Last Updated :2025/02/04

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Professor
Web Site
Other Contact Details
1-4-1,Kagamiyama,Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
TEL : (+81)82-424-4456 FAX : (+81)82-424-5494

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2009/01/01, 2019/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Engineering, Associate Professor
  • 2001/12/01, 2008/12/31, Hokkaido University, Catalysis Research Center, Assistant Professor
  • 1993/04/01, 1994/03/15, Kuraray Co., Employee
  • 1998/07/01, 2001/03/31, Gerogetown University, NSF Postdoc Researcher
  • 2001/04/01, 2001/11/30, RIKEN, Organometalic Chemistry Laboratory, Postdoc Researcher
  • 2010/10/01, 2014/03/31, JST, PRESTO Researcher

Educational Backgrounds

  • Bonn University, Chemistry, Kekure Institute for Organic and Biochemistry, Germany, 1996/04, 1998/05
  • Okayama University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Japan, 1991/04, 1993/03
  • Okayama University, Faculty of Engineering, Japan, 1987/04, 1991/03

Academic Degrees

  • Dr.rer.nat., University of Bonn
  • Master of Engineering, Okayama University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Engineering : Cluster 3(Applied Chemistry, Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering) : Program of Applied Chemistry
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Applied Chemistry Program
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Smart Innovation Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Applied Chemistry Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Smart Innovation Program

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Applied Chemistry

Research Fields

  • Engineering;Process / Chemical engineering;Catalyst / Resource chemical process

Research Keywords

  • Catalyst
  • Polyoxometalate
  • Porous material

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • The Chemical Society of Japan
  • Catalysis Society of Japan
  • The Japan Petroleum Institute
  • Japan Association of Zeolite

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Chemical Experiments II
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Quantum Chemistry I
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Catalysis Chemistry
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Applied Chemistry A
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Applied Chemistry A
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Applied Chemistry B
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Applied Chemistry B
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Applied Chemistry B
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Applied Chemistry B
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Applied Chemistry
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Advanced Porous Material
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Advanced Porous Material
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Applied Chemistry

