Last Updated :2025/03/14

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor (Special Appointment)
Web Site
Experimental studies on the strongly correlated electron systems and new multiferroics in multiple extreme conditions (low temperature, high magnetic field and high pressure). Recently, we focus on exotic properties influenced by a large-amplitude atomic oscillation.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 1982/04/01, Researcher
  • 1987/04/01, 1988/03/31, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Special Postdoctoral Researcher
  • 1988/04/01, 1995/06/30, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Science, Research Associate
  • 1991/12/01, 1992/09/30, Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU), Researcher
  • 1995/01/01, 1997/01/31, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Science, Lecturer
  • 1997/02/01, 1998/04/08, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Science, Assistant Professor
  • 1998/04/09, 2002/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Assistant Professor
  • 2002/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Professor
  • 2011/04/01, 2013/03/31, Hiroshima University, Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development, Vice Head of the Center
  • 2015/04/01, 2023/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Vice-Dean, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter
  • 2020/04/01, 2023/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
  • 2020/04/01, 2023/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering (AdSE), (concurrently, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter (AdSM)), Vice-Dean of AdSE and AdSM
  • 2023/04/01, Hiroshima University, Emeritus Professor
  • 2023/04/01, 2025/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
  • 2023/04/21, Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan, advisory board

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Science, TOHOKU UNIVERSITY
  • Master of Science, TOHOKU UNIVERSITY

Research Fields

  • Mathematical and physical sciences;Physics;Condensed matter physics II

Research Keywords

  • Low temperature physics
  • Condensed matter physics in multinary extream conditions
  • strongly correlated electron systems
  • Rattling motion of guest atoms
  • Physics of multipoles
  • Multiferroics
  • Exotic superconductivity
  • Physics of chiral materials
  • Ultrasonic spectroscopy
  • Themodynamic properties

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Advanced Physics
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Study for Graduation A
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Special Study for Graduation B
  4. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Academic Presentation in Basic Sciences of Matter
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter A
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter A
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter B
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter B
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Advanced Study in Quantum Matter
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Advanced Study in Quantum Matter

