Kazuhiro Takimoto
Last Updated :2025/02/12
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
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- Self-introduction
- Name : Kazuhiro TAKIMOTO
Affiliation : Mathematics Program, Division of Advanced Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University (School : Department of Mathematics, School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Research field : Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations (Especially, Fully nonlinear partial differential equations such as Hessian equation and curvature equation)
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2003/04/01, 2007/03/31, Hiroshima University, Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Research Associate
- 2007/04/01, 2008/04/30, Hiroshima University, Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Assistant Professor
- 2008/05/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Associate Professor
- 2020/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
Educational Backgrounds
- The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Japan, 1999/04, 2003/03
- The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Japan, 1997/04, 1999/03
- The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Japan, 1993/04, 1997/03
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. (Mathematical Sciences), The University of Tokyo
- M.A.(Mathematical Sciences), The University of Tokyo
- B.A. (Science), The University of Tokyo
Educational Activity
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Science : Mathematics : Mathematics
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Mathematics Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Mathematics Program
In Charge of Primary Major Programs
Research Fields
- Mathematical and physical sciences;Mathematics;Mathematical analysis
Research Keywords
- Fully nonlinear PDE
- viscosity solutions
Affiliated Academic Societies
- The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2011
- Mathematical Society of Japan, 2002
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Analysis I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Exercises in Analysis I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Mathematical Analysis A
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Study of Mathematics and Informatics for Graduation
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Special Study of Mathematics and Informatics for Graduation
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Mathematical Omnibus
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Seminar on Real Analysis and Functional Equations
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Mathematical Analysis A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Mathematical Analysis B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Topics in Mathematical Analysis C
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Topics in Mathematical Analysis D
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Exercises in Mathematics
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Exercises in Mathematics A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Exercises in Mathematics B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Seminar in Mathematics
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Seminar in Mathematics
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Isolated singularities for some types of curvature equations, Viscosity Solutions of Differential Equations and Related Topics, RIMS Kokyuroku, 1323, 105-123, 20030501
- Isolated singularities for some types of curvature equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 197(2), 275-292, 20040301
- Removable singularities for solutions to k-curvature equations, Variational Problems and Related Topics, RIMS Kokyuroku, 1405, 117-130, 20041101
- Singular sets for curvature equations of order k, Viscosity Solution Theory of Differential Equations and its Developments, 1428, 91-105, 20050401
- Boundary blowup solutions to curvature equations, Proceedings of the 30th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, Hokkaido University Technical Report Series in Mathematics, 96, 18-25, 20050701
- Singular sets for curvature equation of order k, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 309(1), 227-237, 20050901
- Solutions with boundary blowup for k-curvature equation, Mechanism of temporal and spatial patterns in reation-diffusion systems, RIMS Kokyuroku, 1498, 99-112, 20060601
- Solution to the boundary blowup problem for k-curvature equation, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 26(3), 357-377, 20060701
- On the removability of a level set for solutions to fully nonlinear equations, Viscosity Solution Theory of Differential Equations and its Developments, 1545, 13-31, 20070401
- Rado type removability result for fully nonlinear equations, Differential and Integral Equations, 20(8), 939-960, 20070801
- Generalized solutions of curvature equations, Nonlinear Analysis - Theory, Methods & Applications, 67(4), 1275-1287, 20070815
