Last Updated :2025/01/07
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor
- Web Site
- E-mail
Basic Information
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Science, TOHOKU UNIVERSITY
- Master of Science, TOHOKU UNIVERSITY
Research Fields
- Interdisciplinary science and engineering;Quantum beam science;Quantum beam science
Research Keywords
- Accelerator Physics, Photo-cathode, Electron source, Positron Source, Linear Collider, Beam Dynamics, Free Electron Laser
Affiliated Academic Societies
- ILC Vanguard Initiative, 2310/01
- The Physical Society of Japan
- Particle Accelerator Society of Japan
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Electromagnetism I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Exercises of Physics
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Advanced Physics
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Study for Graduation A
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Special Study for Graduation B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Seminar on Basic Sciences of Matter A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Seminar on Basic Sciences of Matter B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Academic Presentation in Basic Sciences of Matter
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Exercises in Basic Sciences of Matter B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Advanced Study in Quantum Matter
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Advanced Study in Quantum Matter
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Discussion of International Linear Collider Accelerator and Measuring Instrument Development at LCWS2023, FAS report, 26, 1-9, 202308
- A report from 13th ICFA Seminar on Future Perspectives in High-Energy Physics, FAS report, 27, 1-9, 202403
- Report on Participation in the 21st Symposium of the Liaison Conference of Gender Equality Academic Societies, Journal of the Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 20(4), 202402
- ISBA22 WAS FINALLY HELD IN PERSON, Journal of the Japanese Society for Accelerator Science, Accelerator, 20(2), 202307
- A Report from the Sixth International School on Beam Dynamics and Accelerator Technology (ISBA23)
—the First ISBA in Korea—, Journal of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Accelerator, 20(4), 202401
- An Experimental Study of X-Y Emittance Repartitioning in KEK-STF, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2687(2), 022013, 2024
- GaAs cathode activation with Cs-K-Sb thin film, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2687(2), 022015, 2024
- ★, Beam Loading Compensation of Traveling Wave Linac to a Multi-bunch Pulse with Gaps, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2687(2), 022012, 2024
- Beam loading compensation of standing wave linac with off-crest acceleration, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2420(1), 012007, 2023
- A design of ILC E-driven positron source, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2420(1), 012006, 2023
- Damping-ring-free electron injector proposal for future linear colliders, PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS, 26(1), 20230112
- Generation High-Charge of Flat Beams at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator, Proceedings of Conference: 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 05/19-05/24/2019, Melbourne, Australia, 19-24 May 2019, 20190624
- Flat Beam Generation with the Phase Space Rotation Technique at KEK-STF, Proceedings of IPAC 2022, 20220731
- Beam Loading Compensation of Standing Wave Linac with Off-Crest Acceleration, Proceeding of IPAC 2022, 20220731
- Damping-Ring-Free Injector Design for Linear Colliders, Proceedings of IPAC 2022, 20220731
- A DESIGN OF ILC E-DRIVEN POSITRON SOURCE, Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference 2022, 20220731
- Development of a 500-kV Photo-Cathode DC Gun for ERLs, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 298, 012005, 20100901
- Photon generation by laser-Compton scattering at the KEK-ATF, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. A, 623(1), 576, 20101101
- Laser Driver for a photocathode of an electron linear accelerator, Quantum Electronics, 40(12), 1123, 20101101
- Improvement of an S-band RF gun with a Cs2Te photocathode for the KEK-ATF, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. A, 613, 1, 20100201
- High-Voltage Test of a 500-kV Photo-Cathode DC Gun for the ERL Light Sources in Japan, Proc. Of IPAC2010, TUPE093, 20100501
- Development of a high average power laser generating electron beams in ILC format for KEK-STF, Proc. Of IPAC2010, THPEC024, 20100501
- High-voltage testing of a 500-kV dc photocathode electron gun, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 81(3), 20100301
- DEVELOPMENT OF A PHOTOCATHODE TEST BENCH USING A CRYO-PUMP AND A NEG PUMP, Proc. 1st International Particle Accelerator Conf., 2326-2328, 20100601
- Application of coupling resonance to electron-beam conditioning for free electron lasers, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 78, 124503 (11 pages), 20091201
- 500kV Gun development at KEK, 48th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Future Light Sources March 1-5 2010, 20100301
- A study of Lifetime of GaAs Photocathode for High Brightness Electron Source, Proc. Of 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference(PAC09) Vancouver Canada, MO6RFP069, 20090501
- Darklifetime degradation of GaAs cathode, WS on Ultrafast electron and photon beams Xian China, 20090901
- DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF A 500-KV PHOTOCATHODE DC GUNFOR ERL LIGHT SOURCES, Proc. Of 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference(PAC09) Vancouver Canada, MO6RFP074, 20090501
- Development of an electron gun for an ERL based light source in Japan, Workshop on Polarized Source Target and Polarimetry (PST09)Ferrara Italy, none, 20090901
- ERL parameters for Compton polarised positron sources, Proc. Of 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference(PAC09) Vancouver Canada, MO6RFP068, 20090501
- High-voltage test of 500-kV DC photo-cathode electron gun, Review of Science Instruments, 81(33304), 20100301
- Improvement of an S-band RF gun with a Cs2Te photocathode for the KEK-ATF, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 613, 1-8, 20091101
- JAEA/KEK gun status, 48th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Future Light Sources March 1-5 2010, 20100301
- Polarized Sources for CLIC, 20090901
- THE CLIC POSITRON SOURCE BASED ON COMPTON SCHEMES, Proc. Of 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference(PAC09) Vancouver Canada, none(none), WE6RFP065, 20090501
- A tandem linear Paul trap as an ion source, Journal of Physics:Conference Series, 163(1), 012102-1-4, 20090101
- Status of the Energy Recovery Linac project in Japan, Proc. Of 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference(PAC09) Vancouver Canada, WE6RFP065, 20090501
- Analysis of Quantum Efficiency Spectrum of NEA-GaAs Photo-cathode, Proc. Of International Conference of Particle Accelerator(IPAC2011), THPC117, 20110901
- Recent Development of Low-emittance Electron Gun for Accelerator, J. Vac. Soc. Jpn., 55(2), 29-36, 20110901
- RF Processing of L-band RF Gun for KEK-STF, Proc. Of International Conference of Particle Accelerator(IPAC2011), MOPC014, 20110901
- Status of 500kV DC Gun at JAEA, ERL2011, 20111001
- Surface analysis of a Degraded NEA-GaAs Photo-cathode by Temperature Programmed Desorption Technique, Proc. Of International Conference of Particle Accelerator(IPAC2011), THPC116, 20110901
- Photon Generation by Laser-Compton Scattering Using an Optical Resonant Cavity at the KEK-ATF Electron Ring, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 78(7), 200907