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Successive quadrupolar ordering with different order parameters facilitated by magnetic octupoles in the chiral magnet DyNi3Al9, Physical Review B, 111(8), 085132(8), 20250218
  2. Ferroquadrupolar lattice instability in an antiferromagnetically ordered state in single-crystalline DyCuGe, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 109(19), 20240501
  3. Local-symmetry-sensitive elastic softening in the Kramers doublet system Y1−xNdxCo2Zn20, Phys. Rev. B, 108, 205127-1-205127-7, 20231113
  4. Ultrasonic Investigation of the Magnetic Ordering in Er3Ru4Al12 with a Distorted Kagome Lattice, JPS Conf. Proc., 38, 011106(5), 20230524
  5. Elastic Softening due to the Quadrupole Interaction between the Singlets in the Crystal Field of HoNiAl, JPS Conf. Proc., 38, 011105(5), 20230524
  6. Unique Itinerant Ferromagnetism in 4d-electron System Ca2RuO4, JPS Conf. Proc., 38, 011128(6), 20230524
  7. Magnetic field induced reentrant multipolar ordering in the distorted kagome-lattice antiferromagnet Dy3Ru4Al12, Phys. Rev. B, 107(20), 205136(8), 20230518
  8. Magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of Er3Al2, PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 6(8), 84409, 20220816
  9. Ferroelastic-like transition and solvents affect the magnetism of a copper-organic radical one-dimensional coordination polymer, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 51(17), 6682-6686, 20220503
  10. Ferroquadrupolar ordering in a magnetically ordered state in ErNiAl, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 105(16), 165147-1-165147-6, 20220426
  11. Magnetic transition due to the inter-singlet spin-exchange interaction and elastic softening by the interplay of electric quadrupoles in the distorted kagome lattice antiferromagnet Tb3Ru4Al12, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101(16), 20200415
  12. Quadrupolar response from the crystal electric field level scheme consisting of only Kramers doublets in DyNiAl, JPS Conf. Proc., 30, 011165(1)-011165(5), 20200319
  13. Crystal electric field response in elastic modulus without rattling effect in the cage compound NdCo2Zn20, JPS Conf. Proc., 30, 011162(1)-011162(5), 20200319
  14. Low frequency dependent elastic modulus in UCo1-xOsxAl, JPS Conf. Proc., 30, 011173(1)-011173(6), 20200319
  15. The Crystal Electric Field Effect in the Distorted Kagome Lattice Ferromagnet Nd3Ru4Al12, JPS Conf. Proc., 30, 011161(1)-011161(5), 20200319
  16. Ultrasonic Dispersion in the Hexagonal Ferromagnet Nd3Ru4Al12, JPS Conf. Proc., 30, 011091(1)-011091(6), 20200319
  17. Crystal-field effects in Er3Ru4Al12 with a distorted kagome lattice, Phys. Rev. B, 101, 094415(1)-094415(6), 20200313
  18. Crystal-field effects in Er3Ru4Al12 with a distorted kagome lattice, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101(9), 20200313
  19. Acoustic signatures of the phase transitions in the antiferromagnet U2Rh2Sn, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101(1), 014408(1)-014408(6), 20200108
  20. Anisotropic phase diagram of ferroquadrupolar ordering in the trigonal chiral compound DyNi3Ga9, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 99(7), 075156(1)-075156(8), 20190226
  21. Magnetization beyond the Ising limit of Ho2Ti2O7, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 99(8), 085132(1)-085132(6), 20190220
  22. Magnetic phase diagram and crystal-field effects in the kagome-lattice antiferromagnet U3Ru4Al12, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 99(5), 054413(1)-054413(9), 20190215
  23. Magnetic-field-induced quadrupolar ordering and the crystal electric field effect in the distorted kagome lattice antiferromagnet Dy3Ru4Al12, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 97(23), 235130(1)-235130(7), 20180618
  24. Crystal-field effects in the kagome antiferromagnet Ho3Ru4Al12, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 97(18), 184412 (8), 20180508
  25. Elastic moduli of the distorted Kagome-lattice ferromagnet Nd3Ru4Al12, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 536, 18-20, 20180501
  26. Ferroquadrupolar Ordering due to the Quasi-degenerate Quartet in the Trigonal Chiral Structure of DyNi3Ga9, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 87(1), 20180115
  27. Elastic softening due to the quadrupole interaction and anomalous magnetic phase diagram under the magnetic field in HoRu2Al10, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 96(15), 20171023
  28. Coupling of Magnetic and Elastic Domains in the Organic-Inorganic Layered Perovskite-Like (C6H5C2H4NH3)(2)(FeCl4)-Cl-II Crystal, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 56(32), 9367-9370, 20170801
  29. Elastic Softening in HoFe2Al10 due to the Quadrupole Interaction under an Orthorhombic Crystal Electric Field, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 85(7), 20160715
  30. Effect of self-grown seed layer on thermoelectric properties of ZnO thin films, THIN SOLID FILMS, 605, 289-294, 20160430
  31. Exotic Ground State and Elastic Softening under Pulsed Magnetic Fields in PrTr2Zn20 (Tr = Rh, Ir), JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 85(4), 043601-1-043601-4, 20160415
  32. The Crystal Electric Field Effect on 4f-Hole and Magnetic Phase Diagram in Heavy-Fermion Compound YbPtGe Determined from Ultrasonic Measurements, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 84(12), 124602-1-124602-6, 20151215
  33. Elastic anomalies of YbIrGe in magnetic fields, Journal of Physics, 592, 12018, 20140401
  34. Electric-field-induced metal maintained by current of the Mott insulator Ca2RuO4, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 3, 02536(1)-02536(6), 20130829
  35. Antiferroquadrupolar ordering and magnetic-field-induced phase transition in the cage compound PrRh2Zn20, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 87(20), 20130507
  36. Antiferrodistortive phase transition in pseudorhombohedral (Pb0.94Sr0.06)( Zr0.550Ti0.450)O-3: A combined synchrotron x-ray and neutron powder diffraction study, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86(17), 20121130
  37. The anharmonic vibration of Li in lithium amide, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100(15), 20120409
  38. Elastic anomalies at successive phase transitions in NdRu 2Al10, Journal of Physics, 391, 12069, 20120401
  39. Lattice instability and elastic dispersion due to the rattling motion in the type-I clathrate Ba8Ga16Sn30, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85(8), 20120207
  40. Interplay between crystal electric field and magnetic exchange anisotropies in the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet YbRhSb under pressure, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85(2), 20120112
