Last Updated :2024/12/02
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
- E-mail
- hkawaguchihiroshima-u.ac.jp
Basic Information
Major Professional Backgrounds
- 2013/04/01, 2015/03/31, Shiga University, Lecturer
- 2015/04/01, 2017/03/31, Shiga University, Associate Professor
- 2017/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education, Associate Professor
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. (Education), Hiroshima University
- Master of Arts in Citizenship and Global Education, University of York
- Hiroshima University
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Lecture on Civics Education
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Teaching Method of Civic Education
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Seminar of Social Studies Education
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Practice in Teaching B
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Teaching Practice at Junior and Senior High School I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Teaching Practice at Junior and Senior High School II
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Teaching Practice at High School III
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Introduction of Teaching Practice for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 1Term, Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Social Studies Education)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Social Studies Education)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 3Term, Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Social Studies Education)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Social Studies Education)
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Research Methods and Ethics for Educational Sciences(Japanese Class) Students enrolled before AY 2023
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Research Methods and Ethics for Educational Sciences(Japanese Class)Students enrolling in AY 2024 or later
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Study in Social Studies Education (Social Studies, Civics) B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Study in Social Studies Education (Social Studies, Civics) B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Basic Study in Comparative Curriculum Design
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Advanced Study in Comparative Curriculum Design
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Study
- 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Study
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- The Characteristics of the History Education Content structure for Intercultural Dialogue in a Multicultural Society, Hiroshima journal of school education, 30, 27-36, 20240315
- How Did High School Students Perceive Democracy?: The case of the high school Japanese history unit Taisho Democracy, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University. Studies in education, 4, 71-80, 20231222
- The Challenges of Addressing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)inclusion in the Japanese classroom, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University. Studies in education, 4, 51-60, 20231222
- the characteristics of the citizenship curriculum in Digital Age, 28, 21-29, 20220331
- Educating teachers as designers: The potentials of Kyouzai Kenkyuu in Social Studies teacher education, 20(3), 174-195, 20211015
- How did the Japanese School Teachers perceive the school changes in relation to COVID-19?, 26(2), 1-6, 20210930
- No More Wars, Friedenserziehung in Japan, Wissenschaft & Frieden, 2021(3), 28-31, 20210730
- Kyoka kyoikugaku kenkyu as Collaborative Research with Diverse Practitioners and Researchers, The bulletin of Japanese curriculum research and development, 43(4), 61-68, 20210331
- How do civics teachers in Austria uniderstand political neutrality and practice it?, 92, 1-12, 20200331
- Teacher Education for Social Justice: case studies of Japanese and Norwegian educators, 51-62, 20200331
- How do Japanese teachers become teacher educators in higher education?, 26, 87-94, 20200320
- Strategies for Teacher Educators Including the Perspective of Diversity into Pre-Service Teacher Training in Japan : From the Perspective of Pedagogy and Systems, 71, 109-126, 20200131
- Teacher education for diversity: equity and tolerance-oriented approaches for teacher educators, Journal of Japan association of universities of education, 37, 135-144, 20190330
- How to plan and conduct Japanese history lesson aiming to promote historical inquiry: A case study of " Sekkan seiji to insei", 25, 67-76, 20190320
- How Do European Researchers in Education Define Their Social Responsibilities?:A Comparative Study of Three Researchers in Charge of Subject Pedagogy, The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development, 42(3), 41-54, 2019
- How was "Political Entity" been discussed on the research field of social studies education?, The Japanese Journal of Educational Objectives and Evaluation Studies, 28, 29-38, 20181220
