Mei Kodama
Last Updated :2024/10/01
- Affiliations, Positions
- Information Media Center, Associate Professor
- E-mail
Basic Information
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Engineering, Waseda University
- Master of Engineering, Waseda University
Research Fields
- Engineering;Electrical and electronic engineering;Communication / Network engineering
- Informatics;Human informatics;Perceptual information processing
- Informatics;Computing Technologies;Multimedia database
- Informatics;Computing Technologies;Information network
Research Keywords
- Cached-Based Video Content Delivery
- Video Search|Multimedia
- Image Processing
- Scalability
- Information Architecture
- Video Communication
- Coding
- Communication
- Video Coding
- Video
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Exercise in Information Literacy
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Information Theory
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Theory of Stochastic Processes
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Seminar in Mathematics I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Seminar in Mathematics II
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Laboratory Work in Computer Science I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Laboratory Work in Computer Science II
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program Common Subjects 1 (Smart Development)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Media Communication
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- ★, A Consideration on Efficiency Improvement of Cached Video Distribution Methods Based on Human Behavior and Preference, The 7th IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC2021), 20210930
- ★, A Screen Shake Determination Method Based on 2D Motion Histogram Analysesby Using Group Transition and Maximum Group Ratio in Gaze Areas, IIEEJ Transaction on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, 8(2), 79-90, 20201215
- ★, A Consideration on Accuracy Improvement of Screen Shake Determination Methods Using Motion Histograms, IIEEJ IEVC2019, 20190821
- Inauguration Remarks of Editor-in-Chief of IIEEJ, IIEEJ, 4(2), 83-83, 20161215
- ★, A Screen Shake Determination Method Using Histograms of Motion Vectors in Video Scenes, IIEEJ Trans. on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, 6(1), 1-12, 20180615
- ★, A Multiple-Quality Management Method Using an Adaptive Priority
Estimation Method for Temporal Variation Models in Cache-Based
Video Content Distribution Systems, IIEEJ Journal, 47(1), 17-26, 201801
- ★, A Consideration on a Determination Method for Screen Shake with Histograms in Motion Vectors, IIEEJ IEVC2017, 1-7, 20170228
- ★, A Cached Video Content Management Method with Priority Estimation According to the Content Property in VCDS-MQ with Scalable Data, 12th IEEE Image, Video and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP 2016), 1-5, 201607
- ★, A Scalable Video Coding with a Prediction Method of Quantization Parameters in an Enhancement Layer and the Evaluation of its Efficiency, IIEEJ Trans. on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, 3(2), 499-507, 20151215
- ★, A Study on Motion Estimation using Block Matching for Spatially Periodic, ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, 3(1), 1-11, 20150101
- ★, A Consideration on a Linear Predictive Coding Method of Quantization Parameters in Scalable Video Coding, IEVC2014, 1-8, 20141006
- ★, Video Retrieval Methods based on Motion Vectors and their Evaluation, IEVC2012, 20121101
- ★, Contents Management Systems using Quality Transition Mode in Video Contents Utilization Services, IARIA ICSNS 2011, 1-6, 20111201
- ★, A Consideration on Contents Management Systems using Quality Transition Mode in Video Contents Utilization Services by On-Demand, APCC2011, 1-6, 20111001
- ★, A Consideration of Video Contents Correctness Guarantee Systems, IEVC2010, 20100301
- ★, A Study on New Scalable Video Coding for Quality Control, PCS2009, 1-4, 20090501
- A Consideration of Spatial Video Coding Schemes for Updatable Video Delivery, ITC-CSCC2008, 1-4, 20080701
- ★, Comparison of Coding Efficiency in Updatable Scalable Video Coding for Multi-quality, IIEEJ IEVC 2007, 1-4, 20071125
- ★, A Video Content's Creating Method using Keywords in E-learning System, ITHET 2006, 303-307, 20060714
- ★, A Video Content Management System for Contents Download Services, IEEE EIT 2006, 540-544, 20060505
- ★, A Video Contents Cache Delivery Method for Quality Selection, PCS 2006, 1-5, 20060425
- ★, Consideration of Scalable Transcoding Method in Video Content Delivery Methods for Quality Selection, VCIP2006, 2196-2203, 20050701
- ★, Consideration of contents utilization time in multi-quality video content delivery methods with scalable transcoding, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, E88D(7), 1587-1597, 20050601
- ★, Consideration of Transcoding Using Updatable Scalability for Selective Quality Video Content Delivery Method, ISCAS2006, 912-915, 20050501
- ★, Analysis of User Access Model with Guaranteed Video Contents Delivery, 1-6, 20050201
- ★, Video Contents Delivery Methods with Scalable Transcoding for Multi-Quality Video, 399-404, 20050101
- ★, Scalability Video Data Distribution using Cache Terminal for Multi-Quality Video Service, 1-6, 20041001
- ★, Effect of Scalability Encoding in Multi-Quality Video Data Distribution System, 314-319, 20040801
- ★, A Study on Video Data Storing and Distribution Method for Multi-Quality Per Content, 320-323, 20040801
- ★, Scalable Video Transcoding Method with Spatial Updatable Scalability, 257-260, 20040701
- ★, A Study on the Method to Reduce Data Transfer in Multi-Quality VOD Service, 269-272, 20040701
- ★, Automated Archive of the Lectures by MPEG3 over Intranetwork in Hiroshima University, 1-6, 20040601
- ★, Scalable Video Contents Delivery Method with Scalable Transcoding, 299-304, 20040501
- ★, Application of Video Scalabibilty to Video Data Distribution Network and its Evaluation, 305-310, 20040501
- ★, A Video Coding Method in Spatial Updatable Scalability for Video Transcoding, PCS 2003, 219-222, 20030401
- ★, A Video Contents Delivery Method using Scalable Video Data over the Network, PV 2003, 1-6, 20030401
- ★, The Video Matching Methods using Spatial Characteristics in MSP Search System, Emerging Technologies and New Challenges in Information Society(IS2000), 20001101
- ★, Video Retrieval Methods from Temporal Characteristics, Emerging Technologies and New Challenges in Information Society(IS2000), 20001101
- ★, A Video Searching System using MSP Data and Its Evaluation of Matching Methods, International Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME2000), 20000701
- ★, A Study of MSP Searching System and Its Video Description Methods, International Packet Video Workshop(PV2000), 20000501
- ★, A Study on the Video Matching Methods in MSP Searching System, International Packet Video Workshop(PV2000), 20000501
- A Study on the Hybrid Image Coding and Structuring Methods for Multimedia Scalability Packages Communication Services, IEEE Multimedia Systems'99, 92-96, 19990501
- The Hierarchical Image Coding and Its Video Data Description Methods in Multimedia Scalability Packages, PCS'99, 37-40, 19990401
