Kiyokazu Sekikawa

Last Updated :2024/06/04

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences(Health Sciences), Associate Professor

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2010/04/01, Hiroshima University, Associate Professor

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Health Science, Hiroshima University
  • Master of Health Science, Hiroshima University

Research Fields

  • Complex systems;Biomedical engineering;Rehabilitation science / Welfare engineering

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Interprofessional education
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Phygical Therapy for Motor Disorders
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Practice of Phygical Therapy for Motor Disorders
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Physical Therapy Research
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Rehabilitation for internal disorders
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practice in rehabilitation for internal disorders
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Activities of Daily Living
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practice of Activities of Daily Living
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Clinical Practice III
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Rehabilitation for internal disorders
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Methodology of Education for Health Promotion
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Lecture on Physical Analysis and Therapeutic Sciences
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Seminar on Physical Analysis and Therapeutic Sciences
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Seminar on Physical Analysis and Therapeutic Sciences
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Lecture on Physical Analysis and Therapeutic Sciences
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Seminar on Physical Analysis and Therapeutic Sciences
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Advanced Seminar on Physical Analysis and Therapeutic Sciences

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Reliability of measuring the circumference, surface area, and volume of a body part or an object using a three-dimensional scanner, Journal of Allied Health Sciences, 12(1), 1-7, 2021
  2. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory oximetry monitoring in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patient can assist the discharge instruction of activities of daily living: a case report, J. Phys. Ther. Sci., 32(11), 768-771, 2020
  3. Clinical Significance of Cough Peak Flow and Its Non-Contact Measurement via Cough Sounds: A Narrative Review, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 10(8), 202002
  4. Effect of the use of passive trunk exercise equipment on oxygen consumption and self-efficacy for performing exercise in patients with type 2 diabetes, Journal of Diabetes Investigation, 11(5), 1265-1271, 20200212
  5. L-cysteine improves blood fluidity impaired by acetaldehyde: In vitro evaluation, PLOS ONE, 14(3), 20190329
  6. Effect of body weight support on predicted locomotive physical activity, J. Phys. Ther. Sci., 30, 759-763, 2018
  7. Estimation of Cough Peak Flow Using Cough Sounds, Sensors, 18(7), 2018
  8. Estimation of Cough Peak Flow Using Cough Sounds, SENSORS, 18(7), 201807
  9. A Mobile Cough Strength Evaluation Device Using Cough Sounds, SENSORS, 18(11), 201811
  10. Effects of Hochuekkito combined with pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE, 16(6), 5236-5242, 201812
  11. Posture and firmness changes in a pressure-relieving air mattress affect cough strength in elderly people with dysphagia, PLOS ONE, 13(12), 20181211
  12. Association between aerobic capacity and the improvement in glycemic control after the exercise training in type 2 diabetes, DIABETOLOGY & METABOLIC SYNDROME, 9, 20170818
  13. Effect of Different Levels of Pressure Relieving Air-Mattress Firmness on Cough Strength, PLOS ONE, 11(1), 20160107
  14. Cardiac parasympathetic outflow during dynamic exercise in humans estimated from power spectral analysis of P-P interval variability, EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, 101(3), 397-409, 20160501
  15. The effect of exercise on blood fluidity: Use of the capillary model to assess the clogginess of blood, CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY AND MICROCIRCULATION, 61(4), 559-569, 2016
  16. Effect of different levels of pressure relieving air-mattress firmness on cough strength, Plos One, 11(1), 2016
  17. The effect of exercise on blood fluidity: use of the capillary model to assess the clogginess of blood, Clin Hemorheol Micro, 61, 559-569, 2015
  18. Phase-dependent modulation of corticospinal excitability during the observation of the initial phase of gait, SOMATOSENSORY AND MOTOR RESEARCH, 31(4), 209-213, 201412
