Last Updated :2025/02/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Associate Professor
Web Site
I am interested in how plants elaborate their structures such as flowers and leaves. My research objective is to elucidate the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying the control of plant development.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2023/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Associate Professor
  • 2019/12/01, 2023/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Assistant Professor
  • 2015/08/16, 2019/11/30, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Assistant Professor
  • 2013/04/01, 2015/08/15, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow
  • 2012/04/01, 2013/03/31, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow

Academic Degrees

  • The University of Tokyo
  • The University of Tokyo

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Applied Biological Science : Department of Applied Biological Science : Molecular Agro-Life Science Program
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Food and AgriLife Science
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Food and AgriLife Science

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Molecular Agro-Life Science Program

Research Fields

  • Biology;Basic biology;Plant molecular biology / Plant physiology
  • Agricultural sciences;Plant production and environmental agriculture;Science in genetics and breeding

Research Keywords

  • Plant development
  • Crop breeding
  • Molecular genetics
  • Meristem
  • Plant stem cells
  • Tiller
  • Axillary bud
  • Flower
  • Rice (Oryza sativa)

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists
  • Japanese Society of Breeding
  • The Japan Mendel Society

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Research for Academic Degree Dissertation in Integrated Life Sciences
  2. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Research for Academic Degree Dissertation in Integrated Life Sciences
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Cell Science
  4. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introduction to Applied Biological Sciences toward SDGs
  5. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Introduction to Applied Biological Sciences
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Laboratory Work in General Chemistry
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Bio-organic Chemistry
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Graduation Thesis
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis I
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Graduation Thesis II
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis III
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Laboratory Work in Molecular Agro-life ScienceII
  14. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Molecular Cell Biology
  15. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Plant Molecular Biology
  16. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Bio-Analytical Science
  17. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Reading of Foreign Literature in Molecular Agro-Life Science
  18. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, (AIMS)Molecular Agro-life Science
  19. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Molecular Agro-life Science
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Exercises in Food andAgriLife Science A
  21. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Exercises in Food andAgriLife Science A
  22. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Exercises in Food andAgriLife Science B
  23. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Exercises in Food andAgriLife Science B
  24. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Research for Academic Degree Dissertation in Food andAgriLife Science
  25. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Applied Plant Science