- ★, A Consideration on the Efficiency of Image Scalability from Coding Bits Allocation, 441-444, 19970901
- ★, Updatable Salability of Moving Pictures and Its Evaluation, IEICE, J80-B-I(2), 98-105, 19970201
- ★, Local Area Resolution Image Scalability based on Visual Characteristics, 299-302, 19960301
- ★, A Visual Information Model with Hierarchical Image Coding, Proceedings of the Multimedia Japan 96, 102-105, 19960301
- ★, Scalable Video Coding with Bitstream Enhancer, 219-222, 19940901
- ★, What will happen by MEPG4?, ISO/IEC MPEG 26, 1-4, 19940301
- ★, Results on Core Experiment I.12 -Single Loop Decoder Structure on Frequency Scalability -, ISO/IEC MPEG 36, 1-4, 19930101
- ★, Simulation Results of Core Experiments on Frequency Scalability - Layer rate control (Slice vs MB Rate Control), ISO/IEC MPEG 439, 1-6, 19920901
- ★, Result of an SNR Scalbility Experiment and Syntax Modifications to it, ISO/IEC MPEG 269, 19920701
- MSP Video Search System and Its Evaluation, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 30(5), 600-612, 20010925
- MSP Video Search System and Its Evaluation, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 30(5), 600-612, 20010925
- MSP Video Search System and Its Evaluation, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 30(5), 600-612, 20010925
- A Video Search Method Using Histogram in Temporal Domain, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 31(2), 175-185, 20020325
- A Video Search Method Using Histogram in Temporal Domain, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 31(2), 175-185, 20020325
- A Video Search Method Using Histogram in Temporal Domain, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 31(2), 175-185, 20020325
- Video Coding, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 31(6), 1067-1072, 20021125
- Video Coding, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 31(6), 1067-1072, 20021125
- Video Coding, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 31(6), 1067-1072, 20021125
- A Studkyou y on Video Management Methods with MSP Data for Multi-Quality Video Contents, ITE technical report, 28(8), 73-78, 20040204
- A Studkyou y on Video Management Methods with MSP Data for Multi-Quality Video Contents, ITE technical report, 28(8), 73-78, 20040204
- A Studkyou y on Video Management Methods with MSP Data for Multi-Quality Video Contents, ITE technical report, 28(8), 73-78, 20040204
- Effect of Network Caching and Scalable Encoding for multi-quality VOD Service, ITE technical report, 28(8), 79-84, 20040204
- Effect of Network Caching and Scalable Encoding for multi-quality VOD Service, ITE technical report, 28(8), 79-84, 20040204
- Effect of Network Caching and Scalable Encoding for multi-quality VOD Service, ITE technical report, 28(8), 79-84, 20040204
- Video Data Management and Delivery Method for Multi-Quality Video with Scalability Architecture, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 33(5), 746-755, 20040925
- Video Data Management and Delivery Method for Multi-Quality Video with Scalability Architecture, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 33(5), 746-755, 20040925
- Video Data Management and Delivery Method for Multi-Quality Video with Scalability Architecture, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 33(5), 746-755, 20040925
- Video Coding, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 33(6), 969-978, 20041125
- Video Coding, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 33(6), 969-978, 20041125
- Video Coding, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 33(6), 969-978, 20041125
- Effect of Contents Cache Delivery Methods in Selecting Quality Video, ITE technical report, 29(9), 107-112, 20050204
- Effect of Contents Cache Delivery Methods in Selecting Quality Video, ITE technical report, 29(9), 107-112, 20050204
- Effect of Contents Cache Delivery Methods in Selecting Quality Video, ITE technical report, 29(9), 107-112, 20050204
- Video Coding, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 35(6), 776-783, 20061125
- Video Coding, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 35(6), 776-783, 20061125
- Video Coding, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 35(6), 776-783, 20061125
- Research group introduction, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 36(1), 82-84, 20070125
- Research group introduction, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 36(1), 82-84, 20070125
- Research group introduction, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 36(1), 82-84, 20070125
- A Consideration on Video Information Architectures for Multimedia Scalability Packages Communication Services, 1998(58), 47-52, 19980925
- A Consideration on Video Information Architectures for Multimedia Scalability Packages Communication Services, 1998(58), 47-52, 19980925
- A Consideration on Video Information Architectures for Multimedia Scalability Packages Communication Services, 1998(58), 47-52, 19980925
- A Study on Playing and Editting Processing of Video Infomation base on the Multimedia Scalability Package Structure, 1998(58), 53-58, 19980925
- A Study on Playing and Editting Processing of Video Infomation base on the Multimedia Scalability Package Structure, 1998(58), 53-58, 19980925
- A Study on Playing and Editting Processing of Video Infomation base on the Multimedia Scalability Package Structure, 1998(58), 53-58, 19980925
- A Study on the Process of Playing/Editing and Processing Time for Electric Thesis with Hierarchical Structure based on Contents, 1998(58), 59-64, 19980925
- A Study on the Process of Playing/Editing and Processing Time for Electric Thesis with Hierarchical Structure based on Contents, 1998(58), 59-64, 19980925
- A Study on the Process of Playing/Editing and Processing Time for Electric Thesis with Hierarchical Structure based on Contents, 1998(58), 59-64, 19980925
- A Proposal of Scalable Video Coding using Layered Coding Parameters Control Methods, 2009(19), 65-70, 20090924
- A Proposal of Scalable Video Coding using Layered Coding Parameters Control Methods, 2009(19), 65-70, 20090924
- A Proposal of Scalable Video Coding using Layered Coding Parameters Control Methods, 2009(19), 65-70, 20090924
- Mobile, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 39(6), 998-1000, 20101125
- Mobile, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 39(6), 998-1000, 20101125
- Mobile, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 39(6), 998-1000, 20101125
- Video Content Management Methods using Time Value Function, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 40(2), 345-354, 20110325
- Video Content Management Methods using Time Value Function, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 40(2), 345-354, 20110325
- Video Content Management Methods using Time Value Function, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 40(2), 345-354, 20110325
- A Study on Video Transcoding in Spatial Resolution using Updatable Scalability Structure, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2003(24), 13-18, 20030307
- A Study on Video Transcoding in Spatial Resolution using Updatable Scalability Structure, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2003(24), 13-18, 20030307