  19. The effect of the addition of glucose on blood fluidity, International Joint Symposium 8th Bali Geriatric Update Symposium-21th Annual Scientific Meeting Japanese Society of Haemorheology-Kobe Women's University (Proceeding Book), 14-16, 2014
  20. Cigarette Smoking does not Induce Plasma or Pulmonary Oxidative Stress after Moderate-intensity Exercise, J Phys Ther Sc, 26(3), 413-415, 2014
  21. Plasma oxidative stress is induced by single-sprint anaerobic exercise in young cigarette smokers, CLINICAL PHYSIOLOGY AND FUNCTIONAL IMAGING, 33(3), 241-244, 201305
  22. Characteristics of Patients with Severe Heart Failure Exhibiting Exercise Oscillatory Ventilation, CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HYPERTENSION, 35(4), 267-272, 2013
  23. Pulmonary Oxidative Stress Is Induced by Maximal Exercise in Young Cigarette Smokers, NICOTINE & TOBACCO RESEARCH, 14(2), 243-247, 201202
  24. Attenuation of the Muscle Metaboreflex in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE, 24(8), 721-724, 201209
  25. Cigarette smoking decreases dynamic inspiratory capacity during maximal exercise in patients with type 2 diabetes., Hiroshima J Med Sci, 20120601
  26. Influence of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation on muscle oxygenation in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 21(4), 301-305, 20100101
  27. Analysis of secretory immunoglobulin A concentration in saliva and exhaled breath condensate, Journal of Analytical Bio-Science, 33(3), 237-241, 20100601
  28. The neural influence on the occurrence of locomotor-respiratory coordination, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 173(1), 23-28, 20100801
  29. The influence of lung function on exercise capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes., Hiroshima J Med Sci, 59(1), 7-13, 20100301
  30. Changes in Plasma Oxidative Stress Biomarkers after Single-sprint Anaerobic Exercise, Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology, 20101001
  31. The neural influence on the occurrence of locomotor-respiratory coordination, RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY & NEUROBIOLOGY, 173(1), 23-28, 20100803
  32. Muscle blood flow and oxygen utilization measured by near-infrared spectroscopy during handgrip exercise in chronic respiratory patients, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 21(3), 231-238, 20090901
  33. Determinants of the daily rhythm of blood fluidity, J Circadian Rhythms, 7(7), 20091201
  35. Muscle Blood Flow and Oxygen Utilization Measured by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy during Handgrip Exercise in Chronic Respiratory Patients, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE, 21(3), 231-238, 200908
  36. Influence of Home-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Muscle Oxygenation in Elderly Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE, 21(4), 301-305, 200911
  37. Effect of aerobic exercise training on oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus., Metabolism, 57(2), 170-176, 20080110
  38. Effect of aerobic exercise training on oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus., Metabolism, 57(2), 170-176, 20080201
  39. Variabilities of salivary secretory immunoglobulin a among elderly in long-term care facilities, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE, 57(2), 241-248, 200804
  40. Effect of aerobic exercise training on oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL, 57(2), 170-176, 200802
  41. Vastus Lateralis Oxygenation During Prolonged Cycling in Healthy Males, Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 31(1), 48-55, 20060401
  42. Vastus lateralis oxygenation during prolonged cycling in healthy males, APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM-PHYSIOLOGIE APPLIQUEE NUTRITION ET METABOLISME, 31(1), 48-55, 200602
  43. Dose the coefficient of variation of the R-R intervals in diabetic patients and healthy subjects reflect the cardiovascular response during exercise ?, 3(1), 63-68, 20031201
  44. Changes in Skeletal Muscle Oxygenation during Dynamic Exercise in Patients with Respiratory Failure, J. Phys. Ther. Sci., 15, 19-23, 20031201
  45. Influence of mild hypoxia on cardiorespiratory responses and muscle oxygenation during incremental exercise, Journal of Health Sciences= Hiroshima University, 2(1), 85-89, 20020401
  46. Do the kinetics of muscle oxygenation reflect systemic oxygen intake ?, Eur. J. Appl. Physiology, 84, 158-161, 20011201
  47. Do the kinetics of peripheral muscle oxygenation reflect systemic oxygen intake?, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 84(1-2), 158-161, 2001
  48. Relationship between heart rate variability during exercise and ventilatory threshold - Assessment by MemCalc system - (First report), JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE, 50(2), 185-191, 200104
  49. The effect of exercise on blood fluidity: Use of the capillary model to assess the clogginess of blood, Clin Hemorheol Microcirc, 2014