- Rado type removability result for fully nonlinear PDEs, Proceedings of International Conference for the 25th Anniversary of Viscosity Solutions, 30, 231-241, 20080801
- A quasilinear parabolic perturbation of the linear heat equation, Journal of Differential Equations, 252(1), 323-343, 20120101
- A weighted quasilinear equation related to the mean curvature operator, Nonlinear Analysis - Theory, Methods & Applications, 75(15), 5905-5923, 20121001
- Uniqueness of boundary blowup solutions to k-curvature equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 399(2), 496-504, 20130315
- A Bernstein type theorem for parabolic k-Hessian equations, Nonlinear Analysis - Theory, Methods & Applications, 117, 211-220, 20150415
- Entire solutions to generalized parabolic k-Hessian equations, Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 176, 173-190, 20160801
- Kral type removability results for k-Hessian equation and k-curvature equation, Differential and Integral Equations, 32(3-4), 211-222, 20190301
- Precise blowup rate near the boundary of boundary blowup solutions to k-Hessian equation, SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications, 2(1), 1-10, 20210201
- Bernstein type theorem for the generalized parabolic 2-Hessian equation under weaker conditions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 495(1), 1-14, 20210301
- Second order boundary estimate of boundary blowup solutions to k-Hessian equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 500(2), 1-12, 20210815
- Exact principal blowup rate near the boundary of boundary blowup solutions to k-curvature equation, Manuscripta Mathematica, 168(3-4), 351-369, 20220701
- The exterior Dirichlet problem for the generalized parabolic k-Hessian equations, Geometric Aspects on Partial Differential Equations, RIMS Kokyuroku, 2251, 29-42, 20230501
- Higher order estimate near the boundary of a large solution to semilinear Poisson equation with double-power like nonlinearity, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 527(1), 1-13, 20231101
- Asymptotic behavior near the boundary of a large solution to semilinear Poisson equation with double-power nonlinearity, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 44(6), 2083-2098, 20241101
- The fourth term of the asymptotic behavior near the boundary of a large solution to semilinear Poisson equation with double-power nonlinearity, Analysis, 2025
Publications such as books
- 2014/11/01, Mathematical Analysis of Pattern Formation Arising in Nonlinear Phenomena, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Cocompilation
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- The dynamics of a quasilinear equation related to the mean curvature operator, Kazuhiro Takimoto, PDE Seminar, 2012/07, With Invitation, Japanese, Hokkaido University
- The dynamics of a parabolic quasilinear equation associated to the mean curvature operator, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Nonlinear PDE Workshop at Tohoku University, 2012/09, With Invitation, Japanese, Tohoku University
- A quasilinear parabolic perturbation of the linear heat equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Colloquium in Ehime University, 2012/10, With Invitation, English, Ehime University
- The existence and uniqueness of boundary blowup solutions to $k$-curvature equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Seminar in Tokyo University of Science, 2013/01, With Invitation, Japanese, Tokyo University of Science
- A quasilinear parabolic perturbation of the linear heat equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Applied Analysis Seminar, 2013/01, With Invitation, Japanese, Kumamoto University
- The dynamics of a parabolic quasilinear boundary value problem associated to the mean curvature operator, Kazuhiro Takimoto, 3rd Italian-Japanese Workshop on Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's, 2013/09/05, With Invitation, English, Tokyo Instuitute of Technology
- On the dynamics of a quasilinear parabolic problem related to the mean curvature operator, Kazuhiro Takimoto, San-Daigaku Henbibun Houteishiki Seminar, 2013/11/27, With Invitation, Japanese, Nihon University
- Bernstein type theorem for some fully nonlinear PDEs, Kazuhiro Takimoto, 10th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, 2014/07/07, With Invitation, English, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Entire solution to the parabolic $k$-Hessian equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Gifu Mathematical Science Seminar, 2014/10/24, With Invitation, Japanese, Gifu University
- Bernstein type theorem for some parabolic Hessian equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Nonlinear PDE Workshop at Tohoku University, 2014/11/15, With Invitation, English, Tohoku University
- Entire solution to the parabolic $k$-Hessian equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Minami-Osaka Applied Analysis Seminar, 2015/01/31, With Invitation, Japanese, Osaka City University
