Last Updated :2024/09/02
- Affiliations, Positions
- The IDEC Institute, Professor
- Web Site
- E-mail
- leehshiroshima-u.ac.jp
- Other Contact Details
- 1-5-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8529, Hiroshima, Japan, Japan
TEL : (+81)82-424-4405 FAX : (+81)82-424-4405
- Self-introduction
- Please, have a look at the CHESS lab website above.
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2022/08/01, Hiroshima University, The IDEC Institute, Professor
- 2022/04/01, 2022/07/31, Hiroshima University, The IDEC Institute, Associate Professor
- 2020/04/01, 2022/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
- 2016/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Associate Professor
- 2014/04/01, 2016/03/31, Saitama University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor
- 2012/01/01, 2012/03/31, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, College of Marine Sciences, Visiting Researcher
- 2010/04/01, 2014/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Assistant Professor
- 2008/10/01, 2010/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Assistant Professor (Special Appointment)
- 2008/04/01, 2008/09/30, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Researcher
- 2007/10/22, 2008/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, COE researcher
Educational Backgrounds
- Kyoto University, Japan, 2004/10, 2007/09
- Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, 2002/03, 2004/02
- Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, 1994/03, 2002/02
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D degree, Kyoto University
- Master Degree, Sungkyunkwan University
Educational Activity
- [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Engineering : Cluster 1(Mechanical Systems, Transportation, Material and Energy) : Program of Transportation Systems
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Joint International Master's Programme in Sustainable Development (Hiroshima University - Leipzig University)
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Civil and Environmental Engineering Program
- [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Civil and Environmental Engineering Program
- [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program
Research Fields
- Engineering;Civil engineering;Hydraulic engineering
- Complex systems;Social / Safety system science;Natural disaster / Disaster prevention science
Research Keywords
- coastal disaster prevention and mitigation, real-time coastal disaster prevention and mitigation system, storm surge, storm waves, tsunami, typhoon, renewable energy, sea-level rise, regional climate projection modelling
Affiliated Academic Societies
- Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)
- Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
- Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE)
- Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers (KSCOE)
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Internatioanl Association of Hydro-Environmental Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program Common Subjects 2 (Green Development)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Environmental Management
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Developing Designing Ability
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, International Environmental Cooperation Studies
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Practical Seminar on International Cooperation Project
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Energy Science and Technology
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Intensive, Numerical Environmental Impact Assessment I
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Intensive, Numerical Environmental Impact Assessment II
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Data Analytics for Sustainable Development
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Academic approach to SDGs - B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Academic approach to SDGs - B[On-Demand]
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Natural Disasters and Society I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Natural Disasters and Society II
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Natural-Energy Utilization Engineering
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering(October 2024 Master's Students)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering(October 2024 Doctoral Students)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Exercises of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering B
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Efficiency assessment of technologies implementation in Vietnam power transmission system, ENERGY REPORTS, 8, 16-22, 202206
- Electricity demand prediction for sustainable development in Cambodia using recurrent neural networks with ERA5 reanalysis climate variables, ENERGY REPORTS, 8, 76-81, 202206
- Offshore wind resource mapping in Cambodia: Sensitivity assessment of the weather research and forecasting model, ENERGY REPORTS, 8, 359-364, 202206
- Impacts of future urbanization on urban microclimate and thermal comfort over the Mumbai metropolitan region, India, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, 79, 202204
- Effect of an improved agricultural irrigation scheme with a hydraulic structure for crop cultivation in arid northern Afghanistan using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12(1), 20220325
- Baroclinic Effect on Inner-Port Circulation in a Macro-Tidal Estuary: A Case Study of Incheon North Port, Korea, JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 10(3), 202203
- Optimized Evacuation Plan and Decision Support System Development with Agent-Based Modelling and GIS Analysis for Tsunami Events in Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 509-513, 2021
- Winter huge wave simulation in Japan/East Sea by MM5 and WW3 coupled model using depression bogussing, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, 52, 176-180, 2005
- ★, Modelling hydrodynamics in Yachiyo Lake using a non-hydrostatic general circulation model with spatially and temporally varying meteorological conditions, Hydrological Processes, 23(14), 1973-1987, 20090701
- ★, Abnormal storm waves in the winter East/Japan Sea: Generation process and hindcasting using an atmosphere-wind wave modelling system, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 10(4), 773-792, 20100426
- Atmosphere-ocean-groundwater modeling system for seawater intrusion simulation in Liaodong Bay coastal plain, China, Advanced Materials Research, 518-523, 4155-4160, 20120605
