Last Updated :2025/02/04

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences(Health Sciences), Associate Professor
Web Site
After I had nursing foundation education and some clinical work experience in Japan, I had studied from undergraduate (bridging course to be a RN in Australia) to doctoral course at Flinders University in Adelaide. I have been involved in disaster nursing and health since. While I was working at Flinders University, I had worked as a Consultant at WHO Kobe Centre to support the 3rd World Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction which was held in Sendai. I believe that it is more important to communicate each other from non-disaster period so that we can work better when it is a disaster situation. My key word is to work and collaborate GLOCAL.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2015/07, 2019/03, Flinders University, College of Nursing and Heath Sciences, Lecturer
  • 2009/03, 2014/03, Flinders University, Disaster Research Centre, Research Assistant
  • 2002/04, 2004/03, Kobe City College of Nursing, Nursing Management Laboratory, Instructor
  • 2014/07, 2015/07, WHO Centre for Health Development, Emergency Health Management, Consultant

Educational Backgrounds

  • Flinders University, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Doctor of Philosophy, Australia, 2004/03, 2008/12
  • Flinders University, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Master of Nursing, Australia, 2000/02, 2001/12
  • Flinders University, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Bachelor of Nursing, Australia, 1999/02, 1999/12
  • Kobe City Junior College of Nursing, Diploma of Nursing, Diploma of Nursing, Japan, 1991/04, 1994/03

Academic Degrees

  • Flinders University
  • Flinders University

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Nursing

Research Fields

  • Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy;Nursing;Community health nursing

Research Keywords

  • disaster nursing, disaster medicine, resilience, community, disaster risk reduction, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, nursing education, community nursing, primary care nursing, international collaboration

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Japan Academy of Nursing Science
  • World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine, 2009/03
  • Japan Society of Disaster Nursing, 2019/09
  • Japanese Association for Disaster Medicine, 2019/09
  • Japan Primary Care Association, 2019/10

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Human health and the society
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Collaborative Online International Seminar A
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Integrated Clinical Practice
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Clinicobiochemistry
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, English for Health Sciences
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Social Welfare
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduate thesis
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Disaster medicine and nursing
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Nursing in Global Health
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Community nursing practice
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Clinical practice in community nursing I
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Clinical practice in community nursing II
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Clinical Practice in Community and Home Health Nursing I
  14. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, English for Health Sciences
  15. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Social Welfare
  16. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Emergency Medicine and Risk Management
  17. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Emergency Medicine and Risk Management
  18. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Social Welfare
  19. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, English for health sciences
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Multidisciplinary Cooperation A
  21. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 2Term, Multidisciplinary Cooperation B
  22. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Advanced Lecture on Health Science 2(Qualitative Research)
  23. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Research Methodology in Health Science
  24. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Research Methodology in Health Science
  25. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Lecture on Nursing Education
  26. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Short-term Fieldwork