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Reactivity of Organoiridium Tungsten Oxide Clusters with Transition Metal Aquo Cations, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 63(12), 5672-5680, 20240312
  2. Preparation and isolation of mono-Nb substituted Keggin-type phosphomolybdic acid and its application as an oxidation catalyst for isobutylaldehyde and Wacker-type oxidation, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 52(48), 20231212
  3. A Cationic Metal Glue Strategy for Expanding Paramagnetic Hetero-Multinuclear Metal-Oxo Clusters within Polyoxometalate Ligands, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 62(41), 20231009
  4. Hexalacunary [α-H2P2W12O48]12- Wells-Dawson Anion: X-ray Crystal Structural Evidence and Oligomerization to WO(OH2)4+-Bridged Dimer and Trimers, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 29(45), 20230810
  5. Additive manufacturing using highly concentrated nanocolloids of metal hydroxide salts towards structured metals and metal oxides, JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 131(10), 830-836, 202310
  6. Synthesis and Structure Characterization of Multi-Molybdenum-Substituted Preyssler-type Phosphotungstates, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2022(36), 83-100, 20221113
  7. Chapter 3. Polyoxometalate Unit Assembling for Crystal Catallysts, CRYSTALLINE METAL OXIDE CALTALYSTS, 83-100, 20221027
  8. Stable and Efficient Cu-Based Zeolitic Octahedral Metal Oxides for Ethylene and Ethane Separation at High Temperature and Humidity, ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES, 20230829
  9. Higher acidity promoted photodegradation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics under visible light by strong interaction with a niobium oxide based zeolitic octahedral metal oxide, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 662, 20230725
  10. Molar-Ratio-Dependent Coordination Assembly of Organoiridium(III)-Octatungstate Complexes in Aqueous Solution, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 62(17), 6759-6767, 20230501
  11. Solid-state Thermal Transformation of Methylammonium Monomolybdate to Polyoxomolybdates and their Applications as Staining Reagents for Transmission Electron Microscopy Observations of Viruses, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 52(3), 167-171, 202303
  12. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Multi- Molybdenum-Substituted Preyssler-type Phosphotungstates, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2022(36), 2022
  13. Deoxydehydration of glycerol to allyl alcohol catalysed by ceria-supported rhenium oxide, MOLECULAR CATALYSIS, 535, 20230115
  14. Anion-Directed Conformation Switching and Trigonal Distortion in Hexakis(methylamine)nickel(II) Cations, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2022(30), 20221026
  15. Redox-induced control of microporosity of zeolitic transition metal oxides based on epsilon-Keggin iron molybdate at an ultra-fine level, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS, 9(20), 5305-5316, 20221012
  16. Thermal Structure Transformation of Methylammonium Vanadate and it's Application as a Negative Staining Reagent for Observing SARS-CoV-2, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2022(26), 20220919
  17. Assembly of epsilon-Keggin Polyoxometalate from Molecular Crystal to Zeolitic Octahedral Metal Oxide, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 28(41), 20220720
  18. Synthesis, characterization, and multielectron redox property of pyridine-coordinated tetra-Ru-oxo core sandwich-type silicotungstate, [(gamma-SiW10O36)(2)({Ru(IV)(pyridine)}(4)O-4(OH)(2)](10-), ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE, 648(13), 20220714
  19. Preyssler-type phosphotungstate is a new family of negative-staining reagents for the TEM observation of viruses, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12(1), 20220512
  20. Oxidation Catalysis over Solid-State Keggin-Type PhosphomolybdicAcid with Oxygen Defects br, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 144(17), 7693-7708, 20220504
  21. Dual Templating for AFX/LEV Intergrowth Zeolite, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 51(2), 121-123, 202202
  22. Conversion of ethanol to propylene over HZSM-5(Ga) co-modified with lanthanum and phosphorous, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 417, 137-144, 20120229
  23. Effective and selective bisphenol A synthesis on a layered silicate with spatially arranged sulfonic acid., Effective and selective bisphenol A synthesis on a layered silicate with spatially arranged sulfonic acid., 4(4), 2186-2191, 2012
  24. Sunlight-induced effective heterogeneous photocatalytic decomposition of aqueous organic pollutants to CO2 assisted by a CO2 sorbent, amine-containing mesoporous silica., Sunlight-induced effective heterogeneous photocatalytic decomposition of aqueous organic pollutants to CO2 assisted by a CO2 sorbent, amine-containing mesoporous silica., 48(44), 5521-5523, 2012
  25. Stabilization of high-valence ruthenium with silicotungstate ligands: preparation, structural characterization, and redox studies of ruthenium(III)-substituted α-Keggin-type silicotungstates with pyridine ligands, [SiW11O39Ru(III)(Py)]5-., Stabilization of high-valence ruthenium with silicotungstate ligands: preparation, structural characterization, and redox studies of ruthenium(III)-substituted α-Keggin-type silicotungstates with pyridine ligands, [SiW11O39Ru(III)(Py)]5-., 7(6), 1331-1339, 2012
  26. Molecular recognitive adsorption of aqueous tetramethylammonium on the organic derivative of Hiroshima University Silicate-1 with a silane coupling reagent., Molecular recognitive adsorption of aqueous tetramethylammonium on the organic derivative of Hiroshima University Silicate-1 with a silane coupling reagent., 48(56), 7073-7075, 2012
  27. Synthesis and characteristics of novel layered silicates HUS-2 and HUS-3 derived from a SiO2-choline hydroxide-NaOH-H2O system, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22(27), 13682-13690, 2012
  28. Transformation of LEV-type zeolite into less dense CHA-type zeolite, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 158, 117-122, 20120801
  29. Acid stability evaluation of CHA-type zeolites synthesized by interzeolite conversion of FAU-type zeolite and their membrane application for dehydration of acetic acid aqueous solution, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 158, 141-147, 20120801
  30. Hydrothermal and solid-state transformation of ruthenium-supported Keggin-type heteropolytungstates [XW11O39{Ru(II)(benzene)(H2O)}]n- (X = P (n = 5), Si (n = 6), Ge (n = 6)) to ruthenium-substituted Keggin-type heteropolytungstates., Hydrothermal and solid-state transformation of ruthenium-supported Keggin-type heteropolytungstates [XW11O39{Ru(II)(benzene)(H2O)}]n- (X = P (n = 5), Si (n = 6), Ge (n = 6)) to ruthenium-substituted Keggin-type heteropolytungstates., 41(33), 9901-9907, 2012
  31. Morphology-controlled preparation of iron-based oxides using a paper template, MATERIALS LETTERS, 81, 80-83, 20120815
  32. Building Block Synthesis of Crystalline Mo-V-based Oxides: Selective Oxidation Catalysts, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 55(4), 229-235, 201207
  33. Efficient and Selective Photocatalytic Cyclohexane Oxidation on a Layered Titanate Modified with Iron Oxide under Sunlight and CO2 Atmosphere, ACS CATALYSIS, 2(9), 1910-1915, 201209
  34. Molecular Recognitive Adsorption of Aqueous Propionic Acid on Hiroshima University Silicate-2 (HUS-2), CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 42(3), 244-246, 20130305
  35. Assembly of a Pentagonal Polyoxomolybdate Building Block, [Mo6O21](6-), into Crystalline MoV Oxides, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 1731-1736, 201304
  36. Ternary modified TiO2 as a simple and efficient photocatalyst for green organic synthesis, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 49(35), 3652-3654, 2013
  37. Role of Structural Similarity Between Starting Zeolite and Product Zeolite in the Interzeolite Conversion Process, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 13(4), 3020-3026, 201304
  38. Conversion of Ethanol into Propylene over TON Type Zeolite, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 56(1), 22-31, 201301
  39. Effect of Structure-Directing Agents on FAU-CHA Interzeolite Conversion and Preparation of High Pervaporation Performance CHA Zeolite Membranes for the Dehydration of Acetic Acid Solution, BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 86(11), 1333-1340, 20131115