- Hindcasting of high swell waves off the eastern Korean coast on 24 February 2008 using structured and unstructured wave models, Journal of Coastal Research, 1073-1077, 20111201
- Disturbances in tidal and sedimentation regimes at Saemangeum due to a dike, Journal of Coastal Research, 576-580, 20111201
- ★, Multi-decadal variations of ENSO, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific, Progress in Oceanography, 105, 67-80, 20121001
- Reanalysis of past major storms in West Kyusyu and study of wind-induced current in Ariake Sea, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 14(2), 19-36, 2008
- Wave and storm surge simulations for Hurricane Katrina using coupled process based models, KSCE J. Civil Eng., 12(1), 1-8, 2008
- Numerical hindcast of storm surges and waves caused by Hurricane Katrina by means of air-wave-ocean coupled model, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 53, 416-420, 2006
- Reanalysis of wind fields caused by major meteorological depressions for the past 50 years in west of Kyushu, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 53, 121-125, 2006
- Test simulations of internal wave propagation and up-welling caused by typhoon by means of MITgcm, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 53, 351-355, 2006
- Numerical experiment for typhoon and ocean interaction by MITgcm-MM5 coupling model, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 54, 336-340, 2007
- Nonhydrostatic simulation for water circulation in Dam lake by means of MITgcm, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 54, 381-385, 2007
- Environment Simulator: Contribution to coastal engineering problems, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 54, 1301-1305, 2007
- Numerical Simulation of so-called ‘Yorimawari-Waves’ caused by the Low Pressures on Feb. 2008 Using a Meso-scale Meteorological Model and the Wave Model, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 55, 161-165, 2008
- Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Simulation for Storm Surge and Abnormal Waves in Japan Sea : Application to the Storm in February 2008, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 55, 166-170, 2008
- Re-analysis of Typhoon Meteorological Fields and Related Waves and Surges in the Seto Inland Sea, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 65(1), 441-445, 2009
- Examination of Generation Mechanism of Abnormal Waves caused by the Monsoons Along the Central Coast of Japan/East Sea, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 65(1), 206-210, 2009
- Regional Projection of Relative Sea Level Rise in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 70(2), 1276-1280, 2014
- ★, Numerical Experiments for Impacts of Tides on Tsunami Propagations in the Seto Inland Sea, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 72(2), 325-330, 2016
- A coupled atmosphere and multi-layer land surface model for improving heavy rainfall simulation, Journal of Global Environment Engineering (JGEE), 14, 1-14, 2008
- Perturbation of regional ocean tides due to coastal dikes, Cont. Shelf Res., 30(6), 553-563, 2010
- Regional Ocean Tide Simulator: Applications to Adjacent Seas of Korea and Japan, Journal of International Development and Cooperatio, 16(2), 21-38, 2010
- Towards an integrated fire management framework using space-based application in Asia-Pacific region, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(1), 55-67(1), 55-67, 2011
- Disturbances in tidal and sedimentation regimes at Saemangeum due to a dike, J. Coastal Res., SI64, 576-580, 2011
- Scheme choice for optimal allocation of water resources based on fuzzy language evaluation and the generalized induced ordered weighted averaging operator, Fuzzy Information and Engineering, 3(2), 169-182, 2011
- Carbon stock measurements of a degraded tropical logged-over secondary forest in Manokwari Regency, West Papua, Indonesia, For. Stud. China, 14(1), 8-19, 2012
- ★, Integrated modeling of the dynamic meteorological and sea surface conditions during the passage of Typhoon Morakot, Dyn. Atmos. Ocean., 59, 1-23, 2013
- Abnormal storm waves in the East Sea (Japan Sea) in April 2012, J. Coastal Res., SI65, 748-753, 2013
- ★, Estimation of extreme sea levels along the Bangladesh coast due to sea level rise and storm surge using EEMD and EVA, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118(9), 4273-4285, 2013
- Wintertime extreme storm waves in the East Sea: Estimation of extreme storm waves and wave-structure interaction study in the Fushiki Port, Toyama Bay, J. Korean Soc. Coastal and Ocean Eng., 25(5), 335-347, 2013
- A modelling study of seawater intrusion in the Liao Dong Bay coastal plain, China, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 22(2), 103-115, 2014
- ★, Evaluation of WAVEWATCH III performance with wind input and dissipation source terms using wave buoy measurements for October 2006 along the east Korean coast in the East Sea, Ocean Eng., 100, 67-82, 2015
- Simulation of Storm Surge and Wave due to Typhoon Isewan (5915), China Ocean Eng., 29(4), 473-488, 2015
- General patterns of rainfall in Indonesia and potential impacts of the Indonesian seas on rainfall intensity, Water, 7(4), 1751-1768, 2015
- Estimation and projection of non-linear relative sea-level rise in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Atmosphere-Ocean, 53(4), 393-411, 2015
- Configuration of green spaces for urban heat island mitigation in Hanoi Master Plan 2030, Buildings, 5(3), 933-947, 2015
- ★, Impacts of tides on tsunami propagation due to potential Nankai Trough earthquakes in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 120(10), 6865-6883, 2015
- Storm Surge and Storm Waves Modelling Due to Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013 with Improved Dynamic Meteorological Conditions, Procedia Engineering, 116, 699-706, 2015
- Interactions of Tsunami with Natural Oscillations Implied from the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami Records Analysis Using Hilbert-Huang Transform, Procedia Engineering, 116, 707-712, 2015
- Typhoon Morakot induced waves and surges with an integrally coupled tide-surge-wave finite element model, J. Coast. Res., SI75, 1122-1126, 2016
- The Role of Low Carbon Society Blueprint on the Mitigation of Urban Heat Island in Iskandar Malaysia, PLEA 2017, Edinburgh, UK, 2017
- Sea-level records analysis with improved empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and artificial neural network (ANN), Proc. of International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) 2017, 2017
- Tsunami Run-up Modeling with Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Monai Valley Benchmark Test, Proc. of International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) 2017, 2017
