaka Kadoya, The 5th International Symposium on Microwave/THz Science and Applications, 2019/10/02, With Invitation, English
- Quantitative evaluation of linear and nonlinear absorption at 1560 nm in low-temperature-grown GaAs for the use in photoconductive antennas, Yutaka Kadoya, The 11th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS 2018), 2018/05/30, With Invitation, English
- Quantitative discussion on the noise from photo conductive antennas in terahertz time domain systems, Yutaka Kadoya, The joint 4th International Symposium on Microwave/Terahertz Science and Applications (MTSA 2017) and 8th International Symposium on Terahertz Nanoscience (TeraNano VIII), 2017/11/21, With Invitation, English
- Optical properties of metal grating on semiconductor substrate: understanding from the bound mode, Ryo Kikkawa, Shogo Shimatani, Munehiro Nishida, Yutaka Kadoya, 8th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, 2017/05, Without Invitation, English, Taipei, Taiwan
- Optical properties of metal grating on semiconductor: Plasmonic effects and Fano type interference in practical structures, Yutaka Kadoya, 7th International Symposium on Terahertz Nanoscience (TeraNano VII), 2016/10/07, With Invitation, English, Porquerolles, France
- Direct measurement of nonlinear absorption in low-temperature-grown GaAs at 1.5 mm excitation, Hayato Murata, Yoriko Tomonaga, and Yutaka Kadoya, The Second International Symposium on Frontiers in THz Technology, 2015/08/31, Without Invitation, English, Hamamatsu, Japan
- Asymmetric Bull’s Eye Coupler Generating Focused Axial THz Electric Field, Y. Kadoya, Damien Armand, Yoshiyuki Hironaka, Shuta Kanazawa, Yoriko Tominaga, Tomoko Tanaka, and Koichiro Tanaka, 5th International Symposium on Terahertz Nanoscience (TeraNano V), 2014/12/05, With Invitation, English, Martinique, France
- Power dependence in photo-response of low-temperature-grown GaAs to 1560 nm pulses, Y. Kadoya, Yuki Tomiyasu, Kouhei Jougataki, Yuya Hirao, and Yoriko Tominaga, International Workshop on Terahertz Technology (IWOTT 2014), 2014/03/09, Without Invitation, English, Zao, Japan
- Coherent and incoherent contributions in the nonlinear photo-excitation of low-temperature-grown GaAs THz antenna by 1560 nm pulses, Y. Kadoya, Y. Tomiyasu, Y. Tominaga, 21th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, 2013/10/16, With Invitation, English, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Detection of THz waves by GaAs photoconductive antennas excited at 1560 nm with tight focusing, Y. Kadoya, K. Kajikawa, T. Kataoka, J. Kitagawa, 20th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, 2010/09/22, With Invitation, English, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- THz transmission lines - Properites and Applications, Y. Kadoya, N. Sato, T. Tone, and J. Kitagawa, International Workshop on Terahertz Technology, 2009/12/02, With Invitation, English, Osaka, Japan
- Plasmonic Yagi-Uda antenna for optical wave, Y. Kadoya, T. Kosako, H. F. Hofmann, 5th Handai Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Symposium, 2009/09/03, With Invitation, English, Osaka, Japan
Social Activities
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- IEEE 11th International Conference on THz Electronics (THz2003), Program Committee, 2003/09
- The 28th International Conference on Infrared and Milimeter Waves (IRMMW2003), Program Committee, 2003/09
- International Workshop on Terahertz Technology, Program Committee, 2005/11
- The Second International Symposium on Frontiers in THz Technology, Organizing Committee, 2015/04, 2015/09
- Joint Symposium of The 3rd International Symposium on Microwave/Terahertz Science and Applications and The 6th international Symposium on Terahertz Nanoscience (TeraNano 6), Organizing Committee, 2015/04, 2015/07
- The 4th International Symposium on Microwave/Terahertz Science and Applications, International Organizing Committee, 2017/04, 2017/11
- 43th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Local Organizing Committee, 2016/09, 2018/09
- 43th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Technical Program Committee, 2017/05, 2018/09