yoshinori etoh

Last Updated :2024/10/01

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
Web Site
Research Fields: R. Steiner thought research, educational ethics and modern Japanese thought

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 1994/05/01, 2001/03/31, Niimi Women's College, Lecturer
  • 2017/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Letters, Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Hiroshima University, Graduate School, Division of Education, Education, Japan, 1993/04, 1994/04

Academic Degrees

  • Master of Pedagogy, Hiroshima University
  • Hiroshima University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Letters : Humane Studies : Philosophy and Thought
  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Letters : Humane Studies : Humanities in English Program
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Humanities Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Humanities Program

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Philosophy and Thought

Research Fields

  • Social sciences;Education;Education
  • Humanities;Philosophy;Philosophy / Ethics
  • Social sciences;Education;Special needs education

Research Keywords

  • Rudorf Steiner
  • Steiner education
  • Montessori
  • Education for children with developmental disabilities
  • Shinichiro Nishi
  • Modern Japanese Thought
  • Zen Buddhism
  • Peace
  • Nationalism
  • Theosophy

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • The Japanese Society for the Philosophy of Education, 1993
  • History of Education Thought Society, 1992
  • Japanese Society for Holistic Education / Care
  • The Japanese Society for British Idealism
  • Japan Moral Education Society
  • West Japan Research Institute for Applied Ethics, 2006
  • Research Institute for Schools and Moral Education, 2006

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Research Tutorial IIB
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Introduction to Ethics
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Lecture on Japanese Ethical Thought
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Seminar on History of Ethical Thought
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Guidance on Graduation Thesis A
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Guidance on Graduation Thesis B
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Graduation Thesis
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Research Tutorial II (Philosophy)
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Research Tutorial II (Philosophy)
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Research Method and Ethics for Humanities and Social Sciences(Japanese Class) Students enrolled before AY 2023
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Research Method and Ethics for Humanities and Social Sciences(Japanese Class)Students enrolling in AY 2024 or later
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Study of the History of Ethical Thought A
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Study of the History of Ethical Thought B
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Introductory Seminar on Applied Ethical Thought A
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Introductory Seminar on Applied Ethical Thought B
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Research
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Research
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Research
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Research

