Toshihisa Asano

Last Updated :2025/03/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
Major is Human Geography and Environmental Sociology. Research themes are environmental movement and locality, the roles of residents in the conservation and utilization of regional resources. I am also engaged in activities of Eco Museum and Nature games.

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Tokyo
  • Master of Science, The University of Tokyo

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Department of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Integrated Arts and Sciences
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program

Research Fields

  • Humanities;Human geography;Human geography

Research Keywords

  • Ecomuseum
  • environmental conservation|socil movement
  • forest on the country side|environmental management
  • Utilization of nature|Ramsar wetland
  • regional planning
  • regional differences
  • civic participation
  • Nature consevation
  • environmental movement

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • The human geographical society of Japan, 1997/01
  • Hiroshima Geographical Association, 1996/01
  • Japan Ecomuseum Society, 1996/06
  • The Association of Japanese Geographers, 1992
  • Japanese association for water resources and environment, 2009/01
  • Japanese association for environmental sociology, 1997/01
  • International Council of Museums, 2018/07
  • Japan Geoscience Union, 2009/04

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Advanced Seminar(Let's try nature games!)
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Nature-views and environmental issues
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Human Geography
  4. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Human Geography
  5. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Environmental management in higashi-hiroshima campus at Hiroshima University
  6. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Introduction to Field Sciences
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Conservation Science of Museum Objects
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Tourism Studies
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Environmental Issues and Social Movement
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Area Studies
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Ecological Geography of Japan
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Seminar in Japanese Geography
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Seminar on Field Research for Area Studies IIA
  14. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Seminar on Field Research for Area Studies IIB
  15. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Seminar in eco-museum
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Studies on Sustainable Regional Development
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Geographical Perspective on Citizen Groups' Response to Informatization Prompted by the COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study of the Main Members of Environmental Partner Hiroshima, GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES, 79(1), 1-23, 20240528
  2. Results of the participant questionnaire for the symposium and giant salamander tour at the Hiroshima University Museum's "Natural history museum is coming to the KEN-OU central preference region !?" exhibition, Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum, 41-50, 20231225
  3. Effect of intention, attitude, social pressure, moral norm, and perceived cost on volunteering: Applying the theory of planned behavior, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 37(3), 80-91, 20240331
  4. Which is the key for participation in volunteer activities, factor of demographic, psychology, or related to being asked?, Journal of human and environmental symbiosis, 39(1), 55-65, 20230421
  5. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Citizens' Social Participation, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 31(3), 161-167, 20220325
  6. Providing information to encourage citizens' participation in environmental activities: from a questionnaire survey targeting residents in the Seto Inland Sea basin, Journal of water and environmental issues, 34(2), 20-27, 20211227
  7. University students' demand for Higashihiroshima eco-museum excursion: comparison of the 2020 survey and 2021survey, Bulletin of Hiroshima University Museum, 95-102, 20211225
  8. Potential demand for eco-museum excursions in Higashihiroshima City, Bulletin of Hiroshima University Museum, 101-108, 20201225
  9. Public awareness concerning with environmental conservation and citizenship in the Seto inland sea basin, Journal of water and environmental issues, 33(1), 7-14, 20201224
  10. What Prompts Volunteer Activity: Choice or Coincidence? Impact of Perceived Cost-Benefit and Information Source on Participation, The Nonprofit Review, 19, 101-109, 20191017
  11. Mobilization of Volunteers and Usage of ICT by Environmental Citizen Groups in Japan, Studies in environmental sciences, 13, 1-18, 20181231
  12. A citizens' movement to tackle water environment problems: 34 years of the National Suigo-Suito Conference, 17th World lake conference, Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, Japan 2018, Proceedings, 1344-1346, 20181015
  13. Protection and utilization of the Japanese Giant Salamander in Toyosaka district, Higashi-hiroshima city, 8th Asian Wetland Symposium proceedings, 196-197, 20180329
  14. The meening of Ramsar convention resistration for the local society in Japan, Geographical Sciences, 72(3), 152-165, 20171028
  15. Understanding and participation of residents in the San'in Kaigan Geopark, Geographical review of Japan, 90(4), 376-389, 20170701