  40. Ordered Porous Crystalline Transition Metal Oxide, Inorganic Materials Series, 4, 147-216, 20110101
  41. Synthesis and applications of mixed metal oxide nanotubes, Topics Appl. Phys, 117, 147-158, 20100101
  42. Structural Organization of Catalytic Functions in Mo-Based Selective Oxidation Catalysts, Turning Points in Solid-State, Materials and Surface Science, 507-518, 20080101
  43. Electrochemical Properties of Polyoxometalates as Electrocatalysts, Chem. Rev, 98, 219-237, 19980101
  44. Preparation and structural characterization of tetrabutylammonium salt of mono-ruthenium(III)-substituted alpha-Keggin-type silicotungstates with 4,4'-bipyridine ligande and its electrochemical behaviour in organic solvents, Dalton Trans, 42, 7190-7195, 20130101
  45. Organoruthenium-containing heteropoly-23-Tungstate Family [Ru2L2(alpha-XW11O39)2WO2]m- (L = p-cumen; X = GeIV, SiIV, m = 10; BIII, m = 12), Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, 1742-1747, 20130101
  46. Determination of alpha-Keggin structure of [GeW11O39Ru(III)(H2O)]5-. Reaction of mono-substituted Keggin-type germanotungstate [GeW11O39Ru(III)(H2O)]5- with dimethyl sulfoxide to from [GeW11O39Ru(III)(dmso)]5- and their structural characterization, Dalton Trans, 42, 2540-2545, 20130101
  47. Orthorhombic Mo3VOx catalyst most active for dehydrogenation of ethane among related complex metal oxides, Catal. Sci. & Tech, 3, 380-387, 20130101
  48. An important property of polymer sphere templates for preparation of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) metal oxides by ethylene glycol method: glass transition temperature, Langmuir, 28, 17766-17770, 20120101
  49. Highly efficient and selective sunlight-induced photocatalytic oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanone on an eco-catalyst under a CO2 atmosphere, Green Chem, 14, 1264-1267, 20120101
  50. Sunlight-induced efficent and selective photocatalytic benzene oxidation on TiO2-supported gold nanoparticles under CO2 atmosphere, Chem. Commun, 47, 11531-11533, 20110101
  51. Thermal stability and acid strength of Preyssler-type phosphotungstic acid, H14[P5W30O110Na], and it's catalytic activity for hydroxylation of alkyl acetate, Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem, 637, 2120-2124, 20110101
  52. Redox Tunable Reversible Molecular Sieves: Orthorhombic Molybdenum Vanadium Oxide, Chem. Commun, 47, 10812-10814, 20110101
  53. Preparation and structural characterization of Ru(II)-DMSO and Ru(III)-DMSO-substituted alpha-Keggin-type phosphotungstates, [PW11O39Ru(II)DMSO]5- and [PW11O39Ru(III)DMSO]4-, and catalytic activity for water oxidation, Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem, 637, 1467-1474, 20110101
  54. Preparation and Formation Mechanism of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous (3DOM) MgO, MgSO4, CaCO3, and SrCO3, and Photonic Stop Band Properties of 3DOM CaCO3, J. Solid State Chem, 184, 2299-2305, 20110101
  55. Hydrothermal conversion of FAU zeolite into LEV zeolite in the presence of non-calcined seed crystals, J. Crystal Growth, 325, 96-100, 20110101
  56. Preparation of Crystalline Tungsten Oxide Nanorods with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity under Visible Light Irradiation, Chem. Lett, 40, 443-445, 20110101
  57. Influence of seeding on FAU-*BEA interzeolite conversions, Microporous Mesoporous Mater, 142, 161-167, 20110101
  58. Alpha and beta isomer of tetrahafnium (IV) containing decatungstosilicate [Hf4(OH)6(CH3COO)2(x-SiW10O37)2]12- (x = alpha, beta), Dalton Trans, 40, 2920-2925, 20110101
  59. Influence of starting zeolite on synthesis of RUT type zeolite by interzeolite conversion method, J. Cryst. Growth, 314, 274-278, 20110101
  60. FAU-LEV interzeolite conversion in fluoride media, Microporous Mesoporous Mater, 138, 32-39, 20110101
  61. Influence of structural differences and acidic properties of phosphotungstic acids on their catalytic performance for acylayion of pyruvate ester alpha-acyloxyacrylate ester, Catal. Today, 164, 107-111, 20110101
  62. Incorporation of highly dispersed aluminum into inner surfaces of supermicroporous silica using anionic surfactant, J. Pourous Mater, 18, 493-500, 20110101
  63. Conversion of ethanol to propylene over HZSM-5 type zeolite containing alkaline earth metals, Appl. Catal. A:Gen, 383, 89-95, 20100101
  64. Immobilization of nanofibrous A- and B-site substituted LaMnO3 perovskite-type oxides on macroscopic fiber with carbon nanofibers templates, Mater. Res. Bull, 45, 1330-1333, 20100101
  65. Nano-Scale Hydroxyapatite Formation on Silica Fiber by Using Carbon Nanofibers as Templates, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 10, 5431-5436, 20100101
  66. Preparation of Three-dimensionally Ordered Macroporous LaFeO3 with Tunable Pore Diameters: High Porosity and Photonic Property, J. Solid State Chem, 183, 1365-1371, 20100101
  67. Atomic-Level Imaging of Mo-V-O Complex Oxide Phase intergrowth, Grain Boundaries, and Defects using HAADF-STEM, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 107, 6152-6157, 20100101
  68. Synthesis of 3-D Ordered Macroporous MxH3-xPW12O40 (M = Cs+ and NH4+): Trimodal Micro-, Meso-, and Macropores in CsxH3-xPW12O40 Material, Chem. Lett, 39, 426-427, 20100101
  69. Atomic-Scale Investigation of Two-Component MoVO Complex Oxide Catalysts Using Aberration-Corrected High Annular Dark-Field Imaging, Chem. Mater, 22, 2033-2040, 20100101
  70. Synthesis of high-silica OFF type zeolite by the interzeolite conversion method, Mater. Res. Bull, 45, 646-650, 20100101
  71. Preparation of 3-D Ordered Macroporous Tungsten Oxides and Nano Particulate Tungsten Oxides using a Colloidal Crystal Template Method, and their Structural Characterization and Application as Photocatalysts under Visible Light Irradiation, J. Mater. Chem, 20, 1811-1818, 20100101
  72. Synthesis of single phase Ca-alpha-SiAlON using Y-type Zeolite, J. Euro. Ceramic Soc, 30, 1537-1541, 20100101
  73. Synthesis and Characterization of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous (3DOM) Tungsten Carbide: Application to Direct Methanol Fuel Cells, Chem. Mater, 22, 966-973, 20100101
  74. Mesoporous silicas containing carboxylic acid: Preparation, thermal degradation, and catalytic performance, Appl. Catal. A: Gen, 372, 82-89, 20100101
  75. Preparation of Well-Alloyed PtRu/C Catalyst by Sequential Mixing of the Precursors in a Polyol Method, J. Electrochem. Soc, 156, B1348-B1353, 20090101
  76. An efficient synthesis of alpha-acyloxyacrylate esters as candidate monomers for bio-based polymers by heteropolyacid catalyzed acylation of pyruvate esters, Green Chem, 11, 1666-1674, 20090101
  77. Facile preparation of SBA-15-supported niobic acid (Nb2O5-H2O) catalyst and its catalytic activity, Appl. Catal. A: Gen, 365, 261-267, 20090101
  78. Effect of SnO2 Deposition Sequence in SnO2-Modified PtRu/C Catalyst Preparation on Catalytic Acitivity for Methanol Electro-Oxidation, J. Electrochem. Soc, 156, B862-B869, 20090101
  79. Synthesis, Characterization and Formation Process of Transition Metal Oxide Nanotubes Using Carbon Nanofibers as Templates, J. Solid State Chem, 182, 1587-1592, 20090101
  80. Synthesis of orthorhombic Mo-V-Sb-O by assembly of pentagonal Mo6O21 polyoxometalate building blocks, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 48, 3782-3786, 20090101
  81. Preparation of Nano-Structured Crystalline WO3 and Improved Photochemical Activity for Decomposition of Organic Compounds under Visible Light Irradiation, Chem. Commun, 6552-6554, 20080101
  82. Carbonyl-Ruthenium Substituted alpha-Keggin-Tunstosilicate, [alpha-SiW11O39RuII(CO)]6-: Synthesis, Structure, Redox Studies and Reactivity, Dalton Trans, 6692-6698, 20080101
  83. An Efficient Heteropolyacid Catalyzed Acylation of Pyruvate Esters to alpha-Acyloxyacrylate Esters as Potential Candidate Monomers for Bio-based Polymers, Chem. Commun, 5239-5241, 20080101
  84. Molybdenum-Vanadium based Molecular Sieves with a Microchannel of Corner-Sharing 7-Membered Metal-Oxide-Octahedron Ring, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 47, 2493, 20080101
  85. Nano-scale Hydroxyapatite Coating on Macroscopic Silica Fiber using Carbon Nanofibers as Templates, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn, 81, 380, 20080101
  86. Nano-structuring of complex metal oxides for catalytic oxidation, Catal. Today, 132, 2, 20080101
  87. Facile Preparation of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous (3DOM) Alumina, Iron Oxide, Chromium Oxide, Manganese Oxide, and their Mixed Metal Oxides with High Porosity, Chem. Mater, 19, 5779-5785, 20070101
