Toshihisa Asano
Last Updated :2025/03/03
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
- E-mail
- toasano
- Self-introduction
- Major is Human Geography and Environmental Sociology. Research themes are environmental movement and locality, the roles of residents in the conservation and utilization of regional resources. I am also engaged in activities of Eco Museum and Nature games.
Basic Information
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Tokyo
- Master of Science, The University of Tokyo
Educational Activity
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Department of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Integrated Arts and Sciences
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
Research Fields
- Humanities;Human geography;Human geography
Research Keywords
- Ecomuseum
- environmental conservation|socil movement
- forest on the country side|environmental management
- Utilization of nature|Ramsar wetland
- regional planning
- regional differences
- civic participation
- Nature consevation
- environmental movement
Affiliated Academic Societies
- The human geographical society of Japan, 1997/01
- Hiroshima Geographical Association, 1996/01
- Japan Ecomuseum Society, 1996/06
- The Association of Japanese Geographers, 1992
- Japanese association for water resources and environment, 2009/01
- Japanese association for environmental sociology, 1997/01
- International Council of Museums, 2018/07
- Japan Geoscience Union, 2009/04
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Advanced Seminar(Let's try nature games!)
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Nature-views and environmental issues
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Human Geography
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Human Geography
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Environmental management in higashi-hiroshima campus at Hiroshima University
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Introduction to Field Sciences
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Conservation Science of Museum Objects
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Tourism Studies
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Environmental Issues and Social Movement
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Area Studies
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Ecological Geography of Japan
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Seminar in Japanese Geography
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Seminar on Field Research for Area Studies IIA
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Seminar on Field Research for Area Studies IIB
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Seminar in eco-museum
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Studies on Sustainable Regional Development
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Geographical Perspective on Citizen Groups' Response to Informatization Prompted by the COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study of the Main Members of Environmental Partner Hiroshima, GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES, 79(1), 1-23, 20240528
- Results of the participant questionnaire for the symposium and giant salamander tour at the Hiroshima University Museum's "Natural history museum is coming to the KEN-OU central preference region !?" exhibition, Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum, 41-50, 20231225
- Effect of intention, attitude, social pressure, moral norm, and perceived cost on volunteering: Applying the theory of planned behavior, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 37(3), 80-91, 20240331
- Which is the key for participation in volunteer activities, factor of demographic, psychology, or related to being asked?, Journal of human and environmental symbiosis, 39(1), 55-65, 20230421
- Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Citizens' Social Participation, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 31(3), 161-167, 20220325
- Providing information to encourage citizens' participation in environmental activities: from a questionnaire survey targeting residents in the Seto Inland Sea basin, Journal of water and environmental issues, 34(2), 20-27, 20211227
- University students' demand for Higashihiroshima eco-museum excursion: comparison of the 2020 survey and 2021survey, Bulletin of Hiroshima University Museum, 95-102, 20211225
- Potential demand for eco-museum excursions in Higashihiroshima City, Bulletin of Hiroshima University Museum, 101-108, 20201225
- Public awareness concerning with environmental conservation and citizenship in the Seto inland sea basin, Journal of water and environmental issues, 33(1), 7-14, 20201224
- What Prompts Volunteer Activity: Choice or Coincidence? Impact of Perceived Cost-Benefit and Information Source on Participation, The Nonprofit Review, 19, 101-109, 20191017
