Hiromi Tsubota

Last Updated :2025/02/03

Affiliations, Positions
., Associate Professor
Web Site
Other Contact Details
Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, 1156-2 Mitsumaruko-yama, Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-shi, Hiroshima 739-0543, Japan, Japan
TEL : (+81)829-44-2025 FAX : (+81)829-40-2001
The Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden is situated along the north coast of Miyajima (Itsukushima) Island, southwestern Japan, ca. 20 km southwest of Hiroshima City. The island is famous as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is covered with natural forest and maritime vegetation. Our research projects are island biology, phytogeography, ecology, and conservation biology, utilizing the excellent natural resources of Miyajima Island. The Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden conducts education and study on taxonomy, ecology, phytogeography, conservation biology, and island biology of various plants by utilizaing the excellent natural resources of the World Heritage listed Miyajima (Itsukushima) Island, southwestern Japan.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2000/10/01, 2006/03/31, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Department of Biological Science, Assistant professor
  • 2006/04/01, 2007/03/31, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden, Associate professor
  • 2007/04/01, 2019/03/31, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden, Associate professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science, Department of Biological Science, Japan, 1998/04, 2000/09
  • Hiroshima University, Faculty of Science, Japan, 1992/04, 1996/03

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Science, Hiroshima University
  • Master of Science, Hiroshima University
  • Bachelor of Science, Hiroshima University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Science : Biological Sciences : Biology
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Basic Biology
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Basic Biology

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Biology

Research Fields

  • Biology;Basic biology;Biodiversity / Systematics
  • Biology;Basic biology;Ecology / Environment
  • Biology;Basic biology;Evolutionary biology

Research Keywords

  • mosses
  • liverworts
  • algae
  • Trentepohlia
  • taxonomy
  • phytosociology
  • molecular phylogeny

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • American Bryological and Lichenological Society
  • Hikobia Botanical Society, 1999
  • The Botanical Society of Japan
  • The Ecological Society of Japan
  • The Bryological Society of Japan
  • Japanese Society for Plant Systematics

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Year, Advanced Seminar (Introduction to Plant Field Science B: Molecular Phylogeney of Plants)
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Introduction to Biological Sciences A
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Advanced Biology
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Plant Ecology B
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Seminar for Island Biology
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Study for Graduation
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Special Study for Graduation
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practice for Fundamental Biology II
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practice for Fundamental Biology IV
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practice for Ecology
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Focusing on tropical forests in South-East Asia and South America
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Research for Academic Degree Dissertation in Basic Biology
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Natural History Sciences
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Lecture on Basic Biology
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Exercises in Basic Biology A
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Exercises in Basic Biology B
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Research for Academic Degree Dissertation in Integrated Life Sciences

