Last Updated :2025/02/04
- Affiliations, Positions
- The IDEC Institute, Associate Professor
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- Self-introduction
- I am conducting research activities to understand global warming and make accurate near-future predictions.
1. Under the anthropogenic global warming phenomenon in the modern era (NEO),
understand what is happening now
2. From the large-scale extinction crisis in the history of the earth,
understand what happened under past (PALEO) global warming events
I believe that by connecting 1 and 2, we can better understand global warming.
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2021/04/01, 2023/02/28, Nagoya University, Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Assistant professor
- 2020/04/01, 2021/03/31, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Global Environmental Research, Researcher
- 2017/04/01, 2020/03/31, Chiba University, Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CERES), Assistant professor
- 2015/04/01, 2016/03/31, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Technical staff
- 2014/05/01, 2015/03/31, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Technical staff
- 2010/06, 2014/04/01, Fukushima University, Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science, researcher
Educational Backgrounds
- Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Agriculture, Japan, 2015/09
- University of Texas at Dallas, Graduate School of Natural Science, High Energy Physics, USA, 2008/01, 2010/05
- University of Texas at Dallas, Graduate School of Natural Sciecne, High Energy Physics, USA, 2007/01, 2007/12
- University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Physics, Physics, USA, 2004/01, 2006/12
Academic Degrees
- University of Texas at Dallas
Research Fields
- Environmental science;Environmental analyses and evaluation;Environmental impact assessment
- Environmental science;Environmental analyses and evaluation;Environmental dynamic analysis
Research Keywords
- Climate system science, climate change, greenhouse gases, land use changes, model simulation, remote sensing
Affiliated Academic Societies
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
- Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Study Tour Abroad for Realization and Transformation A
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Invitation to Integrated Global Studies II
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, The Science of Climate Stabilization I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, The Science of Climate Stabilization II
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Remote Sensing for Social Sciences
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study(October 2024 Master's Students)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, International Environmental Cooperation Studies
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Seminar on Doctoral Dissertation
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Seminar on Master Thesis
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Strong Green-Up of Tropical Asia During the 2015/16 El Niño, Geophysical Research Letters, 51(8), 20240428
- Impact of permafrost degradation on the extreme increase of dissolved iron concentration in the Amur river during 1995-1997, PROGRESS IN EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE, 11(1), 20240326
- RECCAP2 Future Component: Consistency and Potential for Regional Assessment to Constrain Global Projections, AGU Advances, 4(6), 20231201
- ★, Autumn cooling paused increased CO2 release in central Eurasia, Nature Climate Change, 13(4), 334-337, 20230401
- Estimated regional CO2 flux and uncertainty based on an ensemble of atmospheric CO2 inversions, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(14), 9215-9243, 20220718
- Definitions and methods to estimate regional land carbon fluxes for the second phase of the REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes Project (RECCAP-2), Geoscientific Model Development, 15(3), 1289-1316, 20220216
- ★, Are Land-Use Change Emissions in Southeast Asia Decreasing or Increasing?, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36(1), 20220101
- State of science in carbon budget assessments for temperate forests and grasslands, Balancing Greenhouse Gas Budgets: Accounting for Natural and Anthropogenic Flows of CO2 and other Trace Gases, 237-270, 20220101