- Application of Coupling Resonance to Electron-Beam Conditioning for Free-Electron Lasers, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 78(12), 200912
- High-voltage testing of a 500-kV dc photocathode electron gun, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 81(3), 201003
- Laser driver for a photocathode of an electron linear accelerator, QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 40(12), 1123-1130, 2010
- 1 ms Pulse Beam Generation and Acceleration by Photocathode Radio Frequency Gun and Superconducting Accelerator, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 52(5), 201305
- Generation of a 500-keV electron beam from a high voltage photoemission gun, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 102(23), 20130610
- X-ray generation by inverse Compton scattering at the superconducting RF test facility, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 772, 26-33, 20150201
- Experimental investigation of an optimum configuration for a high-voltage photoemission gun for operation at ≥500 kV, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 20140319
- Experimental investigation of an optimum configuration for a high-voltage photoemission gun for operation at >= 500 kV, PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS, 17(5), 20140519
- Positron capture simulation for the ILC electron-driven positron source, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, 201510
- ★, Substrate dependence of CsK2Sb photo-cathode performance, Progress Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 3(033G01), 20170331
- Electron Driven ILC Positron Source with a Low Gradient Capture Linac, Proc. of Linac Conference 2016, TUPRC008, 20160925
- UPS Study for CsK2Sb Photocathode, Proc. of Linac 2016, TUPRC022, 20160925
- Lifetime Study of CKk2Sb Robust Photo-Cathode for a High Brightness Electron Source, Proc. of Linac 2016, TUPLR013, 20160925
- A Study of CsK2Sb Multi-alkali Photocathode by Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy at
UVSOR, Proc. of International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'16), 3934-3937, 201606
- A Study of Operational Lifetime of CsK2Sb Photo-cathode, Proc. 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'16), 3938-3940, 201606
- pp. 1754-1756, ISBN: 978-3-95450-147-2,
doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-TUPOW006,, 2016.
\bibitem{Kuriki:IPAC2016-TUPOW006}, Proc. 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'16), 1754-1756
- NEA surface activation of GaAs photocathode with different gases, SURFACE SCIENCE, 664, 65-69, 201710
- Construction and commissioning of the compact energy-recovery linac at KEK, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 877, 197-219, 20180101
- ★, Substrate Dependence of CsK2Sb photo-cathode performance, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2017(3), 033G01-033G01, 20170301
- Emittance Partitioning by Phase-space Rotation and Its Applications, Journal of the Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 15(3), 108-116, 20181031
- ILC Summer Camp 2018, Foundation for High Energy Accelerator Science, 17, 4-8, 201811
- ★, Negative Electron affinity GaAs Cathode Activation with CsKTe Thin Film, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1350(012047), 20191211
- A design of an electron driven positron source for the international linear collider, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 953, 20200211
Publications such as books
- 2023/05/25, Advances in Accelerators and Medical Physics, Radiotherapy is now one of the major cancer treatments. The field of accelerator and medical physics is important and growing to support high precision cancer radiotherapy. Advances in Accelerators and Medical Physics provides in-depth and comprehensive coverage of the basic concepts in x-ray therapy, electron beam therapy, particle therapy, boron neutron capture therapy, and molecular imaging and therapy. Novel technologies such as FLASH therapy and laser ion accelerator are also introduced. Each section of the book presents the current state of accelerators, irradiation methods and therapy technologies, as well as future trends in advanced research. This book will serve as a key resource for researchers and students to find all information on latest cancer radiotherapy technologies and methods., Radiotherapy is now one of the major cancer treatments. The field of accelerator and medical physics is important and growing to support high precision cancer radiotherapy. Advances in Accelerators and Medical Physics provides in-depth and comprehensive coverage of the basic concepts in x-ray therapy, electron beam therapy, particle therapy, boron neutron capture therapy, and molecular imaging and therapy. Novel technologies such as FLASH therapy and laser ion accelerator are also introduced. Each section of the book presents the current state of accelerators, irradiation methods and therapy technologies, as well as future trends in advanced research. This book will serve as a key resource for researchers and students to find all information on latest cancer radiotherapy technologies and methods., Accelerator
Medical physics, Elesevier, 2023, 2023, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, Edited by Toshiyuki Shirai, Teiji Nishio, and Kiyokazu Sato, ISBN 978-0-323-99191-9, 364, 2, Foreword
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- The Particle Accelerator for Science, Industry, and Medical, Masao Kuriki, Unlocking the power of Particle Accelerator: Science, Industry, and Medical Innovation for Thailand Future., 2024/11/04, With Invitation, English, Department of Physics and Mathematical Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Accelerators are used not only in basic science, but also in a wide range of fields such as medicine, industry, culture, and the arts, and their socioeconomic impact is significant. New accelerator technologies, such as superconducting accelerators and free electron lasers, will create technologies that will open up the future and contribute greatly to the improvement of people's lives and economic development., published
- Contribution of Advanced Accelerator (ILC) Technology to Societal Issues
-Realization of ILC as a national project-, Masao KURIKI, Pioneering the Future! International Linear Collider (ILC) Public Lecture, 2024/12/02, With Invitation, Japanese, Iwate International Linear Collider Promotion Council, Morioka, Iwate, The ILC International Linear Collider is a new generation electron-positron collider using a superconducting linear accelerator. While it is an important experiment that will open up the physics of tomorrow, such as the Higgs boson, dark matter, etc., the technology has a great impact on the future of Japan from a social and economic point of view., published
- Design of an L-band alternating periodic structure(APS) cavity for the ILC positron capture linac, Masafumi Fukuda, Yoshinori Enomoto, Hitoshi Hayano, Yu Morikawa (KEK), Masao Kuriki (Hiroshima Univ.), Annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2023/08/29, Without Invitation, Japanese, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Funabashi, Chiba, In the electron-driven positron source of the International Linear Collider (ILC), positrons are produced by the
electromagnetic shower generated when a 3 GeV electron beam is injected to a target. They are accelerated by a capture
linac in a solenoidal magnetic field. Beam loading compensation is an important issue because of the acceleration of the
high-current multi-bunch positron beam. In addition, in the first accelerator tube, the heat load from the electromagnetic
shower is expected to be as high as 10 kW or more, and the temperature of the accelerator tube iris is expected to rise.