  41. Ground state of (Pb0.94Sr0.06)(Zr0.530Ti0.470)O-3 in the morphotropic phase boundary region: Evidence for a monoclinic C c space group, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 84(14), 20111024
  42. Elastic properties of cage compound CeOs2Al10, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 80 SA, SA045(1-3), 20110701
  43. Elastic anomalies of TbB4 in pulsed high magnetic fields, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 80, SA084(3), 20110701
  44. Emergence of elastic softening in Sr8Ga16Si30-xGex with increasing Ge concentration, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 80, SA084(3), 20110701
  45. Elastic modulus of cage compound PrRu2Zn20, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 273, 012136(1-4), 20110201
  46. Pressure induced novel-phenomena in Mott insulator Ca2RuO4, Physica C, 470, S740-S741., 20101201
  47. Elastic Hardening at Novel Phase Transition in Cage Compound CeRu2Al10, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 79, 053602(1-4), 20100501
  48. Anisotropic Giant Magnetoresistance near the Mott Transition in Pressurized Ca2RuO4, Physical Review B, 80(19), 193103, 20091101
  49. Ultrasonic Dispersion in All Elastic Moduli and Softening at Low Temperatures in Filled Skutterudite LaFe4Sb12, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 78, 084601(5), 20090801
  50. Ultrasonic Dispersion in the Filled Skutterudite CeFe4Sb12, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 150, 042071(4), 20090401
  51. Large Softening of Longitudinal Elastic Modulus in TbB4, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 150, 042194(1-4), 20090301
  52. Pressure-induced ferromagnetic order in the weak ferromagnet YbRhSb, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 150(-), 042223(1-4), 20090201
  53. Temperature dependence of elastic modulus on PrFe4Sb 12 single crystal, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 77, 303-305, 20080401
  54. Specific heat of CeMg2(Cu1-xNix)(9) with two-dimensional Ce atoms alignment, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 403(5-9), 815-817, 20080401
  55. Elastic modulus of LaFe4Sb12, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 403(5-9), 887-889, 20080401
  56. Study on cross-over change from metal to insulator in the electronic states of copper-spinel compounds under high pressure, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 76, 13-14, 20070401
  57. Development of a piston-cylinder pressure cell using nonmagnetic and high-yield strength alloys for a SQUID magnetmeter, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 76(SUPPL.A), 219-220, 20070101
  58. Dynamical properties of guest ions in the type-I clathrate compounds X8Ga16Ge30 (X=Eu, Sr, Ba)investigated by Raman scattering, Phys. Rev. B, 74, 174303 (1-5), 20061101
  59. Specific heat of CuCrZrS4, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 383(1), 22-23, 20060815
  60. Elastic properties of Sr8Ga16Ge30, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 383(1), 130-131, 20060815
  61. Elastic anomaly around a ferromagnetic transition in Y1-xCaxTiO3 (x=0-0.2), Physica B, 383, 43-44, 20060801
  62. Elastic softening mode change in Y1-xCaxTiO3 by Ca-doping, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 378-80, 332-333, 20060501
  63. Magnetization of spinel compound CuRh2S4 under pressure, AIP Conference Proceedings, 850, 627-628, 20060401
  64. Elastic softening due to crystal electric field effect in TmB12, AIP Conference Proceedings, 850, 1289-1290, 20060401
  65. Elastic, thermal, magnetic and transport properties of Kondo compounds CeRhIn and CeRhSn, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 75, 024709 (1-5), 20060201
  66. Evidence for suppressed screening on the surface of high temperature La2-xSrxCuO4 and Nd2-xCexCuO4 superconductors, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 95(17), 177002-1-177002-4, 20051021
  67. Transport properties of the spinel superconductor CuRh2S4 under pressure, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 97(10), 20050515
  68. Transport properties of chalcogenide spinel compound CuRh2Se4 under pressure, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 359, 1198-1200, 20050430
  69. Elastic properties of clathrate compound Ba8Ga16Sn30, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 359, 1210-1212, 20050430
  70. Elastic properties of valence fluctuating CeRhIn, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 359, 136-138, 20050430
  71. Strong diamagnetic response and specific heat anomaly above T-c in underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 404(1-4), 380-384, 20040501
  72. Spontaneous strain due to ferroquadrupolar ordering in UCu2Sn, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 68(14), 20031001
  73. Pressure-induced superconductor-insulator transition in the spinel compound CuRh2S4, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 91(7), 077001(1)-077001(4), 20030815
  74. Strong diamagnetic response and specific heat anomaly above T-c in underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 67(18), 20030501
  75. Successive phase transitions and energy-gap formation in CeRhAs, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 66(4), 20020715
  76. Evidence for a ferromagnetic transition in Yb1-xLaxB6 (0 <= x <= 0.006), PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 65(22), 20020601
  77. Novel physical properties in CeMg_2_T_9_ (T = Ni, Cu) with two-dimensional alignment of Ce atoms, Physica B, 312-313, 235-236, 20020401
  78. Elastic and specific heat critical properties of La1.85Sr0.15CuO4, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 369(1-4), 273-277, 20020315
  79. Pressure-induced magnetic instability in Ce2Rh3Ge5, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 64(14), 20011001
  80. Magnetic field induced irreversibility in UNiAl, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 89(11), 7639-7641, 20010601
  81. Elastic anomaly of UCu2Sn in the magnetic fields, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226, 983-984, 20010401
  82. Magnetic and transport properties or the pseudobinary systems Ce(Fe1-xCox)(2) and (Ce1-ySc)Fe-2, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 63(5), 20010201
  83. Quadrupolar ordering of 5f electrons in UCu2Sn, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 62(1), 49-52, 20000701
  84. Substitution effect on the unstable ferromagnet CeFe2, Physica B, 281&282, 92-93, 20000401
  85. A study of the first-order valence transition in Ce(Ni1-xCox)Sn single crystals by magnetic susceptibility measurements, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 11(2), 543-554, 19990401
  86. Kondo-semiconductor to Kondo-impurity transition in the heat capacity of Yb1-xLuxB12, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 259-261, 312-314, 19990401