  88. Immobilization of Nanofibrous Metal Oxides on Microfibers: Macrostructured Catalyst System Functionalized with Nanoscale Fibrous Metal Oxides, Chem. Commun, 4047-4049, 20070101
  89. Crystalline Mo3VOx. Its Unique Structural Property and High Catalytic Performance in Alkane Selective Oxidation, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal, 172, 91-96, 20070101
  90. Dimerization of mono-ruthenium substituted alpha-Keggin-type tungstosilicate [alpha-SiW11O39Ru(III)(H2O)]5- to mu-oxo-bridged dimer in aqueous solution: synthesis, structure, and redox studies, Dalton Trans, 2833-2838, 20070101
  91. Preparation of Mixed Oxide Nanotubes by Precursor-Accumulation on Carbon Nanofiber Templates, Chem. Lett, 36, 258-259, 20070101
  92. Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous (3DOM) Materials of Spinel-type Mixed Iron Oxides; Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Formation Mechanism of Inverse Opals with Skeleton Structure, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn, 80, 677-685, 20070101
  93. Novel Crystalline Mo3VOx Mixed Metal Oxide Catalyst with Trigonal Symmetry, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 46, 1493, 20070101
  94. Vapour phase hydrogenation of phenol over Pd/C catalysts: a relationship between dispersion, metal area and hydrogenation activity, Catal. Comm, 8, 471, 20070101
  95. Shape-Controlled Synthesis of ZrO2, Al2O3 and SiO2 Nanotubes Using Carbon Nanofibers as Templates, Chem. Mater, 18, 4981-4983, 20060101
  96. Structural characterization of mono-ruthenium substituted Keggin-type silicotungstates, Dalton Trans, 4271-4276, 20060101
  97. Three-dimensionally Ordered Macroporous Mixed Iron Oxide; Preparation and Structural Characterization of Inverse Opals with Skeleton Structure, Chem. Lett, 35, 480-481, 20060101
  98. Facile Procedure to prepare Three-dimensionally ordered Macroporous (3DOM) Perovskite-type Mixed Metal Oxides by Colloidal Crystal Templating Method, Chem. Mater, 17, 3546-3551, 20050101
  99. A novel Isopolytungstate functionalized by Ruthenium: [HW9O33Ru(II)(dmso)6]7-, Chem. Comm, 12, 1420-1421, 20040101
  100. Cluster and Polynuclear Compounds. Polyoxomolybdate Clusters: Giant Wheels and Balls, Inorg. Synth, 34, 191-200, 20040101
  101. Synthesis and Electrochemical Behavior of [SiW11O39Ru(III)(H2O)]5- and its oxo-bridged dimeric complex [SiW11O39Ru(IV)ORu(III)SiW11O39]11-, Dalton Trans, 659-664, 20030101
  102. Formation of 1:1 and 2:2 Complexes of Ce(III) with the Heteropolytungstate Anion a2-[P2W17O61]10-, and their Interaction with Proline. The Structure of [Ce2(P2W17O61)2(H2O)8]14-, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans, 63-67, 20020101
  103. Prospects for rational assembly of composite polyoxometalates, Polyoxometalate chemistry for nano-composite design, 17-26, 20020101
  104. Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-, Zinc-, Manganese-, and Cobalt-Substituted Dimeric Heteropolyanions, [(a-XW9O33)2M3(H2O)3]n- (n = 12, X = AsIII, SbIII, M = Cu2+, Zn2+; n = 10, X = SeIV, TeIV, M = Cu2+) and [(a-AsW9O33)2WO(H2O)M2(H2O)2]10- (M = Z, Inorg. Chem, 40, 4742-4749, 20010101
  105. Chiral Polyoxotungstates. 1. Stereoselective interaction of amino acids with enantiomers of [CeIII(a1-P2W17O61)(H2O)x]7-. The structure of DL-[Ce2(H2O)8(P2W17O61)]14-, Inorg. Chem, 40, 2715-2719, 20010101
  106. Formation of unsymmetrical polyoxotungstates via transfer of polyoxometalate building blocks. NMR evidence supports the kinetic stability of the pentatungstate anion, [W5O18]6-, in aqueous solution, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 123, 2087-2088, 20010101
  107. Controlled Assembly of Polyoxometalate Chains from Lacunary Building Blocks and Lanthanide Cation Linkers, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 36, 2914-2916, 20000101
  108. Electrochemical Oxidation of (R)-4-Hydroxy-2-pyrrolidon: a Key Building Block for Stereoselective N-Acyliminium Ion Coupling Reactions, Tetrahedron, 55, 14407-14420, 19990101
  109. Co-solvent Effects on the Redox Potentials of Manganese-Substituted a-Keggin Type Silicon Polyoxotungstate K6SiW11O39Mn(H2O): First Electrochemical Generation of the Manganese(V) Redox System in Aqueous Environment, Acta Chem. Scand, 53, 837-841, 19990101
  110. Application of Transition Metal Substituted alpha-Keggin Silicon Polyoxotungstates as Oxidation Electrocatalyst, Novel Trends in Electroorganic Synthesis, Ed, 139-142, 19980101
  111. Electrogenerated N, O-Acetals in Cyclization and Cycloaddition Reactions, Novel Trends in Electroorganic Synthesis, Ed, 55-60, 19980101
  112. A [3+2] Annulation Procedure for the Synthesis of Bicyclic Methylenepyrrolidines, Synlett, 95-96, 19970101
  113. Development of Transition Metal Complexes as Redox Reagents and Redox Catalysts, Organic Synthesis via Organometallics (OMS 5), Ed, 253-278, 19960101
  114. Investigation of the manganese-substituted a-Keggin-heteropolyanion K6SiW11O39Mn(H2O) by cyclic voltammetry and its application as oxidation catalyst, J. Mol. Catal., A: Chemical, 114, 221-228, 19960101
  115. Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylative [2+2] Cycloaddition for the Stereoselective Synthesis of Either cis- or trans-3-Alkenyl b-Lactams, J. Org. Chem, 59, 3040-3046, 19940101
  116. Carbonylative [2+2] Cycloaddition for the Contruction of b-Lactam Skelton with Palladium Catalyst, Tetra. Lett, 34, 6553-6556, 19930101
  117. Synthesis of Chromones and Quinolones via Pd-Catalyzed Carbonylation of o-Iodophenols and Anilines in the Presence of Acetylenes, Tetrahedron, 49, 6773-3784, 19930101
  118. Palladium-Catalyzed Facile Access to 2-Aryl-4-dialkylaminoquinolines, Synlett, 513-514, 19920101
  119. Organic Iodide Aided Carbonylation of Terminal Acetylenes with Palladium Catalyst, Chem. Lett, 1673-1676, 19910101
  120. Synthesis of Orthorhombic Mo-V-Sb Oxide Species by Assembly of Pentagonal Mo(6)O(21) Polyoxometalate Building Blocks, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 48(21), 3782-3786, 2009
  121. An efficient synthesis of alpha-acyloxyacrylate esters as candidate monomers for bio-based polymers by heteropolyacid-catalyzed acylation of pyruvate esters, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 11(10), 1666-1674, 2009
  122. Synthesis of 3-D Ordered Macroporous MxH3-xPW12O40 (M = Cs+ and NH4+): Trimodal Mirco-, Meso-, and Macropores in CsxH3-xPW12O40 Material, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 39(4), 426-427, 20100305
  123. Influence of starting zeolite on synthesis of RUT type zeolite by interzeolite conversion method, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 314(1), 274-278, 20110101
  124. Mesoporous silicas containing carboxylic acid: Preparation, thermal degradation, and catalytic performance, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 372(1), 82-89, 20100105
  125. Synthesis and Characterization of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous (3DOM) Tungsten Carbide: Application to Direct Methanol Fuel Cells, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 22(3), 966-973, 20100209
  126. Preparation of 3-D ordered macroporous tungsten oxides and nano-crystalline particulate tungsten oxides using a colloidal crystal template method, and their structural characterization and application as photocatalysts under visible light irradiation, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 20(9), 1811-1818, 2010
  127. Synthesis of single phase Ca-alpha-SiAlON using Y-type zeolite, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 30(6), 1537-1541, 201004
  128. Atomic-level imaging of Mo-V-O complex oxide phase intergrowth, grain boundaries, and defects using HAADF-STEM, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 107(14), 6152-6157, 20100406
  129. Synthesis of high-silica offretite by the interzeolite conversion method, MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 45(5), 646-650, 201003
  130. Preparation of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous perovskite-type lanthanum-iron-oxide LaFeO3 with tunable pore diameters: High porosity and photonic property, JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, 183(6), 1365-1371, 201006
  131. Conversion of ethanol to propylene over HZSM-5 type zeolites containing alkaline earth metals, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 383(1-2), 89-95, 20100731
  132. Preparation and Structural Characterization of Ru-II-DMSO and Ru-III-DMSO-substituted alpha-Keggin-type Phosphotungstates, [(PW11O39RuDMSO)-D-II](5-) and [(PW11O39RuDMSO)-D-III](4-), and Catalytic Activity for Water Oxidation, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE, 637(11), 1467-1474, 201109