Award of Education

  1. 2007/03/16
  2. 2005/08/27

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Current status of Lysimachia sikokiana Miq. (Primulaceae) in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, as of 2022, Hikobia, 18, 265-272, 20221228
  2. New record of Graphis cleistoblephara Nyl. (lichenized Ascomycota, Graphidaceae) in the Chugoku Region, SW Japan, Hikobia, 18, 259-264, 20221228
  3. A preliminary study on the influence of invasive plant through allelopathy: effects of Chinese tallow tree, Triadica sebifera (Euphorbiaceae), on its rhizosphere microbial community in Miyajima Island, SW Japan, Hikobia, 18, 199-220, 20221228
  4. Flora of vascular plants observed at the site of greening work for the construction to upgrade the general waste landfill in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, Bull. Hiroshima Univ. Museum, 14, 93-103, 202212
  5. Checklist of planted trees on the Higashi-hiroshima Campus of Hiroshima University, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, Bull. Hiroshima Univ. Museum, 14, 75-92, 202212
  6. Vascular plant flora of the area surrounding the Dondon-gawa River on Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, before the proposed construction of an erosion-control dam, Studies of the Itsukushima Island, 19, 1-15, 20230331
  7. ★, The colonial legacy of herbaria, Nature Human Behaviour, 202306
  8. Complete chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes of Ditrichum rhynchostegium Kindb. (Ditrichaceae, Bryophyta), MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B-RESOURCES, 8(3), 383-388, 20230304
  9. Revegetation work after natural disasters in conservation areas: a case study of the greening project in restoration work for torrential rain disaster caused by the July 2018 heavy rainfall in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum, 13, 159-172, 202112
  10. Detection of allelopathic activity of Chinese tallow Triadica sebifera (Euphorbiaceae) by the sandwich method, Hikobia, 18, 157-163, 202112
  11. New record of Dysphania pumilio (Amaranthaceae) from Hiroshima Prefecture, southwest Japan, Hikobia, 18, 145-156, 202112
  12. Molecular phylogeny of Chlorella-like symbiotic algae in Paramecium bursaria based on 18S rRNA gene sequences, Hikobia, 14(2), 129-142, 20041201
  13. Phylogenetic and morphological notes on Uleobryum naganoi Kiguchi et al. (Pottiaceae, Musci), Hikobia, 14(2), 143-147, 20041201
  14. Molecular phylogenetics and ordinal relationships based on analyses of a large-scale data set of 600 rbcL sequences of mosses, Hikobia, 14(2), 149-169, 20041201
  15. A preliminary phylogenetic study of the genus Leucobryum (Leucobryaceae, Musci) in Asia and the Pacific based on ITS and rbcL sequences, Hikobia, 14(1), 45-53, 20031201
  16. ★, A preliminary phylogeny of Hypnales (Musci) as an inferred from chloroplast rbcL sequence data, Bryological Research, 7, 233-248, 19990401
  17. ★, Molecular phylogeny of the Sematophyllaceae (Hypnales, Musci) based on chloroplast rbc sequences, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 90, 221-240, 20010701
  18. Histochemical observations on the peristome of several haplolepidous mosses, Hikobia, 13(4), 667-677, 20021201
  19. ★, Preliminary phylogenetic relationships of the genus Brotherella and its allied genera (Hypnales, Musci) based on chloroplast rbcL sequence data, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 88, 79-99, 20000801
  20. ★, Molecular phylogeny of the genus Trismegistia and related genera (Sematophyllaceae, Musci) based on chloroplast rbcL sequences, Hikobia, 13, 529-549, 20011201
  21. Pseudotrismegistia H. Akiy. & Tsubota, a new genus of the Sematophyllaceae (Musci), Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 52(2), 85-95, 20010401
  22. Molecular phylogenic study on the Sematophyllaceae (Hypnales, Musci) and their allies, Bunrui, 2(1), 32-34, 20020401
  23. Then new genus Benitotania (Daltoniaceae, Bryopsida) from Mt. Kinabalu, Bryologist, 106(3), 454-459, 2003
  24. ★, A new aerial alga, Stichococcus ampulliformis sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) from Japan, Phycological Research, 51, 203-210, 20030901
  25. ★, Molecular phylogeny of the Grimmiales (Musci) based on chloroplast rbcL sequences, Hikobia, 14(1), 55-70, 2003
  26. Morphological and genetical variations and familial affinity of the genus Dixonia (Musci), Bryological Research, 8(8), 229-237, 2004
  27. ★, Molecular phylogeny of hypnobryalean mosses as inferred from a large-scale dataset of chloroplast rbcL, with special reference to the Hypnaceae and possibly related families, Hikobia, 13(3), 645-665, 20021201