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. WUSCHEL/TILLERS ABSENT1 – a key regulator of plant development, CYTOLOGIA, in press, 2025
  2. ★, FINE CULM1 encoding a TEOSINTE BRANCHED1-like TCP transcription factor negatively regulates axillary meristem formation in rice, Plant and Cell Physiology, 65(11), 1862-1872, 2024
  3. YABBY and diverged KNOX1 genes shape nodes and internodes in the stem., Science, 384(6701), 1241-1247, 2024
  4. Effect of shading on trichome formation and CAPRICE-like gene expression in tea (Camellia sinensis var. sinensis) leaves, Scientia Horticulturae, 330, 113049, 2024
  5. MiRiQ - a promising new in silico mutant screening tool for the rice community, Plant and Cell Physiology, 65(1), 1-3, 2024
  6. Developmental genetic studies on rice morphogenesis, Ikushugakukenkyu, 25(2), 177-180, 2023
  7. Genetic basis controlling rice plant architecture and its modification for breeding, Breeding Science, 73(1), 3-45, 2023
  8. Complementation and protein localization analyses of R3 MYBs in an Arabidopsis caprice mutant, Plant Biotechnology, 40(1), 99-103, 2023
  9. D-type cyclin OsCYCD3;1 is involved in the maintenance of meristem activity to regulate branch formation in rice, Journal of Plant Physiology, 270, 153634, 2022
  10. ★, Flower meristem maintenance by TILLERS ABSENT1 is essential for ovule development in rice, Development, 148(24), dev199932, 20211217
  11. Identification of six CPC-like genes and their differential expression in leaves of tea plant, Camellia sinensis, Journal of Plant Physiology, 263, 153465, 2021
  12. Function of the TRY C-terminal region artificially fused with its homologous transcription factors inducing root hair differentiation in Arabidopsis, Biosci Biotechnol Biochem., 85(5), 1114-1120, 2021
  13. Genetic mechanism underlying tiller formation in rice, Agricultural Biotechnology, 5(4), 44-48, 2021
  14. The roles of two FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER genes, FON1 and FON2, differ in axillary meristem development., Cytologia, 85(4), 319-324, 2020
  15. CURLED LATER1 encoding the largest subunit of the Elongator complex has a unique role in leaf development and meristem function in rice., Plant Journal, 104, 351-364, 2020
  16. Stem Cell Maintenance in the Shoot Apical Meristems and during Axillary Meristem Development., CYTOLOGIA, 85(1), 3-8, 2020
  17. DWARF WITH SLENDER LEAF1 encoding a histone deacetylase plays diverse roles in rice development., Plant & Cell Physiology, 61(3), 457-469, 2020
  18. ★, Antagonistic action of TILLERS ABSENT1 and FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER2 regulates stem cell maintenance during axillary meristem development in rice., New Phytologist, 225(2), 974-984, 2020
  19. Class I KNOX gene OSH1 is indispensable for axillary meristem development in rice., Cytologia, 84(4), 343-346, 2019
  20. TILLERS ABSENT1, the WUSCHEL ortholog, is not involved in stem cell maintenance in the shoot apical meristem in rice., Plant Signaling & Behavior, 14(9), 1640565, 2019
  21. Transcriptional corepressor ASP1 and CLV-like signaling regulate meristem maintenance in rice., Plant Physiology, 180(3), 1520-1534, 2019
  22. Rice flower development revisited: regulation of carpel specification and flower meristem determinacy., Plant & Cell Physiology, 60(6), 1284-1295, 2019
  23. BELL1-like homeobox genes regulate inflorescence architecture and meristem maintenance in rice., Plant Journal, 98(3), 465-478, 2019
  24. ★, Three TOB1-related YABBY genes are required to maintain proper function of the spikelet and branch meristems in rice., New Phytologist, 215(2), 825-839, 2017
  25. Genetic enhancer analysis reveals that FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER2 and OsMADS3 co-operatively regulate maintenance and determinacy of the flower meristem in rice., Plant & Cell Physiology, 58(5), 893-903, 2017
  26. Polar patterning of the spikelet is disrupted in the two opposite lemma mutant in rice., Genes & Genetic Systems, 91(4), 193-200, 2016
  27. ★, Axillary meristem formation in rice requires the WUSCHEL ortholog TILLERS ABSENT1., Plant Cell, 27(4), 1173-1184, 2015
  28. Generation of artificial drooping leaf mutants by CRISPR-Cas9 technology in rice., Genes & Genetic Systems, 90(4), 231-235, 2015
  29. Analysis of rice fickle spikelet1 mutant that displays an increase in flower and spikelet organ number with inconstant expressivity., Genes & Genetic Systems, 90(3), 181-184, 2015
  30. ★, Grass meristems II: inflorescence architecture, flower development and meristem fate., Plant & Cell Physiology, 54(3), 313-324, 2013
  31. Grass meristems I: shoot apical meristem maintenance, axillary meristem determinacy and the floral transition., Plant & Cell Physiology, 54(3), 302-312, 2013
  32. WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX4 is involved in meristem maintenance and is negatively regulated by the CLE gene FCP1 in rice., Plant Cell, 25(1), 229-241, 2013
  33. Formation of two florets within a single spikelet in the rice tongari-boushi1 mutant., Plant Signaling & Behavior, 7(7), 793-795, 2012
  34. ★, The YABBY gene TONGARI-BOUSHI1 is involved in lateral organ development and maintenance of meristem organization in the rice spikelet., Plant Cell, 24(1), 80-95, 2012
  35. Identification of the conserved region in intron1 of the DROOPING LEAF genes among the species in the grass family., Rice Genetics newsletter, 25, 78-79, 2010
  36. The homeotic gene LONG STERILE LEMMA (G1) specifies sterile lemma identity in the rice spikelet., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(47), 20103-20108, 2009
  37. The spatial expression patterns of DROOPING LEAF orthologs suggest a conserved function in grasses., Genes & Genetic Systems, 84(2), 137-146, 2009

Publications such as books

  1. 2021, Introduction to applied biological science for the SDGs, Morphology and function of the aboveground aerial parts of the crop, Textbook, Joint work
  2. 2014, The Molecular Genetics of Floral Transition and Flower Development - Advances in Botanical Research, Flower development in rice., Elsevier, 2014, Scholarly Book, Joint work, Wakana Tanaka, Taiyo Toriba, and Hiro-Yuki Hirano, 9780124171626, 0124171621, 376, 221-262
  3. 2014, Flower Development - Methods and Protocols., Grass flower development., Springer, 2014, Scholarly Book, Joint work, Hiro-Yuki Hirano, Wakana Tanaka, and Taiyo Toriba, 978-1461494072, 475, 57-84