- Mobilization of Volunteers and Usage of ICT by Environmental Citizen Groups in Japan, Studies in environmental sciences, 13, 1-18, 20181231
- A citizens' movement to tackle water environment problems: 34 years of the National Suigo-Suito Conference, 17th World lake conference, Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, Japan 2018, Proceedings, 1344-1346, 20181015
- Protection and utilization of the Japanese Giant Salamander in Toyosaka district, Higashi-hiroshima city, 8th Asian Wetland Symposium proceedings, 196-197, 20180329
- The meening of Ramsar convention resistration for the local society in Japan, Geographical Sciences, 72(3), 152-165, 20171028
- Understanding and participation of residents in the San'in Kaigan Geopark, Geographical review of Japan, 90(4), 376-389, 20170701
- Why Korean agree to strict preservation policies for wetlands? An internet survey on differences in the perception of Ramsar sites in Korea and Japan, Geographical sciences, 70(2), 60-76, 20150728
- ★, International nature reserves and local inhabitants: the case of the "wise use" of Ramsar wetlands in Japan, Japanese journal on human geography, 66(6), 536-551, 20141229
- An Internat survey on the perception of unversity museum, Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum, 63-70, 20141225
- Image of Ramsar sites in Japan: results of an Internet survey, Studies in environmental sciences, 8, 53-67, 20131231
- Residents and environmental conservationnof the Upo wetlands Ramsar site, Republic of Korea, E-Journal GEO, 8(2), 223-241, 20131101
- Consevation and utilization of a Ramsar site "Kabukuri-numa and surrounding rice paddies", 4, 1-11, 20121201
- Conservation and utilization of Ramsar wetlands in Japan, 7, 79-104, 20121201
- Rethinking 'sustainable development' from the environmental controversies and thereafter on Shiwa and Saemangeum tideland reclamation in South Korea, 66(4), 183-202, 20111001
- The balance of nature preservation and the use of sightseeing around ecotourism of Yakushima island, Review of Japanese Studies, 21-44, 20110301
- Eutrophication of lake Taihu in China and post-response to the plague of algal bloom in 2007, E-journal GEO, 5(2), 138-153, 20110201
- Lessons learned from evaluation of an eco-tour designed to support the conservation works for wild birds, Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum, 1-8, 20101201
- Sense of participation in environmental practices, Studies of Environmental Sciences, 5, 29-40, 20101201
- Living things as symbol in nature conservation movements, geographical sciences, 65(3), 217-230, 20100701
- Reintroduction project of the oriental white stork and tourism: a survey of the vositor's attitude, studies in enviromental sciences, 4, 35-50, 20091201
- ★, Spatial Differences of Environmental Controversies and Alignment of Environmental Movement: Seamangum Tidelands Reclamation in Korea, GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW OF JAPAN, 82(4), 277-299, 20090701
- Current state and the problems of community organization in Fukuyama city, Review of Japanese Studies, 1-21, 20090301
- Feasibility study of an eco-tour designed to support the conservation work for wild birds, Studies of Environmental Sciences, 3, 17-39, 20081231
- Geography of environmental movement, E-Journal GEO, 3(1), 18-24, 20080301
- ★, Relationships between local environmental movements and the region: A case study of Lake kasumigaura, 59(4), 293-314, 20070828
- Citizen's movements to protect the water environment: change and problems, Routledge "Living Cities in Japan", 189-205, 20070701
- Landscape made by local environmental movements: from two cases about the movements around Lake Shinji and Nakaumi and Lake Kasumigaura, Studies of Environmental Sciences, 1, 19-38, 20061201
- ★, Geographical study of environmental movements concerned with Japanese lakes, University of Tokyo, 179, 20061001
- Urban size and functions: an analysis of hotel location in regional cities, seen from the example of Higashihiroshima city, 60(4), 281-301, 20051030
- A survey of public perception about environmental restoration of Luehdorfia Japonica's habitats after removing the TV tower on Mt. Ege, Review of Japanese Studies, Special(3), 73-84, 20051001
- Landscape of terracced fields as cultural property, Review of Japanese Studies, 特集(3), 111-120, 20051001
- Geographical perspectives in the study of environmental issues: from four cases about the environmental issues caused by wetland developments in Japan and Korea, Journal of Environmental Sociology, 10, 8-24, 20041201
- The situation of resource use for environmental education by municipalities around the Seto inland sea, Review of Japanese Studies, Special(2), 99-108, 20030401
- Ecotourism in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, geographical sciences, 57(3), 194-207, 20020701
- ★, Geographical Approach to Local Environmental Movements : A Case Study of the Nakaumi Land Reclamation Problem in Tottori and Shimane Prefectures, GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW OF JAPAN, 75(6), 443-456, 20020501