- A Qualitative Study of the Process of Development for Initial Teacher Educator, 41(1), 35-46, 201806
- A Qualitative Study of the Process of Development for Initial Teacher Educators::The Influence of Experiences as TA on Identity Development, The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development, 41(1), 35-46, 2018
- What Japanese High School Teachers Say About Social Studies, The Journal of Social Studies Education, 6, 97-112, 201703
- Trends in Theoretical Research in Social Studies Education in 2014, The Journal of Social Studies, 2015(125), 96-107, 2015
- An Approach of Social Studies Curriculum Design by Teachers : The Case Study of a Japanese History Teacher in High School, Journal of Japanese Educatinal Research Associaon for the Social Studies, 80(0), 9-20, 2014
- American Researchers' Perceptions of the Purposes and Methods of Social Studies Education Research, The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development, 37(1), 85-94, 2014
- The Reform of Construction of Citizenship Curriculum to Correspond with the Social Change : A case of Citizenship in the 1999 National Curriculum in England, Journal of Japanese Educatinal Research Associaon for the Social Studies, 73(0), 21-30, 2010
Publications such as books
- Social Studies Education in East Asian Context, "This is a matter of survival": The collaboration between education for disaster prevention and social studies education in Japan, Routledge, 2021, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, Jongsung Kim, Hiromi Kawaguchi and Sho Murata, 193, 11
- Lesson Study-Based Teacher Education, All routes lead to Lesson Study: Lesson Study in method courses for teacher preparation, Routledge, 2021, 5, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, 219
- Lesson Study-Based Teacher Education, Introduction: The potentials of Lesson Study-based teacher education, Routledge, 2021, 5, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, 219, 7
- 2021/05/27, Lesson Study-based Teacher Education: The Potential of the Japanese Approach in Global Settings, Routledge, 2021, 05, Scholarly Book, Joint editor, 英語, 219
- Social Studies Education in East Asian Context, Beyond the pendlum? Social Studies Curriculum in Japan, Routledge, 2021, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 英語, 193
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Exploration of How History Teacher Education Programs in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Prepare History Teachers to Teach Difficult Histories, Jongsung Kim, Hiromi Kawaguchi, Yu-Han Hung,, 2023 NCSS IA Annual Meeting, 2023/12/01, Without Invitation, English, National Council for the Social Studies, Music City Center,Nashville, USA
- Exploration of how history teacher education programs in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan prepare history teachers to teach difficult topics, Yu-Han Hung, Jongsung Kim and Hiromi Kawaguchi, Projects in Progress (PIP), College & University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies 2023 Annual Conference, 2023/11/29, Without Invitation, English, National Council for the Social Studies, Nashville, Tenessee, USA
- Exploration of History Teacher Education in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, Yu-Han Hung, Hiromi Kawaguchi, Jongsung Kim,, College & University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies 2023 Annual Conference, 2023/11/29, Without Invitation, English, National Council for the Social Studies, Nashville, Tennesse, USA
- "What We Observed Was Not the Same": A Case of Comparing Five Lesson Study Teacher Edcators' Lesson Analysis of the Same Lesson, Jongsung Kim, Nariakira Yoshida, Hiromi Kawaguchi, Shotaro Iwata, WALS(The World Association of Lesson Studies) Conference 2023, 2023/11/28, Without Invitation, English, WALS(The World Association of Lesson Studies), Zwolle, the Netherlands
- Exploration of Teachers Teaching WWII of Asian Context in Taiwan, Korea, and Japan, Yu-Han Hung, University of Houston Downtown, TX
Jongsung Kim, Hiroshima University, Japan
Hiromi Kawaguchi, Hiroshima University, Japan, the 2023 AERA Annual Meeting, 2023/04/12, Without Invitation, English, American Educational Research Association, Chicago
- Minority teachers and teacher education for social justice, Kitayama, Y, Hashizaki, Y, Kawaguchi, H, Comparative and International Education Society 2023, 2023/02/22, Without Invitation, English, Comparative and International Education Society, Washinton, D.C, USA
- Japanese Social Studies Teachers Perceptions about Teaching Controversial Issues, Hiromi KAWAGUCHI, Jongsung KIM, Ryouto TANAKA, ShinyaTAMAI, Comparative and International Education Society 2023, 2023/02/20, Without Invitation, English, Comparative and International Education Society, Washinton, D.C, USA
- Exploration of Pre-service history teacher education in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan., Hiromi Kawaguchi, Jongsung Kim, Yu-Han Hung, 2022 NCSS IA Annual Meeting, 2022/12/02, Without Invitation, English, National Council for the Social Studies, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA
- Exploration of teachers' teaching WW2 of Asian context in Taiwan, Korea and Japan, Yu-Han Hung, Jongsung Kim, Hiromi Kawaguchi, College & University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies 2022 Annual Conference, 2022/11/30, Without Invitation, English, National Council for the Social Studies, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA
- Doing Lesson Study about Lesson Study, Jongsung Kim, Nariakira Yoshida, Shotaro Iwata, and Hiromi Kawaguchi, Jongsung Kim, Nariakira Yoshida, Shotaro Iwata, and Hiromi Kawaguchi, WALS(World Association for Lesson Studies) 2022, Kuala Lumpur, 2022/09/21, Without Invitation, English, World Association for Lesson Studie, Kuala Lumpur
- The Possibilities and Challenges of History Education for Historical Reconciliation:
Teaching WWII in East Asia, Jongsung Kim,Yu-Han Hung, Hiromi Kawaguchi, 2022 AERA ANNUAL MEETING, 2022/04/26, Without Invitation, English, American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, USA
- Teachers’ perceptions about New History Education, Hiromi Kawaguchi, International Seminar on Social Studies and History Education, 2018/11/06, With Invitation, English, UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA
- Crossing boundaries, Learning from others:
Reimagining citizenship education in global age, Hiromi Kawaguchi, 5th National Conference for Social Studies Education., 2019/04/25, With Invitation, English, organization of social studies teachers in the Philippine, University of Philippine
- Teacher Education for inclusive and culturally sensitive classroom: Case studies of two educators from Japan and Norway, Yuka Kitayama, Hiromi Kawaguchi, Ryosuke Minamiura and Yoriko Hashizaki, World Education Research Association Focal Meeting in Tokyo, 2019/08/07, Without Invitation, English, World Education Research Association, Gakushuin University, Tokyo
- "It is important...But" A case study of Japanese social Studies preservice teachers struggling for teaching controversial issues,, Jongsung Kim and Hiromi Kawaguchi,, World Education Research Association Focal Meeting in Tokyo, 2019/08/07, Without Invitation, English, Gakushuin University, Tokyo
- How did Japanese teacher educators change their identity through a workshop?, Shotaro Iwata, Hiromi Kawaguchi and Anja Swennen, 44th Annual conference of the association of teacher education in Europe, 2019/08/16, Without Invitation, English, Association of teacher education in Europe, Bath Spa university, UK
- Can second-order concepts change Japanese history classroom?
A case study of Japanese history teachers, the Graz conference, 2020/11/12, Without Invitation, English, University of Graz, zoom
- Exploring Students Historical Significance on the Use of the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima During World War II. Students in Japan and U.S. Make a Better Hiroshima Textbook, Jongsung Kim, Kazuhiro Kusahara, Rebecca Valbuena, Yusuke Tatara, Hiromi Kawaguchi, Mizuki Hoshi, the 100th NCSS International Assembly Conference, 2020/12/04, Without Invitation, English, NCSS, Washington D.C., USA
- Listening to others, Listening to myself: A case study from Japan, Hiromi Kawaguchi, Citizenship, Human Rights, and Social Justice Education:
Facilitating Positive Change Through Theory and Action, 2021/04/16, Without Invitation, English, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Reimagining global citizenship education, Hiromi Kawgauchi, 6th International Seminar on Social Studies and History Education, 2021/11/08, With Invitation, English, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
- Teaching WWII in Asia: History Education and Historical Reconciliation, Jongsung Kim,Yu-Han Hung, Hiromi Kawaguchi, 2021 NCSS IA Annual Meeting Program, 2021/11/18, Without Invitation, English, National Council for the Social Studies, On-line
- The struggle of knowledgeable other: Examining the role of a university-based teacher educator in lesson study, Hiromi Kawaguchi, World Association of Lesson Study, 2021/11/29, Without Invitation, English, World Association of Lesson Study
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- 2013/08, 2016/03
- 2016/04/01, 2019/03/31
- 2017/04/01, 2020/03/31
- 2017
- 2019/04/01, 2022/03/31
- 2015/04/01, 2016/03/31
Social Activities
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- 2020/10
- 2017/10
Other Social Contributions
- Peace Promotion Project Team Hiroshima Prefecture Government, Theory of Curriculum Development, 2017/11/13, Lecturer, Others, General
- Peace Promotion Project Team Hiroshima Prefecture Government, Textbook and diversity of children, 2018/06/21, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, Teachers
- How Social studies answer the needs of society, How Social studies answer the needs of society, Japanese Educational Research Association for the Social Studies and International Social Studies Association, 2018/10/20, Organizing Member, Seminar or workshop, Researchesrs