  133. FAU-LEV interzeolite conversion in fluoride media, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 138(1-3), 32-39, 201102
  134. Alpha and beta isomers of tetrahafnium(IV) containing decatungstosilicates, [Hf-4(OH)(6)(CH3COO)(2)(x-SiW10O37)(2)](12-) (x = alpha, beta), DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 40(12), 2920-2925, 2011
  135. Influence of seeding on FAU-*BEA interzeolite conversions, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 142(1), 161-167, 201106
  136. Influence of structural differences and acidic properties of phosphotungstic acids on their catalytic performance for acylation of pyruvate ester to alpha-acyloxyacrylate ester, CATALYSIS TODAY, 164(1), 107-111, 20110430
  137. Effect of acidity of ZSM-5 zeolite on conversion of ethanol to propylene, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 399(1-2), 262-267, 20110331
  138. Preparation of Crystalline Tungsten Oxide Nanorods with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity under Visible Light Irradiation, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 40(5), 443-445, 20110305
  139. Hydrothermal conversion of FAU zeolite into LEV zeolite in the presence of non-calcined seed crystals, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 325(1), 96-100, 20110615
  140. Synthesis of high-silica CHA type zeolite by interzeolite conversion of FAU type zeolite in the presence of seed crystals, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 144(1-3), 91-96, 201110
  141. Preparation and formation mechanism of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) MgO, MgSO4, CaCO3, and SrCO3, and photonic stop band properties of 3DOM CaCO3, JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, 184(8), 2299-2305, 201108
  142. Incorporation of highly dispersed aluminum into inner surfaces of supermicroporous silica using anionic surfactant, JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS, 18(4), 493-500, 201108
  143. Redox tunable reversible molecular sieves: orthorhombic molybdenum vanadium oxide, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 47(38), 10812-10814, 2011
  144. Sunlight-induced efficient and selective photocatalytic benzene oxidation on TiO2-supported gold nanoparticles under CO2 atmosphere., Sunlight-induced efficient and selective photocatalytic benzene oxidation on TiO2-supported gold nanoparticles under CO2 atmosphere., 47(41), 11531-11533, 2011
  145. Thermal Stability and Acidic Strength of Preyssler-Type Phosphotungstic Acid, H14[P5W30O110Na] and It's Catalytic Activity for Hydrolysis of Alkyl Acetates, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE, 637(14-15), 2120-2124, 201112
  146. Highly efficient and selective sunlight-induced photocatalytic oxidation of cyclohexane on an eco-catalyst under a CO2 atmosphere, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 14(5), 1264-1267, 2012
  147. Determination of α-Keggin structure of [GeW11O39Ru(III)(H2O)]5-. Reaction of [GeW11O39Ru(III)(H2O)]5- with dimethyl sulfoxide to form [GeW11O39Ru(III)(dmso)]5- and their structural characterization., Determination of α-Keggin structure of [GeW11O39Ru(III)(H2O)]5-. Reaction of [GeW11O39Ru(III)(H2O)]5- with dimethyl sulfoxide to form [GeW11O39Ru(III)(dmso)]5- and their structural characterization., 42(7), 2540-2545, 2013
  148. An orthorhombic Mo3VOx catalyst most active for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane among related complex metal oxides, CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 3(2), 380-387, 2013
  149. Important property of polymer spheres for the preparation of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) metal oxides by the ethylene glycol method: the glass-transition temperature., Important property of polymer spheres for the preparation of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) metal oxides by the ethylene glycol method: the glass-transition temperature., 28(51), 17766-17770, 2012
  150. Effects of Au Loading and CO2 Addition on Photocatalytic Selective Phenol Oxidation over TiO2-Supported Au Nanoparticles, CHEMCATCHEM, 5(3), 766-773, 201303
  151. Organoruthenium-Containing Heteropoly-23-Tungstate Family [{Ru(L)}(2)(alpha-XW11O39)(2)WO2](m-) (L = benzene, p-cymene; X = Ge-IV, Si-IV, m=10; B-III, m=12), EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 1742-1747, 201304
  152. One-pot synthesis of microporous and mesoporous (NH4)(3)PW12O40 by reaction of in-situ generated PW12O403- with NH4+ in a strongly acidic solution, MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 48(10), 4157-4162, 201310
  153. Preparation of tetrabutylammonium salt of a mono-Ru(III)-substituted α-Keggin-type silicotungstate with a 4,4'-bipyridine ligand and its electrochemical behaviour in organic solvents., Preparation of tetrabutylammonium salt of a mono-Ru(III)-substituted α-Keggin-type silicotungstate with a 4,4'-bipyridine ligand and its electrochemical behaviour in organic solvents., 42(19), 7190-7195, 2013
  154. Synthesis of Novel Orthorhombic Mo and V Based Complex Oxides Coordinating Alkylammonium Cation in Its Heptagonal Channel and Their Application as a Catalyst, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 25(11), 2211-2219, 20130611
  155. Characterization of layered silicate HUS-5 and formation of novel nanoporous silica through transformation of HUS-5 ion-exchanged with alkylammonium cations, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 1(34), 9680-9688, 2013
  156. High Potential of Interzeolite Conversion Method for Zeolite Synthesis, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 56(4), 183-197, 201307
  157. First synthesis of SAPO molecular sieve with LTL-type structure by hydrothermal conversion of SAPO-37 with FAU-type structure, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 179, 224-230, 20130915
  158. Precisely designed layered silicate as an effective and highly selective CO2 adsorbent, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 49(79), 9027-9029, 2013
  159. An Efficient Way to Synthesize Hiroshima University Silicate-1 (HUS-1) and the Selective Adsorption Property of Ni2+ from Seawater, BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 87(1), 160-166, 20140115
  160. Tetrahedral Connection of epsilon-Keggin-type Polyoxometalates To Form an All-Inorganic Octahedral Molecular Sieve with an Intrinsic 3D Pore System, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 53(2), 903-911, 20140120
  161. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Isomers of Ru-Substituted Keggin-Type Germanotungstate with dmso Ligand, JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE, 25(3), 755-770, 201405
  162. Synthesis and characteristics of novel layered silicate HUS-7 using benzyltrimethylammonium hydroxide and its unique and selective phenol adsorption behavior, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2(10), 3372-3380, 201406
  163. Functionalization of Layered Titanates, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 14(3), 2135-2147, 201403
  164. Facile Synthesis of AEI Zeolites by Hydrothermal Conversion of FAU Zeolites in the Presence of Tetraethylphosphonium Cations, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 43(3), 302-304, 20140305
  165. ★, Preparation and redox studies of a1- and a2-isomers of mono-Ru-substituted Dawson-type phosphotungstates with a DMSO ligand: [a1/a2-P2W17O61Ru(II)(DMSO)](8-)., Inorg. Chem., 53(7), 3526-3539, 2014
  166. Design of Layered Silicate by Grafting with Metal Acetylacetonate for High Activity and Chemoselectivity in Photooxidation of Cyclohexane, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 6(7), 4616-4621, 201409
  167. Preparation and Characterization of Preyssler-type Phosphotungstic Acid, H15n[P5W30O110Mn], with Different Encapsulated Cations (M = Na, Ca, Bi, Eu, Y, or Ce), and their Thermal Stability and Acid Catalyst Properties, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE, 640(7), 1314-1321, 201406
  168. Recreation of Bronsted acid sites in phosphorus-modified HZSM-5(Ga) by modification with various metal cations, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 481, 161-168, 201406
  169. Hydrothermal conversion of FAU and *BEA-type zeolites into MAZ-type zeolites in the presence of non-calcined seed crystals, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 196, 254-260, 201409
  170. Investigation of the formation process of zeolite-like 3D frameworks constructed with epsilon-Keggin-type polyoxovanadomolybdates with binding bismuth ions and preparation of a nano-crystal, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 43(36), 13584-13590, 2014
