Last Updated :2024/09/10

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2006/04/01, 2006/09/30, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Postdoctoral Fellow
  • 2005/10/01, 2006/03/31, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Academic Researcher

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
  • Master of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Research Fields

  • Engineering;Integrated engineering;Naval and maritime engineering
  • Engineering;Mechanical engineering;Fluid engineering

Research Keywords

  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Engineering Turbulence
  • Numerical Fluid Dynamics
  • Vehicle Aerodynamics
  • Ship Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics
  • Automobile Engineering
  • Ocean and Marine Engineering
  • Vehicle and Environmental Systems Engineering

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 2006/01
  • Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 2007/09
  • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004/11
  • Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
  • American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
  • Gas Turbine Society of Japan

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Science of Vehicle and Transportation
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Computer Aided Design
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Computer Aided Design
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Experiments and Analytical Procedures in Transportation Systems
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Engineering Computer Programming
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Transportation and Environmental Systems A
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Transportation and Environmental Systems A
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Transportation and Environmental Systems A
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Transportation and Environmental Systems A
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Transportation and Environmental Systems B
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Transportation and Environmental Systems B
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Transportation and Environmental Systems B
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Transportation and Environmental Systems B
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Transportation and Environmental Systems B
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Transportation and Environmental Systems B
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Transportation and Environmental Systems
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Transportation and Environmental Systems
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Advanced Aerodynamics
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Transportation and Environmental Systems

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Hybrid simulation of dissipative particle dynamics and computational fluid dynamics for friction drag reduction of polymer coatings, OCEAN ENGINEERING, 285, 20231001
  2. Identification of wake vortices using a simplified automobile model under parallel running and crosswind conditions, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, 18(1), JFST0005, 20230426
  3. Deflector effect on flow behavior and drag of an Ahmed body under crosswind conditions, JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS, 231, 202212
  4. Surface flow and aerodynamic drag of Ahmed body with deflectors, EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE, 145, 20230701
  5. Effect of a Short, Bio-Mimetic Control Device on Aerodynamic Drag of Ahmed Body, JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 145(3), 20230301
  6. Enhanced expected hypervolume improvement criterion for parallel multi-objective optimization, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, 65, 202211
  7. Experimental and numerical studies on working parameter selections of a piezoelectric-painted-based ocean energy harvester attached to fish aggregating devices, ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 71, 73-88, 202212
  8. ★, An improved system for efficient shape optimization of vehicle aerodynamics with "noisy" computations, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65(8), 215, 20220805
  9. ★, Identification of wake vortices in a simplified car model during significant aerodynamic drag increase under crosswind conditions, Journal of Visualization, 20220330
  10. Characteristics of electric performance and key factors of a hybrid piezo/triboelectric generator for wave energy harvesting, SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS, 50, 202203
  11. Experimental Study of the Skin-Friction Topology Around the Ahmed Body in Cross-Wind Conditions, JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 144(3), 20220301
  12. The effects of smoothing length on the onset of wave breaking in smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of highly directionally spread waves, Computational Particle Mechanics, 20220207
  13. Highly directionally spread, overturning breaking waves modelled with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A case study involving the Draupner wave, 164, 101822, 20210608
  14. ★, Fluid-Dynamic Force Measurement of Ahmed Model in Steady-State Cornering, ENERGIES, 13(24), 20201214
  15. ★, Active aerodynamics control of simplified vehicle body in a crosswind condition, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING-JOE, 2020(14), 1005-1011, 20201102
  16. Harvesting contact-separation-compression vibrations using a flexible and compressible triboelectric generator, SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS, 42, 20201026
  17. ★, Modified Algorithms for Fast Construction of Optimal Latin-Hypercube Design, IEEE ACCESS, 8, 191644-191658, 20201019
  18. Numerical re-creation of multi-directional waves in a circular basin using a particle based method, OCEAN ENGINEERING, 209, 20200801
  19. ★, Identification of the vortex around a vehicle by considering the pressure minimum, Journal of Visualization, 20200616
  20. ★, Aerodynamic drag change of simplified automobile models influenced by a passing vehicle, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 7(1), 19-00366, 20200215
  21. Effect of Wavy Leading Edge on Pitching Rectangular Wing, Journal of Aero Aqua Bio-mechanisms, 9(1), 1-7, 20200129
  22. Unsteady Flow Analysis Method for Automobile Headlamp Based on Massively Parallel CFD, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 50(2), 542-549, 20190325
  23. ★, Aerodynamic drag change of vehicle model caused by flow hysteresis under fluctuating crosswind, 50(3), 938-944, 20190524
  24. Harvesting ocean energy with a small-scale tidal-current turbine and fish aggregating device in the Indonesian Archipelagos, SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS, 35, 160-171, 20191001
  25. ★, Aerodynamic drag reduction of a simplified vehicle model by promoting flow separation using plasma actuator, Mechanical Engineering Letters, 5, 19-00354, 20191024
  26. ★, Influence of Rear-end Shape on Transient Aerodynamic Characteristics Caused by Time Variation of the Relative Wind Direction, Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., 49(2), 447-452, 20180327
  27. Wind Tunnel Tests of a Simplified Car Model for Validating Vehicle Aerodynamics CFD, Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., 47(6), 1439-1445, 20161101
  28. A study on the performance of cascade hard sails and sail-equipped vessels, OCEAN ENGINEERING, 98, 23-31, 20150401
  29. ★, Aerodynamic force acting on a road vehicle in steady-state cornering, Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), 80(818), FE0009, 20141025
  30. ★, Coupled analysis of unsteady aerodynamics and vehicle motion of a road vehicle in windy conditions, COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 80, 1-9, 20130710
  31. Aerodynamic stability of road vehicles in dynamic pitching motion, JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS, 122, 146-156, 201311
  32. On the Transient Aerodynamic Response of Road Vehicles Subjected to Crosswind Gust and Its Shape Dependence, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B, 79(806), 2077-2092, 20131001
  33. Numerical quantification of aerodynamic damping on pitching of vehicle-inspired bluff body, JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES, 30, 188-204, 201204
  34. Unsteady Vehicle Aerodynamics during a Dynamic Steering Action: 2nd Report, Numerical Analysis, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 5(1), 340-357, 20120501
  35. A numerical analysis of transient flow past road vehicles subjected to pitching oscillation, JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS, 99(5), 511-522, 201105
  36. Large eddy simulation on the unsteady aerodynamic response of a road vehicle in transient crosswinds, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW, 31(6), 1075-1086, 201012
  37. Numerical Simulation around Rectangular Wings with Wavy Leading Edge, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 12, 33-41, 20101201
  38. Effect of Temporal Variations of Internal Ballistics on Fuel Regression Rate in the CAMUI Hybrid Rocket, Journal of Space Engineering, 3(1), 52-65, 20101101
  39. Computational visualization of unsteady flow around vehicles using high performance computing, COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 38(5), 981-990, 200905
  40. ★, Flow Structures above the Trunk Deck of Sedan-type Vehicles and their Influence on High-speed Vehicle Stability 2nd Report: Numerical Investigation on Simplified Vehicle Models using Large-Eddy Simulation, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2(1), 157-167, 20091001
  41. Development of an Unsteady Aerodynamic Simulator Using Large-Eddy Simulation Based on High-Performance Computing Technique, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2(1), 168-178, 20091001
  43. Experimental Investigation of Stall Delay by Wavy Leading Edges of 3-Dimensional Wing, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 9, 55-62, 20090601
  44. ★, Numerical Analysis on Wind Drag Reduction of Accommodation House with Square Corner Cut and Step Shaped Geometries, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 6, 131-134, 20080401
  45. Large Eddy Simulation of Unsteady Flow Around a Formula Car on Earth Simulator, SAE 2007 Transactions: Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 116, 40-49, 20080801
  46. Fuel Regression Characteristics of Cascaded Multistage Impinging-Jet (CAMUI) Type Hybrid Rocket, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, 55(646), 516-526, 20071201
  48. ★, Numerical Prediction of Turbulent Combustion Flows in Staged Combustor Using LES and Extended G-Equation, 34(3), 226-234, 20060501