  28. Morphological and molecular analyses to solve a taxonomical controversy of Leucobryum juniperoideum (Brid.) Mull.Hal. and L. humillimum Cardot (Leucobryaceae, Musci) in Japan, Hikobia, 14(4), 387-398, 20061201
  29. ★, Ordinal phylogeny within the hypnobryalean pleurocarpous mosses inferred from cladistic analyses of three chloroplast DNA sequence data sets: trnL-F, rps4, and rbcL, Bryologist, 103(2), 242-256, 2000
  30. ★, Molecular phylogeny of Japanese Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) based on ITS sequence data, and chromosomal evolution, Journal of Plant Research, 117(5), 409-419, 200410
  31. A reappraisal of Pylaisiopsis (Sematophyllaceae), Bryologist, 109(3), 381-390, 2006
  32. Preliminary study on allelopathic activity of bryophytes under laboratory conditions using the sandwich method, Journal of the Hattori Bitanical Laboratory, 100, 517-525, 200608
  33. ★, Photosymbiodemes Sticta wrightii and Dendriscocaulon sp. (lichenized ascomycota) from Yunnan, China, Journal of the Hattori Bitanical Laboratory, 100, 783-796, 200608
  34. ★, Phylogeography of an Australian termite, Amitermes laurensis (Isoptera, Termitidae), with special reference to the variety of mound shapes, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 42(1), 236-247, 200701
  35. Phylogenetic and morphological reevaluation of Leucobryum boninense (Leucobryaceae), endemic to the Bonin Islands, Bryologist, 111(2), 260-270, 200805
  36. ★, Systematic position of the enigmatic liverwort Mizutania (Mizutaniaceae, Marchantiophyta) inferred from molecular phylogenetic analyses, Taxon, 59(2), 448-458, 201004
  37. Evolution of apolar sporocytes in marchantialean liverworts: implications from molecular phylogeny, Journal of Plant Research, 125(2), 197-206, 201203
  38. Geographical origin of Leucobryum boninense Sull. & Lesq. (Leucobryaceae, Musci) endemic to the Bonin Islands, Japan, Ecology and Evolution, 3(4), 753-762, 201304
  39. ★, On the systematic position of the genus Timmiella (Dicranidae, Bryopsida) and its allied genera, with the description of a new family Timmiellaceae, Phytotaxa, 181(3), 151-162, 20141003
  40. Discovery of Burmannia cryptopetela Makino (Burmanniaceae) from Miyajima Island, SW Japan, Hikobia, 15(1), 61-66, 200712
  41. A brief history and activities of the Hikobia Monthly Botanical Excursion with the 500th commemoration events completed since 1956, and maps for the venues and common plant species in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, Hikobia, 15(4), 511-522[含 英語文要旨], 20101201
  42. A taxonomic revision of the genus Apometzgeria (Metzgeriaceae, Marchantiophyta), Hikobia, 15(4), 427-452, 20101201
  43. KOKE-SEARCH: A database search program package for literature relevant to Japanese bryophytes, Bryological Research, 8, 354-360, 2005
  44. Accumulation of arsenic and copper by bryophytes growing in an aquatic environment near copper mine tailings, Mine Water and the Environment, 1-8, 20150404
  45. Genetic differentiation between Dendroceros japonicus and D. tubercularis in Japan, Hikobia, 16(2), 215-220, 20121201
  46. Choricystis minor (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) as a symbiont of several species of freshwater sponge, Hikobia, 14, 365-373, 20061201
  47. A simple procedure for DNA isolation using small quantities of lichen thallus, Lichenology, 4, 25-28, 2005
  48. The genus Pylaisiadelpha (Pylaisiadelphaceae, Musci) in Russia, Arctoa, 16, 127-132, 2007
  49. Symphyodon leiocarpus, sp. nov. (Symphyodontaceae, Musci) from Thailand, classified in the new subgenus Macrothamniopsis, APG, 60, 28-37, 2009
  50. A new finding of seagrass Halophila nipponica J.Kuo (Hydrocharitaceae) from Miyajima Island in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, Hikobia, 15, 339-347, 20091201
  51. Notes on naturalized plants in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan: 6. New locality of Cotula australis (Sieber ex Spreng.) Hook.f. (Asteraceae), Hikobia, 17(1), 73-79, 2015
  52. Current status of Lysimachia sikokiana Miq. (Primulaceae) in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, Hikobia, 17(1), 81-88, 2015
  53. A preliminary list of vascular plants of the Higashi-hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima Pref., SW Japan, Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum, 7, 41-54, 2016
  54. Syrrhopodon tosaensis (Calymperaceae, Bryophyta) rediscovered on Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan after 40 years, J. Jpn. Bot., 91(3), 186-190, 20160620
  55. Notes on Diphyscium lorifolium (Diphysciaceae, Bryophyta) on Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, Bryological Research, 11, 216-218, 2016