- Impacts of Land Use Changes on Urban Heat Islands in Hanoi, Vietnam: Scenario Analysis, Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016, 2016
- Urban greening for urban heat island mitigation in the future Hanoi City, 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia 2016, 2016
- Sensitivity analysis of WRF physics parameterizations on the process of Typhoon Sinlaku (2014) in the South China Sea, Proc. of the 20th IAHR-APD congress (2016), 2016
- Tsunami run-up modeling with adaptive mesh refinement method: A case study for Monai Village run-up experiment, Proc. of the 20th IAHR-APD congress (2016), 2016
- Trend estimation of sea-level records using empirical mode decomposition and its variations, International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Practices for Sustainable Development (ACEPS-2016), 82-88, 2016
- Influence of Existing Green Spaces and Vacant Lands on Mitigation of Urban Heat Island in Johor Bahru City, Malaysia, International Joint-Conference of SENVAR-iNTA-AVAN 2015, 2015
- Modeling of storm surges and waves due to Typhoon Haiyan using an integrated atmosphere-wave-ocean coupled model, Coasts and Ports 2015, 2015
- Analysis of 2011 Tohoku Tsunami records in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, using Hilbert-Huang Transform, Coasts and Ports 2015, 2015
- Storm surge and waves in the central Philippines due to Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013, Proc. of the 36th IAHR world congress (2015), 2015
- Tide-Tsunami interactions implied from the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami records analysis using Hilbert-Huang Transform, Proc. of the 36th IAHR world congress (2015), 2015
- Mitigation of urban heat island by urban green network for the future Hanoi City, The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and Environment (2015), 2015
- Configuration of green spaces for urban heat island mitigation in Hanoi Master Plan 2030, Tanri Abeng University (TAU) International Conference 2015, 2015
- The Cooling Effect of Green Strategies Proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan for Mitigation of Urban Heat Island, Proc. of the 30th International PLEA Conference (2014), 2014
- Impacts of tides on tsunami propagation in the seto inland sea, Japan, Proc. of the 19th IAHR-APD congress (2014), 2014
- Modeling extreme sea levels due to sea level rise and storm surge in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Proc. of the 34th ICCE (2014), 2014
- Tsunami-Tide interaction in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Proc. of the 34th ICCE (2014), 2014
- Impact of the Green Strategy Proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan on its Urban Heat Island Effects, Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. on Sustainable Environment and Architecture (2013), 2013
- Estimation of sea level rise due to storm surge and global warming in 2050 and 2080 along the Bangladesh coast using empirical mode decomposition and extreme value method, Proc. of International Sessions in Conference on Coastal Engineering, JSCE (2013), 2013
- Impacts of tides on tsunami propagation in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Proc. of the 35th IAHR world congress (2013), 2013
- Wintertime abnormal storm waves in the East (Japan) Sea: Numerical modeling of storm wave overtopping in the Fushiki Port, Japan, Proc. of the 35th IAHR world congress (2013), 2013
- Storm surge, wave, and inundation simulation in the Bay of Bengal, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2013, 2013
- Wintertime extreme storm waves in the East (Japan) Sea: Numerical modeling of storm wave overtopping in the Fushiki Port, Japan, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2013, 2013
- Wintertime extreme storm waves in the East (Japan) Sea: Estimation of extreme storm waves in the Toyama Bay, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2013, 2013
- Estimation of future sea level rise in the Seto Inland Sea due to storm surge and global warming using ensemble empirical mode decomposition and extreme value analysis, Proc. the 17th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS), 434-440, 2013
- Wave energy resource in the western part of Japan, Proc. International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE) 2012, 2012
- Evaluation of cooling effects of green strategy in the Hanoi Master plan, Proc. of the 6th J-G meeting on Urban Climatology, 2012
- The climate factors that affect UHI intensities in the tropics: A case study of Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Proc. of the 6th J-G meeting on Urban Climatology, 2012
- On the influence of the Indonesian Throughflow on the precipitation pattern over the Indonesia, Proc. of the 18th IAHR-APD congress, 2012
- On the wintertime abnormal storm waves along the east coast of Korea, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2011, 2011
- Modelling of winds, precipitation, storm surge, and waves during the passage of Typhoon Morakot using an atmosphere-waves-ocean coupled model, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2011, 2011
- Numerical study on the tidal effect of seawater intrusion in Liao Dong Bay coastal plain, China, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2011, 2011
- Adaptive measures for Future Storm Surge and Coastal Hazards Considering Multi-decadal Fluctuation of the Climate Change in the western North Pacific, Proc. the 21st Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., 2011
- Natural hazards education using the Regional Environment Simulator, Proc. of the 34th IAHR world congress, 2011
- Reproduction of heavy rainfall due to Typhoon Morakot using MM5, Proc. of the 34th IAHR world congress, 2011
- Numerical Simulation of typhoon wind, precipitation, storm surge, and waves due to Typhoon Morakot, Proc. of the 16th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS), 2011
- Storm surge due to Typhoon Maemi in Korea considering the impacts of wave breaking on surface currents, Storm Surge Congress 2010, 2010
- Storm surge in Seto Inland Sea with Consideration of the Impacts of Wave Breaking on Surface Currents, Proc. of the 32nd ICCE, No.32 (current.17), 2010
- Natural hazards education in global environment leaders education programme for designing a low-carbon society, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, 2010
- Wave-current interaction process in sea surface boundary layer considering wave breaking in deep and shallow water, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, 2010
- Abnormal storm waves in the East/Japan Sea in winter: Generation process and hindcasting, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, 2010