  16. Why Korean agree to strict preservation policies for wetlands? An internet survey on differences in the perception of Ramsar sites in Korea and Japan, Geographical sciences, 70(2), 60-76, 20150728
  17. ★, International nature reserves and local inhabitants: the case of the "wise use" of Ramsar wetlands in Japan, Japanese journal on human geography, 66(6), 536-551, 20141229
  18. An Internat survey on the perception of unversity museum, Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum, 63-70, 20141225
  19. Image of Ramsar sites in Japan: results of an Internet survey, Studies in environmental sciences, 8, 53-67, 20131231
  20. Residents and environmental conservationnof the Upo wetlands Ramsar site, Republic of Korea, E-Journal GEO, 8(2), 223-241, 20131101
  21. Consevation and utilization of a Ramsar site "Kabukuri-numa and surrounding rice paddies", 4, 1-11, 20121201
  22. Conservation and utilization of Ramsar wetlands in Japan, 7, 79-104, 20121201
  23. Rethinking 'sustainable development' from the environmental controversies and thereafter on Shiwa and Saemangeum tideland reclamation in South Korea, 66(4), 183-202, 20111001
  24. The balance of nature preservation and the use of sightseeing around ecotourism of Yakushima island, Review of Japanese Studies, 21-44, 20110301
  25. Eutrophication of lake Taihu in China and post-response to the plague of algal bloom in 2007, E-journal GEO, 5(2), 138-153, 20110201
  26. Lessons learned from evaluation of an eco-tour designed to support the conservation works for wild birds, Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum, 1-8, 20101201
  27. Sense of participation in environmental practices, Studies of Environmental Sciences, 5, 29-40, 20101201
  28. Living things as symbol in nature conservation movements, geographical sciences, 65(3), 217-230, 20100701
  29. Reintroduction project of the oriental white stork and tourism: a survey of the vositor's attitude, studies in enviromental sciences, 4, 35-50, 20091201
  30. ★, Spatial Differences of Environmental Controversies and Alignment of Environmental Movement: Seamangum Tidelands Reclamation in Korea, GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW OF JAPAN, 82(4), 277-299, 20090701
  31. Current state and the problems of community organization in Fukuyama city, Review of Japanese Studies, 1-21, 20090301
  32. Feasibility study of an eco-tour designed to support the conservation work for wild birds, Studies of Environmental Sciences, 3, 17-39, 20081231
  33. Geography of environmental movement, E-Journal GEO, 3(1), 18-24, 20080301
  34. ★, Relationships between local environmental movements and the region: A case study of Lake kasumigaura, 59(4), 293-314, 20070828
  35. Citizen's movements to protect the water environment: change and problems, Routledge "Living Cities in Japan", 189-205, 20070701
  36. Landscape made by local environmental movements: from two cases about the movements around Lake Shinji and Nakaumi and Lake Kasumigaura, Studies of Environmental Sciences, 1, 19-38, 20061201
  37. ★, Geographical study of environmental movements concerned with Japanese lakes, University of Tokyo, 179, 20061001
  38. Urban size and functions: an analysis of hotel location in regional cities, seen from the example of Higashihiroshima city, 60(4), 281-301, 20051030
  39. A survey of public perception about environmental restoration of Luehdorfia Japonica's habitats after removing the TV tower on Mt. Ege, Review of Japanese Studies, Special(3), 73-84, 20051001
  40. Landscape of terracced fields as cultural property, Review of Japanese Studies, 特集(3), 111-120, 20051001
  41. Geographical perspectives in the study of environmental issues: from four cases about the environmental issues caused by wetland developments in Japan and Korea, Journal of Environmental Sociology, 10, 8-24, 20041201
  42. The situation of resource use for environmental education by municipalities around the Seto inland sea, Review of Japanese Studies, Special(2), 99-108, 20030401
  43. Ecotourism in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, geographical sciences, 57(3), 194-207, 20020701
  44. ★, Geographical Approach to Local Environmental Movements : A Case Study of the Nakaumi Land Reclamation Problem in Tottori and Shimane Prefectures, GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW OF JAPAN, 75(6), 443-456, 20020501
  45. The image of Miyajima as seen by its inhabitants, Review of Japanese Studies, Special(1), 89-97, 20010301
  46. ★, Sphers of "The Local" (JIMOTO): The area concerned with local environmental problems through the case of the reclamation project of Lake Nakaumi, San'in region, western Japan, Journal of Environmental Sociology, 5, 166-182, 19991101
  47. Ecotourizm for Environmental Movements, Review of Japanese Studies, 13, 1-19, 19991101
  48. Woodland owners' vision and action in Higashi-hiroshima city: A case study in order to spread the forestry manegement activities by the residents, Studies in Area Culture, 24, 39-70, 19981201
  49. Trasition of Land Reclamation Project of Lake Nakaumi, Tottori and Shimane Prefecture: Problems of Regional development Planning, geographical sciences, 53(4), 261-282, 19981001
  50. A Hypothesis of Growth Processes of Provincial City Regions, Review of Japanese Studies, 11, 1-19, 19970301
  51. ★, The Study of environmental Preservation Movements in the Area around Lake Nakaumi and Lake Shinji, Tottori and Shimane Prefecture, geographical sciences, 52(1), 1-22, 19970101
  52. Neighborhood Hovement for Environmental Conservation in the Area Around Lake Kasumigaura, GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW OF JAPAN, 63(4), 237-254, 19900401

