Kouichi Yasutake

Last Updated :2024/07/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Hiroshima University

Research Fields

  • Complex systems;Science education / Educational technology;Educational technology
  • Social sciences;Economics;Economic theory
  • Social sciences;Economics;Economic policy
  • Interdisciplinary science and engineering;Applied physics;General applied physics

Research Keywords

  • Educational Technology
  • Network Analysis
  • Computational Social Sciences
  • International Economics

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, International Economics 2
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, International Economic Policy 2
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Seminar
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Bachelor's Thesis
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, International Economics
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Applied International Public Policy
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Topics
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Topics
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Seminar on Economics Program

Award of Education

  1. 2019, Hiroshima University

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Learning Analytics through a Topological Data Analysis Approach, Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2023, 202307, 445-450, 2023
  2. ★, An Essay on the Relationship between the Characteristics of Aggregated Learning Physiological Data and the Growth of Learning Communities, Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2022, 2022, 375-380, 202211
  3. AN ANALYSIS OF A COMMUNICATION NETWORK STRUCTURE ON BBS IN A E-LEARNING COURSE, Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Conference WEB-BASED EDUCATION (WBE2007), 149-152, 20070316
  4. DESIGN CONCEPT OF A COURSE VISUALIZATION PLATFORM, Proceedings of E-Learn 2007 (World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education),, 499-504, 20070316
  5. A Practical Procedure of Course Visualization, Proceedings of E-Learn 2006 (World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education), 317-322, 20061001
  6. An Analysis of a Keyword Network Structure in Online-Discussion in E-Learning Courses, Proceedings of E-learn 2007, 6572-6578, 20071001
  7. How Do You Manage Your Course Materials to Develop, Share and Use Flexibly?, Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, 2624-2627, 20080306
  8. How Do You Manage Your Course Materials to Develop, Share and Use Flexibly?, Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2008, 2624-2627, 20080306
  9. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COURSE VISUALIZATION PLATFOR, Proceedings of the Eighth IASTED International Conference WEB-BASED EDUCATION, 132-136, 20090317
  10. An Analysis of Communication Network Structures In a University Social Network Service., Proceedings of E-Learn 2010 (World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education), 20101001
  11. Toward the Advanced Learning Analytics Research - Breaking the Mold and Trying Something New -, 345-346, 201608
  12. Report on the Sixth Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK16), 201608
  13. ★, Effects of Interaction and Learning Distance on Cooperation in Evolutionary Games on a Multiplex Network, Complex Networks and Their Applications VII. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2018. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 812, 797-803, 2019
  14. Evolutionary Games on Multiplex Networks: Effects of Network Structures on Cooperation, 2015 11th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), 20160208
  15. Analysis of Online Quiz Logs using Item Response Theory for Instructional Improvement, Proceedings of E-Learn 2009 (World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education), 3710-3715, 200910
  16. Visual Analysis of Online Test Logs for Instructional Improvement, The Twelfth IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, 81-86, 200911
  17. Redesign of Course Visualization Platform “VISP”, IADIS International Conference e-Society2010, 556-559, 201003
  18. Combining study of complex network and text mining analysis to understand growth mechanism of communities on SNS, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 201106
  19. Finding Characteristic Part of Interaction inside SNS As the Learning Community, The 23rd annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 201203
  20. Combining Community Detection Method and Text Mining to Investigate the Interaction inside SNS as Learning Community, The 23rd annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 201203
  21. Some Aspects of Mathematical Model of Collaborative Learning, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, 305-307, 201210
  22. Introducing Network Measures of Social Capital to the Analysis of Learning Community, IADIS ITS2012, 201211
  23. Network Visualization of Connection inside Social Network Service for the Evaluation and Assessment of the Learning Community, Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013, 201303
  24. Mathematical Model For Collaborative Learning: Acquiring Hierarchic-Structured Knowledge, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2013, 201311
  25. Combining Network Visualizations of Online Interactions and Real-world Collaborations in a Learning Community for Effective Interventions, AACE World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (e-learn 2017), 856-861, 201710

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. On simulation analyses of social phenomena on multiplex networks, Koichi Yasutake, 2018/07/25, With Invitation, Japanese, Fundamentals of Model-Based Development, Hiroshima University
  2. e-Learning for the Future -- Hiroshima University Learning Lab --, Koichi Yasutake, Kumamoto University GP International Workshop, 2007/12, With Invitation, English
  3. Building the 21st Century Campus - Hiroshima University Active Learning Lab -, 2007/06, With Invitation, Japanese
  4. A Practical Procedure of Course Visualization, Osamu Yamakawa, Masahiro Kikusawa, Takeyuki Tanaka, Koichi Yasutake, Takahiro Tagawa, Hitoshi Inoue, Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2006, 2006, Without Invitation, English
  5. A Note on the Small Country Model and Rationality of Economic Environment, Koichi Yasutake, 2003/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
  6. Designing a Faculty Course Using WebCT, Koichi Yasutake, The 5th Annual WebCT User Conference, 2003/07, Without Invitation, English, WEBCT.COM

Social Activities

History as Committee Members

  1. The Society of Scientific Systems, 2021

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. 2006/12, 2006/12