  171. Preparation of microporous and mesoporous (NH4)3PW12O40 by a reaction of in-situ generated PW12O403- with NH4+ in strong acidic solution and catalytic activity for ethylacetate hydration, Materials Research Bulletin, 48, 4157-4162, 2013
  172. Structure and electrochemical activity of WOx-supported PtRu catalyst using three-dimensionally ordered macroporous WO3 as the template, Journal of Power Sources, 241, 728-735, 2013
  173. Selective carbon dioxide adsorption of epsilon-Keggin-type zincomolybdate-based purely inorganic 3D frameworks, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 3(2), 746-755, 201502
  174. Synthesis of high-silica AEI zeolites with enhanced thermal stability by hydrothermal conversion of FAU zeolites, and their activity in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 3(2), 857-865, 201502
  175. Incorporation of Heteropolyacids into Layered Silicate HUS-2 Grafted with 3-(Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane, BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 87(12), 1379-1385, 201412
  176. Redox Treatment of Orthorhombic Mo29V11O112 and Relationships between Crystal Structure, Microporosity and Catalytic Performance for Selective Oxidation of Ethane, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 119(13), 7195-7206, 20150402
  177. Preparation and Structural Characterization of Mono-Ru-Substituted (2)-Dawson-Type Phosphotungstate with a Carbonyl Ligand and Other Ru(CO)-Substituted Heteropolytungstates, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2714-2723, 201506
  178. Highly active and selective Ti-incorporated porous silica catalysts derived from grafting of titanium(IV)acetylacetonate, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 3(29), 15280-15291, 201503
  179. Synthesis of titanated chabazite with enhanced thermal stability by hydrothermal conversion of titanated faujasite, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 215, 58-66, 20151001
  180. ★, Ultrathin inorganic molecular nanowire based on polyoxometalates, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 6, 7731, 201507
  181. Design of Microporous Material HUS-10 with Tunable Hydrophilicity, Molecular Sieving, and CO2 Adsorption Ability Derived from Inter layer Silylation of Layered Silicate HUS-2, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 7(43), 24360-24369, 20151104
  182. Fimbriae Expression by Edwardsiella tarda in High-salt Culture Conditions, FISH PATHOLOGY, 50(4), 207-212, 201512
  183. ★, Cation Effect on Formation of Preyssler-type 30-Tungsto-5-phosphate: Enhanced Yield of Na-encapsulated Derivative and Direct Synthesis of Ca- and Bi-Encapsulated Derivatives, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE, 641(15), 2670-2676, 201512
  184. One-pot Synthesis of Phosphorus-modified AEI Zeolites Derived by the Dual-template Method as a Durable Catalyst with Enhanced Thermal/Hydrothermal Stability for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx by NH3, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 45(2), 122-124, 20160205
  185. Accelerating discovery of new materials for selective oxidation catalysts, 50(2), 177-178, 20080310
  186. Molecular Recognitive Adsorption of Aqueous Propionic Acid on Hiroshima University Silicate-2 (HUS-2), 42(3), 244-246, 20130305
  187. Conversion of Ethanol into Propylene over TON Type Zeolite, 56(1), 22-31, 20130101
  188. Effect of Structure-Directing Agents on FAU–CHA Interzeolite Conversion and Preparation of High Pervaporation Performance CHA Zeolite Membranes for the Dehydration of Acetic Acid Solution, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 86(11), 1333-1340, 2013
  189. Incorporation of heteropolyacids into layered silicate HUS-2 grafted with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 1379-1385, 2014
  190. Role of structural similarity between starting zeolite and product zeolite in the interzeolite conversion process., Role of structural similarity between starting zeolite and product zeolite in the interzeolite conversion process., 13(4), 2013
  191. Preparation of alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-isomers of mono-Ru-substituted Dawson-type phosphotungstates with an aqua ligand and comparison of their redox potentials, catalytic activities, and thermal stabilities with Keggin-type derivatives, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 45(9), 3715-3726, 2016
  192. Synthesis of Vanadium-Incorporated, Polyoxometalate-Based Open Frameworks and Their Applications for Cathode-Active Materials, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 1242-1250, 201603
  193. Synthesis of phosphorus-modified small-pore zeolites utilizing tetraalkyl phosphonium cations as both structure-directing and phosphorous modification agents, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 223, 129-139, 20160315
  194. Nanosized CHA zeolites with high thermal and hydrothermal stability derived from the hydrothermal conversion of FAU zeolite, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 225, 524-533, 20160501
  195. New crystalline complex metal oxides created by unit-synthesis and their catalysis based on porous and redox properties, FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, 188, 81-98, 2016
  196. Lanthanoid Template Isolation of the alpha-1,5 Isomer of Dicobalt(II)-Substituted Keggin Type Phosphotungstates: Syntheses, Characterization, and Magnetic Properties, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 55(17), 8292-8300, 20160905
  197. Acidic Ultrafine Tungsten Oxide Molecular Wires for Cellulosic Biomass Conversion, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 55(35), 10234-10238, 20160822
  198. Encapsulation of Two Potassium Cations in Preyssler-Type Phosphotungstates: Preparation, Structural Characterization, Thermal Stability, Activity as an Acid Catalyst, and HAADF-STEM Images, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 55(21), 11583-11592, 20161107
  199. Synthesis of epsilon-Keggin-Type Cobaltomolybdate-Based 3D Framework Material and Characterization Using Atomic-Scale HAADF-STEM and XANES, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 56(4), 2042-2049, 20170220
  200. The Assembly of an All-Inorganic Porous Soft Framework from Metal Oxide Molecular Nanowires, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 23(8), 1972-1980, 201702
  201. Structural Dependence of the Effects of Polyoxometalates on Liposome Collapse Activity, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 46(4), 533-535, 201704
  202. Synthesis of Crystalline Microporous Mo-V-Bi Oxide for Selective (Amm)Oxidation of Light Alkanes, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 29(7), 2939-2950, 20170411
  203. Synthesis, Characterization, and Structure of a Reduced Preyssler-type Polyoxometalate, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 46(4), 602-604, 201704
  204. Incorporation of various heterometal atoms in CHA zeolites by hydrothermal conversion of FAU zeolite and their performance for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with ammonia, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 246, 89-101, 20170701
  205. Synthesis of crystalline molybdenum oxides based on a 1D molecular structure and their ion-exchange properties, NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 41(11), 4503-4509, 20170607
  206. Design of a highly active base catalyst through utilizing organic-solvent-treated layered silicate Hiroshima University Silicates, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 46(23), 7441-7450, 20170621
  207. High-Performance Cathode Based on Microporous Mo-V-Bi Oxide for Li Battery and Investigation by Operando X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 9(31), 26052-26059, 20170809
  208. Two New Sandwich-Type Manganese {Mn5}-Substituted Polyoxotungstates: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, Electrochemistry, and Magnetic Properties, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 56(15), 8759-8767, 20170807
  209. Thermally stable nanosized LEV zeolites synthesized by hydrothermal conversion of FAU zeolites in the presence of N,N-dimethylpiperidinium cations, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 5(36), 19245-19254, 20170928
  210. Structural Characterization of 2D Zirconomolybdate by Atomic Scale HAADF-STEM and XANES and Its Highly Stable Electrochemical Properties as a Li Battery Cathode, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 56(22), 14306-14314, 20171120