Therefore, we will use an L-band Alternating Periodic Structure (APS) type accelerating tube, which has bi-periodic
structures operated in p/2-mode. It has large group velocity and has relative stability against the beam loading and
detuning effects compared with p-mode. In addition, it is necessary to consider space limitations for cooling channels and
fitting into the solenoid coils. We are currently designing an APS cavity using SUPERFISH and CST Studio and will
report on the design status of this accelerator tube., preprint
- A Study for envelope matching of electron bunch for emittance repartitioning experiment in KEK-STF, Sayantan Mukherjee, Masao Kuriki, Keisuke Date, Zachary J. Liptak (Hiroshima University), Hitoshi Hayano (KEK ), Kirk Yamamoto, Naoto Yamamoto, Masafumi Fukuda, Xiuguang Jin, Masakazu Kurata (KEK), Kazuyuki Sakaue (University of Tokyo), Annual Meeting of the Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2023/08/29, Without Invitation, Japanese, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Funabashi, Chiba, The International Linear collider (ILC) is a e+ e- linear
collider at centre of mass energy up to 1 TeV. At the interaction point, the beam shape must be flat in the transverse
space to maximize the luminosity, compensating the energy spread by beamstrahlung. The flat beam is obtained
by asymmetric emittance in x and y made up by radiation
damping with a 3 km damping ring. We propose a new
method to make the asymmetric emittance based on emittance exchange techniques using the two beamlines called
as Round to Flat beam transformation (RFBT) and Transverse to Longitudinal Emittance exchange (TLEX). In
KEK Superconducting Test facility (STF) the RFBT experiment has been performed but the results are not as expected due to a significant emittance growth due to the
space charge effect. We studied the emittance growth compensation by space charge effect by the envelope matching
in the STF injector. We report the results of our study here., preprint
- Overall optimization using machine learning in the design of ILC electron-driven positron source, Shunpei Kuroguchi, Masao Kuriki, Tohru Takahashi, Hiroki Tajino, Zachary Liptak (Hiroshima Univ. ADSE), Junji Urakawa, Yoshinori Enomoto, Tunehiko Oomori, Masafumi Fukuda, Yu Morikawa, Kaoru Yokoya (KEK), Annual Meeting of the Accelerator Society of Japan, 2023/08/29, Without Invitation, Japanese, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Funabashi, Chiba, In the ILC electron-driven positron source, obtaining a large number of positrons per incident beam is crucial to prevent
target damage. While positron source design traditionally relies on physical simulations to track accelerator particles, this study
focuses on using machine learning for more efficient optimization and trend identification. In this study, instead of physical
simulations, we constructed a surrogate model to provide guidance for the ILC electron-driven positron source design using a
small dataset. We used this model to predict positron capture rates and determine the optimal parameters for maximizing them., preprint
- Report of same pulse length and current electron beam acceleration as ILC specification with STF-2 cryomodules, Masakazu Kurata, Yasuchika Yamamoto, Eiji Kako, Kensei Umemori, Hiroshi Sakai, Takayuki Saeki, Takeshi Dohmae, Omet Mathieu, Ryo Katayama, Hayato Ito, Hayato Araki, Toshihiro Matsumoto, Shinichiro Michizono, Masato Egi, Mitsuo Akemoto, Dai Arakawa, Hiroaki Katagiri, Masato Kawamura, Hiromitsu Nakajima, Hitoshi Hayano, Masafumi Fukuda, Yosuke Honda, Miho Shimada, Aryshev Alexander (KEK), Masao Kuriki, Keisuke Date, Liptak Zachary (Hiroshima University), Kazuyuki Sakaue (The University of Tokyo), Hirotaka Nakai, Yuuji Kojima, Kazufumi Hara, Teruya Honma, Kouta Nakanishi, Hirotaka Shimizu, Yoshinari Kondou, Akira Yamamoto, Nobuhiro Kimura, Sakae Araki, Yu Morikawa, Takahiro Oyama, Shin-ichi Takahara, Mika Masuzawa, Ryuichi Ueki (KEK), Yoshihisa Iwashita, Yasutoshi Kuriyama (Kyoto University), Annual Meeting of the Japan Accelerator Society, 2023/08/29, Without Invitation, Japanese, the Japan Accelerator Society, Funabashi, Chiba, In the Superconducting rf Test Facility (STF) at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), a total of eight
cooling tests of the STF-2 cryomodule have been conducted by the end of 2022, and beam operations have been carried out
since 2019. As a result of the operation of the acceleration cavities so far, an averaged acceleration gradient of 33 MV/m has
been achived in 9 cavities on average, which has a margin of 5% of the ILC’s required specification (31.5 MV/m). In addition,
by taking advantage of the experience obtained from the 100 µsec pulse length beam operation in the November-December
2021, stable electron beam operation with a pulse length of 726 µsec, and a bunch current of 5.8 mA, has been successfully
demonstrated, which are equivalent to those of the ILC specification. In this talk, we will report on the results of the beam
operation at STF-2., preprint
- Theoretical Limitation on the Beam Brightness from Electron Guns, Masao KURIKI, Annual meeting of Japanese Physics Society, 2023/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Sendai, Miyagi, The emittance of a beam is defined as the volume in six-dimensional phase space.
It is also an important indicator for the use of accelerated beams. A beam with a small emittance
Smaller beams are more delta-functional, have a wider frequency range, and are spatially localized.
The resolution of the measurement is improved and the response probability is increased. In accelerators, emittance is either conserved, or it can be either additive or dissipative, except in the presence of dissipative forces.
In accelerators, emittance is either conserved, or increases additively, except in the presence of dissipative forces, so it is important to minimize the emittance
It is important to minimize the emittance that one has at the time of generation.