  87. Antiferromagnetic kondo-lattice systems (formula presented) and (formula presented) with moderate heavy-fermion behavior, Physical Review B, 60(14), 10383-10387, 19990401
  88. Structural Transitions and Localization in La2-x-yNdySrxCuO4 with p~1/8, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 68, 2755, 19990401
  89. Anomalous behavior of physical properties in RMg2Ni9 (R=Ce dnd Pr) with a two-dimenjional rare earth arrangement, Physica B, 259-261, 894-895, 19990401
  90. Phase Daigram of UNiSn in Magnetic Field and under Hydrostatic Pressure, Physica B, 259-261, 248-249, 19990401
  91. Specific Heat of YbPtSn, Physica B, 259-261, 146-147, 19990401
  92. Strongly Correlated Low Carrier Metal CeNiSn, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics= Series 1 Superconducting Materials, 11, 82-84, 19990401
  93. ★, Metallic Ground State of CeNiSn, Physical Review B, 59, 2599-2603, 19990401
  94. Ce- and Yb-based Kondo semiconductors, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 177-181, 277-282, 19980401
  95. Physical Properties of New Compounds RMg2Ni9 (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd and Gd) with a Two Dimensional Rare Earth Arrangement, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 67, 2201-2204, 19980401
  96. Large Magnetostriction and Complex Phase Transition in UNiSn, Physica B, 246-247, 445-447, 19980401
  97. Quadrupolar and Magnetic Phase Diagram of UNiSn, Journal of Physical Society of japan, 67, 3256-3260, 19980401
  98. Anomalous Field Dependence of Specific Heat of CeNiSn below 1K, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 177-81, 395-396, 19980401
  99. Acoustic de Haas van Alphen Effect of CeRu2, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 177-81, 415-416, 19980401
  100. Giant Magnetoresistance in Ce2Fe17, Physical Review B, 56, 13716-13719, 19970401
  101. Electrical and Structural Instabilities of Single-crystalline La2-x-yNdySrxCuO4 near 1/8 Doping, Physica C, 282-287, 1083-1084, 19970401
  102. Effect of High Magnetic Field on Gap Formation in CeNiSn, Physica B, 230-232, 670-672, 19970401
  103. Giant Lattice Softening in the Normal Conducting State of CeRu2, Physica B, 230-232, 176-178, 19970401
  104. Localization effects in Kondo semimetals CeNiSn and CeRhSb, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 223-224, 413-420, 19960401
  105. Double magnetic transitions in UPt2In, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 223-224, 228-230, 19960401
  106. The Origin of Magnetic Field Dependence of Specific Heat in Single-Crystalline CeNiSn, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 65(10), 3119, 19960401
  107. Elastic Softening in Single?Crystalline La2?xSrxCuO4 around x=1/8, Physica B, 219&220, 216-218, 19960401
  108. Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction of Single?Crystalline CeRu2, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 46, 2149-2150, 19960401
  109. Anomalous Superconducting Mixed State in Single?Crystalline CeRu2, Physica B, 223&224, 172-174, 19960401
  110. Magnetic and Structural Instabilities in U1-xThxNiSn, Physica B, 223&224, 218-221, 19960401
  111. Pseudogap due to Coherence Kondo Effect in CeNiSn and CeRhSb, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 65, 2614-2623, 19960401
  112. Anomalous Magnetic Transition in UNiSn, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 65, 3661-3665, 19960401
  113. Different Electronic Ground States in the Hexagonal and Cubic Phases of UAu2Sn, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 65, 3259-3264, 19960401
  114. ★, Huge Lattice Softening in CeRu2 without Structural Transition, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 65, 2753-2756, 19960401
  115. Polymorphism and heavy-fermion behavior in UAu2Sn, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 140-144, 1363-1364, 19950401
  116. Effect of impurity phases on the anisotropic transport properties of CeNiSn, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 206-207, 840-843, 19950401
  117. Magnetoelastic effect in dense kondo compound CePtSn, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 140-144, 1215, 19950401
  118. Acoustic de Haas-van Alphen Effect of LaB6, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 64(9), 3315-3327, 19950401
  119. Thermal and Elastic Properties of Superconducting CeRu2, Physica B, 206 & 207, 193-195, 19950401
  120. ★, Unconventional Lattice Stiffening in Superconducting La2-xSrxCuO4 Single Crystals, Phys. Rev. B, 52, 570-580, 19950401
  121. Interplay between Kondo and RKKY Interaction in UCu3+xGa2-x, Physica B, 194?196, 465-466, 19940401
  122. Magnetoresistance and Magnetic Behavior of UNiAl, Physica B, 194?196, 247-248, 19940401
  123. Structural Instabilities and Superconductity in La?214 Com-pounds, J. Superconductivity, 7, 39-43, 19940401
  124. Effects of Superconductivity on Elastic Constants of La2?xSrxCuO4, Physica B, 194?196, 2167-2168, 19940401
  125. New Superconductor LaRhSb, Physica B, 194?196, 2071-2072, 19940401
  126. The Depen-dence of the Magnetoacoustic Proper-ties of La2?xSrxCuO4 on Doping, Physica B, 194?196, 1863-1864, 19940401
  127. Specific Heat Measurements across the Metal?Insulator Transi-tion in Bi2Sr2(CazRE1-z)Cu2O8 with RE=Y, Pr, Nd and Gd, Physica B, 194?196, 467-468, 19940401
  128. Specific Heat Study on the Energy Gap State in CeRhSb and CeNiSn, Physica B, 199&200, 473-474, 19940401
  129. Unconventional Enhancement of Elastic Constants in Superconducting La2-xSrxCuO4, Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications, 235-240, 1249-1250, 19940401
  130. Lattice Instability in the Normal State of La2-xSrxCuO4, J. Superconductivity, 7, 419-421, 19940401
  131. Anomalous Magnetic Transition and Lattice Deformation in UNiSn, Physica B, 199&200, 483-485, 19940401
  132. Specific Heat and Magnetocaloric Effect in UNiGa, Physica B, 186?188, 775-777, 19930401
  133. Energy Gap Suppression by alloying in CeNi1-xPtxSn, Physica B, 186?188, 406-408, 19930401
  134. Pinning in High Field Superconductors: A Comparison Using Magnetoacoustic Experiments, 471-474, 19930401
  135. Specific Heat and Magnetic Susceptibility of (U1-xThx)NiSn, Phys. Rev. B, 47, 15060-15067, 19930401
  136. Interplay between Lattice Softening and High-TC Superconductivity in La1.86Sr0.14CuO4, Phys. Rev. Lett., 70, 3447-3450, 19930401
  137. Transition from Antiferromagnetic Kondo Metal to Mixed Valence Semiconductor in Ce(Pt1-xNix)Sn, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 104?107, 1415-1417, 19920401
  138. Superconductivity in La2CuO4 under Pressure : Two Step Superconducting Transition and Decrease in Tc with Pressure, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 104?107, 515-516, 19920401
  139. Ultrasonic Study on Anisotropic Elastic Properties of Oxide Superconductors, J. Advanced Science, 4, 131-134, 19920401