- Evaluation of earth system model and atmospheric inversion using total column CO2 observations from GOSAT and OCO-2, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8(1), 20211201
- Decadal variability in land carbon sink efficiency, Carbon Balance and Management, 16(1), 20211201
- ★, State of the science in reconciling top-down and bottom-up approaches for terrestrial CO2 budget, Global Change Biology, 26(3), 1068-1084, 20200301
- ★, Land use change and El Niño-Southern Oscillation drive decadal carbon balance shifts in Southeast Asia, Nature Communications, 9(1), 20181201
- ★, Plant Regrowth as a Driver of Recent Enhancement of Terrestrial CO2 Uptake, Geophysical Research Letters, 45(10), 4820-4830, 20180528
- New data-driven estimation of terrestrial CO2 fluxes in Asia using a standardized database of eddy covariance measurements, remote sensing data, and support vector regression, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122(4), 767-795, 20170401
- ★, Comprehensive synthesis of spatial variability in carbon flux across monsoon Asian forests, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 232, 623-634, 20170115
- Regional carbon fluxes from land use and land cover change in Asia, 1980-2009, Environmental Research Letters, 11(7), 20160708
- ★, The effect of GOSAT observations on estimates of net CO2 flux in semi-arid regions of the Southern Hemisphere, Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, 12, 181-186, 20160101
- Satellite-based detection of evacuation-induced land cover changes following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, Remote Sensing Letters, 6(11), 824-833, 20151102
- ★, Comparison of the data-driven top-down and bottom-up global terrestrial CO2 exchanges: GOSAT CO2 inversion and empirical eddy flux upscaling, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 120(7), 1226-1245, 20150701
- ★, Impact of anomalous climates on carbon allocation to biomass production of leaves, woody components, and fine roots in a cool-temperate deciduous forest, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 201, 38-50, 20150205
- ★, The role of carbon flux and biometric observations in constraining a terrestrial ecosystem model: A case study in disturbed forests in East Asia, Ecological Research, 28(5), 893-905, 20130901
- Site-level model-data synthesis of terrestrial carbon fluxes in the CarboEastAsia eddy-covariance observation network: Toward future modeling efforts, Journal of Forest Research, 18(1), 13-20, 20130201
- Recent changes in terrestrial gross primary productivity in asia from 1982 to 2011, Remote Sensing, 5(11), 6043-6062, 20130101
- Sources and sinks of carbon dioxide in populous Asia, Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Science Bulletin, 4-7, 201604
- Current status of empirical estimates of terrestrial carbon and water cycles using eddy-covariance network and remote sensing data, iLEAPS newsletter special issue Asia March 2018, 4-10, 2018
- Impact of soil parameters on reproducibility of hydrological processes by land surface model in semiarid grassland of seasonal frost region, Proceedings of Soil Moisture Workshop 2013, 22-27, 2013
- Reproducibility of hydrological process by land surface model in semi-arid grassland, Proceedings of 2012 Annual Conference Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 39-45, 2012
Publications such as books
- 2022/01/01, Balancing Greenhouse Gas Budgets: Accounting for Natural and Anthropogenic Flows of CO2 and other Trace Gases, State of science in carbon budget assessments for temperate forests and grasslands, Elsevier, 2022, Scholarly Book, Joint work, Kondo, Masayuki; Birdsey, Richard; Pugh, Thomas A.M.; Lauerwald, Ronny; Raymond, Peter A.; Niu, Shuli; Naudts, Kim, 237-270
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Understanding the impact of high-temperature events on carbon balance in northern mid-to-high latitude regions, Taguchi T., Kondo M., Ichii K., Sasakawa M., The 11th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC11), 2024/08, Without Invitation, English
- League of geophysical research eXcellences for tropical asia (LeXtra) initiative, Kondo M., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 21th Annual Meeting, 2024/06, Without Invitation, English
- Understanding the impact of high-temperature events on carbon balance in northern mid-to-high latitude regions,, Taguchi T., Kondo M., Ichii K., Pan-Arctic Water-Carbon Cycles (PAWCs) international symposium, 2024/03, Without Invitation, English