  211. Ultrathin Anionic Tungstophosphite Molecular Wire with Tunable Hydrophilicity and Catalytic Activity for Selective Epoxidation in Organic Media, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 23(69), 17497-17503, 20171211
  212. ★, Preparation of Preyssler-type Phosphotungstate with One Central Potassium Cation and Potassium Cation Migration into the Preyssler Molecule to form Di-Potassium-Encapsulated Derivative, ACS OMEGA, 3(2), 2363-2373, 201802
  213. Reactivity of a (Benzene)Ruthenium(II) Cation on a Di-lacunary -Keggin-Type Silicotungstate and Synthesis of a Mono-(Benzene)Ruthenium(II)-Attached -Keggin-Type Silicotungstate, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 1778-1786, 20180508
  214. A supramolecular photocatalyst composed of a polyoxometalate and a photosensitizing water-soluble porphyrin diacid for the oxidation of organic substrates in water, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 20(9), 1975-1980, 20180507
  215. Synthesis of phosphorus-modified AFX zeolite using a dual-template method with tetraethylphosphonium hydroxide as phosphorus modification agent, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 267, 192-197, 20180901
  216. Highly Active Layered Titanosilicate Catalyst with High Surface Density of Isolated Titanium on the Accessible Interlayer Surface, CHEMCATCHEM, 10(12), 2536-2540, 20180621
  217. A zeolitic vanadotungstate family with structural diversity and ultrahigh porosity for catalysis, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9, 20180917
  218. Stepwise Gel Preparation for High-Quality CHA Zeolite Synthesis: A Common Tool for Synthesis Diversification, CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 18(9), 5652-5662, 201809
  219. Synthesis and characterization of carbonate-encapsulated ytterbium- and yttrium-containing polyoxotungstates, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY, 74, 1355-+, 201811
  220. Facile synthesis of highly crystalline EMT zeolite by hydrothermal conversion of FAU zeolite in the presence of 1,1'-(1,4-butanediyl)bis(1-azonia-4-azabicyclo [2,2,2]octane) dihydroxide, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 274, 299-303, 20190115
  221. A Sandwich Complex of Bismuth Cation and Mono-Lacunary alpha-Keggin-Type Phosphotungstate: Preparation and Structural Characterisation, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 357-362, 20190131
  222. A Self-Assembled Heterometallic {Co-7-Ho-1} Nanocluster: 3d-4f Trimeric Keggin-Type Silicotungstate [HoCo7Si3W29O108(OH)(5) (H2O)(4)](18-) and its Catalytic and Magnetic Applications, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 430-436, 20190131
  223. Zeolite hydrothermal conversion in the presence of various cyclic alkylammonium cations and synthesis of nanosized BEA and MFI zeolites, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 277, 115-123, 20190315
  224. Syntheses, and Crystal Structures of Y-III Containing Di-Metal Substituted 1,5 Isomers of Heterometallic Tungstophosphate Nanoclusters: [Y{PM2W10O38(H2O)(2)}(2)](11-)(M = Co-II and Zn-II), CHEMISTRYSELECT, 4(9), 2538-2544, 20190307
  225. Phosphorus modified small-pore zeolites and their catalytic performances in ethanol conversion and NH3-SCR reactions, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 575, 204-213, 20190405
  226. Redox-Active Zeolitic Transition Metal Oxides Based on epsilon-Keggin Units for Selective Oxidation, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 58(9), 6283-6293, 20190506
  227. Hydrothermal Conversion of Titanated FAU to AEI Zeolite and Its Enhanced Catalytic Performance for NOx Reduction, ADVANCED POROUS MATERIALS, 4(1), 62-72, 201606
  228. Photocatalytic Activation of C-H Bonds by Spatially Controlled Chlorine and Titanium on the Silicate Layer, ACS CATALYSIS, 9(6), 5742-5751, 201906
  229. Thermal Behavior, Crystal Structure, and Solid-State Transformation of Orthorhombic Mo-V Oxide under Nitrogen Flow or in Air, ACS OMEGA, 4(8), 13165-13171, 201908
  230. Intramolecular Electron Transfer and Oxygen Transfer of Phosphomolybdate Molecular Wires, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 58(18), 12272-12279, 20190916
  231. Synthesis of GME zeolite with high porosity by hydrothermal conversion of FAU zeolite using a dual-template method with tetraethylphosphonium and N,N-dimethyl-3,5-dimethylpiepridinium hydroxides, JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS, 26(5), 1345-1352, 201910
  232. Immobilizaion of Preyssler type heteropoly acids on siliceous mesporous supports and their catalytic activities in the dehydration of ethanol, REACTION KINETICS MECHANISMS AND CATALYSIS, 128(1), 139-147, 201910
  233. Self-Assembled Tetrameric Lanthanide-Containing Germanotungstates [(Ln(2)GeW(10)O(38))(4)(W3O8)(OH)(4)(H2O)(2)](26-): Syntheses, Crystal Structure, Photoluminescence and Electrochemical Properties., CHEMISTRYSELECT, 4(43), 12668-12675, 20191122
  234. Multi-dimensional Crystal Structuring of Complex Metal Oxide Catalysts of Group V and VI Elements by Unit-Assembling, TOPICS IN CATALYSIS, 62(17-20), 1157-1168, 201911
  235. Formation Pathway of AEI Zeolites as a Basis for a Streamlined Synthesis, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 32(1), 60-74, 20200114
  236. Synthesis of Preyssler-Type Phosphotungstate with Sodium Cation in the Central Cavity through Migration of the Ion, BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 93(3), 461-466, 202003
  237. New Path for Polyoxometalates: Controlled Synthesis and Characterization of Metal-Substituted Tungstosulfates, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2020(8), 682-689, 20200228
  238. Metal-substituted tungstosulfates with Keggin structure: synthesis and characterization, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 49(9), 2766-2770, 20200307
  239. High-quality synthesis of a nanosized CHA zeolite by a combination of a starting FAU zeolite and aluminum sources, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 49(29), 9972-9982, 20200807
  240. Solid-State Ion Migration in the Preyssler-Type Phosphotungstate for the Preparation of the Dipotassium Cation-Encapsulated Derivative, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE, 646(15), 1297-1302, 20200814
  241. Effective Factor on Catalysis of Niobium Oxide for Magnesium, ACS OMEGA, 5(34), 21906-21912, 20200901
  242. Triple-template system for phosphorus-modified AFX/CHA intergrowth zeolite, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 309, 20201215
  243. Synthesis of Phosphorus-Modified AFX Zeolite by the Hydrothermal Conversion of Tetraalkylphosphonium Hydroxide-Impregnated FAU Zeolite, BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 94(1), 1-7, 202101
  244. Vanadium-Enhanced Intramolecular Redox Property of a Transition-Metal Oxide Molecular Wire, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 59(22), 16557-16566, 20201116
  245. Ultrahigh Proton Conduction via Extended Hydrogen-Bonding Network in a Preyssler-Type Polyoxometalate-Based Framework Functionalized with a Lanthanide Ion, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 13(16), 19138-19147, 20210428
  246. Multiple templating strategy for the control of aluminum and phosphorus distributions in AFX zeolite, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 321, 202107
  247. Structural Characterization of Cerium-encapsulated Preyssler-type Phosphotungstate: Additional Evidence of Ce(III) in the Cavity, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE, 647(11), 1239-1244, 20210611
  248. Poly(triethylene glycol methyl ether methacrylate) hydrogel as a carrier of phosphotungstic acid for acid catalytic reaction in water, MATERIALS ADVANCES, 2(11), 3556-3559, 20210607
  249. Isolation and characterization of hirame aquareovirus (HAqRV): A new Aquareovirus isolated from diseased hirame Paralichthys olivaceus, VIROLOGY, 559, 120-130, 202107
  250. Zeolitic Octahedral Metal Oxides with Ultra-Small Micropores for C-2 Hydrocarbon Separation, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 60(33), 18328-18334, 20210809
  251. Catalytic Activities of Various Niobium Oxides for Hydrogen Absorption/Desorption Reactions of Magnesium, ACS OMEGA, 6(36), 23564-23569, 20210914
  252. Structure and Thermal Transformations of Methylammonium Tungstate, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE, 647(19), 1930-1937, 20211012
  253. Single-Molecule Magnetic, Catalytic and Photoluminescence Properties of Heterometallic 3d-4f [Ln{PZn2W10O38(H2O)(2)}(2)](11-) Tungstophosphate Nanoclusters, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2021(37), 3819-3831, 20211007

Publications such as books

  1. 2015, Perovskite and Related Oxides, Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous (3DOM) Perovskite Mixed Metal Oxide, 2015, Book(general), Joint work, English, Masahiro Sadakane, Wataru Ueda

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Synthesis of Supra-ceramics using polyoxometalates, Masahiro Sadakane, Annual meeting of Japan Ceramics Society, Satellite program, The 4th meeting of Supra-ceramics, 2024/03/13, With Invitation, Japanese
  2. Solid State Heat-promoted Synthesis and Acid-promoted Synthesis of Polyoxomolybdate from Methylammonium Monomolybate, Masahiro Sadakane, Ndaru C. Sukmana, Sugiarto, Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science (FMOCS)-VII, 2023/04/14, Without Invitation, English, FMOCS organizing committee, Taragona, Spain
  3. Catalytic activity of -oxo dimer of mono-ruthenium substituted -Keggin-type heteropolytungstates for water oxidation, Masahiro Sadakane, 2012 OCARINA Annual International Meeting, 2013/03/04, With Invitation, English, Oosaka
  4. Synthesis and characterization of Ru(CO) substituted heteropolytungstates, Masahiro Sadakane, International Symposium on Metal-Oxo Cluster Sciences: Exploring Novel Possibilities, 2018/08/05, With Invitation, English, Nippon University, Tokyo
  5. Reactivity of Ru sources with heteropolytungstates and reactivity of Ru containing heterpolytungstates, Masahiro Sadakane, ICCC2018, 2018/08/01, With Invitation, English, ICCC2018, Sendai, Japan
  6. Synthesis and redox of Ru-substituted heteropolytungstates, Masahiro Sadakane, International Forum in Metal Oxide Cluster Science, 2017/08/25, With Invitation, English, Kaifen ZhongZhou International Hotel, Kaifen, China
  7. Synthesis and application of Preyssler-type phosphotungstates with different encapsulated cations, Masahiro Sadakane, The Fifth International Symposium of Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science (FMOCS V), 2017/08/22, With Invitation, English
  8. Ultrathin Inorganic Nanowire based on Polyoxometalate, Masahiro Sadakane, Zhenxin Zhang, Nobuhiro Yasuda, Norihito Hiyoshi, Wataru Ueda, Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science-VI (FMOCS-VI), 2019/08/19, With Invitation, English


  1. 2007/04/15, BCSJ Award, The chemical society of Japan, Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous (3DOM) Materials of Spinel-type Mixed Iron Oxides; Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Formation Mechanism of Inverse Opals with Skeleton Structure

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. ‐, 2020//1/2/, 2023//0/9/
  2. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), 2021, 2023
  3. Adaptable and Seamless Technology transfer Program through targetdriven R&D(A-STEP), 2021/05/01, 2022/03/31
  4. Strategic Basic Research Programs(PRESTO), 2010/10/01, 2014/03/31
  5. KAKENHI, 2014, 2016
  6. KAKENHI, 2012, 2014
  7. KAKENHI, Development of new heteropoly acid catalysts, 2009, 2011
  8. KAKENHI, 2008, 2009
  9. KAKENHI, Creation of octahedral metal oxide molecular sieves and their new catalytic functions, 2008, 2010
  10. KAKENHI, Nano structurizing and new oxidation catalyst development of perovskite compound oxide by structuralo rganics assistance, 2006, 2007
  11. KAKENHI, Construction of cluster lattice structured mixed metal oxides using unit synthesis and it's catalytic selective oxidation, 2004, 2005
  12. KAKENHI, 2004, 2006
  13. KAKENHI, Mechanism of carbon nanotube formation on metal supported on zirconia-based fine particles, 2002, 2004
  14. KAKENHI, Formation of metal oxide cluster lattice and catalytic oxidation properties, 2001, 2002
  15. KAKENHI, Structure engineering of functional solid catalysts by unit-network methodology, 2011, 2013
  16. KAKENHI, 2015
  17. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), 2018, 2020
  18. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas), 2018, 2019

Social Activities

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. 2014/04, 2014/09
  2. ZMPC2012, Local Organizing Committee, 2011/09, 2012/08
  3. Kick-Off Meeting of EPSRC-JSPS Core-to-Core Collaboration in Advanced Materials International Network on Polyoxometalate Science for Advanced Energy Materials and NANOXCAT French-Japan International Associate Laboratory, Organizer, 2019/07, 2019/06