- A Study on Video Transcoding in Spatial Resolution using Updatable Scalability Structure, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2003(24), 13-18, 20030307
- A Study on Video Management and Transmission Methods with Scalable Data for Multi - Quality Video Contents, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2004(25), 37-42, 20040305
- A Study on Video Management and Transmission Methods with Scalable Data for Multi - Quality Video Contents, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2004(25), 37-42, 20040305
- A Study on Video Management and Transmission Methods with Scalable Data for Multi - Quality Video Contents, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2004(25), 37-42, 20040305
- A Study on the Video Scalability Rate Control Method consindering Coding Bits Allocation Characteristics, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1998(56), 15-20, 19980605
- A Study on the Video Scalability Rate Control Method consindering Coding Bits Allocation Characteristics, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1998(56), 15-20, 19980605
- A Study on the Video Scalability Rate Control Method consindering Coding Bits Allocation Characteristics, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1998(56), 15-20, 19980605
- A Study on the Process of Playing and Editing for Electric Thesis with Hierarchical Structure based on Contents, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1998(77), 31-36, 19980904
- A Study on the Process of Playing and Editing for Electric Thesis with Hierarchical Structure based on Contents, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1998(77), 31-36, 19980904
- A Study on the Process of Playing and Editing for Electric Thesis with Hierarchical Structure based on Contents, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1998(77), 31-36, 19980904
- A Study on the Method of Structuring Hierarchical Moving Pictures based on Features on Time Domain to Play Faster, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(23), 25-30, 19990305
- A Study on the Method of Structuring Hierarchical Moving Pictures based on Features on Time Domain to Play Faster, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(23), 25-30, 19990305
- A Study on the Method of Structuring Hierarchical Moving Pictures based on Features on Time Domain to Play Faster, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(23), 25-30, 19990305
- A Study on the Image Matching Methods in MSP Video Searching System, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 165-170, 19991216
- A Study on the Image Matching Methods in MSP Video Searching System, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 165-170, 19991216
- A Study on the Image Matching Methods in MSP Video Searching System, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 165-170, 19991216
- A Study on Telelecturing System based on MSP Communication System, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 171-176, 19991216
- A Study on Telelecturing System based on MSP Communication System, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 171-176, 19991216
- A Study on Telelecturing System based on MSP Communication System, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 171-176, 19991216
- A Study on the Remote Action Control Methods using MSP Data, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 177-182, 19991216
- A Study on the Remote Action Control Methods using MSP Data, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 177-182, 19991216
- A Study on the Remote Action Control Methods using MSP Data, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 177-182, 19991216
- Video Searching Methods using the Coorelation of the Luminance Variance, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 183-188, 19991216
- Video Searching Methods using the Coorelation of the Luminance Variance, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 183-188, 19991216
- Video Searching Methods using the Coorelation of the Luminance Variance, IPSJ SIG Notes, 1999(107), 183-188, 19991216
- A Study on Video Matching Methods using the Correlation of the Luminance Variance and Color Space, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2000(24), 7-12, 20000303
- A Study on Video Matching Methods using the Correlation of the Luminance Variance and Color Space, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2000(24), 7-12, 20000303
- A Study on Video Matching Methods using the Correlation of the Luminance Variance and Color Space, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2000(24), 7-12, 20000303
- An Analysis of Video Searching Methods from Temporal Characteristics, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2000(116), 201-205, 20001214
- An Analysis of Video Searching Methods from Temporal Characteristics, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2000(116), 201-205, 20001214
- An Analysis of Video Searching Methods from Temporal Characteristics, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2000(116), 201-205, 20001214
- A Study on the Video Matching Methods using Spatial Characteristcis in Temporal Domain, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2000(116), 207-212, 20001214
- A Study on the Video Matching Methods using Spatial Characteristcis in Temporal Domain, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2000(116), 207-212, 20001214
- A Study on the Video Matching Methods using Spatial Characteristcis in Temporal Domain, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2000(116), 207-212, 20001214
- A Study on Telelecturing System based on MSP Communication System, Clin Neuropathol., 2000(116), 213-218, 20001214
- A Study on Telelecturing System based on MSP Communication System, Clin Neuropathol., 2000(116), 213-218, 20001214
- A Study on Telelecturing System based on MSP Communication System, Clin Neuropathol., 2000(116), 213-218, 20001214
- A Study on E-Commerce System using Transcoding of Temporal Scalablity Structure, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(19), 37-42, 20010302
- A Study on E-Commerce System using Transcoding of Temporal Scalablity Structure, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(19), 37-42, 20010302
- A Study on E-Commerce System using Transcoding of Temporal Scalablity Structure, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(19), 37-42, 20010302
- A Study on MSP Search System and its Video Search Method, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(19), 43-48, 20010302
- A Study on MSP Search System and its Video Search Method, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(19), 43-48, 20010302
- A Study on MSP Search System and its Video Search Method, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(19), 43-48, 20010302
- A Study on E-Commerce System using Transcoding of Temporal Scalablity Structure, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(95), 7-14, 20011005
- A Study on E-Commerce System using Transcoding of Temporal Scalablity Structure, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(95), 7-14, 20011005
- A Study on E-Commerce System using Transcoding of Temporal Scalablity Structure, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(95), 7-14, 20011005
