Luli van der Does

Last Updated :2025/02/03

Affiliations, Positions
The Center for Peace, Associate Professor
My research explores the nexus of mind and society focusing on the transient linguistic, visual and/or sensory representations of memory and their interactive roles in the formation process of individual or collective cultural consciousness. I am particularly interested in how memory is used for the survival of individuals and communities in real or potential conflict/disaster situations that accompany traumatic experiences. To that end, I specialize in a cross-disciplinary methodology with quantitative cum qualitative text analytics to investigate representations of memory in the media, education, tourism, and heritage projects. My current project focuses on legitimization processes of memory-based social identity that impact both localized and transboundary peace initiatives.

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Sheffield

Research Fields

  • Social sciences;Psychology;Social psychology
  • Social sciences;Psychology;Social psychology

Research Keywords

  • memory, heritage, forgetting, war and conflict, reconciliation, forgetting, authenticity, legitimacy, atomic-bomb experiences, peace & tourism, media discourse and representations

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Association of Critical Heritage Studies
  • European Association for Japanese Studies
  • British Association for Japanese Studies
  • Memory Studies Association
  • International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of the Victims of Public Crimes

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Memories Studies Towards International Peace
  2. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, World Peace and HIROSHIMA
  3. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, World Peace and HIROSHIMA
  4. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 4Term, Seeking Universal Peace(Multidisciplinary-omnibus)[On-Demand]
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 4Term, Seeking Universal Peace(Multidisciplinary-omnibus)[On-Demand]
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Peace and Co-existence A
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Peace and Co-existence B
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Peace and Heritage of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Memory Studies for Peace
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study(October 2024 Master's Students)
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study(April 2024 Doctoral Students)

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. ★, Turning Disaster into Regenerative Strength: Hiroshima's Strategy for Societal Peace in the Anthropocene, War and Society, 20231124
  2. ★, Toward a Borderless Memory of Hiroshima: From Victimhood to Witness Culture in the 75 Years of Peace Declarations, War Memory and East Asian Conflicts, 1930–1945, 63-94, 20230716
  3. Updating Memories and Personal Views on Peace: Insights from a Collection of Hibakusha Surveys and Interviews 1986-2020., Praxis, 23, 79-95, 20220329
  4. Preliminary Results of the 76th Anniversary Online Survey on the Students' Perceptions of Peace, Hiroshima Peace Science, 43, 129-143, 200202
  5. Levende Herinneringen in Hiroshima (Living Memories of Hiroshima), WO2 Onderzoek Uitgelicht, 20211101
  6. ★, Online tourist reviews and accidental conveyors of memories of the atomic bomb, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 18(5), 514-531, 20191217
  7. An Empirical Study of the Shifts in HIROSHIMAs Identity in the Peace Declarations and Their English Translations 1947-2018, Hiroshima Peace Science, 40, 69-94, 201903
  8. What the Testimony of the ictims of 8.20 Hiroshima Sediment Disaster Reveals, Hiroshima Peace Science, 40, 95-115, 2019
  9. Analyzing the Atomic-bomb Experience and Memory for Participatory Heritage., Bilingual Proceedings of the International Symposium on The Atomic-Bombs and War Memories: Heritage of Peace in an Uncertain Age, IPSHU Research Report Series, 71-90, 2018
  10. Contested memories of the Kamikaze and the self-representations of Tokkō-tai youth in their missives home, Special issue: Excavating the Power of Memory, Japan Forum, 27(3), 345-379, 2015
  11. Can the Atomic-bomb Experiences be conveyed through “Peace tourism”?: The Case for a “Participatory Heritage” Approach, Hiroshima Peace Science, 39, 95-115, 201803
  12. Heritage of the Atomic-Bomb Experience: What needs to be conveyed?, Hiroshima Peace Science, 39, 69-93, 201803
  13. Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Views on the Possibility of the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, Hiroshima Peace Science, 38, 57-82, 201703
  14. Hito ga sensō ni iku to iu koto – Tokkō-tai no kenkyū kara, Kyōiku to Bunka, 80, 29-39, 201508
  15. Strategies for Interpreting a Japanese Complex Sentence into English - A Linguistic Study, Interpreting Research, 8(2), 74-95, 1999
  16. Cognitive Explicitation in Simultaneous Interpreting, Anovar/Anosar Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación, 231-257, 1999
  17. An empirical study of Japanese time indicators in relation to the analysis of time in Japanese narrative, Working papers in English and Applied Linguistics, 6, 99-125, 1996
  18. English/Japanese Professional Interpretation: Its Linguistic and Conceptual Problems, Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, 6, 41-57, 1995
  19. An Empirical Study of the Atomic-bomb survivors' Trauma and the "Vehicles" for Recolletion, Hiroshima Peace Science, 41, 13-31, 202003
  20. Environmental pollution and the media: Political discourses of risk and responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, Environmental Pollution and the Media: Political Discourses of Risk and Responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, 1-203, 20170101
  21. ★, Factors Driving Atomic-bomb Survivors to Offer Their Testimonies: A Statistical Modelling by Binomial Logistic Regression Using the 75th Anniversary Survey Results, Hiroshima Peace Science, 42, 123-143, 2020
  22. Students' Perceptions of the Atomic-Bomb Heritage and Nuclear Disarmament: A Cross-disciplinary Analysis of the 75th Anniversary Student Survey Results, Hiroshima Peace Science, 42, 145-173, 2020
  23. Environmental pollution and the media: Political discourses of risk and responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, Environmental Pollution and the Media: Political Discourses of Risk and Responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, 1-203, 20170101
  24. ★, Contested memories of the kamikaze and the self-representations of tokkō- tai youth in their missives home, Japan Forum, 27(3), 345-379, 20150101
  25. Online tourist reviews and accidental conveyors of memories of the atomic bomb, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 18(5), 514-531, 20200902
  26. Online tourist reviews and accidental conveyors of memories of the atomic bomb, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 18(5), 514-531, 20200902
  27. Environmental pollution and the media: Political discourses of risk and responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, Environmental Pollution and the Media: Political Discourses of Risk and Responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, 1-203, 20170101
  28. Environmental pollution and the media: Political discourses of risk and responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, Environmental Pollution and the Media: Political Discourses of Risk and Responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, 1-203, 20170101

