Takeshi Tanaka

Last Updated :2025/03/03

Affiliations, Positions
Hiroshima University Hospital(Medical Informatics & Systems Management), Assistant Professor

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Science, University of Tsukuba
  • Master of Science, University of Tsukuba

Research Fields

  • Informatics;Frontiers of informatics;Web informatics, Service informatics
  • Informatics;Frontiers of informatics;Life / Health / Medical informatics
  • Complex systems;Biomedical engineering;Medical systems
  • Mathematical and physical sciences;Physics;Particle / Nuclear / Cosmic ray / Astro physics

Research Keywords

  • Web Accessibility for Visually Impaired Persons
  • Medical Informattion
  • Privacy Protection
  • Information Security
  • Information Ethics
  • Hospital Information System
  • rotational motion of nucleus
  • shape transition

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Japan Association of Medical Informatics, 2000
  • The Physical Society of Japan, 1993
  • Japan Society for Low-vision Research and Rihabilitation, 2016/08

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Medical Informatics
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Medical Informatics
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Medical Informatics

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. ★, Nonaxial octupole deformations in light N = Z nuclei at high spins, PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 63(3), 200103
  2. Structural Change in the cranked HFB Bands, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 38, 249-250, 19970401
  3. ★, Band termination of collective rotation : Dynamical mechanism of occurrence, Physical Review C, 56, 181-190, 19970701
  4. A Possible Microscopic Description of Nuclear Collective Rotation in Band-Crossing Region-Occurrence Mechanism of S-band-, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 93, 335-355, 19950401
  5. Quantum Nonlinear Resonance, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 91, 1135-1147, 19940401
  6. Non-axially Octupole Deformations in Light N=Z Nuclei, International Conference on Nuclear Physics : Clustering Phenomena in Nuclear Physics= Jun 2000= Se. Petersburg. Russia., 20000401
  7. Construction of Structured Electric Health Informaiton Distributing Systems as the Base of Social Welfre and Security Protection, MEDINFO2001= Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1497, 20010901
  8. Development of an electronic patient record system for supporting informed consent, MEDINFO2001= Amsterdam: IOS Press, 711, 20010901
  9. Nonaxially octupole deformations in light N=Z nuclei., Int. Conf. On Nucl. Phys: Clustering Phenomena In Nuclear Physics= St. Petersburg= Russia, 20000401
  10. ★, Backbending phenomenon in 48Cr, Phys. Rev. C 58, 2765-2776, 19981101
  11. Does Integrated EHR System Assure Safety Patient Management?, 20070820
  12. Requirements of Linkage with Triage-Tag Information and Electronic Health Records Available in a Huge Disaster, 20070820
  13. ★, Proposal for a Wide Area Emergency Information System to Support Coordination between Rescue Sites and Hospitals., APAMI 2009 Proceedings (Hiroshima, Japan), 105-112, 20091101
  14. Hospital Information Systems: are they sufficiently helpful for the management of patient safety? Valuable lessons from the Japanese experience, 20100901
  15. Is e-Healthcare Chart Contributory to Patient Safety?, Proceedings of HEALTHINF 2012, 430-433, 20120201
  16. Lost Electronic Medical Records by System Troubles, Proceedings of APAMI 2012 (Beijing), Submission Number 54, 20121001
  17. A clinical management system for patient participatory health care support - Assuring the patients' rights and confirming operation of clinical treatment and hospital administration, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS, 73(3), 243-249, 20040331
  18. Operation and Evaluation of Insurance Pharmacies Navigation and Outside Prescription Information Automatic FAX Sending System : With the aim of Dispersion from the Nearby Pharmacies, 22(1), 127-135, 20020401
  19. Requirements of a User Administration System for Management of an Electronic Medical Record System, 20, 124-125, 20001123
  20. Development of a informed consent support system for the assessment of its process and result, 20, 354-355, 20001123
  21. Institute Cooperation Supporting System : Based on Health Data Use and Protection Policy, 20, 454-455, 20001123
  22. The Development of an Outside Prescription Navigation System Aiming For a Closer Tie With Outside Pharmacies, 20, 740-741, 20001123
  23. Development of Secured Medical Education and Research System : Relation to the Hospital Information System, 20, 1018-1019, 20001123
  24. Outpatients Nursing Information System With Dental Re-consulting Order System, 4, 36-39, 20030712
  25. ★, A New Emergency Relief and Evaluation Information System-The Emergency Medical Information Services Net HIROSHIMA- : Real Time Communication Support System at Wide Area Disaster, Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, 28(4), 187-195, 20090717
  26. Quantum Nonlinear Resonance : Nuclear Physics, Progress of theoretical physics, 91(6), 1135-1147, 19940625
  27. A Possible Microscopic Description of Nuclear Collective Rotation in Band-Crossing Region:Occurrence Mechanism of s-Band, Progress of theoretical physics, 93(2), 335-355, 19950225
  28. The Inequality of Patient Profile Information in Japanese Hospitals., Studies in health technology and informatics, 228, 2016
  29. A clinical management system for patient participatory health care support. Assuring the patients' rights and confirming operation of clinical treatment and hospital administration., International journal of medical informatics, 73(3), 2004
  30. The guideline of the personal health data structure to secure safety healthcare. The balance between use and protection to satisfy the patients' needs., International journal of medical informatics, 76(5-6), 412-418, 200701
  31. A Reasonable Accommodation on Webpages of Hospital for Visually Impaired Patients, 53(Supplement), 191-191, 201609
  32. A Test Production of a Medical Institution Webpage Using a Grid-Layout Taking Web Accessibility of Persons with Disabilities into Account, Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, 37(Supplement), 1225-1229, 2017
  33. Trial Production of Management Model to Improve the Quality of Data Accumulated in Hospital Information System, Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, 37(Supplement), 337-342, 2017
  34. Significance of Classifying and Analyzing Inquiries to Helpdesk from the Viewpoint of User Behavior, Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, 37(Supplement), 1104-1109, 2017
  35. Examining the utility of BI of medical application Semantic Data Model which points on the reference model of DWH, Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, 37(Supplement), 554-557, 2017
  36. How Many Medical Institutions Adhere Closely to “The Revised Agreement in Treating DICOM Data for Medical Referral” in Receiving the Data? - Survey and Analysis in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, 37(Supplement), 879-883, 2017
  37. A Test Production of Medical Institution Webpage Available in Browsing by a Smartphone or Using Extremely Expanded Characters: Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, 39(Supplement), 946-951, 2019
  38. ★, A Test Production of Medical Institution Webpage Available for an Extremely Large-Size Font, 11th Biennial Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics Conference Proceedings, 186-187, 20201121
  39. ★, The Appropriate Way to Define Heading Information in Accessible Medical Institution Webpages, Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, 40(3), 151-159, 20201127
  40. Standard Requirements of Accessible Medical Institution Webpage for Visually-Impaird, Japan Journal of Medical Informatics, 40(Supplement), 904-909, 20201118