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Exploring key capacities: Insights from assessing the resilience of the public health system before and after the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 20241023
  2. Strengthening Public Health System Resilience to Disasters in Türkiye: Insights from a Scorecard Methodology, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 202408
  3. How is primary care nursing embedded in nursing undergraduate curricula: A mixed-method study from four countries, Journal of General and Family Medicine, 20240822
  4. Scoping review of exploring the roles of primary care providers to increase disaster preparedness of vulnerable populations, Progress in Disaster Science, 23, 20240603
  5. Face-to-face versus 360° VR video: a comparative study of two teaching methods in nursing education, BMC NURSING, 23(1), 20240325
  6. Prioritizing Strategies for Building the Resilience of Public Health Systems to Disasters Across Multiple Communities and Countries, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK SCIENCE, 15(1), 1-17, 202402
  7. Strategies for Strengthening the Resilience of Public Health Systems for Pandemics, Disasters, and Other Emergencies, DISASTER MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH PREPAREDNESS, 17, 20230905
  8. Development of a Scale to Measure Nursing Difficulties Experienced by Migrant Nurses : A Cross-sectional Study, 202310
  9. Disaster preparedness of Hiroshima community health nurses: A mixed-method study, PROGRESS IN DISASTER SCIENCE, 20, 202312
  10. Exploring educational program for specialisation of the primary care nursing role, Science Impact Ltd, 2023(2), 19-21, 2023
  11. Exploring Advanced Nursing Practice in Australian disasters: A scoping Review, Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing, 10(1), 5-17, 20230117
  12. Establishing best practice for the implementation of evacuation centres for vulnerable populations: A comparative analysis of the Australian and Japanese experience, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION, 79, 202209
  13. Lived-Experience of Women's Well-Being in the Cyclone Shelters of Coastal Bangladesh, PREHOSPITAL AND DISASTER MEDICINE, 37(4), 437-443, 202208
  14. Establishing best practice for the implementation of evacuation centres for vulnerable populations: A comparative analysis of the Australian and Japanese experience, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,, 79, 20220704
  15. Lived Experiences of COVID-19 Patients With Pulmonary Involvement: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology, CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH, 31(4), 747-757, 202205
  16. Effect of a tailored multidimensional intervention on the care burden among family caregivers of stroke survivors: a randomised controlled trial, BMJ OPEN, 12(2), 202202
  17. Lived Experiences of COVID-19 Patients With Pulmonary Involvement: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology, Clinical Nursing Research, 1-11, 2022
  18. Lived experience of Womens wellbeing in the Cyclone Shelters of Coastal Bangladesh, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 20220428
  19. Establishing Best Practice for the Implementation of Evacuation Centres for Vulnerable Populations: A Comparative Analysis of the Australian and Japanese Experience, SSRN Electronic Journal, 20211211
  20. Exploring scope of practice of Australian Nurses working in Disasters, Collegian, 20211209
  21. Effect of a Tailored Multidimensional Intervention on the Care Burden among Family Caregivers of Stroke Survivors: A Randomised Controlled Trial, BMJ Open, 12:e049741, 20220107
  22. Understanding the experiences of women in disasters: lessons for emergency management planning, Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 37(1), 72-77, 20220101
  23. Ethical challenges of nurses related covid-19 pandemic in inpatient wards: an integrative review, Ethics, Medicine and Public Health, 2021
  24. Nurses' Roles in Nursing Disaster Model: A Systematic Scoping Review, Iranian Journal of Public Health, 20210430
  25. Shared decision-making for women facing an unplanned pregnancy: A qualitative study, Nurs Health Sci, 22(4), 1186-1196, 202012
  26. ★, Best practice for evacuation centres accommodating vulnerable populations: A literature review, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
  27. Developing New Information Sheets for Evacuees and Evacuation Centers to be Used During All Natural Disaster Phases, PREHOSPITAL AND DISASTER MEDICINE, 35(6), 683-687, 202012
  28. Effect of a tailored multidimensional intervention on the care burden among family caregivers of stroke survivors: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, BMJ Open, 10(12), 41637, 202012
  29. Shared decision-making for women facing an unplanned pregnancy: A qualitative study, NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES, 22(4), 1186-1196, 202012
  30. Developing New Information Sheets for Evacuees and Evacuation Centers to be Used During All Natural Disaster Phases, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 2020
  31. Effect of a tailored multidimensional intervention on the care burden among family caregivers of stroke survivors: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, BMJ OPEN, 10(12), 2020
  32. Nursing Students’ Roles and Experiences of Disasters in A Nursing School, Padjadjaran Nursing Journal (Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran), 7(1), 38-48, 20190412
  33. The experience of older people in Japan four years after the tsunami., Collegian, 26(1), 125-131, 2018
  34. Existing approaches to chemical, biological and radiological and nuclear (CBRN) education and training for health professionals: Findings from an integrative literature review., Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 33(2), 182-190, 2018
  35. Experiences of civilian nurses in triage during the Iran-Iraq War: An oral history., Chinese Journal of Traumatology, 20(5), 288-292, 2017
  36. Experiences of the civilian Iranian operating room nurses: A historical survey of the Iran-Iraq war. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, 3(1) pp. 41-51., Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, 3(1), 41-51, 2016
  37. ★, Spanish influenza of 1918-19: The extent and spread in South Australia., Australasian Epidemiologist, 22(1), 48-54, 2015
  38. Disaster survivors: A narrative approach towards emotional recovery, Emergency Management Australia, 29(2), 25-30, 2014
  39. Disaster health after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 29(1), 54-59, 2014
  40. What was the role of nurses during the 2011 Great East Earthquake of Japan? An integrative review of the Japanese literature. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 29(3) pp. 275-279., Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 29(3), 275-279, 2014
  41. Arbon, P.A., Ranse, J., Cusack, L., Considine, J., Shaban, R., Woodman, R., et al. (2013). Australasian emergency nurses' willingness to attend work in a disaster: A survey., Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 16(2), 52-57, 2013
  42. Exploring staff willingness to attend work during a disaster: A study of nurses employed in four Australian emergency departments, Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 16(3), 103-109, 2013
  43. Medical relief for the 2011 Japan earthquake: A nursing account, Nursing and Health Sciences, 16(1), 26-30, 2013
  44. Literature review of disaster health research in Japan: Focusing on disaster nursing education, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 27(2), 178-183, 2012
  45. Celebrating the end of school life: A pilot study., Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 27(1), 13-17, 2012
  46. A literature review of disaster nursing competencies in Japanese nursing journals., Collegian, 17(4), 161-173, 2010
  47. Piloting a mass gathering conceptual framework at an Adelaide Schoolies Festival., Collegian, 17(4), 183-191, 2010
  48. Volunteer experiences in community housing during the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, Japan., Nursing and Health Sciences, 11(4), 357-359, 2009
  49. Governing nursing: curriculum as a rhetorical vehicle using South Australian nursing schools from the 1950s onwards as an illustrative case, Contemporary Nurse, 30(2), 142-155, 2008
  50. Evidence of the effectiveness of aroma therapeutic abdominal massage, Kobe City College of Nursing Kiyo, 9, 113, 2005
  51. The study on nursing education and management topics in the bachelor education, Kobe City College of Nursing Partnership Research Outcome Report (Year 2003), 20040331
  52. National survey of the nursing educational topic in the Bachelor of Nursing curriculum, 看護学教育, 44(11), 1009-1014, 2004
  53. For the better nursing practice – the case of Australia, The Japanese Journal of Nursing Education, 45(10), 1009-1014, 2003
  54. An oral history of Japanese nursing: Voices of five senior nurses who have experienced nursing since the 1950s., Contemporary Nurse, 12(2), 176-184, 20020313

