Last Updated :2024/07/23

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
My studies concern the boundary value problems of the partial differential equations about wave phenomenon, and I am interested in the mathematical analysis and application of the surface waves propagating along a boundary surface or transmission boundary of the layered medium to some inverse problems.

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • University of Tsukuba
  • University of Tsukuba

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Engineering : Cluster 2(Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering) : Program of Electrical,Systems and Information Engineering
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering Program
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Smart Innovation Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Smart Innovation Program

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Seminar in Basic Mathematics II
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Applied Mathematics I
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Applied Mathematics II
  4. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering A
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering A
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering B
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering B
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Mathematics D
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Electrical, Systems, and Control Engineering

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Enclosure method for inverse problems with the Dirichlet and Neumann combined case, Practical inverse problems and their prospects in Book series "Mathematics for Industry", 202309
  2. Asymptotics of some function corresponding to refraction phenomena arising in inverse problems of wave equation of flat two layer medium, RIMS Kokyuroku, 42-63, 202108
  4. Scattering theory for the elastic wave equation in perturbed halh-spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 358(12), 5319-5350, 200604
  5. Scattering theory for the elastic wave equation in perturbed half-spaces, Hyperbolic problems: theory, numerics and applications. II, 93-100, 2006
  6. Analyticity of the resolvent for elastic waves in a perturbed isotropic half space, Math. Nachr., 278(10), 1163-1179, 200504
  7. Energy behaviour of Rayleigh waves in 3-dimensional half space, Cambridge Philos. Soc., 135(3), 545-563, 200304
  8. Relation between scattering theories of the Wilcox and Lax-Phillips types and a concrete construction of the translation representation, Comm.Partial Differential Equations, 28(8), 1437-1470, 200304
  9. Remark on the Lq -L(infinity) estimate of the Stokes semigroup in a 2 -dimensional exterior domain, Pacific J. Math., 189(2), 223-239, 199904
  10. On the Lq –Lr estimates of the Stokes semigroup in a two-dimensional exterior domain, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 51(1), 181-207, 199904
  11. On the local energy decay approach to some fluid flow in an exterior domain, Recent topics on mathematical theory of viscous incompressible fluid, 16, 1-51, 1998
  12. On the low-frequency asymptotic expansion for some second-order elliptic systems in a two-dimensional exterior domain, Math. Methods Appl.Sci., 19(13), 1073-1090, 199604
  13. On a local energy decay of solutions of a dissipative wave equation, Funkcial. Ekvac, 38(3), 545-568, 199504
  14. On a local in time solvability of the Neumann problem of quasilinear hyperbolic parabolic coupled systems, Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 18(13), 1053-1082, 199504
  15. On the Neumann problem for some linear hyperbolic-parabolic coupled systems with coefficients in Sobolev spaces, Tsukuba J. Math., 18(2), 411-437, 199404
  16. On the Neumann problem of linear hyperbolic parabolic coupled systems, Tsukuba J. Math., 18(2), 371-410, 199404

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Inverse problems of the wave equation in the medium with multiple types cavities, Kawashita,Mishio, Applied Analysis seminer, 2023/10/28, With Invitation, Japanese, Ozawa, Toru, Waseda University
  2. Asymptotic behavior of the indicator function in the inverse problem of the wave equation for media with multiple types of cavities, Kawashita,Mishio, MSJ Autumn Meeting, 2023/09/23, Without Invitation, Japanese, Tohoku University
  3. Asymptotic behavior of the indicator function in the inverse problem of the wave equation for media with multiple types of cavities, Kawashita, Mishio, Hikone Analysis Seminer, 2023/06/03, With Invitation, Japanese, Mitsuteru, Kadowaki, Kinrou Tachibana
  4. Asymptotic behavior of indicator function for inverse problems in the Dirichlet-Neumann combined case for the wave equation, Kawashita, Mishio, Takamatsu Workshop on Partial Differential Equations, 2023/03/28, With Invitation, Japanese, Miyazaki, Hayato, Kagawa University

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)), 2020, 2024