- CO2 budget assessment of Southeast Asia for the 1980s−2010s and state toward realizing carbon neutrality, Kondo M., Patra P.K., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 20th Annual Meeting, 2023/08, Without Invitation, English
- Autumn cooling paused increased CO2 release in central Eurasia, Kondo M., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 20th Annual Meeting, 2023/08, Without Invitation, English
- Greenhouse gas budget for South Asia Region, Anand, J., Jain, A.K., Siddiqui, B.N., Tian, H., Gumma, M.K., Yk, T., Gilani, H., Patra, P.K., Chandra, N., Pan, N., Kondo M., Ciais, P., Shrestha, H.L. Lokupitiya, E., AGU Fall meeting 2022, 2022/12, Without Invitation, English
- Global carbon budget analysis using inverse modelling of regional sources and sinks, Patra P.K., Chandra N., Kondo M., The 5th ISEE Symposium Toward the Future of Space–Earth Environmental Research, 2022/11, Without Invitation, English
- Estimated regional CO2 flux and uncertainty based on an ensemble of atmospheric CO2 inversions, Chandra N., Patra P., Niwa Y., Ito A., Iida Y., Goto D., Morimoto S., Kondo M., Takigawa M., Hajima T., Watanabe M., JpGU-AGU joint meeting 2022, 2022/05, Without Invitation, English
- Reason for the high concentration of dissolved iron in the Amur River from 1995 to 1997 - possibility due to permafrost degradation, Tashiro Y., Hiyama T., Kanamori H., Kondo M., the International Symposium on Pan-Arctic Water-Carbon Cycles and Terrestrial Changes in the Arctic, 2022/03, Without Invitation, English
- Enhanced net CO2 uptake induced by autumn cooling in central Siberia, Kondo M., Sasakawa M., Hiyama T., the International Symposium on Pan-Arctic Water-Carbon Cycles and Terrestrial Changes in the Arctic, 2022/03, Without Invitation, English
- Southeast Asian carbon budget assessment by multiple data synthesis, Kondo M., 14th Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observations (AOGEO) Symposium 2021, 2021/10, Without Invitation, English
- Amazon Basin as the Key Uncertainty for Terrestrial CO2 Uptake Enhancement, Kondo M., American Geophysical Union Fall (AGU) Meeting 2020, 2020/12, Without Invitation, English
- On reliable pattern of historical land-use and land-cover change transition in Southeast Asia, Kondo M., JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020/07, With Invitation, English
- GHG Budget Assessment of Southeast Asia for 1980-2018, Kondo M., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual Meeting, 2020/06, Without Invitation, English
- On reliable pattern of historical land-use and land-cover change transition in Southeast Asia, Kondo M., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual Meeting, 2020/06, Without Invitation, English
- Multidisciplinary efforts towards regional to global scale CO2 budget estimation, Ichii K., Kondo M., Patra P. K., Saigusa N., Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) meeting 2020 (international session), 2020/05, Without Invitation, English
- Carbon budget assessment in Southeast Asia: multi-data and -model synthesis, Kondo M., 12th Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observations (AOGEO) Symposium 2019, 2019/11, Without Invitation, English
- Forest Age as a Driver of Global Carbon-Climate Feedbacks, Poulter B., Calle L., Pugh T., Kondo M., Patra P.K., Ciais P., Besnard S., Carvalhais N., Chapman Conference on Understanding Carbon Climate Feedbacks, 2019/08, Without Invitation, English
- The Kamide Lecture: the role of CO2 release and uptake induced by land use changes in recent terrestrial carbon balance, Kondo M., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual Meeting, 2019/07, With Invitation, English
- On recent trend of land use change emissions: reality or fallacy?, Kondo M., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual Meeting, 2019/07, Without Invitation, English
- Contrasting mechanisms behind atmospheric CO2 growth between two El Niño events, Kondo M., Landschützer P., Iida Y., Houghton R.A., Sitch S., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual Meeting, 2019/07, Without Invitation, English
- Evaluating an Updated Data-driven Terrestrial CO2 Flux Estimation with Other Available Datasets, Ichii K., Liu Z., Kawase R., Kondo M., Ueyama M., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual Meeting, 2019/07, Without Invitation, English
- Ocean uptake and land use change emissions suppressed atmospheric CO2 growth in the 2015/16 El Niño, Kondo M., Landschützer P., Iida Y., Houghton R.A., Sitch S., Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) meeting 2019 (international session), 2019/05, Without Invitation, English