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Effect of shading on trichome formation in tea leaves, Juri Wakamatsu, Mayumi Kikuta, Wakana Tanaka, Rumi Tominaga, The 70th regular meeting of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch of the Japanese Society for Agricultural Chemistry, 2025/01, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society for Agricultural Chemistry, Hiroshima University
  2. How does Hakea laurina exhibit an exudative burst of malate and acid phosphatase under low-phosphorus environments?, Hirotsuna Yamada, Lydia Ratna Bunthara, Akira Tanaka, Takuro Kohama, Hayato Maruyama, Wakana Tanaka, Sho Nishida, Hans Lambers, Takayuki Sasaki, Jun Wasaki, The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 2025/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Kanazawa
  3. Effect of shading on trichome formation and CAPRICE-like gene expression in tea (Camellia sinensis var. sinensis) leaves, Juri Wakamatsu , Mina Yamamoto , Mayumi Kikuta , Wakana Tanaka , Rumi Tominaga, The 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2024), 2024/07/15, Without Invitation, English, San Diego
  4. Genetic mechanisms underlying rice tiller initiation, Wakana Tanaka, NIG Meeting 'Deepening Rice Developmental Genetics', 2024/10/26, With Invitation, Japanese, National Institute of Genetics
  5. Analysis of the mechanism underlying rice spikelet development in response to temperature decrease, Souichirou Nishino, Koutarou Mizugishi, Ami Ohyama, Taiyo Toriba, Wakana Tanaka, The 146th meeting, Japanese Society of Breeding, 2024/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society of Breeding, Hiroshima University
  6. Analysis of the effect of temperature decrease on rice panicle development, Naho Makihara, Souichirou Nishino, Ami Ohyama, Katsutoshi Tsuda, Taiyo Toriba, Wakana Tanaka, The 146th meeting, Japanese Society of Breeding, 2024/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society of Breeding, Hiroshima University
  7. Analysis of rice mutants that rescue the defect in axillary bud formation in tillers absent1, Souma Aimori, Ami Ohyama, Wakana Tanaka, The 146th meeting, Japanese Society of Breeding, 2024/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society of Breeding, Hiroshima University
  8. Discovery and analysis of a novel factor that promotes tiller formation in rice, Koutarou Mizugishi., Souichirou Nishino, Wakana Tanaka, The 146th meeting, Japanese Society of Breeding, 2024/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society of Breeding, Hiroshima University
  9. Functional analysis of a tab1 suppressor gene in rice tiller formation, Ami Ohyama, Taiyo Toriba, Wakana Tanaka, The 146th meeting, Japanese Society of Breeding, 2024/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society of Breeding, Hiroshima University
  10. Developmental genetic studies on stem cells and morphogenesis in rice, Wakana Tanaka, The 1st Meeting of the Japanese Mendel Society, 2024/06/15, With Invitation, Japanese, The Japanese Mendel Society, Tokyo
  11. Identification of a novel gene regulating axillary bud formation in rice, Ohyama A., Toriba T., Tominaga R., Tanaka W., 15th of regional breeding meeting, 2023/09/23, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society of Breeding, Tottori
  12. Analysis of the effect of low temperature on rice panicle morphogenesis, Makihara N., Ohyama A., Toriba T., Tominaga R., Tanaka W., 15th of regional breeding meeting, 2023/09/23, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society of Breeding, Tottori
  13. Expression analysis of genes involved in rice flower development under cold stress, Nishino S., Ohyama A., Toriba T., Tominaga R., Tanaka W., 15th of regional breeding meeting, 2023/09/23, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society of Breeding, Tottori
  14. Stem cell regulation underlying tiller development in rice, Wakana Tanaka, Hiro-Yuki Hirano, The 87th annual meeting of the botanical society of Japan, 2023/09/07, With Invitation, Japanese, The botanical society of Japan, Hokkaido University
  15. Malate release in cluster root formed by Hakea laurina, Hirotsuna Yamada, Lydia Ratna Bunthara, Akira Tanaka, Takuro Kohama, Hayato Maruyama, Wakana Tanaka, Sho Nishida, Takayuki Sasaki, Jun Wasaki, Australian Society of Plant Scientists 2023, 2023/11/28, Without Invitation, English, Australian Society of Plant Scientists, Tasmania, Australia
  16. HalALMT1 encoding malate transporter in cluster roots formed by Hakea laurina, Hirotsuna Yamada, Lydia Ratna Bunthara, Akira Tanaka, Wakana Tanaka, Sho Nishida, Takayuki Sasaki, Jun Wasaki, The Biodiversity Conference 2023, 2023/10/10, Without Invitation, English, The Biodiversity Conference, The University Club of Western Australia
  17. Genetic basis of the stem node and internode patterning in rice, Katsutoshi Tsuda, Akiteru Maeno, Kenichiro Hibara, Wakana Tanaka, Kenichi Nonomura, Rice genetics and molecular biology workshop, 2023/07/13, Without Invitation, Japanese
  18. Identification and expression analysis of six CsCPC genes in tea leaves (Camellia sinensis), Juri Wakamatsu, Mina Yamamoto, Wakana Tanaka, Rumi Tominaga, The 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, 2023/06/07, Without Invitation, English, Makuhari Messe
  19. Developmental genetic studies on rice morphogenesis, Wakana Tanaka, The 143rd Meeting of the JSB, 2023/03/17, With Invitation, Japanese
  20. Genetic basis of the stem node and internode patterning in rice, Katsutoshi Tsuda, Akiteru Maeno, Wakana Tanaka, Ken-ichi Nonomura, The 143rd Meeting of the JSB, 2023/03/18, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japanese Society of Breeding, Shizuoka University
  21. KNOX and YABBY transcription factors shape nodes and internodes of the stem in rice, Katsutoshi Tsuda, Akiteru Maeno, Wakana Tanaka, Ken-ichi Nonomura, The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 2023/03/13, Without Invitation, Japanese
  22. Rice D-type cyclin OsCYCD3;1 promotes tiller formation by maintaining meristem activity, A. Ohyama, R. Tominaga, T. Toriba, W. Tanaka, The 14th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Breeding in the Chugoku region, 2022/12/10, Without Invitation, Japanese, Yamaguchi University
  23. Analysis of the D-type cyclin OsCYCD3;1 involved in tiller formation in rice, A. Ohyama, R. Tominaga, T. Toriba, W. Tanaka, Tohoku Botanical Society, 2022/12/10, Without Invitation, Japanese, Miyagi University
  24. Functional analysis of MYB transcription factor CsCPC in tea, Juri Wakamatsu, Mina Yamamoto, Wakana Tanaka, and Rumi Tominaga, The Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, 2022/06/04, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, Online
  25. TAB1 promotes ovule development by maintaining the flower meristem in rice, Wakana Tanaka, Suzuha Ohmori, Naoto Kawakami, and Hiro-Yuki Hirano, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiology, 2022/03/22, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologys, Online
  26. Genetic mechanism and significance of stem cell maintenance in rice flower development, Wakana Tanaka, Suzuha Ohmori, Chie Suzuki, Naoto Kawakami, Hiro-Yuki Hirano, The 85th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, 2021/09/19, With Invitation, English
  27. Genetic mechanism that regulates tiller formation, Wakana Tanaka, Hiro-Yuki Hirano, The 2021 Annual Meeting of The Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, 2021/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Online
  28. Two FON genes play different roles in axillary bud formation in rice, Wakana Tanaka, Hiro-Yuki Hirano, 2020/10, Without Invitation, Japanese
  29. Function of WOX and KNOX genes in axillary bud formation in rice, 2019/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
  30. Genetic regulation of stem cell maintenance during axillary bud formation in rice, Wakana Tanaka, Plant Stem Cells: Source of Plant Vitality, Workshop1: Stem cells and Plant Reproduction, 2019/05, With Invitation, English, Tohoku University, Katahira Campus (Miyagi, Sendai)