  140. Instabilities at 1/8 Doping in La2-xBaxCuO4 and Related Compounds, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Series 7. Mechanism of Superconductivity, 7, 91-98, 19920401
  141. Elastic Anomalies in the Quantum Paraelectric Regime of SrTiO3, Europhysics Letters, 19(5), 397-402, 19920401
  142. Unusual Low?Temperature Properties of Ce Compounds, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 108, 35-39, 19920401
  143. Anisotropy in Elastic Properties of HTSC seen by Ultrasonics, 106, 333-338, 19920401
  144. Superconductivity in Th3Ni3Sn4, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 61, 680-687, 19920401
  145. Elastic Properties of Single-Crystalline La2-xSrxCuO4, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Series 7. Mechanism of Superconductivity, 7, 219-221, 19920401
  146. Elastic Anomalies of a Valence Fluctuating CeNiSn, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 104?107, 1293-1294, 19920401
  147. Structural, Normal?State and Superconducting Properties of (La1?xBax-ySry)2CuO4, Physica C, 173, 322-330, 19910401
  148. Elastic Anomaly of La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 Single Crystal at the Structural Phase Transition, 60, 213-216, 19910401
  149. Anisotropic coupling between high-Tc superconductivity and lattice in single-crystalline La1.86Sr0.14CuO4, Physica C, 185?189, 1397-1398, 19910401
  150. Two-step superconducting transition and anomalous pressure dependence of Tc in La2CuO4, Physica C, 179, 358-360, 19910401
  151. The Evidence for In-Plane Elastic Instability at Tc in Single-Crystalline La1.86Sr0.14CuO4, 232, 19910401
  152. Elastic Properties of Heauy-Electron Compound CePdIn, Physica B, 165-166, 19900401
  153. Anisotropic hybridization in a heavy-fermion compound UPdIn with double magnetic transitions, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 90-91, 507-509, 19900401
  154. Magnetic, Transport and Specific Heat Measurements on CeTX (T=Pd and Pt, X=Ga, Ge and Sn), J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 90&91, 422-424, 19900401
  155. Specific Heat of (U1-xThx)NiSn, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 90&91, 496-498, 19900401
  156. Anomalous Change in Crystalline Structure of (La1?xBax)2CuO4-*, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 58(6), 1883-1886, 19890601
  157. Low Temperature Crystalline Structure of (La1?xBax)2CuO4?*, Physica C, 162?164, 983-984, 19890401
  158. Structural Phase Transition in (La1?xBax)2CuO4?*, Physica C, 159, 111-116, 19890401
  160. Elastic Properties of Kondo Lattice Compound CeCu6, 63 and 64, 309-311, 19870401
  161. Elastic properties of CeCu6 at low temperatures, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 26, 525-526, 19870401
  162. ACOUSTIC DEHAAS-VANALPHEN EFFECT OF CEB6 AND LAB6, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 26, 511-512, 19870401
  163. ACOUSTIC DEHAAS-VAN ALPHEN EFFECT OF CESN3, 63 and 64, 563-566, 19870401
  164. Elastic Properties of Dense Kondo Compounds: CeB6, Ce0.5La0.5B6 and CeSb, 52, 253-256, 19850401
  165. On the Structural Phase Transitions in (C2H5NH3)2FeCl4 II Landau Theory, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 54, 4607-4620, 19850401
  166. On the Structural Phase Transitions in (C2H5NH3)2FeCl4 I ??Brillouin Scattering, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 54, 3376-3384, 19850401
  167. Elastic Soft Mode and Crystalline Field Effect of Kondo Lattice ??Substance; CeCu6, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 54, 2367-2370, 19850401
  168. Acoustic de Haas van Alphen Effect and Rotational Invariance of LaB6, 52, 261-263, 19850401
  169. Structural Phase Transition of Layer Compound (C2H5NH3)2FeCl4, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 52(5), 1669-1675, 19830501
  170. Distinct field-induced ferroquadrupolar states for two different magnetic-field directions in DyNiAl, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 103(19), 195151(9), 202105
  171. Successive phase transitions in single-crystalline (C2H5NH3)(2)CuCl4 and potential of multiferroicity, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 290, 49-54, 201903
  172. Elastic anomalies under magnetic fields in the heavy-fermion ferromagnet YbPtGe, AIP ADVANCES, 8(10), 201810
  173. Disorder Effect for an Orbital Order in Ca2RuO4 Revealed by Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 83(8), 201408
  174. Anomalous Elastic Softening due to the Crystal Electric Field Effect and Successive Phase Transitions in the Yb-Based Heavy-Fermion Antiferromagnet YbIrGe, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 83(4), 201404
  175. Current-Induced Gap Suppression in the Mott Insulator Ca2RuO4, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 82(10), 201310
  176. Electric-Field-Induced Insulator-Metal Transition in Ca2RuO4 Probed by X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 82(9), 201309
  177. Successive Phase Transitions and Anisotropic Magnetic Field-Temperature Phase Diagram in NdRu2Al10, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 81(6), 201206
  178. Magnetic Field-Temperature Phase Diagram of the Ferro-quadrupolar State and Crystal Electric Field Effect in UCu2Sn, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 81(2), 201202
  179. Antiferro-Quadrupolar Ordering at the Lowest Temperature and Anisotropic Magnetic Field-Temperature Phase Diagram in the Cage Compound PrIr2Zn20, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 80(9), 201109
  180. Strong Correlation among Structural, Electronic, and Magnetic Properties of Sr2Fe1+xMo1-xO6 (0 <= x <= 1), JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 80(4), 201104
  181. Superconductivity and Structural Phase Transitions in Caged Compounds RT2Zn20 (R = La, Pr, T = Ru, Ir), JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 79(3), 201003
  182. Elastic properties of Eu8Ga16Ge30, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 310(2), 957-959, 200703
  183. Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of the thiospinel compound CuCrZrS4, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 74(21), 200612
  184. Ferromagnetic-phase transition in the spinel-type CuCr2Te4, JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, 179(1), 140-144, 200601
  185. Antiferromagnetic phase transition in garnet-type AgCa2Co2V3O12 and AgCa2Ni2V3O12, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, 66(5), 851-860, 200505
  186. Thermodynamic and transport properties of CeMg2Cu9 under pressure, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 73(8), 2252-2256, 200408
  187. Divalent state in YbGaGe: Magnetic, thermal, transport and structural studies, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 73(6), 1450-1452, 200406