- BEAM LOADING COMPENSATION OF TRAVELING WAVE LINAC TO A MULTI-BUNCH PULSE WITH GAPS, M. Kuriki, S. Kuroguchi, H. Tajino, T. Takahashi, Z. Liptak, Hiroshima U., Higashihiroshima, Japan
T. Omori, J. Urakawa, K. Yokoya, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, International Particle Accelerator Conference 2023, 2023/05/07, Without Invitation, English, JACOW, Venice, Italy, In the electron driven ILC (International Linear Collider) positron source, the beam is generated and accelerated in a multi-bunch format with mini-trains. The macro-pulse contains 2 to 4 mini-trains with several gaps, because the pulse format is a copy of a part of the bunch storage pattern in DR (Damping Ring). This pulse format causes a variation of the accelerator field in the pulse due to the transient beam loading and an intensity fluctuation of captured positron. The beam loading is compensated by amplitude modulation on the input RF in the positron booster composed from Lband and S-band traveling wave RF cavity. In this article, we derive the exact solution for the compensation with the gaps. In addition, we evaluate the effect of the time constant (delay) of the input RF modulation due to klystron Q-value., preprint
- GaAs activation with Cs-K-Sb thin Film, M. Kuriki, M. Kuriki∗, Z. J. Liptak, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima, Japan
L. Guo, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
X. Jin, N. Yamamoto, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, International Particle Accelerator Conference 2023, 2023/05/07, Without Invitation, English, JACOW, Venice, Italy, GaAs cathodes are unique devices which generate a spinpolarized
electron beam by the photoelectric effect when
illuminated with a circularly polarized laser. Thin-film Negative
Electron Affinity (NEA) surfaces have an essential role
in spin polarized beam production, but they have limited lifetimes.
In this study, we activate GaAs as an NEA cathode by
evaporating Cs, K, and Sb metal on its cleaned surface. The
experimental results of quantum efficiency measurements
taken after evaporative deposition of the multi-alkali surface
are presented here., published
- Innovations on science, technology, and society induced by International Linear collider, Masao Kuriki, The 18th Future energy forum and symposium, 2024/03/23, With Invitation, Japanese, Waseda University and Tokyo City University, Joint Department of Atomic Energy, Nishiwaseda Campus, Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, The scientific, technological, and social innovations that will result from the realization of the International Linear Collider in Japan will be discussed., published
- Muon production by a small electron accelerator, Masao KURIKI, Beam Physics Workshop, 2024/03/05, Without Invitation, Japanese, Beam Physics Research Group, Sendai, Miyagi, Muon production by a small superconducting accelerator is discussed.
- Muon production by a small electron accelerator, Masao Kuriki, Workshop on the potential of muon imaging studies using accelerated muons, 2024/01/18, With Invitation, Japanese, WS executive committee, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Muon production by a small superconducting accelerator is discussed., published
- The Future Created by the ILC, Masao KURIKI, Iwate ILC Promotion Council General Meeting, 2023/06/12, With Invitation, Japanese, Iwate ILC Promotion Council, Morioka, Iwate, Envisioning a future pioneered by the ILC
- Innovation and Maturity of ILC Accelerators, Masao KURIKI, Accelerator Science Research Association, 2023/02/20, With Invitation, Japanese, General Incorporated Association, International Economic Policy Research Association, Minatoku, Tokyo, Describe the mature ILC accelerator technology and its innovations, published
- ILC accelerator that opens a new epoch, Masao KURIKI, ILC seminar, 2023/01/23, With Invitation, Japanese, Iwate Prefecture ILC promotion association, Morioka, Iwate, Lecture on technical features, technological maturity, and societal impact of ILC accelerators, published
- Polarized Electron Beam from RF Photo-Injector, Masao KURIKI, Chiral Belle Workshop, 2023/02/08, With Invitation, English, Chiral Belle Collaboration, Online, RD for Spin polarized beam in Super-KEKB factory
- Round to flat beam transformation experiment at KEK STF, Shinya Aramoto, Masao Kuriki, John Liptak Zachary (Hiroshima Univ.), Xiuguang Jin, Hitoshi Hayano, Yuji Seimiya, Yasuchika Yamamoto (KEK), Shigeru Kashiwagi (Tohoku Univ.), Kazuyuki Sakaue (UTokyo), Masakazu Washio (Waseda Univ.), Shinya Aramoto, Masao Kuriki, John Liptak Zachary (Hiroshima Univ.), Xiuguang Jin, Hitoshi Hayano, Yuji Seimiya, Yasuchika Yamamoto (KEK), Shigeru Kashiwagi (Tohoku Univ.), Kazuyuki Sakaue (UTokyo), Masakazu Washio (Waseda Univ.), Annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2021/08/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Online, The design challenge for all colliders is to increase luminosity. In addition, in the Linear Collider, the luminosity will be increased by minimizing the beam size. However, simply reducing the beam size causes Beamstrahlung and reduces the beam energy width. Therefore, a flat beam having a large beam size ratio and emittance ratio in the horizontal and vertical methods is used. The current linear collider uses radiation attenuation in a damping ring with a circumference of 3 km, but in this study, we investigated a method using emittance exchange technology as an alternative method. This
technique produces an asymmetric minimal emittance beam by exchanging emittance between two degrees of freedom, x-y and x-z, in a six-dimensional topological space. First, RFBT is used to replace the horizontal emittance, and then TLEX is used to transfer the excessive horizontal emittance in the traveling direction. We will present the design research by simulation and the experimental results at the Superconducting Accelerator Test Facility of Tsukuba High Energy Accelerator Research Organization on the above issues., preprint, PDF
POSITRON SOURCE, M. KURIKI, S. Konno, Z. Liptak, H. Nagoshi, T. Takahashi,
T. Omori, J. Urakawa, K. Yokoya, KEK, Ibaraki, Japan, M. KURIKI, S. Konno, Z. Liptak, H. Nagoshi, T. Takahashi,
T. Omori, J. Urakawa, K. Yokoya, KEK, Ibaraki, Japan, Annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2021/08/09, Without Invitation, English, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Online, In E-Driven positron source of ILC, the generated positron is captured by RF accelerator by APS cavity. The positron is initially placed at the deceleration phase and gradually slipped down to acceleration phase. Because the