Publications such as books

  1. 2013/03, Social geographies of nature, 2013, 03, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 日本語, Toshihisa Asano, Koji Nakashima, 315
  2. 2008/02, Lake Shinji, Lake Nakaumi and Lake Kasumigaura: Geography of Environmental Movement, 山陰の宍道湖・中海と首都圏にある霞ケ浦を事例として、そこでの湖および流域の開発に関連して発生・展開してきた環境運動について、運動と地域との関わりについて、聞き取り調査や参与観察、機関誌やビラなどの資料分析などにより、多面的に論じている。, 2008, 02, Scholarly Book, Single work, Toshihisa ASANO, 9784772241137, 294

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Real and Digital in the Ecomuseum: Attempt of Hiroshima University Museum under the spread of Covid 19, ASANO Toshihisa, Shimizu Norio, Kikuchi Naoki, The Human Geographical Society of Japan 2021 Annual Meeting, 2021/11/21, Without Invitation, Japanese
  2. Is the citizen's environmental movement at a turning point?, ASANO Toshihisa, Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 2020/10/31, Without Invitation, Japanese
  3. Conservation and utilization of local heritage by Kamo plateau eco-museum, Higashi-Hiroshima city in Japan, ASANO Toshihisa, SHIMIZU Norio, SATO Taiki, FUJINO Tsugihumi. and ISHIMARU Eriko., 25th International council of museums, 2019/09/04, Without Invitation, English, Kyoto
  4. A citizens' movement to tackle water environment problems: 34 years of the National Suigo-Suito Conference, ASANO Toshihisa, 17th World Lake Conference, 2018/10/16, Without Invitation, English
  5. The geographical study of environmental movements, ASANO Toshihisa, Annual Meeting of HGSJ, 2017/11/18, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Human Geographical Society of Japan, Meiji University, Tokyo
  6. Protection and utilization of the Japanese giant salamander Andrias japonicus in Toyosaka district, Higashi-Hiroshima city, ASANO Toshihisa, SHIMIZU Norio, Asian Wetland Symposium 2017, 2017/11/08, Without Invitation, English, Asian Wetland Symposium 2017 Exective Committee, Saga city
  7. Wise use of the Ramsar Convention from the regional perspective, ASANO Toshihisa, 2017/03/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, The association of Japanese geograpers, Tsukuba University
  8. Workshop to devise a social evaluation model of comprehensive regional regeneration: A case study on conservation of giant salamander in Toyosaka, Higashi-Hiroshima City, ASANO Toshihisa, KIKUCHI Naoki, SHIMIZU Norio, 2017/03/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, The association of Japanese geographers, Tsukuba Univeresity
  9. Meaning of Ramsar convention registration for the local society: the case of Japan, ASANO Toshihisa, 2016/11/26, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Japanese society for geographical sciences, Hiroshima University
  10. Reaction of the community to the Ramsar Convention, ASANO Toshihisa, The Study Meeting of the AJG Spring 2015, 2016/03/22, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Association of Japanese Geographers, Waseda University
  11. Geopark for inhabitants, Geopark for tourists: A case study of San'in Kaigan Geopark, ASANO Toshihisa, The general meeting of the Associatuion of Japanese Geographers, 2015/09/19, Without Invitation, Japanese, the Associatuion of Japanese Geographers, Ehime University
  12. Lake conservation movement in Japan viewed from the model of the spatio-temporal structure of environmental controversies, ASANO Toshihisa, IGU regional conference, 2013/08/06, Without Invitation, English, IGU, Kyoto
  13. Protection and utilization of Ramsar wetlands in Japan, ASANO Toshihisa, The general meeting of the Associatin of Japanese Geograpers, 2012/10/07, Without Invitation, Japanese, the Associatin of Japanese Geograpers, Kobe Univercity