- A Proposal of MSP System for Video Search Multi-Engine, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(95), 15-22, 20011005
- A Proposal of MSP System for Video Search Multi-Engine, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(95), 15-22, 20011005
- A Proposal of MSP System for Video Search Multi-Engine, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(95), 15-22, 20011005
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods for Information Updating, 102(630), 19-24, 20030128
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods for Information Updating, 102(630), 19-24, 20030128
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods for Information Updating, 102(630), 19-24, 20030128
- A Study of Video Coding Method for Information Updating, 102(630), 155-159, 20030128
- A Study of Video Coding Method for Information Updating, 102(630), 155-159, 20030128
- A Study of Video Coding Method for Information Updating, 102(630), 155-159, 20030128
- Video Scalability Rate Control Method by Dynamic Controlling of Hierarchical Bits Allocation Ratio, The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers B, 82(8), 1475-1488, 199908
- Video Scalability Rate Control Method by Dynamic Controlling of Hierarchical Bits Allocation Ratio, The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers B, 82(8), 1475-1488, 199908
- Video Scalability Rate Control Method by Dynamic Controlling of Hierarchical Bits Allocation Ratio, The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers B, 82(8), 1475-1488, 199908
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods using MSP Data, 101(625), 31-36, 20020123
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods using MSP Data, 101(625), 31-36, 20020123
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods using MSP Data, 101(625), 31-36, 20020123
- A Video Retrieval Method using the Feature of Local Area, 101(625), 37-42, 20020123
- A Video Retrieval Method using the Feature of Local Area, 101(625), 37-42, 20020123
- A Video Retrieval Method using the Feature of Local Area, 101(625), 37-42, 20020123
- A Study on the Video Scalability Rate Control Method by Dynamic Controlling of Bits Allocation Ratio, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(204), 39-46, 19980724
- A Study on the Video Scalability Rate Control Method by Dynamic Controlling of Bits Allocation Ratio, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(204), 39-46, 19980724
- A Study on the Video Scalability Rate Control Method by Dynamic Controlling of Bits Allocation Ratio, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(204), 39-46, 19980724
- A Consideration on Information Structures of Multimedia Proceedings Packages using the Scalability Architectures, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(204), 63-69, 19980724
- A Consideration on Information Structures of Multimedia Proceedings Packages using the Scalability Architectures, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(204), 63-69, 19980724
- A Consideration on Information Structures of Multimedia Proceedings Packages using the Scalability Architectures, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(204), 63-69, 19980724
- A Study on the Description Method of Video Transcoding for Multimedia Scalability Packages Communication Services, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(681), 59-64, 19990319
- A Study on the Description Method of Video Transcoding for Multimedia Scalability Packages Communication Services, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(681), 59-64, 19990319
- A Study on the Description Method of Video Transcoding for Multimedia Scalability Packages Communication Services, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(681), 59-64, 19990319
- A Study on the Method of Structuring Moving Pictures based on Temporal Features for Quick Browsing, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(681), 65-72, 19990319
- A Study on the Method of Structuring Moving Pictures based on Temporal Features for Quick Browsing, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(681), 65-72, 19990319
- A Study on the Method of Structuring Moving Pictures based on Temporal Features for Quick Browsing, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 98(681), 65-72, 19990319
- A Study on the MSP Searching System, IEICE technical report. Information networks, 99(592), 21-26, 20000128
- A Study on the MSP Searching System, IEICE technical report. Information networks, 99(592), 21-26, 20000128
- A Study on the MSP Searching System, IEICE technical report. Information networks, 99(592), 21-26, 20000128
- Consideration of Contents Utilization Time in Multi-Quality Video Content Delivery Methods with Scalable Transcoding, IEICE Trans. on IS, D, 88(7), 1587-1597, 20050701
- Consideration of Contents Utilization Time in Multi-Quality Video Content Delivery Methods with Scalable Transcoding, IEICE Trans. on IS, D, 88(7), 1587-1597, 20050701
- Consideration of Contents Utilization Time in Multi-Quality Video Content Delivery Methods with Scalable Transcoding, IEICE Trans. on IS, D, 88(7), 1587-1597, 20050701
- A Study on Telelecturing System based on MSP Communication System, IEICE technical report. Education technology, 99(500), 33-40, 19991214
- A Study on Telelecturing System based on MSP Communication System, IEICE technical report. Education technology, 99(500), 33-40, 19991214
- A Study on Telelecturing System based on MSP Communication System, IEICE technical report. Education technology, 99(500), 33-40, 19991214
- An Image Matching Method using the Characteristics in Correlations of the Luminance Variance, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2000(2), 20000307
- An Image Matching Method using the Characteristics in Correlations of the Luminance Variance, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2000(2), 20000307
- An Image Matching Method using the Characteristics in Correlations of the Luminance Variance, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2000(2), 20000307
- A Consideration on Processing Times in MSP Image Searching System, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2000(2), 20000307
- A Consideration on Processing Times in MSP Image Searching System, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2000(2), 20000307
- A Consideration on Processing Times in MSP Image Searching System, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2000(2), 20000307
- Video Retrieval Method using the Characteristics of Query Images, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2001(2), 20010307
- Video Retrieval Method using the Characteristics of Query Images, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2001(2), 20010307
- Video Retrieval Method using the Characteristics of Query Images, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2001(2), 20010307
- D-11-21 Access Model Choosing Video Quality and Waiting-Time Reduction in VOD Service, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004(2), 20040308
- D-11-21 Access Model Choosing Video Quality and Waiting-Time Reduction in VOD Service, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004(2), 20040308