beam-loading is expected to be more than 1A in a multi-bunch format with a gap, the compensation is essential to obtain uniform intensity over the pulse. A conventional method for the compensation controlling the timing doesn’t
work because RF and Beam induced field are in different phase. In this manuscript, we discuss the compensation with a finite phase difference. As a conclusion, a simple amplitude and phase modulation on the input RF is a solution., preprint, PDF
- A DESIGN STUDY OF ILC POSITRON SOURCE WITH ALTERNATE PERIODIC STRUCTURE CAVITY, Shun Konno, Masao Kuriki, Liptac Zachary John, Tohru Takahashi, Hisayasu Nagoshi, Kaoru Yokoya, Junji Urakawa, Masahumi Hukuda, Yuji Seimiya, Tunehiko Omori, Shigeru Kashiwagi, Shun Konno, Masao Kuriki, Liptac Zachary John, Tohru Takahashi, Hisayasu Nagoshi, Kaoru Yokoya, Junji Urakawa, Masahumi Hukuda, Yuji Seimiya, Tunehiko Omori, Shigeru Kashiwagi, Annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2021/08/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Online, The International Linear Collider (ILC), which is planned to be constructed in the Kitakami Mountains of Japan, is an electron-positron collider with 250-1000 GeV center of mass energy. The mass production of Higgs boson and top quark and the discovery of supersymmetric particles are expected. The ILC is studying an e-drive method in which an electron beam of several GeV is incident on a metal target as a positron generation method. Since the beam cannot be reused with the linear collider, it is necessary to generate a large amount of electron/positron beams compared to the conventional ring collider. Especially for positrons, it is necessary to improve the generation efficiency and prevent the damage of the generation target. Therefore as a positron capture accelerator, we adopted a π/2 mode Alternate Periodic Structure cavity (APS cavity) that has a large diameter (2a = 60 mm) and can generate a high and stable acceleration gradient. In addition, a more efficient deceleration capture method with a bunching action is used. In this method, positron are placed in the deceleration phase and captured in the acceleration phase by phase slip. In this study, we report the compensation of beam loading in the positron capture accelerator considering the phase change, the positron capture accelerator, the optimization of positron capture by the parameters of ECS, and the overall design., preprint, PDF
- Electron Driven positron source for International Linear collider,
the recent progress, KURIKI Masao, Advanced Accelerator Association, Technical committee, 2022/03/17, With Invitation, Japanese, Advanced Accelerator Association, Tokyo, Japan, Progress in research and development of an electron drive positron source for the International Linear Collider was reported., published, PDF
- Compensation of Beam Loading in ILC Electron Drive Positron Source Capture Linac, KURIKI Masao, Masao KURIKI, Shun KONNO, Hisayasu NAGOSHI, Tohru TAKAHASHI,
Yuji SEIMIYA, Kaoru YOKOYA, Junji Urakawa, Tsunehiko OMORI, Annual meeting of Japanese Physical Society, 2022/03/15, Without Invitation, Japanese, The physical society of Japan, online, Study on beam loading compensation method in the supplemental linac of the International Linear Collider electron drive positron source, published
- ILC Accelerator technology, KURIKI Masao, Flavor Physics 2021, 2021/09/27, With Invitation, English, Flavor Physics 2021 organization committee, Online, Accelerator technology on International Linear collier is explained., published, PPT
- Super flat beam generation for linear colliders with 6D emittance exchange, M. Kuriki, S. Kashiwagi^A^, N. Yamamoto^B^, X. Jing^B^, Y. Seimiya^B^, Y. Yamamoto^B^, H. Hayano^B^, K. Sakaue^C^, M. Washio^D^
Hiroshima U., Tohoku U.^A^, KEK Accel.^B^, U. of Tokyo^C^, Waseda U.^D^, Annual meeting of Japanese Physics Society, 2020/03/18, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Physics Society, Nagoya, preprint
- Flat electron beam generation with emittance exchange for Linear Colliders, M. Kuriki, High Brightness and RF Electron Gun Workshop, 2019/07/02, Without Invitation, Japanese, ADSM, HU, Higashihirosima, Hiroshima, Japan
- Accelerator R&D towards Physics beyond the Standard Model, Masao KURIKI, Annual meeting of Japanese Physical Society, 2019/03/16, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Physical Society
- A Study for NEA Activation with Cs-K-Te Thin- lm for GaAs Spin Polarized Photo-cathode, M. Kuriki, M. Kuriki, K. Masaki, and L. Guo, Annual meeting of Japanese Physical Society, 2019/03/14, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Photo-cathode studies at Hiroshima University, Masao KURIKI, Seminar at ANL, 2019/03/06, Without Invitation, English, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA
- Photo-cathode studies at Hiroshima University, Masao KURIKI, Seminar at Argonne National Laboratory, 2019/03/06, With Invitation, English, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA
- General Relativity Test with Laser Compton Scattering, KURIKI MASAO, Asian Forum for Accelerator and Detector (AFAD2019), 2019/02/14, With Invitation, English, Inter University Accelerator Center, New Delhi, India, An confirmation of strong equivalence principle of general relativity with the laser Compton scattering of high energy electron with laser photon., published
- ILC Accelerator, Masao KURIKI, ILC series seminar, 2018/12/07, Without Invitation, Japanese, Institute of Molecular Chemistry, Okazaki, Aichi, japan
- Super-Flat Beam Generation with Emittance Exchange Technique for Linear Colliders, M. Kuriki, Beam Physics Workshop, 2018/11/20, Without Invitation, Japanese, Beam Physics Club, Chiba, Chiba, Japan
- A Design Study of the Electron-driven ILC Positron Source, H. Nagoshi, M. Kuriki, H. Nagoshi, T. Takahashi, T. Omori, K. Yokoya, M. Satoh, J. Urakawa, International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders 2018 (LCWS2018 ), 2018/10/22, Without Invitation, English
- ILC Accelerator Overview, Masao KURIKI, ILC series seminar, 2018/10/10, Without Invitation, Japanese, Saga synchrotron light source, Tosu, Saga, Japan
ROTATION TECHNIQUE FOR LINEAR COLLIDERS, Masao Kuriki∗,Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima, Japan, John Power, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois
Hitoshi Hayano, Xiuguang Jin, Taro Konomi, Yuji Seimiya, Naoto Yamamoto, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
Philippe Piot,Northern Illinois University, Dekalib, Illinois
Shigeru Kashiwagi, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Kazuyuki Sakaue, Masakazu Washio, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, Linear Accelerator Conference 2018 (LINAC2018), 2018/09/16, With Invitation, English, LINAC2018 Organization Committee, Beijing, China