  56. ★, Systematics of the family Pottiaceae (Bryophyta) with special reference to the familial and subfamilial circumscriptions, Hikobia, 17, 117-129, 20161225
  57. Notes on naturalized and invasive plants in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan: 7. Euphorbia prostrata Aiton and an unidentifiable species of Euphorbia, Hikobia, 17, 161-167, 20161225
  58. Lectotypification and taxonomic identity of Astomum japonicum G. Roth (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), CRYPTOGAMIE BRYOLOGIE, 38(1), 85-90, 201701
  59. A case study on environmental education in Itsukushima (Miyajima) Island with an elementary and junior high schools/university collaboration, Studies of the Itsukushima Island, 13, 1-6, 2017
  60. A taxonomic revision of cleistocarpous species of Weissia (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) in Japan, PHYTOTAXA, 306(1), 1-20, 20170505
  61. ★, Molecular phylogeny of the genus Fissidens (Fissidentaceae, Bryophyta) and a refinement of the infrageneric classification, MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 127, 190-202, 201810
  62. Barbula chenia (Pottiaceae) New to Japan, ACTA PHYTOTAXONOMICA ET GEOBOTANICA, 70(3), 195-199, 2019
  63. Molecular phylogenic study on the Sematophyllaceae (Hypnales, Musci) and their allies, BUNRUI, 2(1), 32-34, 2002
  64. Pseudotrismegistia H. Akiy. & Tsubota, a new genus of the Sematophyllaceae (Musci), BUNRUI, 2(1), 2002
  65. A short review of molecular phylogenetic studies on bryophytes and my personal side view, BUNRUI, 8(1), 15-27, 2008
  66. Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. subsp. californica (H. A. Crum & L. E. Anderson) B. C. Tan new to Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, Bryological Research, 10(7), 228-229, 2012
  67. New locality of Trichocolea japonica T.Katag. in Japan, Bryological Research, 10(9), 291-292, 2012
  68. New record of Syntrichia laevipila Brid. from Nagano Prefecture, central Japan(New bryophyte records in Japan), Bryological Research, 10(12), 2013
  69. A protocol for DNA isolation using small quantities of material from very small hepatic plants, Bryological Research, 8(4), 118-122, 2002
  70. A preliminary phylogeny of Hypnales (Musci) as inferred from chloroplast rbcL sequence data, Bryological Research, 7(8), 233-248, 1999
  71. Protocols for DNA extraction for molecular phylogeny on bryophytes, Bryological Research, 8(1), 9-17, 2001
  72. KOKE-SEARCH : A database search program package for literature relevant to Japanese bryophytes, Bryological Research, 8(11), 354-360, 2005
  73. Morphological and genetical variations and familial affinity of the genus Dixonia (Musci), Bryological Research, 8(8), 229-237, 2004
  74. Notes on the systematic position of the moss genus Timmiella and the family Timmiellaceae, Bryological Research, 11(4), 115-116, 2015
  75. A reappraisal of Pylaisiopsis (Sematophyllaceae), Bryologist, 109(3), 381-390, 20060901
  76. A preliminary study on allelopathic activity of bryophytes under laboratory conditions using the sandwich method, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 517-525, 20061214
  77. Photosymbiodemes Sticta wrightii and Dendriscocaulon sp. (Lichenized Ascomycota) from Yunnan, China, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 783-796, 20061214
  78. Phylogeography of an Australian termite, Amitermes laurensis (Isoptera, Termitidae), with special reference to the variety of mound shapes, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 42(1), 236-247, 20070101
  79. Phylogenetic and morphological reëvaluation of Leucobryum boninense (Leucobryaceae), endemic to the Bonin Islands, Bryologist, 111(2), 260-270, 20080601
  80. Systematic position of the enigmatic liverwort Mizutania (Mizutaniaceae, Marchantiophyta) inferred from molecular phylogenetic analyses, Taxon, 59(2), 448-458, 20100101
  81. Evolution of apolar sporocytes in marchantialean liverworts: Implications from molecular phylogeny, Journal of Plant Research, 125(2), 197-206, 20120301
  82. Geographical origin of Leucobryum boninense Sull. & Lesq. (Leucobryaceae, Musci) endemic to the Bonin Islands, Japan, Ecology and Evolution, 3(4), 753-762, 20130401
  83. On the systematic position of the genus Timmiella (Dicranidae, Bryopsida) and its allied genera, With the description of a new family Timmiellaceae, Phytotaxa, 181(3), 151-162, 20140101
  84. Accumulation of Arsenic and Copper by Bryophytes Growing in an Aquatic Environment near Copper Mine Tailings, Mine Water and the Environment, 35(3), 265-272, 20160901
  85. Lectotypification and taxonomic identity of Astomum japonicum G. Roth (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 38(1), 85-90, 20170101