- D-11-21 Access Model Choosing Video Quality and Waiting-Time Reduction in VOD Service, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004(2), 20040308
- D-11-22 A Scalable Video Structuring Method to provide Multi-Quality Video for Users, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004(2), 20040308
- D-11-22 A Scalable Video Structuring Method to provide Multi-Quality Video for Users, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004(2), 20040308
- D-11-22 A Scalable Video Structuring Method to provide Multi-Quality Video for Users, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004(2), 20040308
- B-16-25 A Study of Video Database System with SMIL Player Adapting to Capability of Each Terminal, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004(2), 20040308
- B-16-25 A Study of Video Database System with SMIL Player Adapting to Capability of Each Terminal, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004(2), 20040308
- B-16-25 A Study of Video Database System with SMIL Player Adapting to Capability of Each Terminal, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2004(2), 20040308
- A Study of the Description Methods on the MSP Searching System, Technical report of IEICE. OFC, 99(665), 1-6, 20000303
- A Study of the Description Methods on the MSP Searching System, Technical report of IEICE. OFC, 99(665), 1-6, 20000303
- A Study of the Description Methods on the MSP Searching System, Technical report of IEICE. OFC, 99(665), 1-6, 20000303
- A Study on the Telelecturing System using MSP Data, Technical report of IEICE. OFC, 99(665), 7-12, 20000303
- A Study on the Telelecturing System using MSP Data, Technical report of IEICE. OFC, 99(665), 7-12, 20000303
- A Study on the Telelecturing System using MSP Data, Technical report of IEICE. OFC, 99(665), 7-12, 20000303
- Quality Improvement of Video Data Distribution Service by Video Scalability, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2003(2), 20030910
- Quality Improvement of Video Data Distribution Service by Video Scalability, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2003(2), 20030910
- Quality Improvement of Video Data Distribution Service by Video Scalability, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2003(2), 20030910
- A Study on the Video Scalability Rate Control Method by Dynamic Controlling of Bits Allocation Ratio, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 1998, 19980907
- A Study on the Video Scalability Rate Control Method by Dynamic Controlling of Bits Allocation Ratio, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 1998, 19980907
- A Study on the Video Scalability Rate Control Method by Dynamic Controlling of Bits Allocation Ratio, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 1998, 19980907
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods using MSP Data, ITE Technical Report, 26(0), 31-36, 2002
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods using MSP Data, ITE Technical Report, 26(0), 31-36, 2002
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods using MSP Data, ITE Technical Report, 26(0), 31-36, 2002
- A Video Retrieval Method using the Feature of Local Area, ITE Technical Report, 26(0), 37-42, 2002
- A Video Retrieval Method using the Feature of Local Area, ITE Technical Report, 26(0), 37-42, 2002
- A Video Retrieval Method using the Feature of Local Area, ITE Technical Report, 26(0), 37-42, 2002
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods for Information Updating, ITE Technical Report, 27(0), 19-24, 2003
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods for Information Updating, ITE Technical Report, 27(0), 19-24, 2003
- A Study on Video Transcoding Methods for Information Updating, ITE Technical Report, 27(0), 19-24, 2003
- A Study of Video Coding Method for Information Updating, ITE Technical Report, 27(0), 155-159, 2003
- A Study of Video Coding Method for Information Updating, ITE Technical Report, 27(0), 155-159, 2003
- A Study of Video Coding Method for Information Updating, ITE Technical Report, 27(0), 155-159, 2003
- B-7-24 A Proposal for Information Providing Methods using Reserved Contents for Video, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2005(2), 20050907
- B-7-24 A Proposal for Information Providing Methods using Reserved Contents for Video, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2005(2), 20050907
- B-7-24 A Proposal for Information Providing Methods using Reserved Contents for Video, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2005(2), 20050907
- D-11-3 A Scalability Cache Delivery Method in User Contents Access of Selecting Quality Video, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2005(2), 20050307
- D-11-3 A Scalability Cache Delivery Method in User Contents Access of Selecting Quality Video, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2005(2), 20050307
- D-11-3 A Scalability Cache Delivery Method in User Contents Access of Selecting Quality Video, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2005(2), 20050307
- D-11-58 A Consideration on the Transcoding Process in Video Contents Delivery for Multi-Quality, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2006(2), 20060308
- D-11-58 A Consideration on the Transcoding Process in Video Contents Delivery for Multi-Quality, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2006(2), 20060308
- D-11-58 A Consideration on the Transcoding Process in Video Contents Delivery for Multi-Quality, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2006(2), 20060308
- B-8-23 Comparison of the Efficiency of Scalable Video Coding in Updatable Scalability, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2007(2), 20070829
- B-8-23 Comparison of the Efficiency of Scalable Video Coding in Updatable Scalability, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2007(2), 20070829
- B-8-23 Comparison of the Efficiency of Scalable Video Coding in Updatable Scalability, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2007(2), 20070829
- Video Contents Cache and Delivery Method with Scalability Architecture for Selecting Multi-Quality Video, The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 59(7), 1020-1032, 20050701
- Video Contents Cache and Delivery Method with Scalability Architecture for Selecting Multi-Quality Video, The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 59(7), 1020-1032, 20050701
- Video Contents Cache and Delivery Method with Scalability Architecture for Selecting Multi-Quality Video, The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 59(7), 1020-1032, 20050701
- D-11-19 Consideration of Spatial Video Coding based on USVC, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2008(2), 20080305
- D-11-19 Consideration of Spatial Video Coding based on USVC, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2008(2), 20080305
- D-11-19 Consideration of Spatial Video Coding based on USVC, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2008(2), 20080305
- D-11-70 A Consideration of Video Distribution Systems using Contents Correctness Verification Process, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2009(2), 20090304
- D-11-70 A Consideration of Video Distribution Systems using Contents Correctness Verification Process, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2009(2), 20090304