Publications such as books

  1. 2018/05, The Clinical Placement: An Essential Guide for Nursing Students, Elsevier, 2018, 0523, Textbook, Others, 072954284X
  2. 2021/09/30, WHO guidance on research methods for health emergency and disaster risk management, WHO guidance on research methods for health emergency and disaster risk management, World Health Organization, 2021, 0930, Textbook, Others, 9789240032286
  3. 2022/04/24, Disaster Nursing, Primary Health Care and Communication in Uncertainty, Disaster health in shelters in Japan, Springer Nature, 2022, 04, Scholarly Book, Joint work, English, Kako, M., Hutton, A., Kanbara, S., 978-3-030-98297-3, 4354
  4. 2021/11/01, Japan Primary Care Association Basic Training Handbook 3rd Edition., Disaster Medicine, N_anzando, 2021, 1101, Textbook, Joint work, 日本語, 978-4-525-20213-2, 425-431

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. CAN CULTURAL COMPETENCY BE IMPROVED THROUGH DISATER RESILIENCE AND HEALTH COLLABORATIVE LEARNING (COIL)?, Mayumi Kako1, Chie Teramoto1, Yoko Shimpuku1, Mayumi Kako1, Chie Teramoto1, Yoko Shimpuku, The 8th International Research Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing, 2024/12/01, Without Invitation, English, The World Society of Disaster Nursing, Kobe, Japan
  2. SCOPING REVIEW OF DISATER NURSING IN Türkiye: THE IMPLICATIONS AND THE WAY FORWARD, Ismail Tayfur, Perihan Şimşek, Abdülkadir Gündüz, Mayumi Kako,, Ismail Tayfur, Perihan Şimşek, Abdülkadir Gündüz, Mayumi Kako,, The 8th International Research Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing, 2024/11/30, Without Invitation, English, The World Society of Disaster Nursing, Kobe Japan
  3. Utilization of the scorecard application for multiple countries, UNDRR Symposium on Disaster Resilience for Global Cities, Mayumi Kako, The 2nd World Health City Forum, 2024/11/12, With Invitation, English, World Health City Forum, Songdo Convensia
  4. Health professionals and community disaster risk reduction activities in Japan, Mayumi Kako, Designing Health Education Campaigns on Disaster Preparedness, 2024/10/29, With Invitation, English, DiponegoroUniversity, Faculty of Public Health, online
  5. Enhancing Society Capabilities in Disaster Preparedness and Pre-Hospital Emergencies for a Better Health System, Mayumi Kako, Hilarius 2024, 2024/10/05, With Invitation, English, Nursing Student Association (Himika) of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing at Gadjah Mada University w, Gadjah Mada University
  6. Disaster nursing and community disaster risk reduction activities in Japan, Mayumi Kako, Disaster Nursing (Bachelor Degree): Community and public health readiness in Disaster, 2024/09/18, With Invitation, English
  7. Using a Scorecard Approach: Promoting Multisectoral Communication to Create a Resilient Public Health Care System, Mayumi Kako, The 6th International Conference on Healthcare, SDGs and social Buisiness, 2024/08/28, With Invitation, English, Social Tech Summit 2024, Hiroshima
  8. Reccomendations for public health system resilience building after the 2023 Kahmaranmarash earthequake: A scorecard implementation study, Ismail Tayfur, Mayumi Kako, Abdülkadir Gündüz, Md Moshiur Rahman, Perihan Şimşek, Benjamin Ryan, Shelby Garner, Burcu Bayramoğlu, Chie Teramoto, Yosuke Takada, The 6th International Conference on Healthcare, SDGs and social Buisiness, 2024/08/28, Without Invitation, English, Social Tech Summit 2024, Hiroshima
  9. Clinical pearls sustaining primary care during disasters, Nahoko Harada, Atsushi Obata, Naho Yoshimoto, Toshiaki Saito, Mayumi kako, Satoshi Saito, Shogo Ogisaka, Akira Takahashi, Masatoshi Koda, The 15th Japan Primary Care Association Annual Conference, 2024/06/08, With Invitation, Japanese, Japan Primary Care Association, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka.
  10. Nursing Experience in Radiological and Nuclear Agent Exposure, Mayumi Kako, Bezmialem International Disaster Nursing symposium II, 2024/03/07, With Invitation, English, Nursing Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences Bezmialem Vakif University's Continuing Education Application and Research Center, Turkyie
  11. Developing traininig material to protect cultural safety during disaster health activities, Mayumi Kako, Miki Marutani, Hiroko Okuda, Susumu Fukita, The 29th annual meeting of Japan Association for Disaster Medicine, 2024/02/22, Without Invitation, Japanese
  12. Shaping the future of nursing - empowering commnutiy and connecting each other, Mayumi Kako, Afet ve Hemşirelik Uluslararası Katılımlı Sempozyum, 2023/02/19, With Invitation, English, UMKE-DER, Online
  13. Learning from the international earthquake experience -the role of health professionals in a disaster, Mayumi Kako, Rethinking Organization in Earthquake Zones Turkey, 2024/02/02, With Invitation, English, Rethinking Organization in Earthquake Zones conference board, Online