  86. A taxonomic revision of cleistocarpous species of weissia (Pottiaceae, bryophyta) in Japan, Phytotaxa, 306(1), 1-20, 20170505
  87. A preliminary study on post-fire restoration of vegetation in Miyajima Island, Southwestern Japan, with special reference to effect of fire intensity and tree-planting, Hikobia, 18, 41-55, 201912
  88. Supplement to the bryoflora confirmed or recorded in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum, 11, 55-62, 202003
  89. Taxonomic reevaluation of Didymodon nigrescens (Pottiaceae) in Japan, Hattoria, 11, 61-75, 2020
  90. Splachnobryum obtusum (Pottiaceae) new to Japan and its molecular evolution, Hikobia, 18(2), 83-91, 202012
  91. New locality of Brumannia championii Thwaites in Hiroshima Pref., SW Japan, Hikobia, 18(2), 99-103, 202012
  92. New localities of Timmiella anomala (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) and its distribution in Japan, Journal of Japanese Botany, 89(3), 189-192, 20140101
  93. Trentepohlia bosseae var. samoensis (trentepohliaceae, ulvophyceae), an aerial alga newly found in Japan, Journal of Japanese Botany, 89(2), 59-64, 20140101
  94. Karyotype analysis of japanese burmannia (Burmanniaceae), Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 65(1), 37-42, 20140101
  95. Molecular phylogeny of the Sematophyllaceae (hypnales, musci) based on chloroplast rbcL sequences, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 221-240, 20010701
  96. The complete chloroplast genome of Petasites japonicus (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim. (Asteraceae), MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B-RESOURCES, 6(12), 3503-3505, 20211202
  97. The complete plastid genome sequence of the enigmatic moss, Takakia lepidozioides (Takakiopsida, Bryophyta): evolutionary perspectives on the largest collection of genes in mosses and the intensive RNA editing, PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 107(4-5), 431-449, 202111
  98. The complete chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes of Scopelophila cataractae (Mitt.) Broth. (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B-RESOURCES, 7(1), 125-127, 20220102
  99. Syrrhopodon tosaensis (Calymperaceae, Bryophytd) Rediscovered on Miyajima Island, Hiroshima prefecture, SW Japan after 40 years, Journal of Japanese Botany, 91(3), 186-190, 20160601
  100. Molecular phylogeny of the genus Fissidens (Fissidentaceae, Bryophyta) and a refinement of the infrageneric classification, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 127, 190-202, 20181001
  101. Barbula chenia (Pottiaceae) new to Japan, Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 70(3), 195-199, 20190101
  102. Taxonomic reevaluation of Didymodon nigrescens (Pottiaceae) in Japan, Hattoria, 11, 61-75, 20200101
  103. The complete plastid genome sequence of the enigmatic moss, Takakia lepidozioides (Takakiopsida, Bryophyta): evolutionary perspectives on the largest collection of genes in mosses and the intensive RNA editing, Plant Molecular Biology, 107(4-5), 431-449, 20211101
  104. The complete chloroplast genome of Petasites japonicus (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim. (Asteraceae), Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 6(12), 3503-3505, 20210101
  105. The complete chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes of Scopelophila cataractae (Mitt.) Broth. (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 7(1), 125-127, 20220101
  106. Complete chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes of Ditrichum rhynchostegium Kindb. (Ditrichaceae, Bryophyta), Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 8(3), 383-388, 20230101
  107. Ordinal phylogeny within the hypnobryalean pleurocarpous mosses inferred from cladistic analyses of three chloroplast DNA sequence data sets: trnL-F, rps4, and rbcL, Bryologist, 103(2), 242-256, 20000101
  108. Preliminary phylogenetic relationships of the genus Brotherella and its allied genera (Hypnales, Musci) based on chloroplast rbcL sequence data, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 79-99, 20000801
  109. The new genus Benitotania (Daltoniaceae, Bryopsida) from Mt. Kinabalu, Bryologist, 106(3), 454-459, 20030101
  110. ★, A new aerial alga, Stichococcus ampulliformis sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) from Japan, Phycological Research, 51(3), 203-210, 20030101
  111. Molecular phylogeny of Japanese Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) based on ITS sequence data, and chromosomal evolution, Journal of Plant Research, 117(5), 409-419, 20041001