- On recent trend of land use change emissions: reality or fallacy?, Kondo M., European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, 2019/04, Without Invitation, English
- The effect of land use changes on current terrestrial carbon cycle, Kondo M., The 3rd international Conference of Climate Change 2019, 2019/02, With Invitation, English
- Global and regional CO2 budget comparison between top-down and bottom-up approaches, Kondo M., Patra P.K., Sitch S., Ciais P., Chevallier F., Canadell J.G., Bastos A., Poulter B., Calle L., Ichii K., American Geophysical Union Fall (AGU) Meeting 2018, 2018/12, With Invitation, English
- The role of plant regrowth in recent enhancement of terrestrial carbon uptake, Kondo M., Ichii K., Patra P.K., Poulter B., Calle L., American Geophysical Union Fall (AGU) Meeting 2018, 2018/12, Without Invitation, English
- Evaluating Modeled Terrestrial Carbon Cycles in Earth System Models and Offline Models Using Multiple Observation-based Estimates, Ichii K., Murakami K., Takayama H., Hajima T., Kondo M., Tachiiri K., American Geophysical Union Fall (AGU) Meeting 2018, 2018/12, Without Invitation, English
- Current status of terrestrial carbon budget estimates, Kondo M., Patra P.K., Sitch S., Ichii K., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual Meeting, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- Evaluating Simulated Terrestrial Carbon Cycles by Earth System Models and Offline Models Using Data-Driven Estimations, Ichii K., Takayama H., Hajima T., Kondo M., Patra P.K., Tachiiri K., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual Meeting, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- Plant regrowth as a driver of the recent enhancement of terrestrial carbon uptake, Kondo M., Ichii K., Patra P.K., Poulter B., Calle L., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual Meeting, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- Detecting Vegetation Changes Induced by Afforestation in China Using Multiple Satellite Products, Ichii K., Yanagi Y., Xiao J., Kondo M., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual Meeting, 2018/06, Without Invitation, English
- Evaluating Simulated Terrestrial Carbon Cycles by Earth System Models and Offline Models Using Data-Driven Estimations, Ichii K., Takayama H., Hajima T., Kondo M., Patra P.K., Tachiiri K., Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) meeting 2018 (international session), 2018/05, Without Invitation, English
- The role of plant regrowth in recent enhancement of terrestrial carbon uptake, Kondo M., Ichii K., Patra P.K., Poulter B., Calle L., Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) meeting 2018 (international session), 2018/05, Without Invitation, English
- Carbon balance shifts controlled by land use change and El Niño-Southern Oscillation in Southeast Asia, Kondo M., Ichii K., Patra P.K., Canadell J.G., Poulter B., Calle L., Sitch S., Saeki T., Saigusa N., Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) meeting 2018 (international session),, 2018/05, Without Invitation, English
- A new data-driven estimation of terrestrial CO2 fluxes in Asia using a standardized database of eddy covariance measurements, remote sensing data, and support vector regression, Ichii K., Kondo M., 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC10), 2017/08, Without Invitation, English
- Decadal carbon balance shifts controlled by land use change and ENSO in Southeast Asia, Kondo M., Ichii K., Patra P.K., Canadell J.G., Poulter B., Calle L., Sitch S., Saeki T., Saigusa N., 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC10), 2017/08, Without Invitation, English
- Detecting carbon cycle change using an integrated observation, modeling and analysis system, Saigusa N., Machida T., Umezawa T., Patra P. K., Saeki T., Niwa Y., Ichii K., Kondo M., the joint conference of AsiaFlux Workshop 2017 and the 15th Anniversary Celebration of ChinaFLUX, 2017/08, Without Invitation, English
- Toward integrated understanding of spatial variability in Asian carbon fluxes using AsiaFlux network and AsiaMIP datasets, Kondo M., the joint conference of AsiaFlux Workshop 2017 and the 15th Anniversary Celebration of ChinaFLUX, 2017/08, Without Invitation, English
- FLUXCOM Remote Sensing Data Based CO2 Flux Products: Overview And Synthesis, Ichii K., Jung M., Tramontana G., Camps-Valls G., Schwalm C., Kondo M., Papale D., Reichstein M., Weber U., Yanagi Y., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 14th Annual Meeting, 2017/08, Without Invitation, English