- Study on the wind-wave-current interaction process for sea surface boundary layer in shallow water, Proc. of the 17th IAHR-APD Congress, 2010
- Hydrological simulation considering the anthropogenic impact on the Yantze River’s water discharge : Effects of the Three Gorges Dam, Proc. of the 17th IAHR-APD Congress, 2010
- Perturbation of Tidal Current and Sedimentation Regimes due to a Barrier at Saemangeum, The 3rd International Conference on Estuaries & Coasts, 2009
- Regional Environment Simulator and its applications to coastal ocean problems, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2009, 81-88, 2009
- Study on wind-wave-current interaction process in shallow water dynamics, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2009, 65-72, 2009
- High waves at east Korean coast on February 24, 2008, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2009, 178-185, 2009
- Ocean Atmosphere Coupled Simulation of Storm Surge and High Waves Caused by Cyclone Nargis in 2008, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2009, 208-215, 2009
- Numerical Experiments on Typhoon and Ocean Interaction by Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model, Proc. of the 31st ICCE, 2008, 1173-1185, 2008
- Numerical Experiments on Water Circulation in Yachiyo Lake by Non-Hydrostatic General Circulation Model, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2007, 2023-2040, 2007
- Atmosphere, Ocean, Land-Surface, and Hydrology Coupled Model with Wind Profilers Data Assimilation; A Case Study: Japan Rainy Season in 2006, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2007, 661-676, 2007
- Hindcast of abnormal high waves in Japan/East Sea by MM5-WW3 coupled numerical model with depression bogussing, Proc. of the 30th ICCE, 2006, 2006
- Atmosphere-Land Surface-Ocean Coupled Model and Its Application to Water Circulation and Material Transport in River-Coast System, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2005, 1615-1626, 2005
- Regional Ocean Tide Simulator; Simulation of Barrier Effects, Asian and Pacific Coasts 2003, 2003
- Impacts of land use changes from the Hanoi Master Plan 2030 on urban heat islands: Part 2. Influence of global warmingHan, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, 31, 95-108, 201712
- Impacts of land use changes from the Hanoi Master Plan 2030 on urban heat islands: Part 1. Cooling effects of proposed green strategies, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, 32, 295-317, 201707
- Improvement of Decomposing Results of Empirical Mode Decomposition and its Variations for Sea-level Records Analysis, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 526-530, 201812
- Combined Approach of Empirical Mode Decomposition and Artifical Neural Network for Sea-level Record Analysis, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 1091-1095, 201812
- Simulation of the 1953 storm surge in the North Sea, OCEAN DYNAMICS, 68(12), 1759-1777, 201812
- Impacts of Climate Change on Flood-Prone Areas in Davao Oriental, Philippines, WATER, 10(7), 201807
- Prediction of Land Use and Land Cover Changes for North Sumatra, Indonesia, Using an Artificial-Neural-Network-Based Cellular Automaton, SUSTAINABILITY, 11(11), 20190601
- Performance Simulation and Assessment of an Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Technology in a Densely Populated Growing City in a Developing Country: A Case Study in Vientiane, Laos, WATER, 11(5), 201905
- ★, Wave Run-up Modeling with Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) Method in the Busan Marine City during Typhoon Chaba (1618), Journal of coastal research, 56-60, 20190828
- Household’s willingness to pay for wastewater treatment and water supply system improvement in a Ger area in Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia, Water, 11(9), 1856, 20190905
- Analysis of rainfall trends and extreme precipitation in the Middle Adriatic side, Marche Region (Central Italy), Water, 11(9), 1948, 20190919
- Regional Realtime Ocean Tide and Storm-surge Simulation for the South China Sea, J. Korean Soc. Coastal and Ocean Eng., 30(2), 69-83, 20180430
- Impacts of Land Use Changes on Urban Heat Islands in Hanoi, Vietnam: Scenario Analysis, Procedia Engineering, 198(198), 699-706, 20170911
- Evaluation and bias correction of marine surface winds from CMIP5 GCMs for Wave Climate Modeling in the Western North Pacific, International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, APAC2019, 1229-1236, 20190926
- Adaptation measures of the existing residential buildings in Hanoi to counteract the effects of future urban warming, PLEA2018, 2018
- Influence of socio-economic status on wastewater treatment and water supply system improvement in Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia, Proc. of the 21st IAHR-APD Congress (2018), 1, 687-694, 201809
- Flood risk assessment using Gis-based multi-criteria analysis: A case study in Davao Oriental, Philippines, Proc. of the 21st IAHR-APD Congress (2018), 2, 1069-1077, 201809
- Preoperational simulation of dyke closure for Saemanguem tidal barriers, Proc. of Workshop on Hydro-Environmental Impacts of Large Coastal Developments, 91-118, 2003
- Changes in Tidal Current Regime and Sedimentation at Saemangeum, Proc. of Workshop on Sedimentation in Yellow Sea Coasts, 97-115, 2003
- Siltation in a Small Fishing Port: A Case Study for the Wonpyeong Port, Proc. of Workshop on Sedimentation in Yellow Sea Coasts, 163-185, 2003
- Flood risk assessment using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis: A case study in Davao Oriental, Philippines, Water, 11(11), 2203, 20191023
- Statistical Evaluation of Monthly Marine Surface Winds of CMIP6 GCMs in the western North Pacific, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 75(2), 1219-1224, 201911
- Watershed Modelling of the Mindanao River Basin in the Philippines Using the SWAT for Water Resource Management, Civil Eng. Journal, 6(4), 626-648, 2020
- ★, Flood risk assessment for Davao Oriental in the Philippines using geographic information system-based multi-criteria analysis and the maximum entropy model, J. Flood Risk Management, 13(2), e12607, 2020
- Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Dams on Fisheries and Agriculture in Lower Mekong Basin, Sustainability, 12(6), 2408, 2020
- ★, Potential Hydropower Estimation for the Mindanao River Basin in the Philippines Based on Watershed Modelling Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool, Energy Reports, 6, 1010-1028, 2020
- ★, Renewable energy curtailment: Prediction using a logic-based forecasting method and mitigation measures in Kyushu, Japan, Energies, 13(18), 4703, 2020