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. ★, The Structure and Possibility of "Education as Art" Based on a New Theory of Wissenschaft (Knowledge), STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION, 1-19, 201911
  2. ★, Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophical Epistemology, 65-77, 19980501
  3. ★, Steiner's Educational Thought as a Life Cycle Model of "Vertical Axis", 165-168, 20070916
  4. ★, On Structure of "Vertical Axis" in Life Cycle : The Opened Dialectic of a New Theory of Development and Chaos, 29-40, 20030916
  5. ★, Toward a Solution of "Scientification" Problem on Steiner Pedagogy - Anthroposophical Epistemology as a Clue -, 101-115, 19980301
  6. ★, A Theosophical Paradigm in Montessori Thought : A Point of Contact with Steiner Educational Thought, 50-67,201,45-46, 20070331
  7. ★, On the Process of Tomeri Tanimoto's Adoption of the Steiner Pedagogy : Forcusing on Tanimoto's "View of Religious Education", 261-280, 20010301
  8. ★, On the Relationship between Aritaka Kumamoto and Steiner Thought, 89-110, 20000301
  9. ★, Thinking of a way of living and peace through the ethical thought of Shinichiro Nishi (Professor of Hiroshima Higher Normal Collage), The Bulletin of the Japanese Society for British Idealism, 1-9, 20200817
  10. Possibility of Inclusive Education through Steiner Education, HABITUS, 25, 17-33, 20210320
  11. The Thought of Mikio Yamamoto (Kugai): Wisdom Based on Religious Experiences, PRAXIS, 83-90, 20190328
  12. Steiner's educational thought as a philosophy of life: overcoming Nietzsche's philosophy, The Journal of Ethical Study HABITUS, 23, 17-30, 20190320
  13. ★, Shinichiro Nishi's Thought: The Particular as Universal., Hiroshima interdisciplinary studies in the humanities, 14,, 201612
  14. The Philosophical Foundation of Steiner Educational Thought: Epistemology of Goethe and E.Hartmann, The Journal of Ethical Studies The Rinrigaku Kenkyu, 1-19, 20141031
  15. The Philosophical Foundation in Steiner Educational Thought (3): The Reception and Conquest of the 'I' Theory of Fichte, HABITUS, 19, 35-49, 20150301
  16. The Philosophical Foundation in Steiner Educational Thought (2): Kant's Epistemology as 'the Beginning of his Philosophical Studies', HABITUS, 18, 101-114, 20140301
  17. "The teacher's self-education" in Steiner Education :ReportⅠ of research based on overseas research expense of the Ministry of Education, 21, 43-53, 20001201
  18. Sengai's "Yuige", The Journal of Ethical Studies The Rinrigaku Kenkyu, 47-66, 19980601
  19. Steiner Education as Alternative, 23, 19980601
  20. Explication of Sengai's Zen Thought through the Analysis of his Books - "a Cicle-Drawing" as a Clue, The Journal of Ethical Studies The Rinrigaku Kenkyu, 91-111, 19970630
  21. Thought of Sengai Gibon, the Zen Master in Hakata(Part2), 18, 169-202, 19971201
  22. Thought of Sengai Gibon, the Zen Master in Hakata, 17, 197-218, 19961201
  23. ★, A Theosophical Paradigm in Montessori Educational Thought: A Point of Contact with Steiner Educational Thought, 107-122, 20110301
  24. The Paradigm of the Particlar as Universal in Nishi Shinichiro's Thought (2): As a clue for the construction of the concept of 'Reconciliation', 143-166, 20130301
  25. The Philosophical Foundation in Steiner Educational Thought (1): Kant's Epistemology as 'the Beginning of his Philosophical Studies', HABITUS, 17, 45-59, 20130301
  26. The Paradigm of the Particular as Universal in Nishi Shinichiro's Thought (1): As a Clue for the Construction of the Concept of 'Reconciliation', 23-41, 20120301
  27. Flame of Steiner Education Lit in China: The Receptive Process and Prospects, The Journal of Ethical Studies The Rinrigaku Kenkyu, 79-101, 20130801
  28. Holistic Paradigm Common to Educational Thought of R. Steiner and M. Montessori, The Journal of Ethical Studies The Rinrigaku Kenkyu, 20130801

Publications such as books

  1. 2022/03/18, Steiner education and Montessori education to nurture "Identity" -Challenge to development support, 2022, 03, Scholarly Book, Single work, 日本語、英語, 9784779516511, 223, 223
  2. 2018/02/10, The Reconstruction of Steiner Educational Thought; revealing its academic validity., 世界的に注目され拡張をつづけるシュタイナー教育について、本書では、その難解な理論を一般に解釈可能なパラダイムのもとに構造化し直すことをめざしました。 (本書帯の言葉より)神秘主義のベールを剥ぎ、教育思想としての核を掴む。 人智学的認識論を考察の軸に、シュタイナー教育思想の全体構造と学理論的な妥当性を明らかに。, Scholarly Book, Single work, 日本語, 978-4-7795-1198-1, 305
  3. 2018/01/31, The Thought of Shinichiro Nishi; think of Peace and Reconciliation from Hiroshima., 2018, 1, Scholarly Book, Single work, 日本語, 978-4-903068-42-8, 207
  4. 2015/08/17, The structure of Matsumoto Seityo’s theory between nonfiction and fictionid; Toward the interpretation of ‘The Tetsugakukan Affair – Novel ” Tokyo Imperial University”‘., 本書は、「第一回松本清張研究奨励事業賞」(北九州市松本清張記念館)を受賞した作品である。清張がとりあげた学問・教育の自由をめぐる現実の事件(哲学館事件)について、それを完全なるフィクションとしてではなく、作家のイマジネーションを伴った「(推理)小説」という形式で語ることの困難性と事件の重層的な構造を、筆者の専門である思想・宗教・教育学の視点から読み解いた。, 2015, 8, Scholarly Book, Single work, 9.784275020208E12, 200, 200
  5. 1998/08, Sengai., 本書『仙厓』は、西日本人物誌シリーズの一つとして刊行された。本書で取りあげた仙厓義梵は、江戸時代末期に博多聖福寺の住職として近世禅林の再興を成し遂げた臨済宗の禅僧であり、彼の生涯と思想を解明した。従来、仙厓についての先行研究は、彼の書画を対象としたものがほとんどあったが、本著作では、書画に加え、仙厓が著した『百堂三書』『点眼薬』『三徳宝図説並序』『聖福普門円通禅師語録』『かっ睡余稿』『触鼻羊』『仙厓和尚語録』等の原著作をも考察の対象とし、仙厓思想の全体像を描出した。第一章の「仙厓の生涯」を石上敏(大阪商業, 1998, 08, Scholarly Book, Compilation, 4816704663, 202
  6. 2008/06, Education and Ethics, 本書は、石崎嘉彦・山内廣隆編〈シリーズ人間論21世紀的課題〉の第6巻『教育と倫理』に当たり、筆者はこの巻の編集に携わっている。筆者担当部分は、第6部「倫理学と教育」であり、「自由主義の倫理と教育改革」と「モラルを『教える』『身につける』ということ」という二つの章において現代倫理教育の問題点と解決の視点を提示した。, 2008, 06, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 9784779502033, 176