  14. Disaster nursing and cultural competency, Mayumi Kako, 4th International 7th National Intercultural Nursing Congress, 2023/12/01, With Invitation, English, Intercultural Nursing Association, Koç University Nursing Faculty and Vehbi Koç Foundation Health Institutions, Turkey
  15. COIL: learning effectiveness to promote health in creating resilient community against disasters, Mayumi Kako, Chie Teramoto, Yoko Shimpuku, Mayumi Kako, Chie Teramoto, Yoko Shimpuku, The 43rd Japan Society of Nursing Science, 2023/12/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, The 43rd Annual Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, Shimonoseki
  16. Resilience of Public Healthcare Systems for 'Build Back Better': An evaluation analysis using a scorecard approach, Ismail Tayfur, Mayumi Kako, Abdülkadir Gündüz, Md Moshiur Rahman, Benjamin Ryan, Perihan Şimşek, Shelby Garden, Burcu Bayramoğlu, Tuğçe Öztür, Chie Teramoto, Yosuke Takada, Ismail Tayfur, Mayumi Kako, Abdülkadir Gündüz, Md Moshiur Rahman, Benjamin Ryan, Perihan Şimşek, Shelby Garden, Burcu Bayramoğlu, Tuğçe Öztür, Chie Teramoto, Yosuke Takada, SDMPH 10 Year Anniversary Conference & Annual Meeting 10 Years On: Building the Discipline of Disaster Medicine and Public Health, 2023/12/04, Without Invitation, English, Society for Disaster Medicine and Public Health, Washington DC, USA
  17. What We Should Have Learned from Earthquakes? - Mayumi Kako, Mayumi Kako, 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 2023/11/06, With Invitation, English, Turkey Emergency Medicine Foundation, Turkey, Antalya
  18. How are you organising the disaster nursing lecture?, Takada, Y., Watanabe, K., Kako, M., Japan disaster nursing society 25th annual meeting, 2023/09/02, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Soceity of Disaster Nursing, Himeji
  19. JPCA Primary Care Disaster Assistant Team Kick Off symposium: expectations from DMAT/DPAt/DHEAT, 14th Japan Primary Care Association Annual Congress, 2023/05/14, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Primary Care Association, Nagoya
  20. Education of Disaster Nursing in Japan and Nurses' preparedness for earthquakes, Mayumi Kako, 1st International 21st National Congress of Nursing Students, 2023/05/12, Without Invitation, English, National nursing Students Congress, Ondukuz Mayis University Turkey
  21. Utilization of Regular Ships as Hospital Ships in a Disaster Situation: A Trial Report from Japan, Yosuke Takada, Hiroshi Nakamura, Mayumi Kako, WADEM 2023, 2023/05/10, Without Invitation, English
  22. Scoping Review of Exploring Primary Health Care Providers Services to Increase Vulnerable Population Disaster Preparedness, Perihan Simsek, Nahoko Harada, Mayumi Kako, WADEM 2023, 2023/05/10, Without Invitation, English, WADEM, Killaney, Ireland
  23. Exploring the Experience and Well-being of Female Evacuees in Coastal Bangladesh through a Phenomenological Lens, Tazrina Chowdhury, Paul Arbon, Mayumi Kako, Malinda Steenkamp, Alison Hutton, WADEM 2023, 2023/05/10, Without Invitation, English, WADEM, Killaney, Ireland
  24. Systematically Identifying and Evaluating Strategies for Strengthening Community Resilience, Benjamin Ryan, Mayumi Kako, Bryan Brooks, Moshiur Rahman, Sohel Rahman, Mike Hardin, Raymond Swienton, Jeremy Novak, Rok Fink, Perihan Simsek, WADEM 2023, 2023/05/09, Without Invitation, English
  25. Exploring Advanced Nursing Practice in Australian Disasters: A Scoping Review, Alison Hutton, Lisa Conlon, Mayumi Kako, Rhonda Wilson, Jamie Ranse,, WADEM Congress, 2023/05/09, Without Invitation, English, WADEM, Killaney, Ireland
  26. Progressing the international collaboration research: Learning from research activities with students from Bangladesh, Michiko Moriyama, Mayumi Kako, Md Moshiur Rahman, Yasmin Jahan, Zara Khair, Katm Ehsanul Huq,Habiba Shirin, Mohammad Habibur Rahman Sarker, Mohammad Niaz Morshed Khan, Aivey Sadia Alam,Mahabuba Afrin, Rokeya Akter, Popi Rani Bhowmik, Israth Jahan, Yoko Sato, Niru Samsunnahar, JANS42, 2022/12/03, Without Invitation, English, JANS42, Hiroshima
  27. The possibilities of COIL and learning experience from three countries in Africa, Mayumi Kako, Chie Teramoto and Yoko Shimpuku, JANS42, 2022/12/04, Without Invitation, Japanese, JANS42, Hiroshima
  28. Primary care in undergraduate nursing education: Global and the situation in Japan, Mayumi Kako, JANS42, 2022/12/04, With Invitation, Japanese, JANS42, Hiroshima
  29. EXPLORING THE POTENTIALS OF IMPROVING WOMENS WELLEBING IN CYCLONES BY STRENGTHENING COMMNUNITY RESILIENCE, Tazrina Chowdhury, Paul Arbon, Maliinda Steenkamp, Mayumi Kako, Kristine Gebbie, Australia Institute for Disaster Resilience, 2022/08/01, Without Invitation, English
  30. Systematically identifying and evaluating strategies for strengthening community and public health resilience, Benjamin J. Ryan, Alicia Fontenot, Mayumi Kako, Tim Hatch, Bryan Brooks,, National Environmental Health Association 2022 Annual Educational Conference, 2022/06/30, Without Invitation, English, National Environmental Health Association, Washington, USA