- The image of Miyajima as seen by its inhabitants, Review of Japanese Studies, Special(1), 89-97, 20010301
- ★, Sphers of "The Local" (JIMOTO): The area concerned with local environmental problems through the case of the reclamation project of Lake Nakaumi, San'in region, western Japan, Journal of Environmental Sociology, 5, 166-182, 19991101
- Ecotourizm for Environmental Movements, Review of Japanese Studies, 13, 1-19, 19991101
- Woodland owners' vision and action in Higashi-hiroshima city: A case study in order to spread the forestry manegement activities by the residents, Studies in Area Culture, 24, 39-70, 19981201
- Trasition of Land Reclamation Project of Lake Nakaumi, Tottori and Shimane Prefecture: Problems of Regional development Planning, geographical sciences, 53(4), 261-282, 19981001
- A Hypothesis of Growth Processes of Provincial City Regions, Review of Japanese Studies, 11, 1-19, 19970301
- ★, The Study of environmental Preservation Movements in the Area around Lake Nakaumi and Lake Shinji, Tottori and Shimane Prefecture, geographical sciences, 52(1), 1-22, 19970101
- Neighborhood Hovement for Environmental Conservation in the Area Around Lake Kasumigaura, GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW OF JAPAN, 63(4), 237-254, 19900401
Publications such as books
- 2013/03, Social geographies of nature, 2013, 03, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 日本語, Toshihisa Asano, Koji Nakashima, 315
- 2008/02, Lake Shinji, Lake Nakaumi and Lake Kasumigaura: Geography of Environmental Movement, 山陰の宍道湖・中海と首都圏にある霞ケ浦を事例として、そこでの湖および流域の開発に関連して発生・展開してきた環境運動について、運動と地域との関わりについて、聞き取り調査や参与観察、機関誌やビラなどの資料分析などにより、多面的に論じている。, 2008, 02, Scholarly Book, Single work, Toshihisa ASANO, 9784772241137, 294
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Real and Digital in the Ecomuseum: Attempt of Hiroshima University Museum under the spread of Covid 19, ASANO Toshihisa, Shimizu Norio, Kikuchi Naoki, The Human Geographical Society of Japan 2021 Annual Meeting, 2021/11/21, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Is the citizen's environmental movement at a turning point?, ASANO Toshihisa, Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 2020/10/31, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Conservation and utilization of local heritage by Kamo plateau eco-museum, Higashi-Hiroshima city in Japan, ASANO Toshihisa, SHIMIZU Norio, SATO Taiki, FUJINO Tsugihumi. and ISHIMARU Eriko., 25th International council of museums, 2019/09/04, Without Invitation, English, Kyoto
- A citizens' movement to tackle water environment problems: 34 years of the National Suigo-Suito Conference, ASANO Toshihisa, 17th World Lake Conference, 2018/10/16, Without Invitation, English
- The geographical study of environmental movements, ASANO Toshihisa, Annual Meeting of HGSJ, 2017/11/18, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Human Geographical Society of Japan, Meiji University, Tokyo
- Protection and utilization of the Japanese giant salamander Andrias japonicus in Toyosaka district, Higashi-Hiroshima city, ASANO Toshihisa, SHIMIZU Norio, Asian Wetland Symposium 2017, 2017/11/08, Without Invitation, English, Asian Wetland Symposium 2017 Exective Committee, Saga city
- Wise use of the Ramsar Convention from the regional perspective, ASANO Toshihisa, 2017/03/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, The association of Japanese geograpers, Tsukuba University
- Workshop to devise a social evaluation model of comprehensive regional regeneration: A case study on conservation of giant salamander in Toyosaka, Higashi-Hiroshima City, ASANO Toshihisa, KIKUCHI Naoki, SHIMIZU Norio, 2017/03/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, The association of Japanese geographers, Tsukuba Univeresity
- Meaning of Ramsar convention registration for the local society: the case of Japan, ASANO Toshihisa, 2016/11/26, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Japanese society for geographical sciences, Hiroshima University
- Reaction of the community to the Ramsar Convention, ASANO Toshihisa, The Study Meeting of the AJG Spring 2015, 2016/03/22, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Association of Japanese Geographers, Waseda University
- Geopark for inhabitants, Geopark for tourists: A case study of San'in Kaigan Geopark, ASANO Toshihisa, The general meeting of the Associatuion of Japanese Geographers, 2015/09/19, Without Invitation, Japanese, the Associatuion of Japanese Geographers, Ehime University
- Lake conservation movement in Japan viewed from the model of the spatio-temporal structure of environmental controversies, ASANO Toshihisa, IGU regional conference, 2013/08/06, Without Invitation, English, IGU, Kyoto
- Protection and utilization of Ramsar wetlands in Japan, ASANO Toshihisa, The general meeting of the Associatin of Japanese Geograpers, 2012/10/07, Without Invitation, Japanese, the Associatin of Japanese Geograpers, Kobe Univercity