Last Updated :2024/07/04

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 1988/04, 1989/03, Shimane University, Research Associate
  • 1989/04, 1991/03, Shimane University, Lecturer
  • 1991/04, 2002/03, Shimane University, Associate Professor
  • 2002/04, 2003/03, Shimane University, Professor
  • 2003/04, 2009/03, Kobe Gakuin University, Faculty of Law, Professor
  • 2004/04, 2009/03, Kobe Gakuin University, Professor
  • 2009/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University Law School, Professor
  • 2014/04/01, Hiroshima University, Vice Dean, Hiroshima University Law School
  • 2016/04/01, Hiroshima University, Dean,Hiroshima University Law School

Academic Degrees

  • Master of Laws, Osaka University

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Special Lecture in Criminal Law
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Case Study Crime and Punishment
  3. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Seminar of Criminal Law and Procedure I
  4. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 3Term, Advanced Seminar of Criminal Law and Procedure II
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 4Term, Advanced Seminar of Criminal Law and Procedure III
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 1Term, Criminal Law A
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 2Term, Seminar of Criminal Law A
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 3Term, Criminal Law B
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 4Term, Seminar of Criminal law B
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 2Term, Basic Seminar of Law I
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 3Term, Basic Seminar of law II
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 4Term, Basic Seminar of Law III
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 1Term, Seminar of Criminal Law I
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 4Term, Advanced Seminar of Criminal Law and Procedure
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Year, Research into Humanities and Social Sciences
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Project Research