  31. Mental health care in disasters, 2022/06, Without Invitation, Japanese
  32. The survey of evacuation centre for vulnerable people:perspectives from local governments and facilities, Kako, M., The 27th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Disaster Medicine, 2022/03/04, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Japanese Association for Disaster Medicine, Hiroshima
  33. Follow up study to increase community nursing disaster preparedness in Hiroshima: Findings from Phase 2 study,, Mayumi Kako, The 23rd Annual Conference of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing, 2021/09/04, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Japan Society of Disaster Nursing, Online
  34. Qualitative study of disaster relief nurses experience: A report from 2018 Hiroshima Torrential rain disaster, Saori Terada, Mayumi Kako, The 22nd Annual Conference for Japan Society of Disaster Nursing, 2020/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing, Hiroshima
  35. Follow up study to increase community nursing disaster preparedness in Hiroshima: Findings from Phase 1 study, oral presentation, Kako, M., Japan Disaster Nursing Society Annual Conference, 2020/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Disaster Nursing Society, Online
  36. The role of nursing professions in communities stakeholders collaboration to promote disaster risk reduction, Kako, M., Harada, N., Fujii, E., and Cho, Y.,, Japan Disaster Nursing Society Annual Conference, 2020/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Disaster Nursing Society, Online
  37. A reflective study of Hiroshima torrential rain and mass movement disaster: Relief activities of DHEAT, Mayumi Kako, The 25th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Disaster Medicine, 2020/02/20, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for Disaster Medicine, Kobe Japan
  38. Quality of healthcare services provided in disaster shelters: An integrative literature review in Japanese professional literature, Kako, M., Kanbara, S., Hutton, A., Veenema, T., Kako, M., Kanbara, S., Hutton, A., Veenema, T., ICN Congress, 2019/06, Without Invitation, English, International Council for Nurses, Singapore
  39. The diverse nurse's role in Australian primary health care system, WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference, 2019/05/17, With Invitation, English, World Organization for Family Doctors, Kyoto
  40. Discovering best practice establishing evacuation centres for vulnerable populations: findings from Australia and Japan, Kako, M., Steenkamp, M., Arbon, P.A., Ryan, B.J. and Takada, Y., Kako, M., Steenkamp, M., Arbon, P.A., Ryan, B.J. and Takada, Y., WADEM congress, 2019/05, Without Invitation, English, World Association for Disaster Emergency Medicine, Brisbane, Australia
  41. Discovering best practice for establishing evacuation centres for vulnerable populations: findings from an Australian pilot study, Kako, M., Steenkamp, M., Arbon, P.A., Ryan, B.J. and Takada, Y., Kako, M., Steenkamp, M., Arbon, P.A., Ryan, B.J. and Takada, Y., WADEM congress, 2019/05, Without Invitation, English, World Associaiotn for Disaster Emergency Medicine, Brisbane, Australia
  42. Exploring Health Challenges of South Asian Women at the Evacuation Centers after Disasters, Chowdhury,T., Arbon, P., Steenkamp, M., Kako, M., Gebbie, K., Chowdhury,T., Arbon, P., Steenkamp, M., Kako, M., Gebbie, K., WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine 2019, 2019/05, Without Invitation, English, World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Brisbane, Australia
  43. Discovering best practice for the implementation of evacuation centers for vulnerable populations: Findings from a Japanese pilot study., Kako, M., Takada, Y., Arbon, P.A., Steenkamp, M. and Ryan, B.J., Kako, M., Takada, Y., Arbon, P.A., Steenkamp, M. and Ryan, B.J., WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, 2017/05, Without Invitation, English, World Association for Disaster Emergency Medicine, Toronto, Canada
  44. Long term effects for older people after relocation following the 2011 disaster in Japan, Kako, M., Mayner, L., Ikeda, S. and Kurosawa, K., Kako, M., Mayner, L., Ikeda, S. and Kurosawa, K., International Federation on Ageing (IFA) 13th Global Conference., 2016/06, Without Invitation, English, International Federation on Ageing (IFA), Brisbane, Australia
  45. Literature review on health for older people., Ikeda, S., Kako, M. and Kazuko, K., Ikeda, S., Kako, M. and Kazuko, K., 19th EAFONS (East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars), 2016/03, Without Invitation, English, EAFONS (East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars), Chiba, Japan