- Current Status Of Global And Regional Carbon Budgets: A Synthesis Analysis Of Multiple Estimations Including Top-down And Bottom-up Approaches, Kondo M., Patra P.K., Sitch S., Ichii K., Saeki T., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 14th Annual Meeting, 2017/08, Without Invitation, English
- FLUXCOM remote sensing data based CO2 flux products: overview and synthesis, Ichii K., Jung M., Tramontana G., Camps-Valls G., Schwalm C., Kondo M., Papale D., Reichstein M., Ulrich W., Yanagi Y., 2017/05, Without Invitation, English
- Current status of global and regional CO2 budgets: a synthesis analysis of multiple estimations including top-down and bottom-up approaches, Kondo M., Prabir P.K., Sitch S., Ichii K., Saeki T., HESSS4 (Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society), 2017/05, Without Invitation, English
- Comparison of data-driven top-down and bottom-up estimations of terrestrial CO2 fluxes, Ichii K., Kondo M., Ueyama M., the 8th GOSAT PI meeting, 2016/06, Without Invitation, English
- Data-driven synthesis on terrestrial CO2 budget changes in Asia, Ichii K., Prabir P.K., Ueyama M., Kondo M., Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) meeting 2016 (International session), 2016/05, Without Invitation, English
- Synthesis of top-down and bottom-up estimations of terrestrial CO2 budget in Asia, Ichii K., Kondo M., Prabir P.K., Saeki T., Maki T., Nakamura T., Niwa Y., Ueyama M., Masato H., Yanagi Y., Saigusa N., Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) meeting 2016 (International session), 2016/05, Without Invitation, English
- Current state of terrestrial CO2 exchange estimations: progresses and remaining issues, Kondo M., Ichii K., Patra P. K., Saeki. T., Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) meeting 2016, 2016/05, Without Invitation, English
- Linking AsiaFlux data and GOSAT observation for terrestrial CO2 cycle studies, Ichii K., Kondo M., Ueyama M., Saigusa N., AsiaFlux Mini-Workshop on Remote Sensing and Ecological/Environmental Monitoring, 2016/03, Without Invitation, English
- Changes in terrestrial CO2 budget in Siberia in the past three decades, Ichii K., Kondo M., Ueyama M., Ito A., Kobayashi H., Maksyutov S., Maki T., Nakamura T., Niwa Y., Patra P., Saeki T., Sato H., Sasai T., Saigusa N., Tian H., Yanagi Y., Zhang B., American Geoscience Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2015, 2015/12, Without Invitation, English
- Recent pattern of seasonal and interannual variability inferred from data-driven global terrestrial net CO2 exchange, Kondo M., Ichii K., American Geoscience Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2015, 2015/12, Without Invitation, English
- Upscaling terrestrial CO2 fluxes in Asia using an integrated database of eddy-covariance measurements, Ichii K., Ueyama M., Kondo M., Saigusa N., Alberto M.C., Kitamura K., Kotani A., Kominami Y., Maeda T., Mizoguchi Y., Shimizu T., Yasuda Y., the 13th AsiaFlux Workshop, 2015/11, Without Invitation, English
- Evaluating attribution of southern hemisphere ecosystem to global net CO2 budget with GOSAT inversion, Kondo M., Ichii K., the 7th GOSAT PI meeting, 2015/06, Without Invitation, English
- Recent changes in terrestrial CO2 fluxes in Siberia inferred from multiple bottom-up estimations, Ichii K., Ueyama M., Kondo M., Ito A., Kato T., Sato H., Sasai T., Kobayashi H., Yanagi Y., Saigusa N., ISAR4/ICARP III, 2015/02, Without Invitation, English
- Impact of soil parameter and physical process on reproducibility of hydrological processes by land surface model in semiarid grassland, Miyazaki S., Yorozu K., Asanuma J., Kondo M., and Saito K., American Geophysical Union Fall (AGU) Meeting 2014, 2014/12, Without Invitation, English
- Detecting robust signals of interannual variability of gross primary productivity in Asia from multiple terrestrial carbon cycle models and long-term satellite-based vegetation data, Ichii K., Kondo M., Ueyama M., Sasai T., Kobayashi H. Saigusa N., American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2014, 2014/12, Without Invitation, English
- Analyzing Recent Changes in Terrestrial Carbon Cycle in Asia by Synthesizing Site Observation, Satellite Observation and Modeling, Ichii K., Kondo M., Yanagi Y., International Conference on Weather/Climate Models and Remote Sensing Applications for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Community, 2014/11, Without Invitation, English