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Fair Notice as Justification for Strict Construction of Criminal Statue in The United States of America 1, 141-163, 20110320
  2. Should Parental Criminal Liability Statutes Be Qualified as "Proper and Fair" Criminal Law?, International public policy studies, 6(2), 129-147, 2002
  3. Legality, Fair Notice and Vagueness, Journal of criminal law, 33(3), 383-402, 1994
  4. The Modern Developments of Void-for-Vagueness Doctrine in RICO(2), Shimane law review, 37(1), 85-112, 19930531
  5. Chilling effect, overbroad criminal statutes and Legality principle(1), Shimane law review, 37(2), 93-130, 19930830
  6. D.M.Siegal, Rape in Prison and AIDS, Shimane law review, 37(4), 275-297, 19940215
  7. J. Koenig, The Anencephalic Baby Theresa : A Prognosticator of Future Bioethics, Shimane law review, 38(1), 141-171, 19940531
  8. The Modern Developments of Void-for-Vagueness Doctrine in RICO(3), Shimane law review, 38(2), 33-61, 19940831
  9. The Constitutional Constraints on the Criminalization of Prenatal Maternal Substance Abuse(1), Shimane law review, 38(3), 59-89, 19941130
  10. Sarah Newlamd, The Mercy of Scalia : Statutory Construction and the Rule of Lenity, Shimane law review, 38(4), 141-169, 19950228
  11. Techniques of Strict Construction of Criminal Statutes(1), Shimane law review, 39(1), 65-84, 19950531
  12. David T. McDowell, Death of an Idea : the Anencephalic as an Organ Donor, Shimane law review, 39(2), 125-152, 19950831
  13. Vagueness and Rule of Low in Supreme Court of Canada, Shimane law review, 39(3), 85-126, 19951130
  14. Moohr, Mail Fraud and the Intangible Rights Doctrine : Someone to Watch over Us, Shimane law review, 39(4), 259-287, 19960225
  15. David Kurzweil, Criminal and Civil RICO : Traditional Canons of Statutory Interpretation and the Liberal Construction Clause, Shimane law review, 41(2), 123-144, 19970831
  16. C.Hunt, Criminalizing Prenatal Substance Abuse : A Preventive Means of Ensuring the Birth of A Drug-Free Child, Shimane law review, 41(3), 79-96, 19971130
  17. Fair Notice and Retroactive Judicial Abolition of Common-Law Rule (1), The law and politics review, 33(1), 79-97, 20030430
  18. Materials on the Doctrine of Complicity in U.S.A 5-1, The law and politics review, 33(2), 223-261, 20030730
  19. Materials on the Doctrine of Complicity in U.S.A(5-2), The law and politics review, 33(4), 633-654, 20040229
  20. Material on the "void-for-vagueness" doctrine, The law and politics review, 34(2), 535-559, 20040820
  21. The Proportionality Principle in Eighth Amendment Analysis, The law and politics review, 34(3), 975-1012, 20050330
  22. The Eighth Amendment and The Evolving Standards of Decency in The Imposition of THe Death Penalty on Juveniles (1), The law and politics review, 35(3), 631-651, 20051130
  23. Materials on a Legal History of Ameircan Criminal Theory in U.S.A.(9-1), The law and politics review, 35(3), 749-780, 20051130
  24. Circumscribing the gurantees of the Forth and Fifth Amendments, The law and politics review, 35(4), 1159-1185, 20060410
  25. Could the homicide statute be applied to killing the unborn child in U.S.A.?(1), The law and politics review, 36(1), 163-195, 200607
  26. Material on the new rule of lenity, The law and politics review, 37(1), 99-121, 200708
  27. Principle of "Fair Notice" in Interpreting the Federal Wiretap Act, The law and politics review, 37(3), 417-474, 200803
  28. Material on "Desuetude" of obsolete criminal statute, The law and politics review, 37(2), 343-359, 200712
  29. On the Rationales of the Vagueness Doctrine, Shimane law review, 32(2), 95-135, 19881015
  30. Materials on Decision Rules and Conduct Rules in the Criminal Law, Shimane law review, 32(3), 231-257, 19890215
  31. Materials : Symposium : The 25th Anniversary of the Model Penal Code(1), Shimane law review, 33(1), 219-234, 19890515
  32. On the Strict Construction of Penal Statute in the U.S. Supreme Court, Shimane law review, 33(4), 63-93, 19900215
  33. Materials : Symposium : The 25th Anniversary of the Model Penal Code(4), Shimane law review, 33(4), 129-146, 19900215
  34. Void-for-Vagueness Doctrine and "Fair Notice"(1), Shimane law review, 34(2), 49-67, 19900815
  35. Materials : Symposium : The 25th Anniversary of the Model Penal Code(7), Shimane law review, 34(4), 111-144, 19910215
  36. Legality and Costruction of Federal Mail Fraud Statute(1), Shimane law review, 35(1), 139-157, 19910530
  37. Material on Rules of Conduct and Rules of Adjudication in Criminal Law, Shimane law review, 35(2), 117-143, 19910815
  38. On Statutory Clarity as a corollary of the Legality Principle, Shimane law review, 35(4), 295-324, 19920215
  39. Construction, "Chilling Effect" and Overboard Criminal Statutes(1), Shimane law review, 36(1), 57-78, 19920630
  40. The Modern Developments of Void-for-Vagueness Doctrine in RICO, Shimane law review, 36(3), 1-20, 19921115
  41. Would a Crisis of Strict Construction Rule Come True in a War on Maternal Substance Abuse ?, Shimane law review, 41(4), 113-142, 19980228
  42. Techniques of Strict Construction of Criminal Statutes(2), Shimane law review, 42(1), 151-174, 19980430
  43. On Maternal Substance Abuse, Shimane law review, 42(4), 503-525, 19990331
  44. Materials on the Doctrine of Complicity in U.S.A.(1), Shimane law review, 43(1), 119-139, 19990430
  45. Materials on the Doctrine of Negligence in U.S.A.(1), Shimane law review, 43(4), 115-131, 20000331
  46. Materials on the Doctrine of Complicity in U.S.A.(5), Shimane law review, 44(2), 95-116, 20000831
  47. On the Construction of "Fair Notice" as the Rationale of "Void-for-Vagueness" Doctrine, Shimane law review, 44(4), 189-232, 20010228
  48. Materials on the Doctrines of Mens Rea Required of Crimes, Shimane law review, 45(2), 97-117, 20010831
  49. Materials on the Doctrine of Complicity in U.S.A.(7), Shimane law review, 45(4), 397-414, 20020320
  50. The Process of Legal Education and 'Socratic Method Prototype' in San-in Law School Plan, Shimane law review, 46(4), 13-38, 20030228
  51. A Few Comments on "Socratic Dialogue" as the Classroom Teaching Method in San-in Law School Plan, Bulletin of Education and Research Center for Lifelong Learning, Shimane University, 1, 1-14, 200203
  52. Fair notice as justification for strict construction of criminal statute in the United States of America (1), Hiroshima law review, 141-163, 201103
  53. Should Parental Criminal Liability Statutes Be Qualified as "Proper and Fair" Criminal Law?, 6(2), 129-147, 200203
  54. Boutrous, Jr. & Evanson, The Enduring and Universal Principle of "Fair Notice", 86S. CAL. L. REV. 193 (2013), 261-271, 201403
  55. R.Batey, The Vagueness Doctrine in The ROBERTS Court : Constitutional Orphan, 0(8), 135-152, 201203