- D-11-70 A Consideration of Video Distribution Systems using Contents Correctness Verification Process, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2009(2), 20090304
- A proposal of scalable video coding using layered coding parameters control methods, IEICE technical report, 109(205), 65-70, 20090924
- A proposal of scalable video coding using layered coding parameters control methods, IEICE technical report, 109(205), 65-70, 20090924
- A proposal of scalable video coding using layered coding parameters control methods, IEICE technical report, 109(205), 65-70, 20090924
- A Proposal of Scalable Video Coding using Layered Coding Parameters Control Methods, ITE Technical Report, 33(0), 65-70, 2009
- A Proposal of Scalable Video Coding using Layered Coding Parameters Control Methods, ITE Technical Report, 33(0), 65-70, 2009
- A Proposal of Scalable Video Coding using Layered Coding Parameters Control Methods, ITE Technical Report, 33(0), 65-70, 2009
- A Contents Correctness Verification Method by Checking Own Video Contents, 2009(8), 1-6, 20090917
- A Contents Correctness Verification Method by Checking Own Video Contents, 2009(8), 1-6, 20090917
- A Contents Correctness Verification Method by Checking Own Video Contents, 2009(8), 1-6, 20090917
- Video Contents Management Method using Hierarchical Structure, ITE Technical Report, 35(0), 37-40, 2011
- Video Contents Management Method using Hierarchical Structure, ITE Technical Report, 35(0), 37-40, 2011
- Video Contents Management Method using Hierarchical Structure, ITE Technical Report, 35(0), 37-40, 2011
- B-8-25 A Consideration on Video Cashing and Delivery Methods Using Quality Transition, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2012(2), 20120306
- B-8-25 A Consideration on Video Cashing and Delivery Methods Using Quality Transition, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2012(2), 20120306
- B-8-25 A Consideration on Video Cashing and Delivery Methods Using Quality Transition, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2012(2), 20120306
- 4-2 A Video Delivery System with Periodical Authentication using Video Structure, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE WINTER ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2007(0), _4-2-1_, 2007
- 4-2 A Video Delivery System with Periodical Authentication using Video Structure, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE WINTER ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2007(0), _4-2-1_, 2007
- 4-2 A Video Delivery System with Periodical Authentication using Video Structure, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE WINTER ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2007(0), _4-2-1_, 2007
- 7-6 A Consideration of Video Delivery Systems with Contents Correctness Verification Function, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE WINTER ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2008(0), _7-6-1_, 2008
- 7-6 A Consideration of Video Delivery Systems with Contents Correctness Verification Function, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE WINTER ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2008(0), _7-6-1_, 2008
- 7-6 A Consideration of Video Delivery Systems with Contents Correctness Verification Function, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE WINTER ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2008(0), _7-6-1_, 2008
- 7-10 A Consideration on the Video Contents Delivery System using Transcoding Process, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE WINTER ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2006(0), _7-10-1_, 2006
- 7-10 A Consideration on the Video Contents Delivery System using Transcoding Process, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE WINTER ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2006(0), _7-10-1_, 2006
- 7-10 A Consideration on the Video Contents Delivery System using Transcoding Process, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE WINTER ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2006(0), _7-10-1_, 2006
- Basic Technologies of Image Coding (7) : Inter-frame Prediction Technology, The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 67(4), 303-307, 20130401
- Basic Technologies of Image Coding (7) : Inter-frame Prediction Technology, The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 67(4), 303-307, 20130401
- Basic Technologies of Image Coding (7) : Inter-frame Prediction Technology, The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 67(4), 303-307, 20130401
- 1-4 A Consideration on Video Content Delivery Systems, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2010(0), 1-4-1-_1-4-2_, 2010
- 1-4 A Consideration on Video Content Delivery Systems, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2010(0), 1-4-1-_1-4-2_, 2010
- 1-4 A Consideration on Video Content Delivery Systems, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE ANNUAL CONVENTION, 2010(0), 1-4-1-_1-4-2_, 2010
- A Consideration on the Variability of Content Quality in Content Management Methods of Video Content Cashing and Delivery, ITE Technical Report, 37(0), 55-58, 2013
- A Consideration on the Variability of Content Quality in Content Management Methods of Video Content Cashing and Delivery, ITE Technical Report, 37(0), 55-58, 2013
- A Consideration on the Variability of Content Quality in Content Management Methods of Video Content Cashing and Delivery, ITE Technical Report, 37(0), 55-58, 2013
- D-11-30 Video Content Retrieval Methods Using Histgram of Motion Vectors, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2013(2), 20130305
- D-11-30 Video Content Retrieval Methods Using Histgram of Motion Vectors, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2013(2), 20130305
- D-11-30 Video Content Retrieval Methods Using Histgram of Motion Vectors, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2013(2), 20130305
- A Consideration on Generating Methods of Content Identification Data in Video Content Distribution, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2013(2), 20130903
- A Consideration on Generating Methods of Content Identification Data in Video Content Distribution, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2013(2), 20130903
- A Consideration on Generating Methods of Content Identification Data in Video Content Distribution, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2013(2), 20130903
- Cached Content Management Methods for Multiple Video Qualities and their Consideration, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 113(340), 167-173, 20131205
- Cached Content Management Methods for Multiple Video Qualities and their Consideration, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 113(340), 167-173, 20131205
- Cached Content Management Methods for Multiple Video Qualities and their Consideration, IEICE technical report. Image engineering, 113(340), 167-173, 20131205
- Cached Content Management Methods for Multiple Video Qualities and their Consideration, IEICE technical report. Communication systems, 113(339), 167-173, 20131205
- Cached Content Management Methods for Multiple Video Qualities and their Consideration, IEICE technical report. Communication systems, 113(339), 167-173, 20131205