  188. Anomalous temperature dependence of elastic moduli of CeRhSn, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 272, E35-E36, 200405
  189. Specific heat of mixed valence system YbInCu4 under pressure, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 272, E37-E38, 200405
  190. Superconductivity in under-doped La2-xSrxCuO4 under pressure, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 272, E193-E195, 200405
  191. Anomalous magnetic behavior in RuSr2(Gd2-xCex)Cu2O10, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 131(3-4), 607-611, 200305
  192. Raman scattering study of electronic and magnetic excitations in La2-xSrxCuO4, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 388, 315-316, 200305
  193. Superconductivity and in-plane resistivity in La2-xSrxCuO4, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 388, 331-332, 200305
  194. Transverse elastic moduli in spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 388, 497-498, 200305
  195. Specific heat of CeMg2Cu9 with a two-dimensional Ce arrangement, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 329, 482-483, 200305
  196. Thermal expansion of UCu2Sn in the basal plane, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 329, 553-554, 200305
  197. Pressure-induced ferromagnetic metal for a Mott insulator Ca2RuO4, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 329, 803-804, 200305
  198. Elastic properties of ferromagnetic Mott insulator YTiO3, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 329, 868-869, 200305
  199. Difference in the transport properties between Y7Rh3 and La7Rh3, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 329, 1087-1089, 200305
  200. Correlation between superconductivity and in-plane resistivity in La2-xSrxCuO4, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 71(5), 1346-1352, 200205
  201. Unconventional strain dependence of superconductivity in spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 71(4), 1134-1139, 200204
  202. Elastic moduli of unconventional superconductor Sr2RuO4, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 312, 800-802, 200203
  203. Magnetic-history dependent magneto resistance in UNiAl, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 311(3-4), 233-237, 200202
  204. Crystal electric field effect on elasticity of Nd(1.85)Ceo(0.15)CuO(4) single crystal, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 226, 976-977, 200105
  205. Jahn-Teller instability in a ternary uranium compound, PHYSICA B, 284, 1301-1302, 200007
  206. Strong depression of the magnetic ordering temperature in CeSb by Ni incorporation, PHYSICA B, 281, 443-444, 200006
  207. Low-field magnetic anisotropy in Molt-insulating ferromagnet Y1-xCaxTiO3 (x <= 0.1), PHYSICA B, 281, 622-624, 200006
  208. Elastic quantum oscillation of LuB12, PHYSICA B, 281, 756-757, 200006
  209. Magneto-Acoustic Effect of Heavy Electron Compound and Valence Fluctuation Compounds, 76 and 77, 305-311, 198812
  210. Novel Technique of Acoustic de Haas van Alphen Effect and Application to LaB6, JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE, 49(C8), 799-800, 198812
  211. Obserbation of Acoustic de Haas van Alphen Effect in Heavy Electron Compound CeB6, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 57, 2885-2888, 198809
  212. Magneto-Acoustic Effect of CeCu6 at Low Temperatures, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 57, 2612-2615, 198808
  214. Effect of Simultaneous Addition of 1D and 3D Artificial Pinning Centers in Hybrid YBa2Cu3O7−x Multilayers, Sci. Adv. Mater., 9, 1042-1050, 2017
  215. Field induced phase transition with quadrupole fluctuation in HoFe2Al10 with orthorhombic symmetry, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 86, 044601/1-044601/6, 2017
  216. Elastic Softening in the Metallic Antiferromagnet YbCuGe, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 807, 012012/1-012012/5, 2017
  217. Anomalous Antiferromagnetic Phase Diagram in HoRu2Al10, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 807, 012010/1-012010/5, 2017
  218. Ultrasonic Study on the Hexagonal Antiferromagnet Dy3Ru4Al12, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 807, 012002/1-012002/5, 2017
  219. Elastic softening in the tetrahedrite Cu12Sb4S13, Physics Procedia, 75, 443-446, 2015
  220. Elastic softening in HoFe2Al10, Physics Procedia, 75, 187-191, 2015
  221. Elastic softening and phase transition characteristics in YbPtGe, Physics Procedia, 75, 516-521, 2015
  222. Elastic softening in the orthorhombic compound YbPdGe, Physics Procedia, 75, 166-170, 2015
  223. Successive phase transitions in TbFe2Al10, J. Phys. Soc. Conf. Proc., 3, 011038-1-011038-2, 2014
  224. Elastic Softening of Transverse Modulus in YbIrGe, J. Phys. Soc. Conf. Proc., 3, 011057-1-011057-2, 2014
  225. The Hall-Lorenz number in the La1.855Sr0.145CuO4 single crystal, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 139(7), 376-379, 2006
  226. Coherence Kondo gap in CeNiSn and CeRhSb, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 199-200(C), 457-462, 1994
  227. Anisotropic physical properties of the Kondo semiconductor CeRhSb, Physical Review B, 50(1), 623-626, 1994
  228. Unusual magnetic, transport and thermodynamical properties of the uranium ternaries UNiSn, UPdIn and UNiGa, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 192(3), 219-227, 1993
  229. Magnetoresistance behaviour of UNiGa and UNiAl, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 177, 155-158, 1992
  230. Magnetoresistance and Hall effect in the Kondo-lattice system CeNiSn with an anisotropic energy gap, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 108, 155-156, 1992
  231. Magnetic and transport properties of UNiGa, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 104-107(PART 1), 19-20, 1992
  232. Anisotropic suppression of the energy gap in CeNiSn by high magnetic fields, Physical Review B, 45(10), 5740-5743, 1992
  233. Structural, Magnetic, Transport and Thermal Properties of UCu2Sn, UPt2Sn and UAu2Al, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 61(3), 778-781, 1992
  234. Kondo effect and crystal-field effect in CeNi2Sn2, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 90-91, 474-476, 1990
  235. Semiconducting and heavy-fermion behavior in new class of materials of U3T3X4, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 165-166(PART 1), 437-438, 1990
  236. Physical and Structural Properties of Ternary Uranium Compounds in the U-Ni-Sn and U-Ni-In Systems, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 59(1), 16-19, 1990
  237. Formation of an anisotropic energy gap in the valence-fluctuating system of CeNiSn, Physical Review B, 41(13), 9607-9610, 1990
  239. Brillouin Scattering Studies of the Successive Structural Phase Transitions in (C2H5NH3)2FeCl4, Proceeding of The IXth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 842-843, 1984