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Acetaldehyde reduces blood fluidity by activating leukocyte adhesion and platelet aggregation, H. Namba; T. Kimura; H. Hamada; I. Otoyama; K. Sekikawa; N. Kamikawa; T. Kajiwara1 F. Aizawa; Y. M. Sato; T. Yoshida, ISTH 2019: The XXVII Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2019/06/06, Without Invitation, English
  2. Preparation and practice of a physical therapist educational program providing knowledge of diabetes mellitus pathology and treatment, Kawae T , Iwaki D , Fudeyasu K , Nomura T , Kataoka H , Sekikawa K , Umayahara Y , Ishiguro T , Kimura H, 2019 International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2019/05/10, Without Invitation, English
  3. Reliability and validity of an accelerometer for estimating the intensity of light non-locomotive activity in elderly individuals, Sekikawa K., Kawae T. , Umayahara Y., Namba H., Sato Y., Aizawa F., Otoyama I., Kajiwara T., Kamikawa M., Hamada H., 2019 International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2019/05/10, Without Invitation, English
  4. Posture and firmness changes in a pressure-relieving air mattress affect cough strength in elderly people with dysphagia, Kamikawa N, Hironobu Hamada H, Sekikawa K, Kajiwara T, Aizawa F, Otoyama I, Sato Y , Yoshinobu M. Sato , Namba H, International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2018/11/23, Without Invitation, English, Philippines
  5. L-Cysteine improves blood fluidity that has been impaired by acetaldehyde, Otoyama I, Otoyama I, Kimura T, Hara K, Kamikawa M, Kajiwara T,Aizawa F, Sato Y, Namba H, Sekikawa K, Hamada H., Joint Conference of Three Societies: European Society of Clinical Hemorheology and Miclrocirculation, International Society of Biorheology, International Society of Clinical Hemorheology, 2018/07/02, Without Invitation, English
  6. Factors predicting bedbound hospital status of physiotherapy patients in intensive care, Sekikawa K,, Sarada K, K Ota K, Ohshimo S, Shime N, H Hamada H, The 16th Annuual scientific meeting of Indonesian Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Association, 2017/11/15, Without Invitation, English
  7. Effects of Hochuekkito combined with pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD, Hamada H, Hamada H, Sekikawa K, Murakami I, Kagawa I. Okusaki K. Awaya Y, Kondo K, Hattori N, ERS International Congress 2017, 2017/09/09, Without Invitation, English
  8. Reduced 6-minute walking distance is associated with ADL disability in patients with respiratory failure, Sekikawa K, Sagata Y, Sekikawa N, Egami M, Kanda N, Moriwaki K, Hamada H, International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2016/10/07, Without Invitation, English
  9. Effect of Different Levels of Pressure Relieving Air-Mattress Firmness on Cough Strength, Kamikawa N, Taito S, Takahashi M, Sekikawa K, Hamada H, International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2016/10/07, Without Invitation, English
  10. Factors associated with timing of getting out of bed in patients with critical illness on mechanical ventilation, Sasaki K, Sarada K, Taito S, Kawae T, Sekikawa K, Watanabe T, Ota K, Hirohashi N, Ueda K, Ushio K, Kimura H, Shime N, Ito Y, Kataoka T, International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2016/10/07, Without Invitation, English
  11. The experiences of physical therapy for patients with veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in hiroshima university hospital, Sarada K, Taito S, Sekikawa K, Ohshima S, Ota K, Hirohashi N, Ueda K, Mikami Y, Kimura H, Shime N, Ito Y, International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2016/10/07, Without Invitation, English
  12. The effect of body weight support using assistive devices on locomotive physical activities estimated by a triaxial accelerometer, Fujika Y, Kajiwara T, Yamamoto H, Kamikawa N, Sekikawa K, Hamada H, International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2016/10/07, Without Invitation, English
  13. The effect of exercise on blood fluidit, Kimura T, Hamada H, Taito S, Takahashi M, Sekikawa K., 5th International Congress of Biorheology and 8th International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, 2015/05/24, Without Invitation, English
  14. Relationship between spinal deformities and chest wall deformity in patients with Duchene muscular dystrophy, Umayahara Y, Nakashima M , Kuwata M, Sekikawa K, 2015 International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2015/05/01, Without Invitation, English
  15. Proposals by Paramedical Staff to Initiate Rehabilitation in Patients with Critical Illness on Mechanical Ventilation, Sasaki K, Sarada K, Taito S , Kawae T , Sekikawa K , Wada M , Watanabe T , Hirohashi N, Tanigawa K, Ito Y, Kimura H, Kataoka T, 2015 International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2015/05/01, Without Invitation, English
  16. Predictive factor for mortality in mechanically ventilated patients who undergo physical therapy in Intensive Care Unit, Sekikawa K, Sarada K, Taito S, Kawae T, Sasaki K, Ito Y, Kimura H, Hirohashi N, Tanigawa K, Hamada H, 2015 International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2015/05/01, Without Invitation, English