- Spatial variation in global scale estimates of carbon-use efficiency: ecosystem model, remote sensing, and empirical upscaling, Kondo M., Ichii K., The 12th Asiaflux workshop, 2014/08, Without Invitation, English
- Comparison of top-down and bottom-up approaches toward refinements of terrestrial carbon cycle estimation in Asia, Ichii K., Kondo M., Patra P. K., Ito A., Sasai T., Sato H., Ueyama M., Kobayashi H., Saigusa N., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2014, 2014/07, Without Invitation, English
- Estimation of global forest age by biosphere model inversion, Kondo M., Ichii K., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2014, 2014/07, Without Invitation, English
- Identification of seasonal anomalies in GOSAT L4A product, Kondo M., Ichii K., The 6th GOSAT PI meeting, 2014/06, Without Invitation, English
- A summary of Asian Dryland Model Intercomparison (ADMIP), Asanuma J., Ojima D., Yorozu K., Chen Y., Hosaka M., Ichii K., Ito A., Hong J., Kondo M., Li Q., Mabuchi K., Miyazaki S., Patron W., Sato H., Tachiiri K., Zhang X., Xue Y., Yang K., Yang Z-L., Ailikun, Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) open science conference, 2014/04, Without Invitation, English
- Dispersion among vegetation model outputs for Asian drylands, Tachiiri K., Ichii K., Kondo M., Ito A., Mabuchi K., Li Q., Ojima D., Miyazaki S., Yorozu K., and Asanuma J., Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) open science conference, 2014/04, Without Invitation, English
- Recent changes in terrestrial gross primary productivity in Asia from 1982 to 2011, Ichii K., Kondo M., Okabe Y., Ueyama M., Kobayashi H., Saigusa N., Zhu Z., Myneni R.B., Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling Conference, 2014/02, Without Invitation, English
- Simulating carbon and water fluxes at Arctic and boreal ecosystems in Alaska by optimizing the modified BIOME-BGC with eddy covariance data, Ueyama M, Kondo M., Ichii K., Iwata H., Euskirchen E.S., Zona D., Rocha A.V., Harazono Y , Nakai T, and Oechel W.C., American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2013, 2013/12, Without Invitation, English
- ASIA-MIP: multi model-data synthesis of terrestrial carbon cycles in Asia, Ichii K., Kondo M., Ito A., Lee S.-J., Sasai T., Sato H., Ueyama M., Kobayashi H., Saigusa N., Kim J., American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2013, 2013/12, Without Invitation, English
- Variability in fine root production induced by adaptation of forests to anomalous climate, Kondo M., Ichii K., Ueyama M., Kondo H., and Murayama S., The Synthesis Workshop on the Carbon Budget and Forest Ecosystem in the Asian Monitoring Network (The 20th Anniversary of the Takayama Site) in Takayama, 2013/10, Without Invitation, English
- A test bed of land surface water/energy/ecosystem models in dry climate - results from Asian Dryland Model Intercomparison Project (ADMIP), Asanuma J., Ojima D., Ailikun, Yorozu K., Chen Y., Ichii K., Itoh A., Kondo M., Li Q., Mabuchi K., Miyazaki S., Tachiiri K., Zhang Z., Joint Conference of the 11th International Workshop, the 3rd HESSS (Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society), and the 14th Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013/08, Without Invitation, English
- Impact of soil parameters on reproducibility of hydrological processes by land surface model, Miyazaki S., Yorozu K., Asanuma J., and Kondo M., Joint Conference of the 11th International Workshop, the 3rd HESSS (Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society), and the 14th Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013/08, Without Invitation, English
- Application of an integrated flux database for asia: empirical upscaling and model evaluation, Ichii K., Ueyama M., Kondo M., Lee Y.H., Ito A., Patra P.K., Sasai T., Sato H., Hirano T., Kim J., Saigusa N., Alberto M., Asanuma J., Bret-Harte M.S., Edgar C., Euskirchen S.E., Han S.J., Hsia Y.J. Kang M., Kitamura K., Kominami Y., Kondo H., Kotani A., Kosugi Y., Li S.G., Li Y. N., Maeda T., Matsuura Y., Miyata A., Mizoguchi Y., Ohta T., Saitoh T.M., Shimizu T., Takagi K., Tang Y., Wang H., Yasuda Y., Yu G.R., Zhang Y. P., Zhao F.H., Zimov N., Zimov S.A., Joint Conference of the 11th International Workshop, the 3rd HESSS (Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society), and the 14th Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013/08, Without Invitation, English