ACCELERATION IN E-DRIVEN ILC POSITRON SOURCE, Masao Kuriki, Hisayasu Nagoshi, Tohru Tahakashi,Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima, Japan
Kentaro Negishi,Iwate University, Morioka, Japan
Toshiyuki Okugi, Tsunehiko Omor, Masashi Satoh, Yuji Seimiya, Junji Urakawa,
Kaoru Yokoya, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
Yoske Sumitomo, Nihon University, Funabashi, Japan
Shigeru Kashiwagi, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Masao Kuriki, Hisayasu Nagoshi, Tohru Tahakashi,Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima, Japan
Kentaro Negishi,Iwate University, Morioka, Japan
Toshiyuki Okugi, Tsunehiko Omor, Masashi Satoh, Yuji Seimiya, Junji Urakawa,
Kaoru Yokoya, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
Yoske Sumitomo, Nihon University, Funabashi, Japan
Shigeru Kashiwagi, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2018), 2018/09/16, With Invitation, English, LINAC2018 Organization Committee, Beijing, China
- A status report of ILC E-Driven Positron Source, Masao KURIKI, Posipol2018, 2018/09/03, Without Invitation, English, CERN, CERN, Geneva, Swiss
- A STUDY OF NEA ACTIVATION OF GaAs WITH CsKTe, K. Masaki, K. Masaki, M. Kuriki, Annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of japan, 2018/08/07, Without Invitation, Japanese, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Nagaoka, Niigata, japan
- Correction for transient beam loading on positron generation in the electron-driven ILC positron source, H. Nagoshi, Hisayasu Nagoshi, Masao Kuriki, Tohru Takahashi (AdSM, Hiroshima University), Tsunehiko Omori, Junji Urakawa, Masanori Satoh, Yuji Seimiya (KEK), Yoske Sumitomo (Nihon University), Shigeru Kashiwagi (ELPH, Tohoku University), Kentaro Negishi (Iwate University), Annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2018/08/07, Without Invitation, Japanese, Particle Accelerator Society of japan, Nagaoka, Niigata, Japan
- High Luminosity Flat Beam Generation With Phase-space Rotation for Linear Colliders, Masao KURIKI, Masaso Kuriki (AdSM, Hiroshima University), Hitoshi Hayano, Naoto Yamamoto, Yuji Seimiya, Xiuguang Jin, Taro Konomi (Accelerator lab., KEK), Shigeru Kashiwagi (ELPH, Tohoku University), Kazuyuki Sakaue, Masakazu Washio (RISE, Waseda University), Philippe Piot (Dept. of Physics, Northern Illinois University), John Power (Physics div., ANL), Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2018/08/07, Without Invitation, Japanese
- CFS and Target Maintenance for ILC Positron Source, M. Kuriki, M. Kuriki, T. Omori, and Peter Sievers, ALCW2018 (Asina Linear Collider Workshop 2018), 2018/05/30, Without Invitation, English, LCC Linear Collider Collaboration, ICFA, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
- A status report of ILC E-Driven Positron Source, M. Kuriki, M. Kuriki, H. Nagoshi, T. Takahashi, T. Omori, K. Yokoya, J. Urakawa, M. Satoh, Asian Linear Collider Workshop (ALCW2018), 2018/05/30, Without Invitation, English, Linear Collider Collaboration, ICFA, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
- Energy Spread Compensation in Arbitrary Format Multi-Bunch Acceleration With Standing Wave and Traveling Wave Accelerators, M. Kuriki, International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2018), 2018/04/29, Without Invitation, English, International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouber, BC, Canada
- A Design Study of the Electron-driven ILC Positron Source Including Beam Loading Effect, H. Nagoshi, H. Nagoshi, M. Kuriki
HU/AdSM, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
S. Kashiwagi
Tohoku University, Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Sendai, Japan
K. Negishi
Iwate University, Morioka, Iwate, Japan
T. Omori, M. Satoh, Y. Seimiya, J. Urakawa
KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
Y. Sumitomo
LEBRA, Funabashi, Japan
T. Takahashi
Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, International Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2018), 2018/04/29, Without Invitation, English, IPAC Organization Committee
- NEA Surface Activation of GaAs Photocathode with CO2, L.Guo, H. Iijima
Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
M. Kuriki
HU/AdSM, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
K. Uchida
Cosylab Japan, Ibaraki, Japan, International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2018), 2018/04/29, Without Invitation, English, IPAC Organization Committee, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Direct generation of a high aspect ratio electron beam for linear colliders, Masao KURIKI, Shigeru Kashiwagi, Hitoshi Hayano, Yuji Seimiya, Naoto Yamamoto, Kazuyuki Sakaue, Masakazu Washio, 73rd annual meeting of Japan Physics Society, 2018/03/25, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Physics Society, Tokyo university of science, Noda, Chiba, Japan, published
- Social significance of mega science project, Masao Kuriki, 73th annual meeting of Japan Physics Society, 2018/03/23, With Invitation, Japanese, Japan Physics Society, Tokyo university for scicence, Noda, Chiba, Japan, published
- Photo-cathode studies at Hiroshima University, Masao KURIKI, Seminar at LANL, 2018/03/04, With Invitation, English, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
- Emittance Exchange Program at KEK-STF, Masao KURIKI, AFAD2018, 2018/01/29, With Invitation, English, AFAD, Daejeon, Korea
- EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE OF THE HIGH ROBUSTNESS OF CSK2SB MULTI-ALKALI CATHODE, Masao Kuriki, Lei Guo, Masahiro Urano, Atsuki Yokota, AdSM, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima, Japan
Kentaro Negishi, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan
Yuji Seimiya, Accelerator Lab., KEK, Tsukuba,Japan, Masao Kuriki, Lei Guo, Masahiro Urano, Atsuki Yokota, AdSM, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima, Japan
Kentaro Negishi, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan
Yuji Seimiya, Accelerator Lab., KEK, Tsukuba,Japan, Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2017/08/01, Without Invitation, English, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Sapporo, Hokkaido, CsK2Sb is a multi-alkali cathode which can be driven by
a green laser generated as SHG of a solid state laser. The
quantum efficiency is as high as 10%. In this article, we
demonstrated that the cathode has an enough robustness to
generate a high brightness electron beam. We found that
1/e lifetime of the cathode was inversely proportional to
the vacuum pressure. The normalized temporal life was
(4:72 0:08) 105 Pa:hour for 532 nm laser. The life-
time regarding to the extracted charge density was also in-
versely proportional to the vacuum pressure. The normal-
ized charge life was (1:19 0:03 0:04) 104Pa:C=mm2.