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Unsteady aerodynamics of automobile under real-world conditions, Takuji Nakashima, The 20th International Conference of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Control Engineering (ICFPMCE 2019), 2019/11/10, With Invitation, English, Editorial Department of International Journal of Hydromechatronics, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China
  2. Wake Structure Response of Automobile to Yaw Angle Change Causing Significant Aerodynamic Drag Increase, Takuji NAKASHIMA, Keigo SHIMIZU, Koumei HAMAMURA, Yusuke NAKAMURA, Takenori HIRAOKA, Takahide NOUZAWA, Yasuaki DOI, 2019 JSAE congress (spring), 2019/05/24, Without Invitation, Japanese, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
  3. Numerical analysis and aerodynamic research on a flow around a tire - Literature review and examples -, Takuji NAKASHIMA, Syuhei MITA, Keigo SHIMIZU, Takenori HIRAOKA, Yusuke NAKAMURA, Takahide NOUZAWA, JSAE Symposium "The latest CFD for tire aerodynamics - Mysterious world around rotating tires -", 2019/03/22, Without Invitation, Japanese, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., Shinzyuku, Tokyo, Japan
  4. Numerical Analysis on Aerodynamic Drag Change of a Simplified Vehicle Model Influenced by a Vehicle Running in the Adjacent Lane, Takuji NAKASHIMA, Keigo SHIMIZU, Kyohei MATSUURA, Takenori HIRAOKA, Yusuke NAKAMURA, Takahide NOWZAWA, 2018 JSAE Congress (spring), 2018/05/25, Without Invitation, Japanese, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan.
  5. Unsteady Aerodynamics Simulation of Automobile with Dynamic Steering Input Considering a Rolling Motion, 2017/05/31, Without Invitation, Japanese
  6. Towing-tank measurement for the transient aerodynamics of road vehicles in real-world motion, Takuji Nakashima, Makoto Tsubokura, Tagung: Fahrzeug-Aerodynamik - Neue Chancen und Perspektiven für die Kraftfahrzeugaerodynamik durch CO2-Gesetzgebung und Energiewende, 2016/07/05, With Invitation, English, HAUS DER TECHNIK, Munich, Germany


  1. Patent, 6502004, 2019/03/29
  2. Patent, 6832545, 2021/02/04