- Snow cover mapping for SUSTAINABLE water resource management in the Balkhab River basin in Afghanistan using MODIS satellite normalized difference snow index (NDSI) products, Proc. of the 22nd IAHR-APD Congress (2020), 7p
- Species Distribution of Styrax sumatrana in North Sumatra using Maxent Modelling Approach, Forum Geografi, 33(2), 196-208, 2019
Publications such as books
- 2019/12, Korean Coastal-Ocean Engineering, Efficacy of adaptive mesh refinement in tsunami propagation and run-up modelling, Hanrimwon Publishing Company, 2019, December, Scholarly Book, Single work, English, 978-89-5708-317-8
- 2018, Sustainable Houses and Living in the Hot-Humid Climates of Asia, Climate variability in Tropical Asia, Springer, Singapore, 2018, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, Takao Yamashita; Han Soo Lee, 978-981-10-8465-2
- 2018, Sustainable Houses and Living in the Hot-Humid Climates of Asia, Urban climate challenges in Hanoi: urban heat islands and global warming, Springer, Singapore, 2018, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, Trihamdani, A.R.; Lee, H.S.; Kubota, T.; Iizuka, S.; Phuong, T.T.T., 978-981-10-8465-2
- 2017/12/19, Physics of ocean waves, Simulation of the North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones Using the Regional Environment Simulator: Application to Cyclone Nargis in 2008, Springer, 2017, 12, Scholarly Book, Joint Translation, Korean, Kim, Kyeong-Ok; Lee, Han Soo, 9788944490583, 312
- 2016, Tsunami along the coast, Uncertainty in tsunami propagation modeling due to tsunami-tide interaction, Hanrimwon Publishing Company, 2016, Scholarly Book, Single work, English, Lee H.S., 978-89-5708-264-5, 206
- 2009/10/21, Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change, Simulation of the North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones using the Regional Environment Simulator: Application to Cyclone Nargis in 2008, Springer, Dordrecht, 2009, 10, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, Mohammed Haggag; Takao Yamashita; Kyeong Ok Kim; Han Soo Lee, 978-90-481-3109-9
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Evaluation and bias correction of marine surface winds from CMIP5 and CMIP6 GCMs for Wave Climate Modeling in the Western North Pacific, Badriana, M.R.; H.S. Lee, The 2nd International Workshop: Waves, Storm Surges & Coastal Hazards, 2019/11, Without Invitation, English
- Watersheds Modeling of Mindanao River Basin in the Philippines using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for Water Resources Management, I.A. Guiamel; H. S. Lee, The 2019 SWAT Conference, 2019/07, Without Invitation, English
- Watersheds modelling of Buayan River Basin in the Philippines using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for sustainable water resource management, I.A. Guiamel; H. S. Lee, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual meeting (2019), 2019/07, Without Invitation, English
- Assessment of climate change effects on wind energy resources and power output in the Philippines with CMIP5 dataset, H.S. Lee; K. Nagahara; S. Takaishi, ICEER2019, 2019/07, Without Invitation, English
- Watersheds modeling of Mindanao Basins in the Philippines using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for hydropower energy development, I.A. Guiamel; H. S. Lee, Vietnam water Cooperation Initiative (VACI) 2019, 2019/03, Without Invitation, English
- Optimized design of wastewater treatment systems in a densely-populated growing city in a developing country: A case study in Vientiane, Laos, C. Khattiyavong; H. S. Lee, Vietnam water Cooperation Initiative (VACI) 2019, 2019/03, Without Invitation, English
- Quantitative Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Pluvial Flooding in Davao Oriental, Philippines, J. Cabrera; H. S. Lee, Vietnam water Cooperation Initiative (VACI) 2019, 2019/03/23, Without Invitation, English
- Quantitative Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Flood Risk in Davao Oriental, Philippines, J. Cabrera; H. S. Lee, AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 2018, 2018, Without Invitation, English
- Calculation of wave overtopping with Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) method in the Busan Marine City during typhoon Chaba (1618), J. Park; J-H Yuk; H. S. Lee, EGU2018, 2018/04, Without Invitation, English
- Modification techniques for residential buildings to adapt to future urban warming in growing cities of Southeast Asia: A case study in Hanoi City, Trihamdani, A.R.; Sumida, K.; Kubota, T.; Lee, H.S.; Iizuka, S., Proceedings of International Workshop on Wind-Related Disasters and Mitigation, 2018/03/12, Without Invitation, English
- Sea-level records analysis with empirical mode decomposition and its variations: Boundary effect improvement and reconstruction mothed, Lee H.S., JpGU2017, 2017/05/22, Without Invitation, English, JpGU, Makuhari Messe, Tokyo
- Sea-level records analysis with improved empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and artificial neural network (ANN), Lee, H.S., S.Y. Kim, International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) 2017, 2017, Without Invitation, English, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Impacts assessment of land use changes and global warming on urban heat islands in Hanoi, Vietnam, Lee, H.S., The sixth edition of the Current Panorama of Atmospheric Sciences 2017, 2017/08, English, Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
- Tsunami Run-up Modeling with Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Monai Valley Benchmark Test, Lee, H.S., International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) 2017, 2017/06/28, Without Invitation, English, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering, San Francisco, California
- Impacts of land use changes and global warming on urban heat islands (UHIs) in Hanoi, Vietnam, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2017/06, English, SAPPD, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia
- Wind waves modeling for Korean seas, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2017/06, English, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), Ansan, Korea
- Development of a seamless inundation model with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2016/12, English, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Daejeon, Korea
- Non-linear trend estimation of sea-level records using empirical mode decomposition and its variations, Lee, H.S., S. Dangendorf, Challenger Society for Marine Sciences Conference 2016, 2016/09/07, Without Invitation, English, Challenger Society for Marine Sciences, UK, University of Liverpool, UK
- Trend estimation of regional sea-level in Korea using empirical mode decomposition and its variations, Lee, H.S., Kim, K. O.