- Treatment of Beam Loading Effects in a Standing Wave Accelerator, Masao Kuriki , Hisayasu Nagoshi, Tohru Takahashi, AdSM, Hiroshima U., Higashihiroshima, Japan
Kentaro Negishi, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan
Yuji Seimiya, Kaoru Yokoya, Masanori Satoh, Accelerator Lab., KEK, Tsukuba,Japan
Junji Urakawa, RA office, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
Tsunehiko Omori, IPNS, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, Masao Kuriki , Hisayasu Nagoshi, Tohru Takahashi, AdSM, Hiroshima U., Higashihiroshima, Japan
Kentaro Negishi, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan
Yuji Seimiya, Kaoru Yokoya, Masanori Satoh, Accelerator Lab., KEK, Tsukuba,Japan
Junji Urakawa, RA office, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
Tsunehiko Omori, IPNS, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2017/08/01, Without Invitation, English, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Sapporo, Hokkaido, ILC (International Linear Collider) is e+ e- linear collider
in the next high energy program promoted by ICFA.
In ILC, an intense positron pulse in a multi-bunch format
is generated by impinging electron beam on a target. The
generated positron is captured by a standing wave accelerator
in a solenoid focusing. By employing the accelerator
with a large aperture, an enough amount of positron can be
captured, even with a limited accelerator gradient. However,
the heavy beam loading up to 2 A perturbs the field gradient
and profile along the longitudinal position. We present the
theoretical treatment of the beam loading effect in the standing
wave acceleration based on a multi-cell model. Based
on the model, we have obtained the expected gradient which
is lower than the single cell model. The compensation of
the transient beam loading effect is not pefect, but enough
for practical use.
- Overall Design of the E-driven ILC Positron Source, Masao KURIKI, R&D Meeting for E-driven ILC Positron Source, 2017/07/25, With Invitation, English, ILC R&D Group, Tsukuba, Ibaraki
- Positron Source, Masao KURIKI, Masao KURIKI, ILC Summer Camp 2017, 2017/07/23, With Invitation, English, ILC Summer Camp Organizing Committee, Norikura highland, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
- A Study of a high-performance and high-robust CsK2Sb multi-alkali Cathode, Masao KURIKI, 広大ADSM, AKEK 加速器, B 分子研UVSOR, C 岩手大
栗木雅夫、横田温貴、郭磊、浦野正洋、A 清宮裕二、A
許斐太郎、B 加藤正博、C
根岸健太郎, Annual meeting of Japan Physics Society, 2017/03/17, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Physics Society, Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan, Present an experimental study of CsK2Sb cathode, published
-, Masao KURIKI, G. Lei, A. Yokota, M. Urano
(Hiroshima U.)
Y. Seimiya, T. Konomi(KEK)
K. Negishi (Iwate U.)
M. Katoh (UVSOR), Workshop for High-brightness and Radio Frequency Electron Gun, 2017/02/23, Without Invitation, Japanese, Research Center for Electron and Photon Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, Present an experimental result for the robustness of CsK2Sb cathode.
- Dielectric Wake Acceleration, Masao KURIKI, Asian Forum for Accelerators and Detectors, 2017/01/06, With Invitation, English, Institute of Modern Physics, CAS, China, Lanzhou, Gansu, China, Discuss about a proposal for an experimental demonstration of the dielectric Wake acceleration., published
- A Study for Robustness of CsK2Sb Cathode, Masao KURIKI, Masao KURIKI , G. Lei, A. Yokota, M. Urano(Hiroshima U.)
Y. Seimiya, T. Konomi(KEK)
K. Negishi (Iwate U.)
M. Katoh (UVSOR), Asian Forum for Accelerators and Deterctors, 2017/01/14, With Invitation, English, Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou, China, Lanzhou, Gansu, People's Republic of China, 2017/1/16-18, published
- Development of High Robustness and High Performance CsK2Sb multi-alkali cathode, Masao KURIKI, L. Guo, A. Yokota, M. Urano, M. Katoh, Y. Seimiya, T. Konomi, Beam Physics Workshop, 2016/11/24, Without Invitation, Japanese, Beam Physics Society, SPring8, Hyogo, Japan, Present an experimental Study of the high -performance cathode.