  17. Pulmonary oxidative stress is induced by smoking in young cigarette smoker, Taito S, Sekikawa K, Takahashi M, Kimura T, Hamada H, International Congress of the European Respiratory Society, 2014/09/06, Without Invitation, English, European Respiratory Society, Munich, Germany
  18. The acute effect of smoking on blood fluidity. Evidence of centrally-induced cholinergic vasodilatation in skeletal muscle during voluntary one-legged cycling and motor imagery, Kimura T, Taito S, Takahashi M, Sekikawa K, Hamada H, The 37th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, 2013/07/21, Without Invitation, English
  19. Characteristics of critically ill mechanically ventilated patients receiving physical therapy in advanced emergency and critical care center, Sarada K, Taito S, Domen S, Nukada A, Sekikawa K, Hirohashi N, Tanigawa K, Ito Y, Kimura H, JAPAN-KOREA 1st Joint Conference for the partnership between JPTA and KPTA, 2012/11/17, Without Invitation, English
  20. Interhemispheric effects of paired associative stimulation, Takahashi M, Yamauchi Y, Liang N, Sekikawa K, Inamizu T, XXXVI International Congress of Physiological Sciences, 2009/07/27, Without Invitation, English
  21. Motor facilitation during observation of walking, Takahashi M, Kamibayashi K, Nakajima T, Sekikawa K, Inamizu T, Akai M, Nakazawa K, 10th International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2008/08/29, Without Invitation, English
  22. Variabilities of salivary secretory immunoglobulin a levels in pulmonary rehabilitation after acute exacerbation of chronic lung disease, Taito S, Sekikawa K, Takahashi M, Inamizu M, Sekikawa N, Uchino M, Toguchi T, Hino M, Kuraoka T, 10th International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2008/08/29, Without Invitation, English
  23. Influence of different breathing patterns on coordination between breathing and cycling rhythms, Iwamoto E, Takahashi M, Sekikawa K, Inamizu T, 10th International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2008/08/29, Without Invitation, English
  24. The relationship between exercise intensity and blood fluidity, Kimura T, Inamizu T, Sekikawa K, Onari K, Asia-Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science, 2007/12/06, Without Invitation, English
  25. Cardiac parasympathetic nerve activity during voluntary static exercise in humans with tetraplegia, Takahashi M, Matsukawa K, Nakamoto T, Tsuchimochi H, Sekikawa K, Inamizu T, Asia-Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science, 2007/12/06, Without Invitation, English
  26. Reliability of estimated peak oxygen uptake by incremental shuttle walking test in elderly Japanese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Sekikawa K, Yoshida K , Odagawa J , Inamizu T , Naoki M, 15th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2007/06/02, Without Invitation, English
  27. The relationship between peroneus longus and tibialis posterior muscle activities involved in raising the heel during calf-raise and in gait, Tokuoumaru K, Inamizu T, Sekikawa K, Tabusadani M, Sota K, Kawaguchi K., 15th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2007/06/02, Without Invitation, English
  28. Effects of exercise intensity on salivary level of secretory immunoglobulin A in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Taito S, Sekikawa K, Kawaguchi K, Inamizu T, Morita N, 15th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2007/06/02, Without Invitation, English
  29. Stages of change in exercise behavior and their connection with health-related QOL in type-2 diabetes, Kawae T, Sekikawa K, Inamizu T, Nakayama S, 15th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2007/06/02, Without Invitation, English
  30. Noninvasive measurement of forearm blood flow and oxygen consumption on handgrip working muscle in patients with chronic respiratory failure, Sekikawa K, Tabusadani M, Gotoh C, Kawaguchi K, Onari K, Tabira K, Iwashiro M, Sekikawa N, 14th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2003/06/07, Without Invitation, English
  31. The oxygen consumption response of type 2 diabetic patients at the beginning of exercise examined by the coefficient of variation of the R-R intervals, Tabusadani M, Sekikawa K, Ohno M, Kawaguchi K, Onari K, Tabira K, Iwashiro M, Sekikawa N, 14th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2003/06/07, Without Invitation, English
  32. The relationship between the oxygen availability in muscle and maximum systemic oxygen consumption during exercise, Ueoka N, Sekikawa K, Tabusadani M, Kawaguchi K, Onari K, 14th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2003/06/07, Without Invitation, English
  33. Relationship between body composition and gas indexs in patients with COPD, Sekikawa K, Kawaguchi K, Onari K, Tabira K, Sekikawa N., 13th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 1999/05/23, Without Invitation, English, Yokohama
  34. Relationship between heart rate and oxygen uptake in prolonged exercise, Hayashi Y, Onari K, Kawaguchi K, Sekikawa K, 3th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 1999/05/23, Without Invitation, English
  35. Influence of chest expansion on pulmonary function and dyspnea in patients with chronic respiratory failure, Tabira K, Sekikawa K, Kozu R, Manabe Y, Senju H, 13th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 1999/05/23, Without Invitation, English