Publications such as books

  1. 1992, Anisotropy in Elastic Properties of HTSC seen by Ultrasonics , Springer Series in Solid-State Science, 1992, Scholarly Book, Joint work, T. Fujita and T. Suzuki, 3-540-55107-7

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Ultrasonic investigation of a local-symmetry-sensitive electronic state and magnetic ordering in NdIr2Zn20, I. Ishii, T. Umeno, R. Yamamoto, T. Onimaru, and T. Suzuki, I. Ishii, T. Umeno, R. Yamamoto, T. Onimaru, and T. Suzuki, International Conference on Magnetism 2024, 2024/07/03, Without Invitation, English, Bologna, Italy
  2. Quadrupolar response from the crystal electric field state consisting of only Kramers doublets in the Shastry-Sutherland system ErB4, T. Suzuki, S. Saito, K. Isobe, H. Muneshige, S. Michimura, F. Iga, T. Takabatake, and I. Ishii, T. Suzuki, S. Saito, K. Isobe, H. Muneshige, S. Michimura, F. Iga, T. Takabatake, and I. Ishii, International Conference on Magnetism 2024, 2024/07/03, Without Invitation, English, Bologna, Italy
  3. Elastic softening due to the quadrupole interaction between the singlets in the crystal field of HoNiAl (Poster Award), H. Muneshige, I. Ishii, Y. Wada, K. Isobe, S. Saito, A. V. Andreev, M. Nohara, and T. Suzuki, H. Muneshige, I. Ishii, Y. Wada, K. Isobe, S. Saito, A. V. Andreev, M. Nohara, and T. Suzuki, 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 2022/08/23, Without Invitation, English, Sapporo
  4. Ultrasonic investigation of the magnetic ordering in Er3Ru4Al12 with a distorted kagome lattice, I. Ishii, Y. Kurata, H. Muneshige, A. V. Andreev, D. I. Gorbunov, M. Nohara, and T. Suzuki, I. Ishii, Y. Kurata, H. Muneshige, A. V. Andreev, D. I. Gorbunov, M. Nohara, and T. Suzuki, 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 2022/08/23, Without Invitation, English, Sapporo
  5. Ultrasonic Dispersion in the Hexagonal Ferromagnet Nd3Ru4Al12, T. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, T. Mizuno, S. Kumano, T. Umeno, D. Suzuki, A. V. Andreev, D. I. Gorbunov, M. S. Henriques, and I. Ishii, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES2019, 2019/09/23, Without Invitation, English, Okayama, Japan
  6. The Crystal Electric Field Effect in the Distorted Kagome Lattice Ferromagnet Nd3Ru4Al12, I. Ishii, I. Ishii, T. Mizuno, S. Kumano, T. Umeno, D. Suzuki, A. V. Andreev, D. I. Gorbunov, M. S. Henriques, and T. Suzuki, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES2019, 2019/09/23, Without Invitation, English, Okayama, Japan
  7. Low frequency dependent elastic modulus in UCo1-xOsxAl, S. Kumano, S. Kumano, I. Ishii, R. Horio, T. Mizuno, T. Umeno, D. Suzuki, A. V. Andreev, D. I. Gorbunov, T. Yamamura, and T. Suzuki, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES2019, 2019/09/23, Without Invitation, English, Okayama, Japan
  8. Crystal electric field response in elastic modulus without rattling effect in the cage compound NdCo2Zn20, T. Umeno, T. Umeno, I. Ishii, S. Kumano, D. Suzuki, R. Yamamoto , T. Onimaru, and T. Suzuki, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES2019, 2019/09/23, Without Invitation, English, Okayama, Japan
  9. Quadrupolar response from the crystal electric field level scheme consisting of only Kramers doublets in DyNiAl, D. Suzuki, D. Suzuki, I. Ishii, S. Kumano, T. Umeno, A. V. Andreev, D. I. Gorbunov , and T. Suzuki, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES2019, 2019/09/23, Without Invitation, English, Okayama, Japan
  10. Ultrasonic investigation of triangular-lattice-antiferromagnet YbCuGe, K. Araki, K. Araki, N. Ouchi, R. Ueda, I. Ishii, T. Suzuki, A. Ochiai, and K. Katoh, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES2019, 2019/09/23, Without Invitation, English, Okayama, Japan
  11. Ultrasonic Study on Electronic Properties and Magnetism of Chiral Compound DyNi3Ga9, Takashi Suzuki, The IX Russian-Japanese conference "Chemical physics of molecules and polyfunctional materials", 2018/10/30, With Invitation, English, Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
  12. Elastic hardening at the structural phase transition in the cage compound LaRu2Zn20, T. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, Y. Suetomi, T. Mizuno, S. Kumano, T. Onimaru, K. T. Matsumoto, T. Takabatake, and I. Ishii, International Conference on Magnetism ICM2018, 2018/07/15, Without Invitation, English, San Francisco, USA
  13. Elastic anomalies under magnetic fields in the heavy-fermion ferromagnet YbPtGe, I. Ishii, I. Ishii, X. Xi, Y. Noguchi, T. Mizuno, S. Kumano, K. Araki, K. Katoh, and T. Suzuki, International Conference on Magnetism ICM2018, 2018/07/15, Without Invitation, English, San Francisco, USA
  14. Symposium:Control of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems with DC Current, Introduction., Takashi Suzuki, 日本物理学会 第73回年次大会, 2018/03/22, With Invitation, English, The physical society of Japan, 東京理科大学野田キャンパス
  15. Elastic Moduli of the Distorted Kagome-Lattice Ferromagnet Nd3Ru4Al12, T. Suzuki, T. Mizuno, K. Takezawa, S. Kamikawa, A. V. Andreev, D. I. Gorbunov, M. S. Henriques, and I. Ishii, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES17, 2017/07/17, Without Invitation, English, 2017/07/17-2017/07/21, Prague, Czech Republic
  16. Elastic softening in the metallic antiferromagnet YbCuGe, X. Xi, I. Ishii, Y. Noguchi, H. Goto, S. Kamikawa, K. Araki, K. Katoh, and T. Suzuki, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, 2016/05/08, Without Invitation, English, Hangzhou, China
  17. Anomalous antiferromagnetic phase diagram in HoRu2Al10, S. Kamikawa, I. Ishii, H. Goto, K. Takezawa, F. Nakagawa, H. Tanida, M. Sera, and T. Suzuki, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, 2016/05/08, Without Invitation, English, Hangzhou, China
  18. Ultrasonic study on the hexagonal antiferromagnet Dy3Ru4Al12, I. Ishii, K. Takezawa, H. Goto, S. Kamikawa, A. V. Andreev, D. I. Gorbunov, M. S. Henriques, and T. Suzuki, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, 2016/05/08, Without Invitation, English, Hangzhou, China
  19. Ultrasonic study on the chiral rare-earth compound YbNi3Al9, X. Xi, I. Ishii, Y. Matsumoto, H. Goto, K. Takezawa, S. Kamikawa, H. Ninomiya, Y. Matsumoto, S. Ohara, and T. Suzuki, Core-to-Core International Meeting χMag2016 Symposium, 2016/02/21, Without Invitation, English
  20. Elastic anomalies of Heavy-Fermion Compound YbPtGe in magnetic fields, Xiaojuan Xi, 石井勲,野口慈仁,後藤弘季,上川修平,荒木幸治,加藤健一,鈴木孝至, 2015/09/16, Without Invitation, English
  21. Elastic softening in the tetrahedrite Cu12Sb4S13, T. Suzuki, H. Goto, I. Ishii, Y. Noguchi, S. Kamikawa, K. Suekuni, H.I. Tanaka, and T. Takabatake, 20th International Conference on Magnetism, 2015/07/05, Without Invitation, English, Barcelona, Spain
  22. Elastic softening in the orthorhombic compound YbPdGe, I. Ishii, Y. Noguchi, H. Goto, X. Xi, S. Kamikawa, K. Araki, K. Katoh, and T. Suzuki, 20th International Conference on Magnetism, 2015/07/05, Without Invitation, English, Barcelona, Spain
  23. Elastic softening in HoFe2Al10, S. Kamikawa, I. Ishii, Y. Noguchi, H. Goto, T.K. Fujita, F. Nakagawa, H. Tanida, M. Sera, and T. Suzuki, 20th International Conference on Magnetism, 2015/07/05, Without Invitation, English, Barcelona, Spain
  24. New dipolar ordering of (C2H5NH3)2CuCl4 below 26 K, T. Sakami, T. Ohtani, X. Xi, I. Ishii, and T. Suzuki, 20th International Conference on Magnetism, 2015/07/05, Without Invitation, English, Barcelona, Spain
  25. Elastic softening and phase transition characteristics in YbPtGe, X. Xi, I. Ishii, Y. Noguchi, H. Goto, S. Kamikawa, K. Araki, K. Katoh, and T. Suzuki, 20th International Conference on Magnetism, 2015/07/05, Without Invitation, English
  26. Elastic, electric and magnetic properties of (CnH2n+1NH3)2MeCl4, T. Sakami, N. Kaneko, T. Ohtani, M. Suzuki, and T. Suzuki, International Research Symposium on Chiral Magnetism, 2014/12/06, Without Invitation, English, Hiroshima, Japan
  27. Ultrasonic Detection of Magnetic Transitions and 4f Electronic States Split by a Crystal Electric Field Effect, T. Suzuki, Chemical Physics of Molecules and Polyfunctional Materials, 2014/10/29, With Invitation, English, Orenburg, Russia
  28. Elastic anomalies of YbIrGe in magnetic fields, T. Suzuki, Y. Noguchi, I. Ishii, H. Goto, S. Kamikawa, T. K. Fujita, and K. Katoh, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES2014, 2014/07/07, Without Invitation, English, Grenoble, France


