Last Updated :2024/09/02

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor (Special Appointment)
I am conducting research on structural analysis and optimal design. The main target is transportation equipment such as ships and automobiles, but they can be applied to any structure.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 1983/04/01, 1984/02/29, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., LTD., Information Division, Engineering Department
  • 1987/08/01, 1991/03/31, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Research Associate
  • 1991/04/01, 2000/03/31, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Engineering, Assistant Professor
  • 2000/04/01, 2001/03/31, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Engineering, Professor
  • 2001/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate Scool of Engineering, Professor
  • 2020/04/01, 2023/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor
  • 2023/04/01, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Project Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Tokyo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering, Japan, 1976/04, 1980/03
  • The Ohio State University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Master's Course, Engineering Mechanics, U.S.A., 1981/01, 1982/12
  • The Ohio State University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Doctoral Course, Engineering Mechanics, U.S.A., 1984/03, 1987/09

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering), The Ohio State University
  • Master of Science (Engineering), The Ohio State University

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Vehicle and Environmental Systems

Research Fields

  • Engineering;Integrated engineering;Naval and maritime engineering
  • Interdisciplinary science and engineering;Computational science;Computational science
  • Engineering;Mechanical engineering;Materials / Mechanics of materials

Research Keywords

  • finite element method
  • optimal design
  • ship structures
  • structural design

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 1993
  • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996
  • The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2008