Publications such as books

  1. 2022/03/29, War as Entertainment and Contents Tourism in Japan, The Sense of belonging created by in This Corner of the World, Routledge, 2022, 3, Scholarly Book, Contributor, English, Luli van der Does, 9781003239970, 158, 6, 100-105
  2. 2022/03/29, War as Entertainment and Contents Tourism in Japan, Tours of Tokkōtai (kamikaze) training bases, Routledge, 2022, 2022, Scholarly Book, Contributor, English, Takayoshi Yamamura, Philip Seaton, 9781003239970, 176, 5, 111-116
  3. 2021/02/09, Tourism and Media in the Era of Augmented Reality, Peace Tourism and the concept of Personal Relevance in the Spaces of Virtual and Augmented Reality, Memories Media Tourism AR VR SNS, Kobundo Publishing, 2021, 02, Scholarly Book, Single work, Japanese, Yoshihiro Yamada & Ryosuke Okamoto (Eds). Luli van der Does (Chapter 13), ISBN-10: 4335552041, ISBN-13: 978-4335552045, 288, 30, Chapter 13
  4. 2020/08/05, Disappeared Towns, Tracing Memories: Drawings and Testimonies by Shigeo Moritomi, Atomic bomb, Hiroshima, Testimony, Survivor, HIROSHIMA Fieldwork Committee, 2020, 08, Book(general), Single Translation, English, Luli van der Does, 9784600005108, 119, 119, All
  5. 2016/05/27, Sensō e no Shūshifu (Full Stop to War), Kamikaze no kioku ronsō to tokubetsu-kōgekitai-taiin no jikohyōgen ni miru aidentiti, Hōritsu-Bunka-sha, 2016, 5, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 日本語, 978-4-589-03759, 188, 108-143
  6. 2017, Media and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Study of National Media Reporting of Environmental Issues in China and Japan, Mediating Risk Communication and the Shifting Locus of Responsibility: Japanese Adaptation Policy in Response to Cross-border Atmospheric Pollution, Air Pollution, Mask, Media, Environment, East Asia, Routledge, 2017, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, van der Does, Luli; Hook, Glenn Dawson, 0415710316
  7. 2016, Excavating the Power of Memory in Japan, Contested memories of the Kamikaze and the self-representations of Tokkō-tai youth in their missives home, identity, Kamikaze Tokkō-tai, discourse, socio-cognitive representation, shisōsen, Routledge, 2016/, /20, 2016, 2018, Glenn Hook, Kerstin Lukner, Luli van der Does-Ishikawa, and Giovanni Bulian, 978-1-138-67729-6, 116, 35, 345-379