  46. The need for psycho-social support for older women in Japan during the recovery phase., Kako, M. and Mayner, L., Kako, M. and Mayner, L., UNISDR Science and Technology Conference on the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction., 2016/01, Without Invitation, English, UNISDR, Geneva, Switzerland.
  47. Barriers that prevent Japanese older people feeling they belong to a new community after a disaster and relocation., Kako, M. and Mayner, L., Kako, M. and Mayner, L., 19th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine., 2015/05, Without Invitation, Japanese, World Associaiton for Disaster Emergency Medicine, Cape Town, South Africa.
  48. “Creating resilience society and community for ageing society in disaster situations”, Mayumi Kako, WHO Kobe Centre (WKC) Forum Ageing society and disaster: report form global perspective, 2015/02/20, With Invitation, Japanese, WHO Kobe Centre, Kobe
  49. “Actions for recovery”, how can the lessons of Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake further inform the strategies and actions implementing the recovery component of Post 2015 Framework for DRR?, Mayumi Kako, International Recovery Platform (IRP)’ s International Recovery Forum 2015, 2015/01/16, With Invitation, English, International Recovery Platform, Kobe
  50. The use of oral history to preserve community disaster experiences: is there an ethically optimum time to conduct oral history?, Kako, M., The Biennial National Conference of the Oral History Association of Australia & the 21st State History Conference., 2013/09, With Invitation, English, The Oral History Association of Australia, Adelaide, Australia
  51. The occupational risk factor of musclosketal disorders among registered nurses and care workers in Japan, Yasuda, J., Oono, M., Okawa, M., Henmi, C., Kako, M. and Tsuruya, K., Yasuda, J., Oono, M., Okawa, M., Henmi, C., Kako, M. and Tsuruya, K., International Council of Nurses 25th Quadrennial Congress., 2013/05, Without Invitation, English, International Council of Nurses, Melbourne, Australia
  52. The role of nurses during the Spanish flu in South Australia, Kako, M. and Arbon, P., Kako, M. and Arbon, P., International Council of Nurses 25th Quadrennial Congress., 2013/05, Without Invitation, English, International Council of Nurses, Melbourne, Australia
  53. The history of overseas nurses in Australia., Kako, M., The Sixth Conference for the Asian Society for the History of Medicine, 2012/12/13, With Invitation, Japanese, The Asian Society for the History of Medicine, Yokohama, published
  54. To work or not to work: An analysis of the willingness of Australian emergency nurses to respond to a disaster, Bahnisch, L.V., Arbon, P., Cusack, L., Ranse, J., Shaban, R., Considine, J., Michell, B., Hammad, K., Kako, M. and Woodman, R., The 9th International Conference for Emergency Nurses., 2011/09, Without Invitation, English, preprint
  55. Understanding the willingness of Australian emergency nurses to respond to a health care disaster., Ranse, J., Arbon, P., Shaban, R., Considine, J., Mitchell, B., Hammad, K., Cusack, L., Kako, M., Bahnishch, L., 8th International Conference for Emergency Nurses, 2010/10, Without Invitation, English, Australasian Emergency Nursing Association, Adelaide, Australia
  56. Tools of thinking; Intertextuality within discourse analysis in nursing historical research., Kako, M. and Rudge, T., The International Perspectives in the History of Nursing Conference., 2010/09, With Invitation, English, University of London, University of London, Egham, Surrey, England, published
  57. Evaluating the influential factors in mass gathering casualty presentation characteristics - World Youth Day, Sydney, Australia 2008., Ranse, J., Arbon, P.A. and Kako, M., 7th International Conference for Emergency Nurses, 2009/10, Without Invitation, English, Australasian Emergency Nursing Association, Canberra, preprint
  58. Literature review of disaster health research in Japan. In Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Kako, M. and Mitani, S., 16th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine., 2009/05, Without Invitation, English, World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Victoria, Canada, preprint
  59. A literature review of disaster nursing competencies in Japanese nursing journals., Kako, M. and Mitani, S., 16th world congress on disaster and emergency medicine., 2009/05, Without Invitation, English, World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Canada, Victoria, preprint
  60. Who decides nursing professionality?: The growth of governmentality in nursing professionality since the 1950s., Kako, M., In Borders, boundaries and political context in nursing and health care history, CAHN/ACHN International Nursing History Conference., 2008/06/05, Without Invitation, English, Canadian Association for the History of Nursing/Association canadienne pour l’histoire du Nursing, Toronto University