- Cached Content Management Methods for Multiple Video Qualities and their Consideration, IEICE technical report. Communication systems, 113(339), 167-173, 20131205
- D-11-33 A Consideration on a Cached Video Management Method by Using a Usage Property, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2016(2), 20160301
- D-11-33 A Consideration on a Cached Video Management Method by Using a Usage Property, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2016(2), 20160301
- D-11-33 A Consideration on a Cached Video Management Method by Using a Usage Property, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2016(2), 20160301
- 8-12 Mobile, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 39(6), 998-1000, 2010
- 8-12 Mobile, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 39(6), 998-1000, 2010
- 8-12 Mobile, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 39(6), 998-1000, 2010
- 2-11 Tablet, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 41(6), 663-667, 2012
- 2-11 Tablet, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 41(6), 663-667, 2012
- 2-11 Tablet, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 41(6), 663-667, 2012
- 2-12 Mobile, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 41(6), 668-672, 2012
- 2-12 Mobile, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 41(6), 668-672, 2012
- 2-12 Mobile, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 41(6), 668-672, 2012
- A Study on Scalable Video Transcoding Control using MSP, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE CONVENTION, 2(0), 37-37, 2002
- A Study on Scalable Video Transcoding Control using MSP, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE CONVENTION, 2(0), 37-37, 2002
- A Study on Scalable Video Transcoding Control using MSP, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE CONVENTION, 2(0), 37-37, 2002
- Video Search Method using Correlation Value of Histogram in Local Area and its Effect, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 34(5), 586-595, 2005
- Video Search Method using Correlation Value of Histogram in Local Area and its Effect, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 34(5), 586-595, 2005
- Video Search Method using Correlation Value of Histogram in Local Area and its Effect, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 34(5), 586-595, 2005
- A Consideration on Video Content and Quality Management Methods Using Hierarchical Data in Content Caching and Delivery, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 42(1), 5-14, 2013
- A Consideration on Video Content and Quality Management Methods Using Hierarchical Data in Content Caching and Delivery, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 42(1), 5-14, 2013
- A Consideration on Video Content and Quality Management Methods Using Hierarchical Data in Content Caching and Delivery, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 42(1), 5-14, 2013
- [Paper] A Study on Motion Estimation using Block Matching for Spatially Periodic Patterns, ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, 3(1), 58-66, 2015
- [Paper] A Study on Motion Estimation using Block Matching for Spatially Periodic Patterns, ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, 3(1), 58-66, 2015
- [Paper] A Study on Motion Estimation using Block Matching for Spatially Periodic Patterns, ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, 3(1), 58-66, 2015
- A Video Content Identification Method Using Moving Regions Information by Histogram of Motion Vectors, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 42(5), 625-632, 2013
- A Video Content Identification Method Using Moving Regions Information by Histogram of Motion Vectors, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 42(5), 625-632, 2013
- A Video Content Identification Method Using Moving Regions Information by Histogram of Motion Vectors, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 42(5), 625-632, 2013
- Cached Video Contents Management Methods Based on the Condition of Hierarchical Decoding and a Consideration of the Caching Efficiency for the Using Condition of Quality Data, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 43(4), 516-524, 2014
- Cached Video Contents Management Methods Based on the Condition of Hierarchical Decoding and a Consideration of the Caching Efficiency for the Using Condition of Quality Data, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 43(4), 516-524, 2014
- Cached Video Contents Management Methods Based on the Condition of Hierarchical Decoding and a Consideration of the Caching Efficiency for the Using Condition of Quality Data, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 43(4), 516-524, 2014
- A Consideration of A High-Speed Video Identification Method Using Histogram Information of Coded Motion Vectors, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 43(4), 499-507, 2014
- A Consideration of A High-Speed Video Identification Method Using Histogram Information of Coded Motion Vectors, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 43(4), 499-507, 2014
- A Consideration of A High-Speed Video Identification Method Using Histogram Information of Coded Motion Vectors, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 43(4), 499-507, 2014
- 5-14 E-Book and Tablet Devices, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 44(2), 310-315, 2015
- 5-14 E-Book and Tablet Devices, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 44(2), 310-315, 2015
- 5-14 E-Book and Tablet Devices, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 44(2), 310-315, 2015
- Construction of Automated Lecture Archive:Automated Archive of Two-Way Lectures in MPEG2 format, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2(0), 105-110, 2003
- Construction of Automated Lecture Archive:Automated Archive of Two-Way Lectures in MPEG2 format, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2(0), 105-110, 2003
- Construction of Automated Lecture Archive:Automated Archive of Two-Way Lectures in MPEG2 format, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2(0), 105-110, 2003
- A method of video transcoding using updatable scalability, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2(0), 5-5, 2002
- A method of video transcoding using updatable scalability, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2(0), 5-5, 2002
- A method of video transcoding using updatable scalability, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2(0), 5-5, 2002
- A Study on Scalable Video Data Management Methods with Information Updating, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2(0), 79-84, 2003
- A Study on Scalable Video Data Management Methods with Information Updating, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2(0), 79-84, 2003
- A Study on Scalable Video Data Management Methods with Information Updating, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2(0), 79-84, 2003
- Access Model and its Evaluation of Video Data Distribution Service by Video Scalability, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 3(0), 39-44, 2003
- Access Model and its Evaluation of Video Data Distribution Service by Video Scalability, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 3(0), 39-44, 2003