- Estimation and evaluation of respiratory component fluxes in East Asia from 2001 to 2010, Kondo M., Ichii K., Joint Conference of the 11th International Workshop, the 3rd HESSS (Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society), and the 14th Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013/08, Without Invitation, English
- Model-data synthesis of terrestrial carbon cycles to 7quantify carbon budget in Asia, Ichii K., Kondo M., Lee S.J., Ju W., Ito A., Sasai T., Sato H., Ueyama M., Cho C.H., Patra P.K., Saigusa N., Kim J., Joint Conference of the 11th International Workshop, the 3rd HESSS (Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society), and the 14th Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Seoul, 2013/08, Without Invitation, English
- Model-data synthesis of terrestrial carbon cycles in Asia: from carboeastasia perspective, Ichii K., Kondo M., Okabe Y., Lee S.J., Ju W., Ito A., Sasai T., Ueyama M., Saigusa N., Kim J., The 9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC9), 2013/06, Without Invitation, English
- Global scale model inter-comparison with GOSAT L4A and empirical upscaling based estimates of terrestrial biospheric variables, Kondo M., Ichii K., The 9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC9), 2013/06, Without Invitation, English
- Satellite-based vegetation changes in Fukushima Prefecture after Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, Sekizawa R., Ichii K., Kondo M., International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) 2013, 2013/05, Without Invitation, English
- Model Inter-comparison with GOSAT L4A and Empirical Upscaling Based Estimates of Terrestrial Biospheric Variables, Kondo M., Ichii K., The 5th GOSAT PI meeting, 2013/05, Without Invitation, English
- Sequential optimization of a terrestrial biosphere model constrained by multiple satellite based products: Carbon and water cycle simulations in Asia, Ichii K., Kondo M., Wang W., Hashimoto H., Nemani R.R., American Geophysical Union Fall (AGU) Meeting 2012, 2012/12, Without Invitation, English
- Refinement of a terrestrial biosphere model using multiple satellite-based products, Ichii K., Kondo M., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society and American Geophysical Union (WPGM) Joint Assembly, 2012/08, Without Invitation, English
- Model based sensitivity analysis of terrestrial carbon fluxes in ecosystems of East Asia, Kondo M., Ichii K., Ueyama M., Hirata R., Kim J., Kwon H., Li S.G., Miyata A., Saigusa N., Yu G.R., The 55th International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) Symposium, 2012/06, Without Invitation, English
- Quantifying terrestrial carbon budget in monsoon Asia through multi model and data analysis: from site-level to regional synthesis, The 55th International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) Symposium, 2012/06, Without Invitation, English
- Potential applications of GOSAT based carbon budget products to refine terrestrial ecosystem model, Ichii K., Kondo M., The 4th GOSAT RA PI Meeting, 2012/05, Without Invitation, English
- Lesson learned from CarboEastAsia-MIP, Ichii K., Kondo M., The 3rd Asian Dryland Model Intercomparison Project (ADMIP) Workshop, 2012/05, Without Invitation, English
- Reproducibility of hydrological process by MATSIRO stage 0.5 run in semi-arid grassland, Miyazaki S., Yorozu K., Asanuma J., Kondo M., The 3rd Asian Dryland Model Intercomparison Project (ADMIP) Workshop, 2012/05, Without Invitation, English
- Impact of meteorological anomalies in 2003 and 2010 summer on terrestrial carbon cycle in East Asia: Multi model and data analysis, Ichii K., Kondo M., American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2011, 2011/12, Without Invitation, English
- Potential applications of GOSAT based carbon budget products to refine terrestrial ecosystem model, Kondo M., Ichii K., American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2011, 2011/12, Without Invitation, English
- Lessons learned from CarboEastAsia MIP: current status and potential problems in terrestrial carbon cycle modeling in Asia, Ichii K., Lee Y., Ju Y. W., Wang S., Kondo M., Ito A., Sasai T., Suzuki T., Ueyama M., Kim J., Asanuma J., Han S.-J., Hirano T., Hirata R., Kato T., Kwon H., Li Y.-N., Maeda T., Miyata A., Mizoguchi Y., Matsuura Y., Murayama S., Nakai Y., Ohta T., Saitoh T.M., Saigusa N., Takagi K., Tang, T., Wang H.-M., Zhang Y.-P., Zhao F.-H., The 10th AsiaFlux Workshop, 2011/11, Without Invitation, English
- Model based estimate of global carbon budget with optimization: toward application of gosat products, Kondo M., Ichii K., The 10th Asiaflux workshop, 2011/11, Without Invitation, English