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. Kaken Kiban C, An exploratory study of the inclusive and longitudinal role of primary care nursing, 2024/04, 2028/04
  2. JRAPID Collaborative Research Survey Program for Urgent Research, Resilience of Public Healthcare Systems for Build Back Better: An evaluation analysis using a scorecard approach, 2023/08/01, 2023/03/31
  3. WHO Centre for Health Development Research Project, Systematically identifying and evaluating strategies for strengthening community resilience across multiple communities and countries, 2021/05, 2023/05
  4. Kanen Kiban C, Program development to promote primary health care nursing specialisation, 2021/04, 2024/03
  5. Univail Research Grant, A study to develop a model case of evacuation centre for vulnerable people in Hiroshima, 2020/11, 2021/11
  6. Kaken Start Up Grant, A follow up study of community nursing station in Hiroshima, 2019/10, 2021/03

Social Activities

History as Committee Members

  1. Home care workforce committee, 2023/09/01, Hiroshima Prefecture Nursing Association
  2. JANS Japanese version Peer reviewing committee, 2023/10/01, 2025/09/30, Japan Nursing Science Academy
  3. Chair of Programme Committee, 2021/09, 2022/12, Japan Academiy of Nursing Science
  4. Disaster Medicine System Committee, 2020/08, 2022/08, Japan Primary Care Association
  5. The 22nd Annual Conference of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing Program Committee, 2019/09, 2020/09, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing
  6. Nursing Special Interest Group (SIG), 2019/05, World Association for Disaster Emergency Medicine