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Mathematical Optimization

Award of Education

  1. 2021/11/06, Hiroshima University Educational Award, Hiroshima University

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Stractural Design of Mid-Ship Section by Expert System, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 164, 279-284, 19881201
  2. Investigation of a Posteriori Error Analysis for Plane Stress Problems by the Finite Element Method and Updating Stresses, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 165, 225-232, 19890601
  4. A Study of an Expert System for Optimum Structural Design of a Cylindrical shell Type Submersible, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 168, 463-470, 19901201
  5. A Posteriori Error Estimation and Mesh Refinement for Two-Dimensional Elastic Problems with Stress Singularity, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, A-56(525), 220-227, 19900525
  6. A Posteriori Error Estimation and Mesh Refinement for Two-Dimensional Elastic Problems with Stress Singularity, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 167, 179-189, 19900601
  7. Investigation of A Posteriori Error Analysis for Plane Stress Problems by the Finite Element Method and Updating Stresses, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 28, 111-118, 19900601
  8. Element wise A Posteriori Error Estimation of Finite Element Solutions for Three-Dimensional Elastic Problems and Plate Bending Problems, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, A-57(541), 1979-1985, 19910501
  9. A Study on Object-Oriented Data Stractures for the Finite Element Method and h-Version Adaptive Mesh Technique, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 169, 375-382, 19910601
  10. A Study on A Posteriori Error Estimation of Finite Element Analysis for Ship Structure (1-st Report), Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 170, 463-471, 19911201
  11. ELEMENT BY ELEMENT A POSTERIORI ERROR ESTIMATION OF THE FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS FOR 3-DIMENSIONAL ELASTIC PROBLEMS, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 33(8), 1755-1769, 19920601
  12. NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF ELEMENT-WISE A POSTERIORI ERROR ESTIMATION IN 2 AND 3-DIMENSIONAL ELASTIC PROBLEMS, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 34(3), 969-977, 19920501
  13. Study on Expert System Aiding Structural Desing by C Language, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 84, 163-169, 19920904
  14. Development of Floating Type-Extraction System of Uranium from Sea Water Using Sea Current and Wave Power (Rep.3), Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 172, 519-528, 19920904
  15. Structural Optimization of Tanker with Double Hull System Based on Plastic Design, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 173, 269-276, 19930601
  16. Cost Minimization of Double Hull Tanker Structure Based on Plastic Design, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 174, 491-500, 19931201
  17. Extremely Simple Error Estination of Finite Element Analysis for 2 Dimensional Elastic Problems, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 87, 263-273, 19940301
  18. A Study on the Optimum Design for Midship Segment of Double Hull Tanker, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 88, 145-156, 19940801
  19. Application of Multiplier Method to Ship Structure Optimization, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 176, 291-299, 19941201
  20. A Posteriori Error Estimation for 2-Dimensional Non-linear Elastic Problems, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 90, 171-180, 19950801
  21. Structural Optimization for Shell Container Ship with Large Hatch Opening, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 90, 181-197, 19950801
  22. Element-wise A Posteriori Error Estimation and Improvement of Stress Solutions for Two-dimensional Elasto-plastic Problems, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 178, 341-348, 19951201
  23. Adaptive Mesh Techniques Based on A Posteriori Error Estimation for Two-dimensional Elasto-plastic Finite Element Analyses, Joural of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 179, 303-309, 19960601
  24. Wave Response Analyses of Floating Structure, Joural of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 179, 327-337, 19960601
  25. On the Wave Induced Responses for a High-Speed Hydrofoil Catamaran ミ Part 2 Cabin Connected to Hull by springs and Its Vibration Responses --, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 92, 215-224, 19960801
  26. Adaptive Finite Element Analysis of 2-Dimensional Elastic Problems -- For an Integrated Finite Element Analysis System --, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 92, 191-199, 19960801
  27. A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Mesh Generation in Two-dimensional Elasto-plastic Finite Element Analyses for an Integrated System, Joural of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 180, 463-470, 19961201
  28. Thermal Stress Analyses for Integrated Type Liquid Heated Cargo Carrier, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 93, 145-155, 19970301
  29. A Study on A Posteriori Error Estimation of Finite Element Analyses for Eigenvalue Problem of Frame Structures, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 181, 341-346, 19970916
  30. Element-wise A Posteriori Error Estimation of Finite Element Analyses for Dynamic Plate Bending Problems, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 182, 571-578, 19971201
  31. Adaptive Remeshing with respect to Stress Singularity for 2-dimensional Elastic Problems, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, A-64(619), 661-665, 19980401
  32. Element-wise A Posteriori Error Estimation of Finite Element Analyses for Dynamic Plate Bending Problems (2-nd Report : Discretization Errors in Spatial and Time Dmains), Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 183, 343-349, 19980601
  33. On the Extraction System of Lithium from Sea Water, Journal of the Society of Naval Architectures of Japan, 183, 309-313, 19980601
  34. Optimization of Engine Room Structure unser Static and Dynamic Costraints Using Genetic Algoritms, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 183, 315-322, 19980601
  35. An Efficient Method by Introducing Concept of Generalized Design Variables for Optimal Structural Design via GAs, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 184, 533-538, 19981201
  36. Design Optimization of Engine Room of Ship with Dynamic Response Using Genetic Algorithms, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 185, 345-353, 19990601
  37. Mesh Renewing Technigue Based on A Posteriori Error Estimation for Dynamic Finite Element Analysis, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 98, 169-180, 19990801
  38. Fuzzy Optimum Design of Engine Room of Ship with Dynamic Response Using Genetic Algorithms, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 186, 361-368, 19991201
  39. A Study on Optimum Structural Design of Container Ship, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 186, 353-360, 19991201
  40. A Study of Applying the Superconvergent Patch Recovery Method to Large Deformation Problem, Journal of the Society of Naval Architectures of Japan, 187, 201-208, 20000601
  41. A Study on Optimal Design by Picking up Local Structure from Grobal System-Ship Structural Design with Large Cargo Opening, Joural of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 188, 539-544, 20001201
  42. Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimal Structural Design for Engine Room of Ship Considering Dynamic Constraints, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 5, 131-146, 20001201
  43. A Modified Recovery Procedure to Improve the Accuracy of Stress at Central Area of Bilinear Quadrilateral Element, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 188, 489-496, 20001201