- Explicit application of biometric observation to terrestrial ecosystem model optimization, Kondo M., Ichii K., International Long Term Ecological Research (ILTER) Annual Meeting 2011, 2011/09, Without Invitation, English
- Adoptability of Biome-BGC to the dryland in East Asia, Kondo M., Ichii K., Sekizawa, R., The 2nd Asian Dry Land Model Intercomparison Project (ADMIP) Workshop 2011, 2011/07, Without Invitation, English
- Role of regional flux networks to constrain spatial GPP estimation by empirical upscaling, Ichii K., Kondo M., The 2nd Asian Dry Land Model Intercomparison Project (ADMIP) Workshop 2011, 2011/07, Without Invitation, English
- Model based analysis of Biomass Growth curve using eddy covariance observation and biometric observation, Kondo M., Ichii K., Ueyama M., Hirata R., Mizoguchi Y., Saigusa N., FLUXNET and Remote Sensing Open Workshop 2011, 2011/06, Without Invitation, English
- Potential Use of GOSAT data for terrestrial carbon cycle modeling, Ichii K., Kondo M., The 1st International Workshop on GOSAT data utilization, 2011/03, Without Invitation, English
- Impact of meteorological anomalies in 2003 summer in East and Far East Asia on terrestrical carbon budget: Multi model and data analysis, Takahashi K., Saigusa N., Ichii K., Suzuki T., Kondo M., Ueyama M., Sasai T., Hirata R., CarboEastAsia Workshop: Data-Model Synthesis for Quantifying Carbon Budget in East Asia, 2011/02, Without Invitation, English
- Satellite-based time-series data of terrestrial vegetation status at CarboEastAsia sites, Takahashi K., Watanabe T., Takahashi K., Kondo M., Ichii K., CarboEastAsia Workshop: Data-Model Synthesis for Quantifying Carbon Budget in East Asia, 2011/02, Without Invitation, English
- Quantifying terrestrial carbon budget in monsoon Asia through multimodel and data analysis, Ichii K., Kondo M., Suzuki T., Ito A., Ueyama M., Takahashi J., Takahashi K., Sasai T., Hirata R., Saigusa N., CarboEastAsia Workshop: Data-Model Synthesis for Quantifying Carbon Budget in East Asia, 2011/02, Without Invitation, English
- Assessment of the role of disturbance on carbon flux in East Asia, Kondo M., Ichii K., CarboEastAsia Workshop: Data-Model Synthesis for Quantifying Carbon Budget in East Asia, 2011/02, Without Invitation, English
- Assessment of ecosystem respiration dependence on the soil temperature, Kondo M., Ichii K., American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2010, 2010/12, Without Invitation, English
- Refinement of terrestrial biosphere models by GCOM-C1 SGLI land products, Ichii K., Kondo M., Suzuki T., Takahashi K., Joint PI Workshop of Global Environmental Observation Mission, 2010/12, Without Invitation, English
- A new method of terrestrial ecosystem evaluation with the parallel coordinates plot,, Kondo M., Ichii K, The 9th AsiaFlux Workshop, 2010/12, Without Invitation, English
- Multimodel and data analysis of terrestrial carbon cycles in Asia: first result from Asia-MIP, Ichii K., Kondo M., Takahashi K., Suzuki T., Takahashi J., The 9th AsiaFlux Workshop, 2010/12, Without Invitation, English
- Lessons learned from Japan-MIP, Kondo M., The 1st Asian Dry Land Model Intercomparison Project (ADMIP) Workshop 2010, 2010/07, Without Invitation, English
- Results from the commissioning of the ATLAS pixel detector with cosmic data, Kondo M., American Physics Society Texas Section Meeting, 2009/10, Without Invitation, English
- Onium physics, Izen J.M., Kondo M., BNL Physics Jamboree, 2009/06, Without Invitation, English
- Yb MonteCarlo study, Kondo M., Onia Subgroup Meeting: ATLAS Collaboration, Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), 2009/06, Without Invitation, English
- Update of trigger study with Yc and Yb, Galyaev E., Kondo M., Wong W., Onia Subgroup Meeting: ATLAS Collaboration, Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), 2009/04, Without Invitation, English
- Effect of ATLAS trigger on Yc and Yb, Galyaev E., Kondo M., Wong W., Onia Subgroup Meeting: ATLAS Collaboration, Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), 1220/09, Without Invitation, English
- Effect of ATLAS trigger on Yc and Yb, Lou X., Kondo M., Wong W., Onia Subgroup Meeting: ATLAS Collaboration, Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), 1220/08, Without Invitation, English
Social Activities
History as Committee Members
- iLEAPS — Integrated Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study (iLEAPS) Science Steering Commitee (SSC), 2023/12