Last Updated :2025/03/07

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2024/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
  • 2022/10/01, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Visiting Associate Professor
  • 2020/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
  • 2015/10/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Associate Professor
  • 2014/04/01, National Museum of Ethnology, Visiting Researcher
  • 2010/04/01, Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities, Researcher
  • 2009/04/01, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Researcher

Educational Backgrounds

  • Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Japan, 2000/04, 2009/03

Academic Degrees

  • Master's degree/Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
  • Ph.D./Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Socio-Cultural Studies

Research Fields

  • Humanities;Cultural anthropology;Cultural anthropology

Research Keywords

  • Shizengaku, Ecological turn, Zomia, Mental Health, Italy, Territorio, Local Bio-Social Sphere, Cultures of fermentation

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
  • Japanese Society of Transcultural Psychiatry

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, First Semester, Communication IA
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, First Semester, Communication IA
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Second Semester, Communication IIA
  4. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Second Semester, Communication IIA
  5. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Sake Studies
  6. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Tourism Studies
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Area Studies
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Medical Anthropology
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Medical Anthropology Seminar
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Lecture of Humanities and Social Sciences(Japanese Class) Students enrolled before AY 2023
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Lecture of Humanities and Social Sciences(Program for Law Practice Professionals) Students enrolled before AY 2023
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Lecture of Humanities and Social Sciences(Japanese Class)Students enrolling in AY 2024 or later
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Ethnographic fieldwork
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Principles of Communications
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Seminar
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Seminar
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Seminar
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Seminar in Management

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. "I would prefer not to...": logic of able/disable and utilization of life, The Shakai Rinsho Review, 26(3), 48-55, 20190331
  2. Speech that evokes: on anthropological writing, Japanese Journal of Psychopathology, 38(01), 83-90, 20170410
  3. Administering and Taking HITOGUSURI: Interpersonal Communication as a Drug for Psychiatric Treatment in Japan, The 18th International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences World Congress Proceedings, 4, 5874-5878, 201812
  4. Openness to the Other: invisible collaboration between anthropology and psychiatry in Italy, Psyche and Culture, 15(1), 95-97, 201602
  5. From Actor to Performer: Via Negativa of Jerzy Grotowski, Studies on techniques of physical and mental transformation, 4, 58-65, 2015
  6. Environment with 'agio': on ecological turn in Italian psychiatry, Psyche and culture, 13(1), 27-36, 2014
  7. Franco Basaglia and 'Culture': deinstitutionalization and ethnopsychiatry in Italy, Psyche and culture, 7(1), 19-33, 2008

Publications such as books

  1. 2019, Sharing Trauma (Studies on Trauma vol.2), Kyoto University Press, 2019, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation
  2. 2019, How Anthropologists Think, Sekaishisosha, 2019, Book(general), Contributor
  3. 2019, Social Welfare of the World vol.4 South Europe, Jyunposha, 2019, Scholarly Book, Contributor
  4. 2018, Living with Trauma (Studies on Trauma vol.1), Kyoto University Press, 2018, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation
  5. 2018, Lexicon Contemporary Anthropology, Ibunsha, 2018, Scholarly Book, Contributor
  6. 2018, Techniques of Physical and Mental Transformation: Technique and Tradition, Sangha, 2018, Scholarly Book, Contributor
  7. 2015, Texture of the World: Introduction to Field Philosophy, Nakanishiya, 2015, 04, Scholarly Book, Contributor
  8. 2015, Encountering with Animals I: Interaction in Encounters, Nakanishiya, 2015, 03, Scholarly Book, Contributor
  9. 2014, Psico-Nautica: Anthropology of Italian Psychiatry, Sekaishisosha, 2014, Scholarly Book, Single work
  10. 2014, Shizengaku: the Search for a Coming Aesthetics, Nakanishiya, 2014, 03, Scholarly Book, Contributor
  11. 2013, Anthropology of Embodiment: Cognition, Memory, Language and the Other, Sekaishisosha, 2013, 4, Scholarly Book, Contributor
  12. 2008, Changing Medical Environment, Kyoto University Press, 2008, Scholarly Book, Contributor

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Autonomy of contemporary ie in a more-than-human world, Takeshi MATSUSHIMA, Family Potential in Uncertain Times: Mobility, Technology, and Body, 2023/03/16, Without Invitation, English, National Museum of Ethnology, National Museum of Ethnology
  2. Non ci credo, ma metto la maschera. Un'osservazione antropologica sul jishuku dei giapponesi ai tempi del Covid-19, Lo sguardo dell'antropologia medica sulla pandemia Covid-19: una panoramica globale, 2020/06/18, With Invitation, other, Società italiana di antropologia medica, online
  3. What is the difference between withness-dialogue and aboutness-dialogue?: Towards an ecology of human environment, Encounters in Fieldwork : the Influence of Vincent Crapanzano, 2018/10/14, With Invitation, English, The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan
  4. Administering and taking Hitogusuri: interpersonal communication as a drug for psychiatric treatment in Japan, The 18th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 2018/07/17, Without Invitation, English, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Florianópolis, Brazil
  5. Ecology of Voices: How people deal with auditory hallucinations in Japan and Italy, East Asian Anthropological Association Meeting, 2016/10/15, Without Invitation, English, East Asian Anthropological Association, Sapporo
  6. On Affect in Community Mental Health Care in Italy, The Skill of Feeling with the World, 2016/01/24, Without Invitation, English, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
  7. The Role of Social Cooperatives in Mental Health Service in Italy, 2015/03/07, Without Invitation, English, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto
  8. Dementia as Culture: From the Italian Experiment, Dementia and the Changing World, 2007/08/25, Without Invitation, English, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Osaka International Convention Center, Osaka
  9. Dentro o fuori, oppure fuori di fuori, ecco la questione, Symposium organized by Mental Health Department of Umbria, "Salute mentale, Antropologia e Teatro", 2005/12/13, Without Invitation, other, Mental Health Department of Umbria, Perugia

Social Activities

History as Committee Members

  1. PSYCHE&CULTURE Editorial Board Editor, 2017/11, 2025/03

Other Social Contributions

  1. TAIHI Seminar, Anthropology of Migration and Politics of Care, The Anthropological Institute of Hiroshima, 2023/03/18, Hiroshima University, Planner, Lecture, Scientific organization