- Electron Driven ILC Positron Source with a Low Gradient Capture Linac, Masao Kuriki (HU/AdSM, Higashi-Hiroshima), Masao Kuriki (HU/AdSM, Higashi-Hiroshima), Takaomi Kakita, Tohru Takahashi (Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima), Kentaro Negishi (Iwate University, Morioka, Iwate), Toshiyuki Okugi, Tsunehiko Omori, Masanori Satoh, Yuji Seimiya, Junji Urakawa, Kaoru Yokoya (KEK, Ibaraki), Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2016), East Lansing, MI, USA, 25-30, September, 2016, 2016/09/26, With Invitation, English, International Organizing Committee of LINAC conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, ILC (International Linear Collider) is e+ e- linear collider in the next high energy program promoted by ICFA. In ILC, an intense positron pulse in a multi-bunch format is generated with gamma ray from Undulator radiation. As a technical backup, the electron driven positron source has been studied. By employing a standing wave L-band accelerator for the capture linac, an enough amount of positron can be captured due to the large aperture, even with a limited accelerator gradient. However, the heavy beam loading up to 2 A perturbs the field gradient and profile along the longitudinal position. We present the capture performance of the ILC positron source including the heavy beam loading effect., preprint
- UPS Study for CsK2Sb Photocathode, Masao Kuriki - High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Masao Kuriki, Taro Konomi, Yuji Seimiya (KEK, Ibaraki), Lei Guo, Masahiro Urano, Atsuki Yokota (HU/AdSM, Higashi-Hiroshima), Kentaro Negishi (Iwate University, Morioka, Iwate), Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC2016), 2016/09/26, With Invitation, English, International Organizing Committee of Linear Accelerator Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, CsK2Sb photo-cathode is one of the ideal cathode for accelerators requiring the high brightness electron beam. It can be driven with a green laser which can be generated as SHG from solid state laser. The QE (Quantum Efficiency) of photo-electron emission is as high as more than 10% with 532nm light. The material is robust and the typical operational lifetime is more than several months. It is also vital against the high intensity beam extraction. The photo-cathode is generated as a thin film in-situ and the material property and optimized condition for the cathode formation is not understood well. In this article, we present UPS analysis of CsK2Sb cathode for deeper understanding., preprint
- Lifetime Study of Csk2Sb Robust Photo-Cathode for a High Brightness Electron Source, Masao Kuriki, Masao Kuriki, Yuji Seimiya (KEK, Ibaraki), Lei Guo, Katsuhiro Moriya, Masahiro Urano, Atsuki Yokota (HU/AdSM, Higashi-Hiroshima), Kentaro Negishi (Iwate University, Morioka, Iwate), Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC2016), 2016/09/26, With Invitation, English, International Organizing Committee of LINAC Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, preprint
- A start to end simulation of electron driven positron source for ILC, Masao KURIKI (Hiroshima University), PosiPol2016, LAL-Orsay, Paris, France, 14-16 Septermber 2016, 2016/09/15, With Invitation, English, International Organizing Committee of PosiPol2016, LAL-Orsay, Paris, France, published
- FEL Enhancement by Microbunch Structure Made with Phase Space Rotation, M.Kuriki, Y. Seimiya, J. Urakawa, K. Ohmi, S. Chen, T. Kato, S. Kashiwagi, AFAD2015(Asian Forum for Accelerator and Detector, 2015/01/26, Without Invitation, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- A Design Study of ILC Positron Source by Electron Driven Scheme, M. Kuriki, Y. Seimiya, T. Takahashi (Hiroshima U.) T. Okugi, M. Sato, J. Urakawa, T. Omori (KEK) S. Kashiwagi (Tohoku U.), Linear Collider Workshop, 2014/10/05, Without Invitation, Belgrade, Serbia
- Accelerator Source WG summary, M. Kuriki, W. Gai, S. Doebert, Linear Collider Workshop, 2014/10/05, Without Invitation, Belgrade, Serbia
- The First Circulation and Beam Tuning in the Compact ERL at KEK, S. Sakanaka, et al., TUPOL01, LINAC2014, Geneva, 2014/08/31, Without Invitation, Geneva
- Robust and High Quantum Efficiency Photo-cathode Development, M. Kuriki, Y. Seimiya, 38, AFAD2014(2014), 2014, Without Invitation
- GaAs cathode activation with CsTe thin film, M. Kuriki, Y. Seimiya, K. Uchida, S. Kashiwagi, 2014, Without Invitation
- A Study for Robustness of CsK2Sb Cathode, Masao KURIKI, G. Lei, A. Yokota, M. Urano (Hiroshima U.)
Y. Seimiya, T. Konomi(KEK)
K. Negishi (Iwate U.)
M. Katoh (UVSOR), IX International Workshop on Advanced Generation of THz and Compton X-ray (AGTaX) using compact electron accelerator, With Invitation, English, Inter University Accelerator Cetre, New Delhi, India, New Delhi, India, Present an experimental study for the robustness of CsK2Sb cathode
- Overview of ILC Accelerator Design, Masao KURIKI, ILC Summer Camp 2017, With Invitation, English, ILC Summer Camp Organizing Committee, Norikura highland, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan, ILC (International Linear Collider) Accelerator Design is presented.
- Design Concept of Linear Collider Accelerator, Masao KURIKI, Colloquium of Department of Science, Osaka City University, Without Invitation, Japanese
- 2018/03/17, APEX/JJAP Editorial Contribution Award, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- IINAS-NX, International School on Beam Dynamics and Accelerator Technology, 2023/04/01, 2023/03/31
- IINAS-NX, International school on beam dynamics and accelerator school, 2022/04/01, 2023/03/31
- IINAS, International school on beam dynamics and accelerator school, 2021/04/01, 2021/03/31
- IINAS, International School on Beam dynamics and Accelerator technology, 2020/04/01, 2021/03/31
- IINAS, An international school on Beam dynamics and Accelerator technology, 2019/04/01, 2020/03/31
- IINAS, International School on Beam Dynamics and Accelerator Technology, 2018/04/01, 2019/03/31
- Photon and Quantum Basic Research Coordinated Development Program, 2015/04/01, 2016/03/31
- KAKENHI, 2013, 2015
- KAKENHI, 2012, 2014
- KAKENHI, 2008, 2009
- KAKENHI, Efficient generation of polarized gamma-rays by using a pulse laser beam stacking cavity and an electron storage ring, 2006, 2008
- KAKENHI, Research for Hybrid System comprised Laser Super Cavity and Off-Axis Parabolic Reflective mirrors toward International Linear Collider, 2005, 2009
- KAKENHI, Development of ultra-low-emittance electron source, 2003, 2005
- KAKENHI, 2001, 2002
- Photon and Quantum Basic Research Coordinated Development Program, 2014/04/01, 2015/03/31
- Photon and Quantum Basic Research Coordinated Development Program , 2016/04/01, 2017/03/31
- KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), 2017, 2019
- Accelerator School on Beam dynamics and Accelerator technology, 2018, 2018
- 2018, 2018
- 2018, 2018
- KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), 2020, 2022
Social Activities
History as Committee Members
- Deputy chair of Beam Physics Division of Japanese Physical Society, 2019/04/01, 2021/03/31, Japanese Physical Society
- International Organizing Committee of PosiPol2016, 2016/04/01, 2017/03/31, International Organizing Committee of PosiPol2016
- Chief editor of Journal of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 0420/14, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan
- Editor of APEX/JJAP Japanese Society of Applied Physics, 0420/13, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- The First Accelerator Symposium, President of the Accelerator Society of Japan, 2405/27, 2405/27
- ILC Summer Camp 2016, Organizing Committee of ILC Summer Camp 2016, 2016/01, 2016/07
History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers
- 2017, Applied Physics Express, Editor, Editor, 24
- 2017, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Editor, Editor, 24