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Kiyoshi Kanzaki's transient perspectives and the sources of his thought, Luli van der Does, Defeat, Occupation and the Re-ordering of Japanese Society: What Can Be Seen from the Kiyoshi Kanzaki Collection', 20th Annual Conference of the Society for Gender History., 2023/12/10, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Society for Gender History, Nara Women's University
  2. Oppenheimer and the people of the city of '75-year barrenness' - from a study of the ecology of living memory., Luli van der Does, Multipolar societies and the memory of the atomic bomb - for the creation of universal peace., 2024/02/24, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum for the National University Management Reform Promotion Programme and Hiroshima University 75+75th Anniversary Project., The International Conference Center Hiroshima
  3. Hiroshima's Path to Reconstruction and Community Regeneration: focusing on women's contributions, Luli van der Does, Bolstering Livelihoods: Digital Reskilling for Ukrainian women evacuees in Poland, 2024/01/16, With Invitation, English
  4. Tourism for generating peace: The case of Kiyoshi Kikkawa, Luli van der Does, Exploring the past, present, and future of Palestine through tourism, 2024/02/02, With Invitation, Japanese
  5. Hiroshima's Resilience and the Regenerative Role of Education, CESA2023 13th Biennial Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Asia: Education in the Aftermath of Social Crisis, 2023/11/23, With Invitation, English, The Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University on behalf of The Comparative Education Society of Aisa (CESA) 2023, International Conference Center Hiroshima, Japan
  6. Hibakusha Shigeo Moritomi and Layered Landscapes of Wartime Memories, VANDERDOES, Luli, Special Talk Event - Moritomi Shigeo and his Drawings and Testimonies, 2022, Without Invitation, Japanese
  7. Updating Memories and Personal Views on Peace, Luli van der Does, International Joint Workshop on Memories, The 3rd Commemoration Seminar for the Establishment of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University, 2022/12/07, With Invitation, English, Project Research Center for Applied Ethics, Hiroshima University / The Department of Philosophy at the University of Munster, Mirai Crea, Hiroshima University
  8. The Potentiality of 'Revisiting': Insights from the 2021 Inter-University Survey of Students' Perceptions of Peace and the 2021 Nationwide Survey on the Peace Tourism., Luli van der Does, Reconsidering the interface of the Peace Studies and the Tourism Studies., 2021/03/14, With Invitation, Japanese, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
  9. The Atomic-bomb experiences and Vehicle-induced Trauma: An Observation of the Processes of Updating Memories., Luli van der Does, The Atomic-bomb Experiences and Mind, 2022/02/20, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Memorial Hall, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
  10. Forgetting and Remembering for the Future: Researchable Issues in the '75 years after the Atomic Bombings'., Luli van der Does, Joint Review Workshop: the '75 years after the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki'., 2022/03/25, With Invitation, Japanese
  11. Memory Studies for building your future, Luli van der Does, HiGA Summer School 2021, 2021/08/07, With Invitation, Japanese, Hiroshima Global Academy, International Conference Center Hiroshima
  12. 'Shifting shades of victimhood discourse and the atomic-bomb survivors',, Luli van der Does, EAJS 2021: 16th International Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies., 2021/08/25, Without Invitation, English, International Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies., Bergium/Online
  13. "Disappeared Towns, Tracing Memories": Results of Integrated Citizen-Participation in Memorial Heritage Project., Luli van der Does, KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research) Interim Results., 2020/12/04, With Invitation, Japanese, Online
  14. Hibakusha was once a child, too: Memories of a hidden life, Luli van der Does, Whose vantage point? Narrating and Passing on the Atomic-bomb Memories to the Next Generation., 2021/03/07, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Centre for Peace, Hiroshima University and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Hiroshima
  15. Migration and Songs of Hearts, van der DOES, Luli, 6th International Workshop on Music, Memory and Boundaries in East Asia - Mobility and Popular Songs in Building a New Nation”, 2019/12/17, Without Invitation, The Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, Tokyo
  16. Hiroshima’s Legacy: Transition from emergency rehabilitation to sustainable revitalisation, van der DOES, Luli, 58th OSEAL Forum in Hiroshima: Praying for Peace, 2019/11/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Lion's Club, International Conference Center Hiroshima
  17. Peace Tourism & Personal Relevance, van der DOES, Luli, CPHU International Symposium 2019: HIROSHIMA and Peace Tourism, 2019/07/20, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University, International Conference Center Hiroshima
  18. HIROSHIMA's Identity, A Tapestry of Victims, Perpetrators, and a Symbol of World Peace, van der DOES, Luli, Seminar Crossing Borders, Pushing Boundaries: Rethinking Transnational Memories of War in Asia and the Pacific, 2019/03/27, Without Invitation, English, NIOD Institute for War-, Holocaust- and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam
  19. 平和都市アイデンティティの力, van der DOES, Luli, Open Public Seminar "Five Selected Topics on the Power of Resilience: Learning from the Atomic Bomb Experience", 2019/03/02, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Center foe Peace, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
  20. Sing to counter the crisis: Japan’s State-endorsed Children’s Songs and the Power of Mobilisation, van der DOES, Luli, Crisis? What Crisis? Continuity, and Change in Japan, 2018/09/05, Without Invitation, English, British Association for Japanese Studies, Sheffield, UK
  21. Methodological Considerations, van der DOES, Luli, 4th Workshop on Songs and Memory, 2018/08/11, Without Invitation, English, International House
  22. Online Tourist Reviews and Les Lieux de Mémoire, van der DOES, Luli, The Cold War Lndscape and Peace in the Northeast Asia - Jeju Island Peace Forum, 2018/07/11, Without Invitation, English, Jeju Island
  23. 原爆体験と「こころ」の軌跡を伝えるために, van der DOES, Luli, Open Public Seminar: "What is an atomic bomb damage? What will “Hiroshima” inherit?”, Open Public Seminar: "What is an atomic bomb damage? What will “Hiroshima” inherit?”, 2018/03/10, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
  24. 参加型継承:原爆体験と平和観光の接点, van der DOES, Luli, 平和観光研究の可能性, 2017/12/11, Without Invitation, Japanese, Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido
  25. Exploiting Empowerment: Gendered songs of wartime Korea and Japan 1910-1945, Kim, S. and van der DOSE, Luli, Gendeered Histories of Korea and Japan, 2017/09/22, Without Invitation, English, University of Tuebingen
  26. Analysing the Atomic-bomb Experience and Memory for Participatory Heritage, van der DOES, Luli, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University- 1st International symposium 2017 “The Atomic Bombs and War Memories: Heritage of Peace in an Uncertain Age”, 2017/08/02, Without Invitation, Japanese, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Senda Campus
  27. Spirited Away? Representations of Women’s Work and Leadership Roles in Studio Ghibli Animations, Griffin, Martyn, van der DOES, Luli. and Matanle, P, Challenging Gendered Media Mis(s)Representations of Women Professionals & Leaders, ESRC Funded Seminar Series 2014-2017, End of Seminar Series Conference, 2017/06/15, Without Invitation, English, Goodenough College, London
  28. The Kamikazes’ Thought War and Negotiating Identities during the Reconstruction of Asia 1945-1965, van der DOES, Luli, 2nd International Workshop, The Reconstruction of East Asia: 1945-65, 2016/12/09, Without Invitation, English, University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge
  29. Dugons, US Bases and Risky Relocation in Okinawa: The Role of the Media, van der Does, L. and Hook, G.D, 2016/09/15, Without Invitation, English, University of Tasmania, University of Tasmania
  30. An Identity to Die For? The Kamikazes’ "self" in the making, van der DOES, Luli, Joint East Asian Studies Conference, 2016/09/07, Without Invitation, English, the School of African and Oriental Studies, University of London, University of London
  31. Cross-border Atmospheric Pollution and Media Power: Why wear a facial mask?, van der DOES, Luli, Special Lecture, Tandem-Language Learning Project, 2016/06/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido University
  32. Eyeing the Kamikaze Identity: Viewpoints in Selective Memorialisation, van der DOES, Luli, International workshop on War Memories and Reconciliation, 2016/06/27, Without Invitation, Japanese, the Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido University
  33. Culturally-convinving Japanese academic presentations using social media, McAuley, T.E. and van der DOES, Luli, the Japan Foundation / BAJS Post-Graduate Workshop, 2016/01/17, Without Invitation, English, the Japan Foundation
  34. Shifting Shades of Imperial Ideology in Japanese Children's Official Songbooks, 1881-1945, van der DOES, Luli, the Workshop on Childhood, Education, and Youth in Pre-1945 Japan – and Beyond, 2015/11/23, Without Invitation, English, the University of Manchester, the University of Manchester
  35. Cross-border Air Pollution and the Media: Channeling Risks into Responsible Actions, Hook, Glenn.D. and van der DOES, Luli, the Workshop on Media Discourses on Climate Change in Asia Pacific: Focus on China and Japan, 2015/03/12, Without Invitation, Japanese, the National Institute of Japanese Studies, University of Sheffield, part of the White Rose East Asia Centre, a collaboration with the University of Leeds with support from the Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO), Tokyo
  36. An interdisciplinary analytical framework for climate change, van der DOES, Luli, the Workshop on Environment and Media, 2014/12/22, Without Invitation, English, the Department of Asian Studies, School of Social Sciences, University of Western Australia, University of Western Australia
  37. Contested memories of the Kamikaze, their last letters home, and children’s songs, van der DOES, Luli, the Annual meeting of the European Research Network funded by Arts & Humanities Research Council, Memory in East Asia: Ruptured Pasts, Contested Present, Uncertain Futures, 2014/04/24, Without Invitation, English, White Rose East Asia Centre, White Rose East Asia Centre
  38. A Socio-linguistic Analysis of Official Japanese Children’s Songbooks, 1881-1945: Establishing an imperial ideology through the manipulation of language, van der DOES, Luli, Special Lecture, 2014/01/21, Without Invitation, English, the Centro de Estudios de Asia Oriental, Universidad Autónoma, Madrid
  39. Doing Presentation in Japanese, McAuley, T.E. and van der DOES, Luli, the Japan Foundation / BAJS Post-Graduate Workshop, 2012/01/17, Without Invitation, English, he Japan Foundation, he Japan Foundation