  44. A Study on Optimum Structural Design of Container Ship Using Genetic Algorithms and Convergence of its Solution, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 101, 185-194, 20010301
  45. A Study on Estimating the Neural Frequency for the Stiffened Plate Considering Added Mass Effects-conventional equation based on the energy method and modification via Neural Network, Joural of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 189, 281-289, 20010601
  46. Submodeling Analysis Using Recovered Stresses by Superconvergent Patch Recovery Method as Driven Variables, Transactiouns of the West-japan Society of Naval Architects, 102, 231-239, 20010801
  47. Optimal Structural Design Based on Zooming Finite Element Analysis Using Sensitivities for Boundary Conditions, Transactiouns of the West-japan Society of Naval Architects, 102, 361-369, 20010801
  48. A Study on Genetic Algorithms and Constraint Condition for Optimum Structural Design of Container Ship, Transactiouns of the West-japan Society of Naval Architects, 102, 371-380, 20010801
  49. Submodeling Analysis Using Recovered Stresses by Superconvergent Patch Recovery Method as Driven Variables : Application in Large Deformation Problems, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 190, 663-670, 20011201
  50. A Basic Study on Optimal Structural Design of Container Ship using Neural Network, Transactiouns of the West-japan Society of Naval Architects, 103, 273-283, 20020301
  51. ., 9(3), 251-257, 20020601
  52. Master Planning Supporting System for Cooperative Ship Assembling, Transactions of West-Japan Society of Naval Arvhitecs, 104, 229-239, 20020801
  53. Master Planning Optimization System for Cooperative Ship Assembling, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 104, 241-256, 20020801
  54. Neural Network based on Finite Element Analysis and its Application to Structural Optimization of Container Ship, Journal of the society of naval architects of japan, 192, 661-668, 20021201
  55. A Study on Optimal Design Based on Zooming Finite Element Analysis with Stress Boundary Condition and Sensitivities, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 105, 275-281, 20030301
  56. Optimization of Ship Structure Based on Zooming Finite Element Analysis with Sensitivities, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 13(1), 60-65, 20030301
  57. Neural Network based on Finite Element Analysis and its Application to Transversal Structural Optimization of Bulk Carrier, Transactiouns of the West-japan Society of Naval Architects, 106, 217-228, 20030801
  58. Submodeling Analysis of Ship Structure with Superconvergent Patch Recovery Method, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 13(3), 216-223, 20030901
  59. Stress Modification by Post Processing Technique based on Characteristics of Finite Element Method, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 108, 225-234, 20040801
  60. A Study on Numerical Analysis of Laser Type Welding for Estimating Temperature Distribution and HAZ Shape, Transactions of The West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, 109, 173-184, 20050301
  61. Development of a mode split model in international freight transport between Japan and East Asian countries, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 63-69, 20070601
  62. Practical Optimal Design of Mid-ship Section and Development of High-speed Optimization System, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 141-149, 20071201
  63. Optimization System of Block Division Using Genetic Algorithm and Product Model, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 109-118, 20071201
  64. Shape and Size Optimization of Bottom Part of Ship Structure by Independent Mesh-subdivision Technique with Aide of Multiple Point Constraint, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 7, 89-96, 20080601
  65. Optimization of Arrangement of Longitudinal Stiffeners on Shell Plate at Fore and Aft Parts of Vessels, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 7, 81-88, 20080600
  66. A Shape Optimization System of Ship Structures Using a Function Recognizing Structure Members : Shape Optimization of Double Bottom Part of Ship Structure, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 8, 273-281, 20081200
  67. Topology Optimization of Multi-Axis Force Transducer Structures Based on Singular Value Decomposition, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, C-74(746), 2462-2470, 20081025
  68. Topology Optimization for Structural Design of Transducers Using Strain Gauges, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, A-74(747), 1459-1468, 20081125
  69. Structural Optimization for the Design of Band-Gap Structures Using Discrete Structural Elements, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, C-74(740), 780-788, 20080425
  70. Structural Optimization Based on the Phase Field Method : Validation of Perimeter Constraint Effect and Extension to Compliant Mechanism Design Problem and Eigen-Frequency Maximization Problem, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, A-75(760), 1784-1793, 20091225
  71. Research on anti-vibration design of bridge wing based on topology optimization, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 10, 205-212, 20091201
  72. Structural Optimization Based on the Phase Field Method and Sensitivity Analysis, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, A-76(761), 1-9, 20100125
  73. Total Optimization of Midship Section using 3-Dimensional Product Model : Optimal Structure Design based on Existing Ship Data, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 11, 229-238, 20100601
  74. Shape and topology optimization based on the phase field method and sensitivity analysis, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 229(7), 2697-2718, 20100401
  75. Topology optimization for designing strain-gauge load cells, STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION, 42(3), 387-402, 20100901
  76. A Study on the Structural Optimization of Double Bottom Part of Ship Structure under Considering Stress and Buckling Constraints : Structural Considerations of Shape and Thickness Optimization of Double Bottom Part of Ship Structure, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 14, 1-8, 20111201
  77. Topology optimization for worst load conditions based on the eigenvalue analysis of an aggregated linear system, COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, 200(25-28), 2268-2281, 20110308
  78. Shape Optimization System of Bottom Structure of Ship Incorporating Individual Mesh Subdivision and Multi-Point Constraint, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING, 21(3), 209-215, 20110901
  79. Robust Topology Optimization Based on an Aggregated Linear System and Eigenvalue Analysis, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, A-77(775), 472-482, 20110325
  80. Topology optimization of compliant circular path mechanisms based on an aggregated linear system and singular value decomposition, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, 89(6), 706-725, 20120210
  81. Geometrical design of thermoelectric generators based on topology optimization, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, 90(11), 1363-1392, 20120615
  82. Cross-Sectional Shape Optimization of Whispering-Gallery Ring Resonators, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 30(17), 2776-2782, 20120901
  83. Sensitivity analysis and optimization of vibration modes in continuum systems, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 332(6), 1553-1566, 20130318
  84. Damage identification in non-destructive testing based on topology optimization and eigenfrequency analysis, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 18, 73-80, 20131201
  85. Enhancement of non-resonant dielectric cloaks using anisotropic composites, AIP ADVANCES, 4(1), 20140101