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. A Paradigm of ‘Particular as Universal’ as a Theoretical Framework to Think Happiness and Feeling, Yoshinori Eto, Sanmu O, Yonsu Kan, Jiun o, Byoniru So, Takayasu Suenaga, Hiroshi Goto, Hidemi Okuda, Shinpei Okamoto, Hiroshima University - Korea University: Jointl International Academic Meeting, 2016/11/25, With Invitation, English, Korea University, Korea University, I showed a paradigm of ‘Particular as Universal’ as a theoretical framework to think 'Happiness and Feeling'
  2. The Impact of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Discussing Germany and Japan., Yoshinori ETO, Prof.Julika Griem, Prof. Peter Strohschneider, Prof. Yohsuke Ymamamoto,Prof. Kazuhiro Kusahara, The Impact of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Discussing Germany and Japan., 2017/11/15, Without Invitation, Japanese, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG, Hiroshima university, This symposium brings together high profile speakers from both the academic and research/science policy communities from Japan and Germany in order to seek new insights into the meaning and effects of the discourse of “societal impact” and related administrative practices., preprint

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. Grant-in-Aid for Promotion of Private Scientific Research (Individual), Construction of an Educational Model for Children with Developmental Disabilities based on Steiner Education and Montessori Education, 2018, 2021
  2. KAKENHI, 2013, 2017
  3. KAKENHI, Holistic Paradigm Common to Educational Thought of R.Steiner and M. Montessori, 2008, 2012
  4. KAKENHI, On Relation between the Nationalism and Influence of Theosophical Thought on New Education and Cultural Pedagogy in Japan, 2005, 2007
  5. KAKENHI, On the Relation between Understanding of Cultural Pedagogy and Nationalism of our Country in 1920.30's : Forcused on the Steiner Education Though Understanding of Munetoshi Irisawa, 2002, 2004
  6. KAKENHI, Construciton of a Theory of ‘Peace’ : an Approach from the Viewpoint of Applied Ethics Focused on Reconciliation, 2015, 2017
  7. KAKENHI, Deveropment of Reconciliation : an Approach to Peace from the Viewpoint of Applied Ethics, 2012, 2014
  8. KAKENHI, Reconstruction of Reconciliation : an Approach to Peace from the Viewpoint of Applied Ethics, 2009, 2011
  9. 2001
  10. 2000
  11. 1999
  12. KAKENHI, 2012, 2014

Social Activities

Other Social Contributions

  1. 115th President's Regular Press Conference, Outline explanation and Q & A session by representatives of three crowdfunding projects, Hiroshima University, Readyfor, Asahi Shimbun, Chugoku Shimbun, etc., 2019/11/25, 2019/11/25, Kasumi Campus Clinical Administration Building 3rd Floor Large Conference Room, Informant, Newspaper or magazine, Media
  2. NPO Square, Activity introduction of NPO Steiner & Montessori Academy, Community FM broadcaster, NPO Square, 2019/11/28, 2019/11/28, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu City, TV or radio appearance, TV or radio program, General