  1. 2020/07/15, Hiroshima Peace Grant 2020, Hiroshima Peace Creation Fund, Public Interest Incorporated Foundation
  2. 2020/11/27, Hiroshima UNESCO Association, Encouragement Award, Hiroshima UNESCO Association

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), 2022, 2024
  2. KAKENHI(Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))), [PI] Establishing Memory Studies in Japan: A Cornerstone for Peace, 2021, 2025
  3. Research Funding for Female Researchers to Lead a Collaborative Research Project, An Empirical Study of the Cultural Acceptance of Japanese Automobile Products Traced in the Indonesian Social Media (Principal Investigator), 2021/10/01, 2022/03/31
  4. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Representations of women in the "narrative of reconstructing the Atomic-bombed communities" under occupation. (Principal Investigator), 2022, 2024
  5. Daiwa Foundation Award, (Principal Investigator) Impending loss of the lived memories of the atomic-bomb survivors, 2021, 2021
  6. Bilateral Seminar, Hiroshima's Memorial Landscape, Framing East Asian Wartime experiences since 1945, 2020/03/03, 2020/03/08
  7. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Consumption of the War Themes in Contents Tourism and Historical Interpretations: An International Comparative Study, 2020
  8. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Comparative Study on the Issues of Nuclear Global Disasters from the Viewpoint of Life, Livelihood and Mind, 2019, 2022
  9. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up), (Principal Investigator) An Empirical Study of the Processes of Conceptualizing 'Universal Peace' through Discourse and Visual Representations and their International Impact in the Efforts to Convey the Atomic-bomb Experiences., 2019, 2020

Social Activities

History as Committee Members

  1. Member of the Hiroshima Peace Tourism Advisory Committee, 2020/04, 2023/03, Hiroshima Peace Tourism Advisory Committee
  2. Member of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Advisory Committee, 2020/04, 2023/03, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
  3. International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of the Victims of Public Crimes, 2017, International Committee of Museums

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. Weaving Peace through Heritage Tourism, 2019 International Research Workshop on Peace, Tourism, and Heritage, 0220/18, 0720/19
  2. HIROSHIMA and Peace Tourism, 2019 International Symposium "HIROSHIMA and Peace Tourism" Steering Committee, 0720/19, 0720/19
  3. Exploring the Hibakusha's Mind and their Atomic-bomb Experiences, 2021 Citizens' Open Seminar Steering Committee, 0220/22, 0220/22

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. Memory, Mind & Media (Cambridge Core), Editor, International Editorial Board