- Bernstein type theorem for the parabolic $k$-Hessian equation, Saori Nakamori, Kazuhiro Takimoto, MSJ Spring Meeting 2015, 2015/03/22, Without Invitation, Japanese, Meiji University
- Entire solution to the generalized parabolic $k$-Hessian equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's,4th Italian-Japanese Workshop, 2015/05/27, With Invitation, English, Grand Hotel San Pietro,Palinuro
- Entire solutions to some types of parabolic Hessian equations, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 2015/09/15, With Invitation, Japanese, Kyoto Sangyo University
- Bernstein type theorem for the generalized parabolic $k$-Hessian equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Kyoto University NLPDE Seminar, 2015/10/23, With Invitation, Japanese, Kyoto University
- Entire solutions to the generalized parabolic $k$-Hessian equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Applied Analysis Seminar, 2015/11/07, With Invitation, Japanese, Kumamoto University
- On a Bernstein type theorem for some types of parabolic Hessian equations, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Asymptotic Problems for Partial Differential Equations and Viscosity Solutions, 2015/12/04, With Invitation, English, RIMS, Kyoto University
- Bernstein type theorem for some types of parabolic Hessian equations, Kazuhiro Takimoto, The 33rd Kyushu Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, 2016/01/27, With Invitation, English, Kyushu University Nishijin Plaza
- Bernstein type theorems for parabolic $k$-Hessian equations, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Maximum principles in partial differential equations and related topics, 2016/03/04, With Invitation, Japanese, Hokkaido University
- Entire solutions to generalized parabolic $k$-Hessian equations, Kazuhiro Takimoto, 11th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, 2016/07/03, With Invitation, English, Hyatt Regency Orlando
- Some removability results for two classes of fully nonlinear PDEs, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Qualitative Theory on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, 2017/09/19, With Invitation, English, Okayama University
- On a Bernstein type theorem for some types of parabolic Hessian equations, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Capital Normal University-Hiroshima University Joint conference on Mathematics, 2017/09/22, With Invitation, English, Capital Normal University
- Some removability results for $k$-Hessian equation and $k$-curvature equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, 12th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, 2018/07/05, With Invitation, English, National Taiwan University
- Some removability results for k-Hessian equation and k-curvature equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, 12th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, 2018/07/05, With Invitation, English, National Taiwan University
- Kral type removability theorems for k-Hessian equation and k-curvature equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, 4th Swiss-Japanese PDE Seminar, 2019/09/04, With Invitation, English, I-site Namba, Osaka Prefecture University
- Some removability results for $k$-Hessian equation and $k$-curvature equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, The 17th Hamamatsu Conference on Partial Differential Equations, 2019/12/14, With Invitation, Japanese, Shizuoka University
- Bernstein type theorem for the parabolic 2-Hessian equation under weaker conditions, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 2020/09/22, Without Invitation, Japanese, Mathematical Society of Japan, Kumamoto University
- The exterior Dirichlet problem for the generalized parabolic $k$-Hessian equations, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 2021/03/16, Without Invitation, Japanese, Mathematical Society of Japan, Keio University
- Exact blowup rate near the boundary of boundary blowup solutions to k-Hessian equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 2021/09/14, Without Invitation, Japanese, Mathematical Society of Japan, Chiba University
- Asymptotic behavior near the boundary of boundary blowup solutions to $k$-Hessian equation and $k$-curvature equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations and its Applications, 2021/11/10, With Invitation, Japanese, online
- Bernstein type theorem for the generalized parabolic 2-Hessian equation under weaker assumptions, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Kyushu Functional Equation Seminar, 2021/11/19, With Invitation, Japanese, online
- On a Bernstein type theorem for the parabolic 2-Hessian equation under weaker assumptions, Kazuhiro Takimoto, The 5th Workshop on the Behavior of Solutions to Reaction-Diffusion Equation and Nonlinear Dispersive Equation, 2022/02/17, With Invitation, Japanese, online
- Bernstein type theorem for the parabolic 2-Hessian equation under weaker assumptions, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Tuesday Seminar of Analysis, 2022/11/29, With Invitation, Japanese, University of Tokyo