Publications such as books

  1. 2011/12/15, Methods in Bryological Research, newly revised edition, Molecular phylogenetic inference, The Bryological Society of Japan, 2011, 12, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 日本語, Tsubota, H. & Arikawa, T., 141, 69-82
  2. 2009, Nature and Plants in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, revised edition, Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, 2009, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 日本語, Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden; Tsubota, H. & Mukai, S. (eds.), 160
  3. 2007, Nature and Plants in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, 2007, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 日本語, Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden; Tsubota, H. & Mukai, S., 104
  4. 2003/01/31, Methods in Bryological Research, Molecular Phylogeny, The Bryological Society of Japan, 2003, 1, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 日本語, Tsubota, H. & Arikawa, T., 124, 79-88
  5. 1997/12, Flora of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, Check list of bryophytes in Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan, Chugoku Newspaper Conpany, 1997, 12, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 日本語, Tsubota, H., Yamaguchi, T., Deguchi, H. & Seki, T., 613-655

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Revegetation with reference to neighboring forests with target vegetation, Tsubota, H., 2021/09/11, With Invitation, Japanese
  2. The status and distribution of alien plant species in Miyajima Island based on database information before and after the inclusion in UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1996, Phan, Q. C., Kamimoto, Y., Uchida, S., Nakahara-Tsubota, M. & Tsubota, H., Hiroshima International Conference on Peace and Sustainability 2022, 2022/03/01, Without Invitation, English, Higashi-hiroshima
  3. Bryoxiphium japonicum (Bryoxiphiaceae, Bryophyta) rediscovered on Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan after 45 years and its phylogenetic position, Hiromatsu, T., Inoue, Y. & Tsubota, H., The 9th East Asian Plant Diversity and Conservation Virtual Symposium 2021, Korea, 2021/10/29, Without Invitation, English, Korea
  4. Systematic studies and species diversity of the moss family Pottiaceae in Japan, Inoue, Y. & Tsubota, H., The 9th East Asian Plant Diversity and Conservation Virtual Symposium 2021, Korea, 2021/10/29, With Invitation, English, Korea
  5. Molecular phylogeny and subfamilial classification of the family Pottiaceae (Bryophyta), Yuya Inoue & Hiromi Tsubota, XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC), 2017/07/28, Without Invitation, English, XIX IBC Congress Secretariat, Shenzhen, P.R. China
  6. Habitats and growth characteristics of cluster-root-forming Helicia cochinchinensis (Proteaceae) in Japan, Hiromi Tsubota, Tomonori Moroishi, Tadashi Okamura, Shinji Uchida, Jun Wasaki, XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC), 2017/08/26, Without Invitation, English, XIX IBC Congress Secretariat, Shenzhen, P.R. China
  7. The Japanese Sphaerocarpos (Marchantiophyta) might be phylogenetically closely related to S. texanus, Kawahara, K., Tsubota, H., Shimamura, M., Yano, O. & Nishimura, N., East Asian Plant Diversity and Conservation 2016, 2016/08/23, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo
  8. Phylogenetic notes on Trachycarpidium lonchophyllum (G.Roth) R.H.Zander (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), East Asian Plant Diversity and Conservation 2016, 2016/08/23, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo
  9. Four unrecorded and two rediscovered mosses from Korean moss flora, Wonhee Kim, Takumi Sato, Yuya Inoue, Hiromi Tsubota, TomioYamaguchi & Masanobu Higuchi, 47th Annual meeting of the Korean Society of Plant taxonomists, 2016/02/18, Without Invitation, other
  10. A taxonomic study on cleistocarpous species of Weissia (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) in Japan., Yuya Inoue & Hiromi Tsubota, XX Cryptogamic Botany Symposium, 2015/07/22, Without Invitation, English, Proto