  86. Phase field method to optimize dielectric devices for electromagnetic wave propagation, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 257, 216-240, 20140115
  87. Layout optimization methodology of piezoelectric transducers in energy-recycling semi-active vibration control systems, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 333(2), 327-344, 20140120
  88. Classification of Design Variables Based on Constraint Conditions and Structural Optimal Design Application to Structural Optimal Design of Midship Section, Ship Technology Research, 61(1), 34-47, 20140127
  89. Design methodology of piezoelectric energy-harvesting skin using topology optimization, STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION, 49(2), 281-297, 20140201
  90. Structural topology optimization with strength and heat conduction constraints, COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, 276, 341-361, 20140701
  91. Development of the beam and shell elements for stress evaluation of a joint of structural components, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 19, 111-121, 20140601
  92. lassification of Design Variables based on Constraint Conditions and Structural Optimal Design:- Application to Structural Optimal Design of Mid-ship Section -, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 19, 149-157, 20140601
  93. Design methodology using topology optimization for anti-vibration reinforcement of generators in a ship's engine room, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 230(1), 216-226, 20140725
  94. Cross-Sectional Optimization of Whispering-Gallery Mode Sensor With High Electric Field Intensity in the Detection Domain, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 20(6), 20140505
  95. Stiffness maximization for thermal deformation under thermal conductivity constraint using topology optimization, Transactions of the JSME, 81(828), 20150825
  96. Piezo actuator layout Optimization with SRS constraint for semi-active vibration control system, Transactions of the JSME, 81(830), 20150701
  97. Porous composite with negative thermal expansion obtained by photopolymer additive manufacturing, APL MATERIALS, 3(7), 20150714
  98. A Study on the Optimization of Ship Design Process Using Wildcard GA, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 20, 231-242, 20141201
  99. A Study on Design Support System for Ship Principal Particulars in Consideration of Uncertainty in Product Information, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 13, 239-248, 20110601
  100. Topology optimization of damping material for reducing resonance response based on complex dynamic compliance, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 365, 230-243, 20160317
  101. Optimization of Ship Structure Considering Stiffener Layout, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 22, 129-135, 20151201
  102. Structural optimization of the large structure with stiffeners by hybrid genetic algorithms, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 81(832), 15-00437, 20151118
  103. Porous metal produced by selective laser melting with effective isotropic thermal conductivity close to the Hashin-Shtrikman bound, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 105, 564-572, 20170201
  104. Eigenfrequecy-based damage identification method for non-destructive testing based on topology optimization, ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION, 49(3), 417-433, 20170301
  105. Design methodology of magnetic fields and structures for magneto-mechanical resonator based on topology optimization, OPTIMIZATION AND ENGINEERING, 19(1), 19-38, 20180301
  106. Lattice structure design with topology optimization and additive manufacturing, Transactions of the JSME, 83(855), 20171215
  107. An objective function for the topology optimization of sound-absorbing materials, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 443, 804-819, 20190317
  108. Isotropic Ti-6Al-4V lattice via topology optimization and electron-beam melting, ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, 22, 634-642, 20180801
  109. Two-stage layout-size optimization method for prow stiffeners, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND OCEAN ENGINEERING, 11(1), 44-51, 20190101
  110. Optimization of an additively manufactured functionally graded lattice structure with liquid cooling considering structural performances, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 143, 20191101
  111. Method to optimize an additively-manufactured functionally-graded lattice structure for effective liquid cooling, ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, 28, 285-298, 20190801
  113. Structural optimization of stiffener layout for stiffened plate using hybrid GA, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND OCEAN ENGINEERING, 11(2), 809-818, 20190701
  114. Topology optimisation of a porous unit cell in a fluid flow considering Forchheimer drag, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS, 34(1), 50-60, 20200102
  115. Finite element simulation of the compressive response of additively manufactured lattice structures with large diameters, COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 175, 20200401
  116. Systematic method for positioning clamps and strongbacks based on their influence on welding displacements, OCEAN ENGINEERING, 202, 20200415
  117. Numerical Prediction of Welding Distortion Considering Gravity Force on General Ship Grillage Structure by Elastic Finite Element Method Using Inherent Strain, JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 8(6), 20200620
  118. Method to systemically order welding sequence to efficiently mitigate welding displacement of a general ship grillage structure, SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES, 15(7), 753-768, 20200808
  119. Sensitivity analysis and lattice density optimization for sequential inherent strain method used in additive manufacturing process, COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, 370, 20201001
  120. Study on damping performance for granular damper using fine particles, Transactions of the JSME, 87(896), 20210425
  121. ★, Study on optimal design of hatch cover via a three-stage optimization method involving material selection, size, and plate layout arrangement, OCEAN ENGINEERING, 219, 20210101
  122. Temperature Distribution Design Based on Variable Lattice Density Optimization and Metal Additive Manufacturing, SYMMETRY-BASEL, 13(7), 20210702
  123. Construction of Design Guidelines for Optimal Automotive Frame Shape Based on Statistical Approach and Mechanical Analysis, CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES, 128(2), 731-742, 20210722
  124. Study on Optimal Design of a Folding-Type Hatch Cover Considering Material Selection, JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION AND DESIGN, 37(4), 237-247, 20211112
  125. Research on cross-sectional shape to improve mass efficiency of high-strength thin plate hollow frame bending strength, Transactions of the JSME, 87(900), 21-00096-21-00096, 20210825
  126. Research on cross-sectional shape to improve mass efficiency of high-strength thin plate hollow frame bending strength, Transactions of the JSME, 88(905), 21-00289-21-00289, 20220125
  127. Optimal simultaneous welding to minimise welding deformation of a general ship grillage structure, SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES, 17(2), 268-278, 20220201
  128. Design optimization of functionally graded lattice infill total hip arthroplasty stem for stress shielding reduction, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART H-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE, 236(4), 515-525, 20220401
  129. Material Cost Minimization Method of the Ship Structure Considering Material Selection, JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 11(3), 640, 20230317
  130. 2 Step design for sandwich panel structure satisfying with restriction of static stress and eigen frequency, Transactions of the JSME, 90(931), 20240401