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Standard Requirements of Accessible Medical Institution Webpage for Visually-Impaird, Tanaka T, The 40th Joint Conference on Medical Informatic, 2020/11/22, Without Invitation, Japanese
  2. A Test Production of Medical Institution Webpage Available for an Extremely Large-Size Font, Tanaka T, Ujima K, Narai A, KIuchi Y, 11th Biennial Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics Conference, 2020/11/22, Without Invitation, English, Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics, Hamamatsu, Japan
  3. A Preliminary Survey for Constracting Medical Institution Webpage Model Accessible to Visually-Impaired Persons Based on the Semantic Model of HTML5, Tanaka T, Japan Association for Medical Informatics Spring Conference 2020, 2020/06/06, Without Invitation, Japanese, Web
  4. A Test Production of a Medical Institution Webpage Using a Grid-Layout Taking Web Accessibility of Persons with Disabilities into Account, Tanaka T, Ujima K, Narai A, Fujita R, The 39th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, 2019/11/21, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Associstion for Medical Informatics, Chiba, Japan
  5. A Preliminary Survey for Construucting Medical Institution Webpage Model Accessible to Visually-Impaired Persons Based on the Semantic Model of HTML5, Takeshi T, Japan Association for Medical Informatics Spring Conference 2019, 2019/06/06, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Kumamoto, Japan
  6. A Test Production of a Medical Institution Webpage Using a Grid-Layout Taking Web Accessibility of Persons with Disabilities into Account, Tanaka T, Tsukuma H, Ikeuchi M, Ujima K, Fujita R, The 37th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, 2017/11/21, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Associstion for Medical Informatics, Osaka, Japan
  7. Trial Production of Management Model to Improve the Quality of Data Accumulated in Hospital Information System, Tsukuma H, Tanaka T, Ikeuchi M, The 37th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, 2017/11/21, Without Invitation, Japanese, Joint Conference for Medical Informatics, Osaka, Japan
  8. Significance of Classifying and Analyzing Inquiries to Helpdesk from the Viewpoint of User Behavior, Tsukuma H, Ohtahara K, Kameda S, Tanaka T, The 37th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, 2017/11/21, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Osaka, Japan
  9. Examining the utility of BI of medical application Semantic Data Model which points on the reference model of DWH, Shimakawa T, Suzuki H, Tsukuma H, Tanaka T, The 37th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, 2017/11/21, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Osaka, Japan
  10. How Many Medical Institutions Adhere Closely to “The Revised Agreement in Treating DICOM Data for Medical Referral” in Receiving the Data? - Survey and Analysis in Hiroshima Prefecture-, Imai K, Other 8 authors (the 8th author: Tanaka T), The 37th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics, 2017/11/21, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for Medical Informaticw, Osaka, Japan

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI, 2015, 2017
  2. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)), 2018, 2020