Last Updated :2025/02/04

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences(Medical), Associate Professor

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
  • Master, Kyoto University

Research Fields

  • Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy;Basic medicine;General medical chemistry
  • Biological Sciences;Neuroscience;Neurochemistry / Neuropharmacology
  • Biology;Biological Science;Molecular biology
  • Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy;Clinical surgery;Orthopaedic surgery

Research Keywords

  • apoptosis
  • ER stress

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Cell Science
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Physiology and Biochemistry

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Upregulation of OASIS/CREB3L1 in podocytes contributes to the disturbance of kidney homeostasis, COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY, 5(1), 20220722
  2. Transcription factor old astrocyte specifically induced substance is a novel regulator of kidney fibrosis, FASEB JOURNAL, 35(2), 202102
  3. NFAT5 up-regulates expression of the kidney-specific ubiquitin ligase gene Rnf183 under hypertonic conditions in inner-medullary collecting duct cells, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 294(1), 101-115, 2019
  4. Shutdown of ER-associated degradation pathway rescues functions of mutant iduronate 2-sulfatase linked to mucopolysaccharidosis type II, CELL DEATH & DISEASE, 9, 2018
  5. Neuronal activity-dependent local activation of dendritic unfolded protein response promotes expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in cell soma, JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY, 144(1), 35-49, 201801
  6. Axonal Activation of the Unfolded Protein Response Promotes Axonal Regeneration Following Peripheral Nerve Injury, NEUROSCIENCE, 375, 34-48, 20180401
  7. Sec16A, a key protein in COPII vesicle formation, regulates the stability and localization of the novel ubiquitin ligase RNF183, PLOS ONE, 13(1), 20180104
  8. ER Stress and Disease: Toward Prevention and Treatment, BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN, 40(9), 1337-1343, 201709
  9. Multivesicular body formation enhancement and exosome release during endoplasmic reticulum stress, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 480(2), 166-172, 20161111
  10. The androgen-induced protein AIbZIP facilitates proliferation of prostate cancer cells through downregulation of p21 expression, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6, 20161117
  11. Genome-wide identification and gene expression profiling of ubiquitin ligases for endoplasmic reticulum protein degradation, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6, 20160803
  12. The physiological roles of ER stress transducer BBF2H7/CREB3L2 and its potential as a target of disease therapy., Medical Research Archives
  13. ★, Luman is involved in osteoclastogenesis through the regulation of DC-STAMP expression, stability and localization, JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE, 128(23), 4353-4365, 20151201
  14. IRE1 alpha-XBP1 is a novel branch in the transcriptional regulation of Ucp1 in brown adipocytes, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 5, 20151116
  15. OASIS modulates hypoxia pathway activity to regulate bone angiogenesis, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 5, 20151112
  16. Promotion of Cancer Cell Proliferation by Cleaved and Secreted Luminal Domains of ER Stress Transducer BBF2H7, PLOS ONE, 10(5), 20150508
  17. Master Regulator for Chondrogenesis, Sox9, Regulates Transcriptional Activation of the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Transducer BBF2H7/CREB3L2 in Chondrocytes, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 289(20), 13810-13820, 20140516
  19. Increased Susceptibility to Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis in the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Transducer OASIS Deficient Mice, PLOS ONE, 9(2), 20140203
  20. Chondrocyte Proliferation Regulated by Secreted Luminal Domain of ER Stress Transducer BBF2H7/CREB3L2, MOLECULAR CELL, 53(1), 127-139, 201401
  21. Transcriptional Regulation of VEGFA by the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Transducer OASIS in ARPE-19 Cells, PLOS ONE, 8(1), 20130130
  22. Activation of OASIS family, ER stress transducers, is dependent on its stabilization, CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION, 19(12), 1939-1949, 201212
  23. Roles of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Neurodegenerative Diseases., Translational Medicine, 2, e108, 20120101
  24. Obesity-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress causes chronic inflammation in adipose tissue, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2, 20121112
  25. The Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Transducer BBF2H7 Suppresses Apoptosis by Activating the ATF5-MCL1 Pathway in Growth Plate Cartilage, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 287(43), 36190-36200, 20121019
  26. Unfolded protein response, activated by OASIS family transcription factors, promotes astrocyte differentiation, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 3, 201207
  27. The Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Transducer OASIS Is involved in the Terminal Differentiation of Goblet Cells in the Large Intestine, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 287(11), 8144-8153, 20120309
  28. The signalling from endoplasmic reticulum-resident bZIP transcription factors involved in diverse cellular physiology, JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, 149(5), 507-518, 201105
  29. Physiological unfolded protein response regulated by OASIS family members, transmembrane bZIP transcription factors, IUBMB LIFE, 63(4), 233-239, 201104
  30. Regulation of ER molecular chaperone prevents bone loss in a murine model for osteoporosis., Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 28, 131-138, 20100301
  31. Regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress response by a BBF2H7-mediated Sec23a pathway is essential for chondrogenesis., Nature Cell Biology, 11, 1197-1204, 20091201
  32. Signalling mediated by the endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer OASIS is involved in bone formation., Nature Cell Biology, 11, 1205-1211, 20091201
  33. TMP21 transmembrane domain regulates gamma-secretase cleavage., The Journal of Biological Chemistory, 284, 28634-28641, 20091001
  34. APH1 polar transmembrane residues regulate the assembly and activity of presenilin complexes., The Journal of Biological Chemistory, 284, 16298-16307, 20090401
  35. ★, A molecular chaperone inducer protects neurons from ER stress., Cell Death & Differentiation, 15, 364-375, 20080301
  36. Molecular mechanisms responsible for aberrant splicing of SERCA1 in myotonic dystrophy type1., Human Molecular Genetics, 16, 2834-2843, 20071001
  37. Endoplasmic reticulum stress in myotonic dystrophy type 1 muscle., Acta Neuropathologica, 114, 527-535, 20071001
  38. BBF2H7, a novel transmembrane bZIP transcription factor, is a new type of endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer., Molecular and Cellular Biology, 27, 1716-1729, 20070201
  39. Cleavage of the membrane-bound transcription factor OASIS in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress., Journal of Neurochemistry, 96, 1090-1100, 20060901
  40. Autophagy is activated for cell survival after endoplasmic reticulum stress., Molecular and Cellular Biology, 26, 9220-9231, 20060101
  41. Candidates for tumor-specific alternative splicing., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 334, 23-29, 20050801
  42. ★, XBP1 activates the transcription of its target genes via an ACGT core sequence under ER stress., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 331, 1146-1153, 20050501
  43. OASIS, a CREB/ATF-family member, modulates UPR signalling in astrocytes., Nature Cell Biology, 7, 186-194, 20050201
  44. Identification of regulatory cis-acting elements for alternative splicing of presenilin-2 exon 5 under hypoxic stress conditions., Journal of Neurochemistry, 91, 1191-1198, 20040901