Publications such as books

  1. 2015/02/26, Optimization by mathematical programming : ways of thinking and solving actual problems, Optimization by mathematical programming, Mathematical Programming, Optimization, Morikita Publishing, 2015, 02, Scholarly Book, Single work, 日本語, Mitsuru Kitamura, 9784627921719, 183, 183, 1-183

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Reducing stress shielding generating in the artificial hip joint using structural optimization, Jumpei Nomura, Akihiro Takezawa, Mitsuru Kitamura, Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems, 2020/12/08, Without Invitation, English
  2. Research on optimization of the internal structure of hip joint for reducing stress shielding, Jumpei Nomura, Akihiro Takezawa, Mitsuru Kitamura, Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2020, 2020/11/23, Without Invitation, English
  3. Lattice Density Optimization for Controlling Surface Temperature of Industrial Products, Akira Ueno, Ryota Moritoyo, Guo Honghu, Akihiro Takezawa, Mitsuru Kitamura, Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2020, 2020/11/23, Without Invitation, English
  4. Study on structural optimization of the end folding type match cover, Kenichi Donde, Mitsuru Kitamura, Akihiro Takezawa, Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2018, 2018/05/21, Without Invitation, English
  5. Study on Constrained thickness optimization of multi-material plate, Gerry Liston Putra, Mitsuru Kitamura, Akihiro Takezawa, Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2018, 2018/05/21, Without Invitation, English
  6. A study on high-frequency vibration analysis of ship hull structures, Tadahiro Araki, Kodai Wafuka, Mituru Kitamura and Akihiro Takezawa, Annual Autumn Meeting of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineering, 2017/11/27, Without Invitation, English, The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Hiroshima


  1. 2000/05, The Best Paper of The Society of Naval Architects of Japan, The Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimal Structural Design for Engine Room of Ship Considering Dynamic
  2. 2000/05, The Nippon Foundation, The Nippon Foundation, Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimal Structural Design for Engine Room of Ship Considering Dynamic
  3. 2000/05, Best paper for Class NK, Class NK, Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimal Structural Design for Engine Room of Ship Considering Dynamic
  4. 2013/08/14, ACDDE2013 Best Presentation Award, Conference Chair of ACDDE 2013(President, Society of CAD/CAM Engineers)

Social Activities

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. 2013, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Editor
  2. 2014, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Editor
  3. 2015, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Editor
  4. 2016, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Editor
  5. 2017, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Editor
  6. 2018, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Editor
  7. 2019, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Editor
  8. 2020, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Editor
  9. 2021, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Editor