  1. 2024/10/25, Excellent Presentation Award in the 146th Meeting, Japanese Society of Breeding, Japanese Society of Breeding, Functional analysis of a tab1 suppressor gene in rice tiller formation
  2. 2024/06/15, CYTOLOGIA Encouragement Award, The Japan Mendel Society, Developmental genetic studies on rice stem cells and morphogenesis
  3. 2023/03/17, Encouragement award of Japanese Society of Breeding, Japanese Society of Breeding, Developmental genetic studies on rice morphogenesis
  4. 2022/05/10, Research Grant for Young Scientists in 2022, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University, Genetic mechanisms underlying axillary bud formation in plants
  5. 2022/04/20, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, The Young Scientists' Award, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Molecular genetic studies on plant development and meristem regulation
  6. 2020/11/27, Japan prize in Agricultural Sciences, Achievement Award for Young Scientists, The Foundation of agricultural Sciences of Japan, Molecular genetic studies on spikelet development and tiller formation in rice
  7. 2016/11, GGS prize 2016, The Genetics Society of Japan, Generation of artificial drooping leaf mutants by CRISPR-Cas9 technology in rice.
  8. 2010/10, GGS prize 2010, The Genetics Society of Japan, The spatial expression patterns of DROOPING LEAF orthologs suggest a conserved function in grasses