  1. 2020/01/08, Physical Review B, Editors' Suggestion, American Physical Society
  2. 2016/04/18, Letter of Gratitude for Long Term Collaboration and Contribution in Development of Cooperation between Orenburg State University and Hiroshima University, Orenburg State University (Rector Zh.A.Ermakova)
  3. 2015/03/23, 20th Outstanding Paper Award of the Physical Society of Japan, The Physical Society of Japan
  4. 2010/04/13, Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan
  5. 2010/02, JPSJ Papers of Editors' Choice, 日本物理学会, Superconductivity and Structural Phase Transitions in Caged Compounds RT2Zn20 (R=La,Pr, T=Ru,Ir)
  6. 2010/11/24, Hiroshima University President Awards, The President of Hiroshima University
  7. 2004/06, JPSJ Papers of Editors' Choice, 日本物理学会, Divalent State on YbGaGe: Magnetic, Thermal, Transport and Strructural Studies
  8. 1989/02, Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists, Inoue Foundation for Science, 過去3年間に,理学・工学・医学・薬学・農学の博士号を取得した満35歳未満の研究者で,自然科学の基礎的研究に関し新しい分野を開拓する可能性のある優れた博士論文を提出した研究者。採択予定数は25件。


  1. Patent, US:8338821, 2012/12/25
  2. Patent, JP4460021, 2010/02/19
  3. Patent, JP4394751, 2009/10/23

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. 2022, 2024
  2. 2018, 2020
  3. 2017, 2021
  4. KAKENHI, 2014, 2016
  5. 2014, 2016
  6. KAKENHI, Spectroscopic studies on novel electronic phase due to large amplitude atomic oscillations, 2008, 2012
  7. KAKENHI, Development of novel multiferroics with stress field cross correlation, 2008, 2011
  8. KAKENHI, 2008, 2009
  9. KAKENHI, Novel thermoelectrics emerging from multinary freedoms of clathrates encapsulating rare-earths and alkaline metals, 2006, 2009
  10. KAKENHI, Pressure induced Novel quantum phenomena in Q2D Mott transition system Ca_2RuO_4, 2005, 2006
  11. KAKENHI, Mechanism and novel functions of pressure-induced superconductor-insulator transition in chalcogenide spinels, 2005, 2007
  12. KAKENHI, 2003, 2007
  13. KAKENHI, 2002, 2002
  14. KAKENHI, Superconductor -Insulator Transition in Cuprates, 2001, 2003
  15. KAKENHI, 2000, 2001
  16. KAKENHI, 2000, 2001
  17. KAKENHI, 1999, 2001
  18. KAKENHI, Strongly Correlated Electron Systems in Multiple Extreme Conditions, 1999, 2001
  19. KAKENHI, Control of the Orbital Degrees of Freedem by the Magnetic Field and Pressure, 1999, 2001
  20. KAKENHI, Investigation of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems using Multi-Extreme Conditions, 1998, 2000
  22. KAKENHI, Anisotropic Gap in Quasiparticle Excitations in the Kondo-Lattice System, 1996, 1998
  23. KAKENHI, Lattice Instability in High-Temperature Superconductors, 1996, 1996
  24. KAKENHI, 1996, 1996
  25. KAKENHI, Structural Instability and Magnetic Ordering in a Uranium-based Temary Compound, 1995, 1996
  26. KAKENHI, Electron-Lattice Interaction in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, 1995, 1995
  27. KAKENHI, 1995, 1995
  28. KAKENHI, 1995, 1995
  29. KAKENHI, Lattice Instability in High-Temperature Superconductors, 1994, 1994
  30. KAKENHI, 1994, 1994
  31. KAKENHI, 1994, 1994
  32. KAKENHI, 1993, 1993
  33. KAKENHI, Semiconducting Ground State in the Kondo-Lattice Compounds, 1993, 1994
  34. KAKENHI, 1993, 1993
  35. KAKENHI, A Searching Study of New Heavy-Fermion Systems, 1991, 1992
  36. KAKENHI, Anisotropic Hybridization in the Heavy-Electron Systems, 1991, 1992
  37. KAKENHI, Formation of an Energy Gap in the Valence-Fluctuating System CeNiSn, 1989, 1990

Social Activities

History as Committee Members

  1. SCES2019 Organizing Committee, 2018/01
  2. advisory board, 2023/04/21, Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan