Nobuyuki Chikudate

Last Updated :2025/02/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor

Basic Information

Educational Backgrounds

  • University at Buffalo-State University of New York, USA, 1987/09, 1990/06
  • The Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health, behavioral science, USA, 1990/09, 1991/08

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., University at Buffalo-State University of New York
  • Master of Arts, Arizona State University

Research Fields

  • Social sciences;Management;Management
  • Complex systems;Social / Safety system science;Social systems engineering / Safety system
  • Social sciences;Psychology;Educational psychology
  • Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy;Society medicine;Medical and hospital management

Research Keywords

  • crisis management and resilience in organizations
  • organizational wrongdoings
  • critical management studies
  • organization theory
  • organizational culture
  • corporate culture
  • qualitative research methods
  • phenomenology
  • corporate social responsibility
  • business ethics

Affiliated Academic Societies

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, First Semester, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Special Lectures(Business Administration)
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Organization Theory
  4. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Research Method and Ethics for Humanities and Social Sciences(Japanese Class) Students enrolled before AY 2023
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Research Method and Ethics for Humanities and Social Sciences(Japanese Class)Students enrolling in AY 2024 or later
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Research Literacy
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Organization Theory
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Corporate Social Responsibility

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. ★, The curse of the #1 carmaker: Toyota's crisis (2019 Emerald Literati Award), Critical Perspectives on International Business, 14(1), 66-82, 201811
  2. ★, Beyond natural disaster vs. man-made disaster debates on an explosion of a nuclear power plant. (AOM 2016 ONE-Kedge Unorthodox Paper Award/ nominated for AOM 2016 Carolyn Dexter Award), Proceedings of the Seventy-sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Best Paper Proceedings), 1-5, 20160808
  3. ★, A messy inquiry into some causes of the Toyota Recall Crisis 2010. (Past President Best Paper Award Nominee), 55th Annual Meeting of the Western Academy of Management, 7-7, 20140319
  4. ★, If human errors are assumed as crimes in a safety culture: A lifeworld analysis of a rail crash, Human Relations, 62(9), 1267-1287, 200909
  5. ★, A phenomenological approach to inquiring into an ethically bankrupted organization: A case study of a Japanese company, Journal of Business Ethics, 28(1), 59-71, 20001101
  6. ★, The state of collective myopia in Japanese business communities: A phenomenological study for exploring blocking mechanisms for change, Journal of Management Studies, 36(1), 69-86, 19990101
  7. ★, Collective myopia and disciplinary power behind the scenes of unethical practices: A diagnostic theory on Japanese organization, Journal of Management Studies, 39(3), 289-307, 20020501
  8. Unpacking the lived experiences of corporate bribery: A phenomenological analysis of the common sense in the Indonesian business world, Social Responsibility Journal, 19(3), 446-459, 202302
  9. Starting Over in Newly Normal Lives after Grief and Chaos in Fukushima., Academy of Management 2021 Conference Best Paper Proceedings, 1(1), 10771-10776, 20210726
  10. ★, Generating reflexivity from partnership formation: A phenomenological reasoning on the partnership between a Japanese pharmaceutical corporation and Western laboratories, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 35(3), 287-305, 19990901
  11. Reinterpreting corporate apologia as self‐discipline, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 15(4), 397-409, 2010
  12. Unpacking the lived experiences of corporate bribery: a phenomenological analysis of the common sense in the Indonesian business world, Social Responsibility Journal, 19(3), 446-459, 202301
  13. ★, Collective myopia and defective higher educations behind the scenes of ethically bankrupted economic systems: A reflexive note from a Japanese University and taking a step toward transcultural dialogues, Journal of Business Ethics, 38(3), 205-225, 20020701
  14. ★, Exploring the life-world of organization by linguistic oriented phenomenology in sub-cultural analysis of organization: A comparison between Japanese and U.S. Banks, Management International Review, 37(2), 169-183, 19970401
  15. Communication network liaisons as cultural interpreters for organizational adaptation in Japan-Europe business environments, Management International Review, special issue(2), 27-37, 19950401
  16. Understanding bribery and Islamic ethics in organizations: A phenomenological study, 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy, 521-526, 2018
  17. Religious influences on the rationalization of corporate bribery in Indonesia: a phenomenological study, Asian Journal of Business Ethics, 10, 85-102, 20210519

Publications such as books

  1. 2015/10/08, Collective Myopia in Japanese Organizations: A Transcultural Approach for Identifying Corporate Meltdowns, Collective myopia has been the downfall of Japanese organizations, from the collapse of the financial systems at the turn of the century and the subsequent wrongdoings in Japanese blue-chip companies nearly a decade later. This book examines collective myopia and its role in global business through various case studies of Japanese organizations, including the Tokyo Electric Power Company. Drawing on European philosophies including phenomenology, critical theories, post-structuralism, and postmodernism, this book engages transcultural learning and will inform students and researchers interested in business ethics, corporate crisis management, and white-collar crimes from a global perspective., organizational culture corporate culture phenomenology hermeneutics interpretation corporate wrongdoings corporate crisis Husserl Schutz Berger Luckmann Foucault Habermas Gadamer Rioeur Meleau-Ponty Japanese corporations, Palgrave macmillan, 2015, 10, Scholarly Book, Single work, English, Nobuyuki Chikudate, 9781137450845, 240
  2. 2013/03/26, Handbook of Asian Management , Our understanding of management in Asia has not kept pace with the demands of managers and students. The Handbook of Asian Management provides in-depth critical reviews of central topics in strategy and organizational behavior research in Asian contexts. Leading scholars take stock of what has been learned and give clear directions towards greater rigor and relevance for research in this region., The Double-Edged Sword of Organizational Culture in Asia: Toward Transnational Reflexive Dialogues, Asia, managemernt, cross-cultural, organizational culture, critical theory, ethics, corporate wrongdoings, Confucianism, China, Korea, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2013, 03, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語/English, Kwok Leung, Steven White, Jai B. P. Sinha, Kluwant Singh, Michael Carney, Eric Gedajlovic, Lu Yuan, Gary Bruton, Hailin Lan, Nitin Pangarker, John E. Butler, Stephen Ko, Wai Chamormarn, Nobuyuki Chikudate, Dayl Koehn, Alicia S. M. Leung, Oded Shenkar, Zhixing Xiao, Steven K, Su, Chun Hui, Jessica Y. Y. Kwong, Cynthia Lee, Dean Tjosvold, Alfred Wong, Chun Hui, Richard, W. Brislin, Brent R. Mc Nab, Mara Olekalns, Catherine H. Tinsley, Susan E. Brodt, K. Yee Ng, Soon Ang, 1475788398, 544, 19, 245-263
  3. 2019/05, Responsible People: The Role of the Individual in CSR, Entrepreneurship and Management Education, Corporate Wrongdoing and Reputational Risk: A Genealogical Analysis of Toyota's Recall Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 5, Scholarly Book, Compilation, 英語, 2662-1304, 283, 259-277
  4. 2013/09/13, Asia and Europe in the New Global System: Intercultural Cooperation and Competition Scenarios, This book examines the need for cooperation between Europe and Asia, particularly in view of China's accession to the WTO. It looks at the cultural implications for closer cooperation between the two parts of the world, exploring corporate culture and leadership in integration management through mergers and acquisitions. It then goes onto discuss whether the world is big enough for several cultures or whether further integration will result in homogenization., Limitations and Potentials of Intercultural Communication in Unethical Business Conventions: A Theoretical Scrutiny of Intercultural Communication, Business Ethics, Habermasian Discourse Ethics and Foucaultian Aethetics, intercultural communication, business ethics, Habermas, Foucault, Palgrave macmillan, 2003, 10, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, Tetsuo Obo, Hasegawa Harukiyo, Kenji Suzuki, Ulrich Jurgens, Martin Hemmert, Sayeeda Bano, Zahiruddin Ghazali, Mohamad Hanapi Mohamad, Romdej Phisalaphong, Tadamasa Imaguchi, Xinjian Li, Dieter Beschorner, Thoraiya Younes, Mohamad Hanapi Mohamad, Zahiruddin Ghazali, Zahiruddin Gazali, Norlida Abdul Manab, Rusmawati Ismail, Nurwati Ashikkin Ahmad Zaluki, Habibah Tolos and Munauwar Mustaffa, Akira Kuroda, Nobuyuki Chikudate, Hendrik Meyer-Ohle, Fred Robins, B00FDR1DK6, 325, 21, 262-282
  5. 2021/04/01, Yearbook 2021 Bartosz Makowicz (ed.) Global Ethics, Compliance & Integrity, Justifying Corporate Bribery through Islam and Cultural Traditions in Indonesia: A Phenomenological Approach, business ethics bribery Islam Indonesia, Peter Lang, 2021, 4, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, Nobuyuki Chikudate, Nadiatus Salama, 978-3-631-82935-6, 563
  6. 2013/09/13, The Dynamics of Japanese Organizations, This book assessess the organizational flexibility and pragmatism of Japanese management styles and contrasts this with Western management approaches which focus more closely on patterns of stability. Issues in change and organizational renewal are covered by analysing the dynamic processes by which a Japanese company organizes itself, exploring such areas as networks, informatics, quality control circles and human systems management., Communicating through On-line Database Systems: A Strategy for Monitoring Corporate Environments, crisis communication, environmental monitoring, boudary spanning, Routledge, 2013, 9, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, Tsuyoshi Numagami, Toshizumi Ohta, Ikujiro Nonaka, Haruo Hata, Charles Adamson, Magoroh Maruyama, Vera Calenbuhr, Tetsuori Koizumi, Haruo Takagi, Kenshu Kikuzawa, Shigekazu Ishihara, Keiko Ishihara, Mitsuo Nagamachi, Alfredo Pinochet, Frank-Jurgen Richter, Yoshiya Teramoto, Milan Zeleny, Nobuyuki Chikudate, Kenji Tanaka, B00FDR1DK6, 208, 11, 178-188


  1. 2021/07/29, Academy of Management Conference 2021 PNP Division Best Paper, Academy of Management, Starting Over in Newly Normal Lives after Grief and Chaos in Fukushima
  2. 2019/10/08, Emerald Literati Awards 2019, Publishing Director, Emerald Publishing Limited
  3. 2016/08/08, Academy of Management ONE Kedge Unorthodox Paper Award 2016, Academy of Management, Beyond Natural Disaster vs. Man-Made Disaster Debates on an Explosion of a Nuclear Power Plant
  4. 2016/08, Academy of Management Carolyn Dexter Award 2016 Nominee, Academy of Management, Beyond Natural Disasters vs. Man-Made Disaster Debates on an Explosion of a Nuclear Power Plant
  5. 2014, Western Academy of Management Conference Past President Best Paper Award Finalist, Western Academy of Management, A Messy Inquiry into Some Causes of the Toyota Recall Crisis 2010
  6. 2001/08, Academy of Management Conference Management Education and Development Division Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management
  7. 1998/08, Academy of Management Conference Management Education and Development Division Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management

Social Activities

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. 2020, Asian Journal of Case Studies, Others, reviewer, 2