H.-Y. Cho., The 2nd International Water Safety Symposium (IWSS 2016), 2016/06/20, Without Invitation, English, International Water Safety Society, Convensia, Songdo, South Korea
- Impacts of tides on tsunami propagation due to a potential Nankai Trough Earthquake in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2016/07, English, Research Institute for Water and Environment, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
- Trend estimation of regional sea-level in Korea using empirical mode decomposition and its variations, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2016/07, English, College of Natural Science, Inha University, Incheon, Korea
- Efficacy of adaptive mesh refinement method for tsunami run-up modeling, Lee, H.S., The 2nd International Water Safety Symposium (IWSS 2016), 2016/06/21, Without Invitation, English, International Water Safety Society, Convensia, Songdo, South Korea
- Modelling of East Sea storm waves in November 2015, Lee, H.S., Weon-Mu Jeong
Sang-Ho Oh
Kyeong-Ho Ryu, The 2nd International Water Safety Symposium (IWSS 2016), 2016/06/22, Without Invitation, English
- Tsunami signal analysis using Hilbert-Huang transform, Lee, H.S., International Coastal Symposium (ICS2016), 2016/03/08, Without Invitation, English
- Regional relative sea level rise and uncertainty, Lee, H.S., 4th Tenure-Track Symposium, 2015/05, English, Saitama University, Saitama, Japan
- Impacts of tide on tsunami propagation due to a potential Nankai Trough Earthquake in the Seto Inland Sea, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2015/01, English, International Institute for Resilient Society (IIRS), Saitama University, Saitama, Japan
- Urban climate modeling with WRF, Lee, H.S., Environment climate workshop, 2014/08, English, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea
- WRF and its applications, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2014/06, English, Sungkyunkwan Universit, Suwon, Korea
- Regional Projection of Sea Level Rise: The Seto Inland Sea Case in Japan , Lee, H.S., The 10th anniversary of the Marine & Coastal Engineering Faculty, 2013/11, English, Water Resource University, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Integrated modelling of typhoon process using Regional Environment Simulator and multi-decadal variations of typhoons in the western North Pacific, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2013/02, English, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea
- Climate changes and climate modelling, Lee, H.S., Summer Course 2012 of GEL Education Program, 2012/08, English, University of the Philippines Dilliman, Quezon City, Philippines
- Integrated modelling of the dynamic meteorological and sea surface conditions during the passage of Typhoon Morakot, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2012/09, English, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), Ansan, Korea
- Integrated modelling of meteorological and sea surface conditions during the Typhoon Morakot using an atmosphere-wave-ocean coupled model, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2012/03, English, College of Marine Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), Taiwan
- Regional Environment Simulator in Hiroshima University, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2011/11, English, Water Resource University, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Environment Impact Assessment using Regional Environment Simulator in Hiroshima University, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2011/08, English, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia
- Practical application of RES to the 2007 Jakarta Flood event, Lee, H.S., Training course, 2011/02, English, Institute Technology Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
- On the multi-decadal variations of ENSO and PDO, and tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2010/10, English, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Ansan, Korea
- Simulations of the climate chang, Lee, H.S., Hiroshima University Open Lecture, 2010/06, Japanese, Hiroshima Citizen Plaza, Hiroshima
- Storm surge modelling : Theory and applications, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2010/05, English, Department of Oceanography, Institute Technology Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia
- Localizing Climate Assessment Modelling, Lee, H.S., Summer Course 2009 of GEL Education Program, 2009/08, English, Hiroshima International Plaza, Higashi-Hiroshima
- Climate changes and regional climate modeling, Lee, H.S., International Workshop on Policies for a Low-Carbon Society in Developing Countries, 2009/11, English, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima
- Regional Environment Simulator: Introduction and applications, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2009/10, English, College of Ocean Science, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea
- Regional Environment Simulator and its Applications, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2009/08, Japanese, National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering, Ibaraki, Japan
- Numerical experiments of the impacts of Three Gorges Dam on Yangtze River and the East China Sea using a hydrology and ocean coupled model, Lee, H.S., The 21st AGEL Symposium in the 53rd Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, 2009/08, Japanese, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
- Regional Environment Simulator and its Applications, Lee, H.S., Seminars, 2009/01, Japanese, Alpha Hydraulic Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd, Hokkaido, Japan
- The Environmental impacts assessment of Three Gorges Dam, China, Lee, H.S., The 2nd Techno Forum in Collaborative Research Center, 2008/12, Japanese, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima
- Sea-level records analysis with empirical mode decomposition and its variations: Boundary effect improvement and reconstruction mothed, Lee H.S., JpGU2017, 2017/05/22, Without Invitation, English, JpGU, Makuhari Messe, Tokyo
- Non-linear trend estimation of sea-level records using empirical mode decomposition and its variations, Lee, H.S., S. Dangendorf, Challenger Society for Marine Sciences Conference 2016, 2016/09/07, Without Invitation, English, Challenger Society for Marine Sciences, UK, University of Liverpool, UK
- Trend estimation of regional sea-level in Korea using empirical mode decomposition and its variations, Lee, H.S., Kim, K. O.