- Access Model and its Evaluation of Video Data Distribution Service by Video Scalability, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 3(0), 39-44, 2003
- Cache Algorithm and its Evaluation of Multiple Quality Video Data Distribution Service, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 3(0), 33-38, 2003
- Cache Algorithm and its Evaluation of Multiple Quality Video Data Distribution Service, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 3(0), 33-38, 2003
- Cache Algorithm and its Evaluation of Multiple Quality Video Data Distribution Service, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 3(0), 33-38, 2003
- A Study on the Method to Reduce Data Transfer in Multi-Quality VOD Service, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 3(0), 81-88, 2004
- A Study on the Method to Reduce Data Transfer in Multi-Quality VOD Service, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 3(0), 81-88, 2004
- A Study on the Method to Reduce Data Transfer in Multi-Quality VOD Service, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 3(0), 81-88, 2004
- A Study on Video Delivery System using Authentication of Contents and Users, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 7(0), 73-78, 2008
- A Study on Video Delivery System using Authentication of Contents and Users, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 7(0), 73-78, 2008
- A Study on Video Delivery System using Authentication of Contents and Users, Reports of the Technical Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 7(0), 73-78, 2008
- Effect of a Cached Video Content Management Method Based on a Hierarchical Quality-Transition Rule in a VCDS for Providing Multi-Quality, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 45(1), 34-41, 2016
- Effect of a Cached Video Content Management Method Based on a Hierarchical Quality-Transition Rule in a VCDS for Providing Multi-Quality, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 45(1), 34-41, 2016
- Effect of a Cached Video Content Management Method Based on a Hierarchical Quality-Transition Rule in a VCDS for Providing Multi-Quality, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 45(1), 34-41, 2016
- A Cached Video Content Management Method by Using Priority Estimation Based on a Content Usage Property, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 45(1), 12-19, 2015
- A Cached Video Content Management Method by Using Priority Estimation Based on a Content Usage Property, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 45(1), 12-19, 2015
- A Cached Video Content Management Method by Using Priority Estimation Based on a Content Usage Property, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 45(1), 12-19, 2015
- A Consideration of Contents Correctness Verification System using amount of Video Characteristics, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 37(0), 17-18, 2009
- A Consideration of Contents Correctness Verification System using amount of Video Characteristics, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 37(0), 17-18, 2009
- A Consideration of Contents Correctness Verification System using amount of Video Characteristics, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 37(0), 17-18, 2009
- A Screen Shake Determination Method Using Histograms of Motion Vectors in Video Scenes , IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, 6(1), 1-12, 2018
- A Screen Shake Determination Method Using Histograms of Motion Vectors in Video Scenes , IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, 6(1), 1-12, 2018
- A Screen Shake Determination Method Using Histograms of Motion Vectors in Video Scenes , IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, 6(1), 1-12, 2018
- 1. Activities of Editorial Committee, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 46(1), 3-5, 2017
- 1. Activities of Editorial Committee, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 46(1), 3-5, 2017
- 1. Activities of Editorial Committee, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 46(1), 3-5, 2017
- 6-13 Tablet Devices, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 46(1), 125-127, 2017
- 6-13 Tablet Devices, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 46(1), 125-127, 2017
- 6-13 Tablet Devices, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 46(1), 125-127, 2017
Publications such as books
- 2001/11, Enabling Society with Information Technology , Springer, 2001, 11
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- A Consideration on Efficiency Improvement of Cached Video Distribution Methods Based on Human Behavior and Preference, Mei Kodama Yukino Mishima, The 7th IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC2021), 2021/09/08, Without Invitation, English, IIEEJ, Online
- A Consideration on Accuracy Improvement of Screen Shake Determination Methods Using Motion Histograms, Mei Kodama, IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing 2019(IEVC2019), 2019/08/21, Without Invitation, English, IIEEJ, Bali, Indonesia
- 2024/06/21, 0621, IIEEJ, 画像電⼦学会研究会若⼿奨励賞
- 2020/06/26, Excellent Papaer Award, IIEEJ, IIEEJ, A Screen Shake Determination Method Using Histograms of Motion Vectors in Video Scenes
- 2014/06/29, IIEEJ 2014 Excellent Paper Award, IIEEJ
- 2017/03/03, IEVC2017 Excellent Paper Award, IIEEJ, ``A Consideration on a Determination Method for Screen Shake with Histograms in Motion Vectors"
- 2017/03/03, IIEEJ IEVC2017 Excellent Paper Award, IIEEJ
- 2017/06/23, Distinguished Service Award, IIEEJ
- 2018/06/22, IIEEJ 2018 Best Paper Award, IIEEJ
- 2018/06/22, IIEEJ Fellow, IIEEJ
- Patent, US:7035875, 2006/04/25
- Patent, US:8005150, 2011/08/23
- Patent, US 9215495, 2015/12/15, Authentication of Distributed Motion Image Data Using Data Structures
- Patent, US 9456224, 2016/09/27, Authentication of Distributed Motion Image Data Using Data Structures
Social Activities
History as Committee Members
- Technical Program Committee Chair, 2020/09, 2020/09, The 7th IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing
- IEVC2021 Technical Program Committee, 2020/08, 2021/09, IIEEJ
- Edior in Chief, 2020/06, IIEEJ
- Edior in Chief, 2021/06, IIEEJ
- Vice president in IIEEJ, 2020/06, IIEEJ
- Board member (Editor), 2020/06, IIEEJ
- IIEEJ board members, 2018/06, 2020/06, IIEEJ
- Editor in Chief, IIEEJ, 2016/06, IIEEJ
- Edior in Chief, 2016/06, 2020/06, IIEEJ
- IIEEJ board members, 2016/06, 2018/06
- IEVC2017 public relations chair, 2015/11, 2017/03
- Vice Editor in Chief, IIEEJ, 2011/07, 2016/06
- Editorial Committee of IIEEJ, 1995, IIEEJ
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- The 7th IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC2021), Technical Program Committee Chair, 2021/09, 2022/09
- Program Committee Members, Publication Chairs, 2007/11
- Program Committee Executive Members, Finance Chair
- Program Committee Executive Members, Public Relations Chair
- Program Committee Executive Members, Secretary-general, Public Relations Chair
- IEVC2017, Technical Program Committee Chair, Secretary-general, Public Relation Chair, 2015/11, 2017/03
- IEVC2019, Executive Advisors, Technical Program Committee, 2017/08, 2019/08