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. 2023 Inamori Research Grants, Molecular mechanisms of axillary stem cell establishment involving a plant hormone, 2023
  2. KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2022/04, 2025/03
  3. Life Science Research Continuous Gtrants 2022, Light regulation of axillary stem cell establishment in plants, 2022
  4. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area), Stem cell maintenance during axillary meristem formation, 2020/04, 2022/03
  5. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists), Regulatory mechanism of stem cell establishment during axillary bud formation in rice, 2019/04, 2022/03
  6. 2017/04, 2018/03
  7. 2016/04, 2019/03
  8. 2015/10, 2016/09
  9. 2013/04, 2016/03
  10. 2011/04, 2013/03

Social Activities

History as Committee Members

  1. CYTOLOGIA Editorial Board, 2024/11, The Japan Mendel Society
  2. Diversity & Inclusion Promotion Committee Member, 2024/09, Japanese Society of Breeding
  3. Member of the Steering Committee of the 146th Conference of the Japanese Society of Breeding, 2023/07, 2024/09, Japanese Society of Breeding
  4. Gender Equality Committee, Japanese Society of Breeding, 2024/04, 2024/09, Japanese Society of Breeding
  5. Plant & Cell Physiology Budding Editor, 2023/01, The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. Public Symposium of the Japanese Society of Breeding, Member of the Steering Committee of the 146th Conference of the Japanese Society of Breeding, 2024/09
  2. The 146th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Breeding, Steering committee of the 146th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Breeding, 2023/07, 2024/09
  3. The 85th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan Symposium "Inflorescence development and diversity in grasses", 2021/09, 2021/09
  4. The 61st annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiology Symposium "Frontiers of growth and development in grasses explored by young researchers", 2020/03, 2020/03

Other Social Contributions

  1. JST Next Generation Human Resource Development Program Global Science Campus (GSC Hiroshima) Science Lectures, Exploring the mechanism of rice morphogenesis from genetic viewpoint, Hiroshima University High School-University Transition and Admissions Center, 2024/07/21, 2024/07/21, Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus, Lecturer, Lecture, High school students
  2. Visit to Hiroshima University and class experience, Understanding plant morphology from gene function, Hiroshima University High School-University Transition and Admissions Center, 2024/07/09, 2024/07/09, Hiroshima University Higashi-Hiroshima Campus, Lecturer, Visiting lecture, High school students
  3. University Guide "What You Can Learn at Hiroshima University 2025" Researcher Introduction Page, I would like to contribute to a stable supply of rice by understanding how rice development is regulated., Hiroshima University, University Guide "What You Can Learn at Hiroshima University", 2024, 2025, TV or radio appearance, Newspaper or magazine, High school students
  4. Hiroshima University Experiential Science Course ~Special Course for Female High School Students~, How do plants develop ?, Gender Equality Promotion Office, Hiroshima University, 2403/02, School of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Lecture, High school students
  5. Hiroshima University Open Lecture "Science Connecting Tsukuru and Eating: A Molecular Perspective Approach, Study of plant development, School of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University, 2023/12/16, School of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University, TV or radio appearance, Lecture, General
  6. Special Lecture (Frontier Science Lecture) in "iSAGAs Basic," a school-set subject of the 2023 SSH program, Exploring the mechanism of rice development from the viewpoint of gene function, Hiroshima University High School, 2023, Hiroshima University High School, Lecturer, Visiting lecture, High school students
  7. Yume Navi Live Laboratory Visit, Plant genetic research at School of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University, FROMPAGE, 2023/10/21, Online, Lecturer, Lecture, High school students
  8. Dream Navigation Lecture, The wonder of shape-making unique to plants, FROMEPAGE, 2023/06/15, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Internet, High school students
  9. Radio Hiroshima FM, Hiroshima University Radio Campus #95!, Hiroshima FM, Shigeki Ohkubo's 9ji Radio, 2022/10/03, TV or radio appearance, TV or radio program, High school students
  10. Article publication in "Shoukei-Advice", Discovery of a gene that forms rice grains - For future breeding, Shoukei-Advice, 2022/01/24, Interviewee, Newspaper or magazine
  11. Article publication in "The Weekly PressNet", Genetic studies on flower and leaf formation in rice, The Weekly PressNet, 2021/02/25, Interviewee, Newspaper or magazine, Media
  12. HiHA Young Researchers Workshop, Genetic mechanisms that control plant development, Hiroshima Research Center for Healthy Aging (HiHA), 2021/01/20, Lecturer, Lecture, Researchesrs