H.-Y. Cho., The 2nd International Water Safety Symposium (IWSS 2016), 2016/06/20, Without Invitation, English, International Water Safety Society, Convensia, Songdo, South Korea
- Efficacy of adaptive mesh refinement method for tsunami run-up modeling, Lee, H.S., The 2nd International Water Safety Symposium (IWSS 2016), 2016/06/21, Without Invitation, English, International Water Safety Society, Convensia, Songdo, South Korea
- Modelling of East Sea storm waves in November 2015, Lee, H.S., Weon-Mu Jeong
Sang-Ho Oh
Kyeong-Ho Ryu, The 2nd International Water Safety Symposium (IWSS 2016), 2016/06/22, Without Invitation, English, International Water Safety Society, Convensia, Songdo, South Korea
- Tsunami signal analysis using Hilbert-Huang transform, Lee, H.S., International Coastal Symposium (ICS2016), 2016/03/08, Without Invitation, English, Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF), Sydney, Australia
- 瀬戸内海における潮汐が津波伝播に及ぼす影響, Lee H.S., 第5回 巨大津波災害に関する合同研究集会, 2015/12/05, Without Invitation, Japanese, 巨大津波災害に関する合同研究集会, Earthquake Instaitute, Tokyo University
- Estimation of non-linear sea level rise and uncertainty and its projection in the Seto Inland Sea, Lee, H.S., Coastal Engineering Committee, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, (2015), 2015/11/22, Without Invitation, English, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo
- 2011 Tohoku tsunami records analysis in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, using using Hilbert-Huang Transform, Lee, H.S., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 12th Annual meeting (2015), 2015/08/06, Without Invitation, English, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore
- Urban heat islands in the future Hanoi City: Impacts on indoor thermal comfort and cooling load in residential buildings, Trihamdani, A. R., Tung, N. H., Kubota, T., Lee, H. S., Phuong, T. T. T., 9th International Conference on Urban Climate (2015), 2015/08/06, Without Invitation, English, International Association for Urban Climate, Toulouse, France
- Impact of Singapore on Urban Climate in Johor Bahru during Summer Monsoon, Kraus, J., Trihamdani, A. R., Kubota, T., Lee, H. S., Kawamura, K., 9th International Conference on Urban Climate (2015), 2015/08/06, Without Invitation, English, International Association for Urban Climate, Toulouse, France
- Comparison of land cover and land use data for urban climate modelling in Southeast Asian cities – A case study of Johor Bahru, Kraus, J., Trihamdani, A. R., Kubota, T., Lee, H. S., Kawamura, K., 9th International Conference on Urban Climate (2015), 2015/08/06, Without Invitation, English, International Association for Urban Climate, Toulouse, France
- Estimation of extreme relative sea level in Bangladesh, Lee, H.S., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual meeting (2014), 2014/08/06, Without Invitation, English, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Sapporo, Japan
- Impacts of tides on tsunami propagation due to potential Nankai Trough earthquake in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Lee, H.S., Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual meeting (2014), 2014/08/08, Without Invitation, English, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Sapporo, Japan
- Impacts of the central Pacific El Nino on typhoon track in the western North Pacific, Lee, H.S., Yamashita, T., The 12th International Coastal Symposium (ICS2013), 2013/03/20, Without Invitation, English, Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF), Plymouth, UK
- Tsunami propagation over the tidal currents in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Lee, H.S., T. Shimoyama, and T. Yamashita, the 18th IAHR-APD congress, 2012/08/18, Without Invitation, English, IAHR, Jeju, Korea
- Modelling the wave-enhanced storm surge during the passage of Typhoon Morakot, Lee, H.S., the 33rd ICCE, 2012/06/25, Without Invitation, English, ICCE, Santander, Spain
- Numerical experiments of the tsunami propagation over tidal currents in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Shimoyama, T., H.S. Lee, and T. Yamashita, the 33rd ICCE, 2012/06/26, Without Invitation, English, ICCE, Santander, Spain
- Atmosphere-ocean-groundwater modeling system for seawater intrusion simulation in Liao Dong Bay coastal plain, China, Ding F., T. Yamashita, and H.S. Lee, International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP) 2012, 2012/06/05, Without Invitation, English, ICEEP, Mongolia, China
- Study on the multi-decadal variation of climate and typhoons in the western North Pacific using Hilbert-Huang Transform, Lee, H.S., T. Yamashita, and T. Mishima, the 19th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, 2010/10/25, Without Invitation, English, Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, Kunsan, Korea
- Numerical experiments on the extremely heavy rainfall and unique track of Typhoon Morakot 2009, Lee, H.S., F. Ding, the 19th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, 2010/10/25, Without Invitation, English, Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, Kunsan, Korea
- Hindcast of abnormal storm waves in the East Sea in 2006 using an atmosphere-wind wave coupled modelling system, Lee, H.S., K.O. Kim, and B. H. Choi, 18th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, 2009/10/20, Without Invitation, English, Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, Busan, Korea
- Wave-current interaction process with consideration of wave breaking in arbitrary water depth, Lee, H.S., T. Yamashita, 18th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, 2009/10/19, Without Invitation, English, Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, Busan, Korea