Other Social Contributions

  1. Hiroshima City Gender Equality Promotion Center Yuiport, Community Disaster Risk Reduction Lecture series, Hiroshima City Gender Equality Promotion Center Yuiport, Multicultualism and disaster risk reduction, 2023/03/02, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, General
  2. NHK Hiroshima Okonomi Wide, Evacuation centre for vulnerable people, NHK Hiroshima, 2023/06/29, 2023/06/29, Media coverage cooperation, TV or radio program, General
  3. Civil Society G7 Summit 2023, Child raising in Japan, What is the cause of the decreasing of child population? Seeking solutions to learn from overseas child raising, Civil Society Summit G7 Committee, Home start committee, 2023/04/16, 2023/04/16, Online, Panelist, Meeting or assembly, Civic organization
  4. Whole-of-societ approach to creating healthy, resilient & sustainable cities:Harnessing South-South Cooperation fro a Post -COVID era, Session 2, Using Public Health systeⅿResilience Scorecard Addendum to strengthen stakeholder engagement and integration of public health and DRR planning: Case examples from local government and stakeholders, UNDRR GETI, UNOSSC, PAHO, WHO Joint Certificate Training Program, 2023/06/14, 2023/06/14, Online, Panelist, Seminar or workshop, Governmental agency
  5. Primary Care Nursing Workshop Advanced, Primary Care Nursing Workshop Advanced, Japan Primary Care Association, 2023/04/09, 2023/04/09, Hiroshima, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, General
  6. Disaster Risk Reduction ~Connecting dot to dot~, Disaster Risk Reduction ~Connecting dot to dot~, Program Supporting womens empowerment to participate Disaster Risk Reduction, 2023/02/12, Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus, Planner, Seminar or workshop, General
  7. The 30th Advanced Paramedic Training Course, Stress Management and Communication during practice, The 30th Advanced Paramedic Training Course, Stress Management and Communication during practice, Hiroshima City Fire Department Paramedic Training Centre, 2023/01/11, 2023/01/12, Lecturer, Qualification seminar, Governmental agency
  8. Newspaper Chugoku, Prolonging raining, how will you maintain older peoples health?, Chugoku Newspaper, 2021/08/19, Media coverage cooperation, Newspaper or magazine, General
  9. Hiroshima City Community Disaster Risk Reduction Officer Follow Up semina in 2021, Let's discuss disaster evacuation centres, Hiroshima City Disaster Risk Management Section, Hiroshima City Community Disaster Risk Reduction Officer Follow Up semina in 2021, 2021/03/21, Hiroshima City, TV or radio appearance, Seminar or workshop, General
  10. Discuss various evacuation approaches for people living in communities, Discuss various evacuation approaches for people living in communities, Program Supporting womens empowerment to participate Disaster Risk Reduction, 2021/02/11, 2021/02/11, Hiroshima (Online), Presenter, Seminar or workshop, General
  11. The 13th KidsSmile Meeting, Lets protect childrens places in disaster situations, 2021/06/23, Online, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, Teachers
  12. Bosai (Disaster Risk Reduction) Interview Vol. 183, Community health and DRR - empowerment from community, Bosai Japan, 2020/11, Online, Informant, TV or radio program, General
  13. Primary care nursing advanced session, With COVID19 infection control and disasters, learning about the primary health care nursing from flooding disaster relief, what is the inter-professional health cooperation?, Japan Primary Health Care Association, Lecturer, Seminar or workshop, Scientific organization
  14. 2020 Online Bosai Kokutai, Hiroshima University Disaster Risk Reduction Centre, What is the best practice to protect vulnerable population in a disaster situation?, Bosai Japan, Cabinet of Japan, 2020/10, Online, Informant, Seminar or workshop, Civic organization
  15. Supporting the women's participation in Disaster Risk Reduction Activities: What is the effective program?, International Disaster Nursing, 2020/02/11, 2020/02/11, Hiroshima, Planner, Seminar or workshop, General
  16. Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction Public Forum, Protecting peoples health from disaster risk, World Health Organization, 2015/03/17, Tohoku University Multimedia Hall, Planner, Meeting or assembly, Governmental agency
  17. The 31th Advanced Paramedic Training Course, Stress Management and Communication during practice, The 31th Advanced Paramedic Training Course, Stress Management and Communication during practice, Hiroshima City Fire Department Paramedic Training Centre, 2023/10/10, 2023/10/10, Lecturer, Qualification seminar, Governmental agency

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. 2024, ASEAN Journal of Disaster Health Management (AJDHM), Others, Reviewer
  2. 2024, WHO-EMT Global Meeting 2024, Others, Reviewer, 7
  3. 2024, Disaster Medicine and Publich Health Preparedness, Editor, Associate Editor
  4. 2024, Japan Academy of Nursing Science, Others, Reviewer, 3
  5. 2023, Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, Others, Reviewer
  6. 2023, Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing, Editor, 2
  7. 2023, Disaster Medicine and Publich Health Preparedness, Editor, Associate Editor
  8. 2022, Disaster Medicine and Publich Health Preparedness, Editor, Associate Editor, 16
  9. 2021, Disaster Medicine and Publich Health Preparedness, Editor, Associate Editor, 7
  10. 2020, Disaster Medicine and Publich Health Preparedness, Others, Peer reviwer, 3
  11. 2020, Sage Open, Others, Peer Reviewer, 1
  12. 2019, Nursing & Health Sciences, Others, Reviewer, 11
  13. 2019, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Others, Peer reviewer, 6
  14. 2010, Nursing Inquiry, Others, Peer reviewer, 12
  15. 2018, Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing, Others, Peer Reviewer, 1
  16. 2019, Australia and New Zealand Emergency Management Conference, Others, Abstract peer reviewer, 1
  17. 2017, The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, Others, Peer reviewer, 2
  18. 2019, African Journal of Reproductive Health, Others, Peer reviewer, 1