- The exterior Dirichlet problem for the generalized parabolic k-Hessian equations, Kazuhiro Takimoto, Geometric Aspects on Partial Differential Equations, 2022/12/05, With Invitation, Japanese, RIMS, Kyoto University
- Blowup rate near the boundary of boundary blowup solutions to $k$-Hessian equation and $k$-curvature equation, Kazuhiro Takimoto, 13th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, 2023/06/01, With Invitation, English, University of North Carolina Wilmington
- Higher order estimate near the boundary of a large solution to semilinear Poisson equation with double-power like nonlinearity, Kazuhiro Takimoto and Yuxao Zhang, Meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 2023/09/20, Without Invitation, Japanese, Mathematical Society of Japan, Tohoku University
- On the exterior Dirichlet problem for the generalized parabolic k-Hessian equations, Kazuhiro Takimoto, 2024 Japan-Korea Workshop on Nonlinear PDEs and Its Applications, 2024/01/16, With Invitation, English, Hiroshima University
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- KAKENHI, Solvability of Boundary Value Problems and Analysis on the Behavior of Solutions of Fully Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations, 2004/04/01, 2007/03/31
- KAKENHI, Analysis on Fully Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations and its Applications, 2010/04/01, 2013/03/31
- Hiroshima University Fujii Research Fund, Analysis on the Solvability of Boundary Value Problem and the Behavior of Solutions to Fully Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, 2010/11/01, 2012/10/31
- KAKENHI, Analysis on Behavior and Singularities of Solutions to Fully Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations, 2013/04/01, 2017/03/31
- KAKENHI, Research on the Quantitative Properties and the Singularities for Solutions to k-Hessian equations and k-curvature equations, 2022/04/01, 2026/03/31
Social Activities
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- HMA Special Seminar, 2007 Winter, Organizer, 2007/01, 2007/01
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2007/10, 2007/10
- Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Organizer, 2007/11, 2007/11
- International Workshop on Global Behaviors of Differential Equations -- Singularity and Transformation Theory --, Organizer, 2008/09, 2008/09
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2008/10, 2008/10
- HMA Special Seminar, 2010 Winter, Organizer, 2010/01, 2010/01
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2010/10, 2010/10
- HMA Special Seminar, 2011 Winter, Organizer, 2011/01, 2011/01
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2011/10, 2011/10
- Mathematical Approaches for Ecosystem Research, Organizer, 2012/02, 2012/02
- Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Their Applications, Organizer, 2012/09, 2012/09
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2012/10, 2012/10
- HMA Special Seminar, 2013 Winter, Organizer, 2013/01, 2013/01
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2013/10, 2013/10
- Mathematical Analysis of Pattern Formation Arising in Nonlinear Phenomena, Organizer, 2013/10, 2013/11
- HMA Special Seminar, 2014 Winter, Organizer, 2014/01, 2014/01
- MSJ Autumn Meeting 2014, Organizer, 2014/09, 2014/09
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2014/10, 2014/10
- International Conference on Recent Advances in Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, Organizer, 2014/12, 2014/12
- HMA Special Seminar, 2015 Winter, Organizer, 2015/01, 2015/01
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2015/10, 2015/10
- HMA Special Seminar, 2016 Winter, Organizer, 2016/01, 2016/01
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2016/10, 2016/10
- HMA Special Seminar, 2017 Winter, Organizer, 2017/01, 2017/01
- Qualitative Theory on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Organizer, 2017/09, 2017/09
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2017/10, 2017/10
- HMA Special Seminar, 2018 Winter, Organizer, 2018/01, 2018/01
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2018/10, 2018/10
- HMA Special Seminar, 2019 Winter, Organizer, 2019/01, 2019/01
- HMA Special Seminar, 2020 Winter, Organizer, 2020/01, 2020/01
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2021/10, 2021/10
- HMA Special Seminar, 2022 Winter, Organizer, 2022/01, 2022/01
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2022/10, 2022/10
- HMA Special Seminar, 2023 Winter, Organizer, 2023/01, 2023/01
- Analysis of the Asymptotic Behavior on Differential Equations and its Related Topics, Organizer, 2023/03, 2023/03
- Takamatsu Workshop on Partial Differential Equations, Organizer, 2023/03, 2023/03
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2023/10, 2023/10
- HMA Special Seminar, 2024 Winter, Organizer, 2024/01, 2024/01
- Takamatsu Workshop on Differential Equations and Related Topics, Organizer, 2024/03, 2024/03
- Workshop on Differential Equations in Hiroshima, Organizer, 2024/10, 2024/10