Last Updated :2025/02/03
- Affiliations, Positions
- Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Professor (Special Appointment)
- E-mail
- koichin
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2010/04/01, 2022/03/31, Osaka University Center for International Education and Exchange, Professor
- 1996/11/01, 2010/03/31, Osaka University International Student Center, Professor
- 1994/06, 1996/10
- 1994/04, 1994/06
- 1987/04, 1994/03
- 1991/09, 1992/08
Educational Backgrounds
- International Christian University, Graduate School, Division of Education, 1987/03
- International Christian University, 1987
- Kwansei Gakuin University, Faculty of Economics, 1979/03
- Kwansei Gakuin University, Faculty of Economics, 1979
Academic Degrees
Research Keywords
- Second Language Acquisition
- Cognitive Psychology
- Japanese Language Education
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Basic Japanese I
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Exercises to improve skills for international exchange D
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Exercises to improve skills for international exchange D
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Academic Year, Research Tutorial A
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Research Tutorial IIB
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Research Tutorial I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Lectures on the study of language learning and teaching A
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Lectures on the study of language learning and teaching B
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Rethinking the place of language in language education by reconsidering existence, experience and meaning: Through the perspective of functioning intentionality, 31-39, 202203
- The original model of dialogue and the origin of dialogism: Intonation in "Discourse in life and discourse in poetry", Journal of Multicultural Education and Student Exchange, 25, 1-12, 202103
- The Significance of Liberation from Language Items and Shift to Self-expressing Activities: Self-expression based Elementary Japanese and Krashen's Input Hypothesis, 22, 201803
- Rereading the Sociology of Knowledge as a Study of Humanity and Verbal Behavior: As a Foundation of the Study of Language for Second Language Education, 22, 201803
- Sociocultural and dialogical perspectives on language and communicative activity for second language education, Journal of Japanese Linguistics, 33(1), 5-13, 201711
- Issues in Japanese language teaching viewed from systems approach: Focusing on Japanese-language education in Japanese universities, Journal of Japanese and Chinese linguistics and Japanese language teaching, 10, 37-49, 201710
- Expressing and expressing-oriented second language education, 37-45, 201703
- The structure and descriptions of CEFR and how they are related to OUS curriculum, Journal of Multicultural Education and Student Exchange, 63-72, 201203
- What kind of knowledge is related to the engagement in language activities?, Journal of Multicultural Education and Student Exchange, 201203
- Some thoughts on acquisition and acquisition facilitation of elementary Japanese-Principles that has emerged through the experience of curriculum development and material writing-, 201103
- Progress report of OUS curriculum development, Journal of multicultural education and student exchange, 11-21, 201103
Publications such as books
- 2020/12, Constructing activities through thinking and languaging: Significance and potentials of engagement in expressive activiities in Japanese language education, Constructing activities through thinking and languaging: Significance and potentials of engagement in expressive activiities in Japanese language education, Editor, jpn, Koichi Nishiguchi, 9784866760261, vii, 166p
- 2020/12, A Study of language for second language education, A Study of language for second language education, jpn, Koichi Nishiguchi, 9784571101915, xii, 205p
- 2020/07, Theory, plan and practice of revolutionary Japanese language education, Theory, plan and practice of revolutionary Japanese language education, Koichi Nishiguchi, 9784874248409
- 2018/11, A New Approach to Intermediate Japanese, A New Approach to Intermediate Japanese, Kuroshio Publisher, Koichi Nishiguchi, 9784874247754
- 2012/10, NEJ:A New Approach to Elementary Japanese Teacher's Guide, NEJ:A New Approach to Elementary Japanese Teacher's Guide, Kuroshio Publishers, Nishiguchi, Koichi, 9784874245637
- 2012/08, NEJ:A New Approach to Elementary Japanese vol.2, NEJ:A New Approach to Elementary Japanese vol.2, Kuroshio Publishers, Nishiguchi, Koichi, 9784874245620
- 2012/04, NEJ:A New Approach to Elementary Japanese vol.1, NEJ:A New Approach to Elementary Japanese vol.1, Kuroshio Publishers, Nishiguchi, Koichi, 9784874245507
- 2011/10, Understanding Basic Japanese Grammar, Understanding Basic Japanese Grammar, ALC, Nishiguchi, Koichi, 9784757420151
- 2004/08, Practical application of sociocultural approach, Practical application of sociocultural approach, Kitaoji-shobo, Contributor, ISHIGURO; Hiroaki
- 2003, Rethinking Language and Communication, Rethinking Language and Communication, Bonjinsha
- 2002, Introducing situated learning, Introducing situated learning, Bonjinsha
- 2000, Perspectives of situated learning, Perspectives of situated learning, Sekaishisosha
- 1997/11, Studies in language and culture, Studies in language and culture, Osaka University, Contributor
- 1994, Kanji in Context -A Study System for Intermediate and Advanced Learners (workbook), Kanji in Context -A Study System for Intermediate and Advanced Learners (workbook), The Japan Times
- 1994, Kanji in Context -A Study System for Intermediate and Advanced Learners (reference book), Kanji in Context -A Study System for Intermediate and Advanced Learners (reference book), The Japan Times
Works, etc.
- 留学生大量受け入れ時代に向けた大学における新たな日本語教育スタンダードの構築, 2009
- 接触会話における在日外国人の日本語習得に影響を及ぼす心理的・社会的要因の研究, 2003
- 対話的協働活動としての日本語母語話者と非母語話者の相互作用に関する実証的研究, 2002
- 接触会話における在日外国人の日本語習得に影響を及ぼす心理的・社会的要因の研究, 2002
- 教員研修留学生の日本語習得と学習環境の関係についての基礎的調査研究, 2002
- 対話的協働活動としての日本語母語話者と非母語話者の相互作用に関する実証的研究, 2001
- 接触会話における在日外国人の日本語習得に影響を及ぼす心理的・社会的要因の研究, 2001
- 教員研修留学生の日本語習得と学習環境の関係についての基礎的調査研究, 2001
- 対話的協働活動としての日本語母語話者と非母語話者の相互作用に関する実証的研究, 2000
- 対話的協働活動としての日本語母語話者と非母語話者の相互作用に関する実証的研究, 1999
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- 2009
- 2002
- 2002
- 2002
- 2001
- 2001
- 2001
- 2000
- 1999
- Interaction between native speaker and non-native speaker
- Classroom interaction between teacher and students