- Study on the multi-decadal variations of climate change and typhoon and coastal disasters, Lee, H.S., T. Yamashita, T. Komaguchi, and T. Mishima, 18th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, 2009/10/19, Without Invitation, English, Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, Busan, Korea
- Numerical simulation of abnormal high waves on the East Sea, Kim, K.O., H.S. Lee, and B.H. Choi, Proc. of the Korean Association of Ocean Science and Technology Societies, 2009/05/19, Without Invitation, English, the Korean Association of Ocean Science and Technology Societies, Changwon, Korea
- Study on wind-wave-current interaction process in arbitrary water depth, Lee, H.S., T. Yamashita, the 15th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS), 2009/03/18, Without Invitation, English, Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS) Meeting, Busan, Korea
- Adaptive measures for coastal preservation with consideration of fluctuation of climate change, Yamashita, T., T. Mishima, and H.S. Lee, the 15th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS), 2009/03/18, Without Invitation, English, Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS) Meeting, Busan, Korea
- Study on the local air-sea interaction under typhoon by using non-hydrostatic atmosphere-ocean coupled model, Lee, H.S., T. Yamashita, and H. Mohammed, the 17th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, 2008/11/20, Without Invitation, English, Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, Mokpo, Korea
- Regional Environment Simulator, IDEC, HU, Lee, H.S., T. Yamashita, International Conference on DELTAS, 2008/10/23, Without Invitation, English, Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research, Shanghai, China
- The university-business cooperation research regarding the utilization of the regional environment simulator, Komaguchi, T., T. Mishima, T. Yamashita, H.S. Lee, and H. Mohammed, The 16th Symposium on Global Environment, 2008/08/31, Without Invitation, Japanese, JSCE, Okayama
- Regional Simulator for Storm Weather-Ocean States, Lee, H.S., T. Yamashita, the 14th Pacific-Asian Marginal Sea /Japan and East China Seas, 2007/03/06, Without Invitation, English, PAMS/JECSHiroshima, Hiroshima
- Asian Environmental Simulator, Yamashita, T., H.S. Lee, and H. Mohammed, Third Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 2006/11/09, Without Invitation, English, Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineer, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan
- Hindcast of abnormal high waves in Japan/East Sea by MM5-WW3 coupled model, Lee, H.S., K.O. Kim, and T. Yamashita, International Symposium on Fluvial and Coastal Disasters, 2005/03/20, Without Invitation, English, DPRI, Kyoto, Japan
- Preoperational simulation of dike closure for Saemanguem tidal barriers, Choi, B.H., H.S. Lee, Workshop on Hydro-Environmental Impacts of Large Coastal Developments, 2003/05/26, Without Invitation, English, KSCOE, Seoul, Korea
- Changes in Tidal Current Regime and Sedimentation at Saemangeum, Choi, B.H., H.S. Lee, Workshop on Sedimentation in Yellow Sea Coasts, 2003/11/08, Without Invitation, English, KSCOE, Seoul, Korea
- Siltation in a Small Fishing Port: A Case Study for the Wonpyeong Port, Ko, J.S., J.H. Yuk, H.S. Lee, I.J. Ahn, and H.S. Kim, Workshop on Sedimentation in Yellow Sea Coasts, 2003/11/08, Without Invitation, English, KSCOE, Seoul, Korea
- 2008/08/31, Earth Environmental Technology Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), The RES development and application
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- -, 2021/04/01, 2024/03/31
- Grant-in-Aid, 適合格子細分化によるシームレス津波・高潮氾濫モデルの開発, 2017/04/01, 2020/03/31
- Grant-in-Aid, Estimation of non-linear trends of global sea-level records and their projections, 2015/04/01, 2017/03/31
- Grant-in-Aid, Development of a high-resolution Seto Inland Sea circulation model with adaptive mesh refinement method, 2012/04/01, 2014/03/31
- Grant-in-Aid, Acoustic tsunami velocimeter, 2012/04/01, 2014/03/31
Social Activities
History as Committee Members
- JSCE Coastal Engineering Committee Chugoku / Shikoku area, 2021/04, 2023/03, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE)
- Coastal Engineering Committee, 2019/12, 2021/11, JSCE
- Coastal Engineering Committee, 2018/04, 2019/11, JSCE
History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers
- 2019, Atmospheric Science Letters, Others, peer reviewer, 2
- 2019, Journal of Hydrology, Others, peer reviewer, 2
- 2019, Water, Others, peer reviewer, 3
- 2019, Science of the total environment, Others, peer reviewer, 1
- 2018, Water, Others, peer reviewer, 3
- 2018, Sustainable cities and society, Others, peer reviewer, 2
- 2018, Science of the total environment, Others, peer reviewer, 1
- 2018, Applied Ocean Research, Others, peer reviewer, 3
- 2017, Applied Ocean Research, Others, peer reviewer, 2
- 2017, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, Others, reviewer, 3
- 2017, Coastal Engineering Journal, Others, peer reviewer, 1
- 2017, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Others, peer reviewer, 1
- 2017, Natural hazards, Others, peer reviewer, 2
- 2016, Coastal Engineering Journal, Others, reviewer, 2
- 2016, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Others, reviewer, 2
- 2016, Ocean Modelling, Others, reviewer, 1
- 2016, Global and Planetary Changes, Others, reviewer, 1
- 2016, Limnology and Oceangraphy, Others, reviewer, 1
- 2015, Journal of Coastal Research, Others, reviewer, 2
- 2015, Coastal Engineering Journal, Others, reviewer, 1