Last Updated :2025/02/03

Affiliations, Positions
Hiroshima University Museum, Associate Professor
Other Contact Details
Kagamiyama 1-1-1, Higashihiroshima, 739-8524, Japan, Japan
TEL : (+81)82-424-6198 FAX : (+81)82-422-7012

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2020/05/01, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University Museum, Associate Professor
  • 2013/11/01, 2018/03/31, Yamaguchi University, Organization for Academic Information, Assistant Professor
  • 2012/11/01, 2013/10/31, University of Tsukuba, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Research Fellow
  • 2009/10/01, 2012/09/31, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Lecturer/Assistant Professor

Academic Degrees

  • University of Tsukuba
  • University of Tsukuba

Research Fields

  • Complex systems;Cultural assets study and museology;Cultural assets study and museology

Research Keywords

  • Ancient salt production
  • Archaeology

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Japan Association for Quaternary Research (JAQUA), 2018/07
  • Society of Archaeological Studies, 2001/04

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Advanced Seminar(Firing pottery)
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Environmental management in higashi-hiroshima campus at Hiroshima University
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, General Introduction to Museum A
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, General Introduction to Museum B
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Museum Management
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Theory of Museum Collection A
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Theory of Museum Collection B
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Practicum in Museum Studies1(University Museum)
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Practicum in Museum Studies1(University Museum)
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Practicum in Museum Studies2(External Museums to the University)
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Practicum in Museum Studies2(External Museums to the University)
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Practicum in Museum Studies2(External Museums to the University)
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, OutOfTerm(1st), Basic Archaeology and Introduction to Ancient Technology A
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Museology (History museums)

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Triangulation reduces the polygon of error for the history of Transeurasian, bioRxiv, 202207
  2. A study of Quantitive Evaluation of the Feeling for Earthenware, The papers of Technical Meeting on "Control", IEE Japan, CT24, 49-52, 20240106
  3. Analysis of Positional Relationship Between Medieval Archaeological Sites and Sediment and Flood Disaster Hazardous Areas in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Saba River in Hofu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, 42(1), 31-42, 20230605
  4. When Did We Choose the Way to the Anthropocene? An Examination of the Jōmon Period, Agropastoralism and Languages Across Eurasia: Expansion, exchange, environment, Archaeology of East Asia, 9, 19-24, 20230512
  5. Archaeology for Disaster Management, Inter Faculty, 11, 269-276, 20220327
  6. Processing Technologies and Production of Food in the Jomon Period, Inter Faculty, 11, 197-217, 20220327
  7. ★, Global processes of anthropogenesis characterise the early Anthropocene in the Japanese Islands, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(84), 1-11, 20220316
  8. ★, Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages, Nature, 599, 616-621, 20211109
  9. Proto-historic Background of Martial Arts Schools in Eastern Japan, ASIAN STUDIES-AZIJSKE STUDIJE, 6(2), 73-86, 2018
  10. Food processing and consumption in the Jomon, QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 404, 16-24, 201606
  11. An adze collected at Shitomi, Tsushima Island, NA, 山口大学文学会志, 65, 63-72, 2015
  12. Social change at the end of the Middle Jōmon: A perspective from resilience theory, Documenta Praehistorica, 40(1), 227-232, 2013
  13. Archaeological research and current global climate change: Building archaeological strategies for increasing the resilience of social-ecological systems, 第四紀研究, 51(4), 267-274, 20120801
  14. Burial practices and social complexity: Jomon examples, DOCUMENTA PRAEHISTORICA, VOL XXXVIII, 38, 109-115, 2011
  15. Mounds and rituals in the Jomon Period, DOCUMENTA PRAEHISTORICA, VOL XXXVII, 37, 185-192, 2010
  16. Possible steatopygia in prehistoric central Japan: evidence from clay figurines, ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 116(1), 87-92, 200804
  17. Feasting and inter-village networks, DOCUMENTA PRAEHISTORICA, VOL XXXV, 35, 205-213, 2008
  18. Survey of the Heisambo Shell Midden Site, Kasumigaura, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tsukuba archaeological studies, 53-67, 2007

Publications such as books

  1. Hiroshima University Archaeological Research Center Bulletin for Excavation and Study 13, Hiroshima University Museum, 2022, 202203, Scholarly Book, Compilation, 日本語, Takamune Kawashima, Eriko Ishimaru, 83, 40
  2. Hiroshima University Archaeological Research Center Bulletin for Excavation and Study 12, Hiroshima University Museum, 2021, 202103, Scholarly Book, Compilation, 日本語, Takamune Kawashima, Eriko Ishimaru, Kenji Umemoto, 103, 40
  3. Hiroshima University Archaeological Research Center Bulletin for Excavation and Study 14, Hiroshima University Museum, 2023, 202303, Scholarly Book, Compilation, 日本語, Takamune Kawashima, Eriko Ishimaru, 107, 40

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. A Study of Quantitive Evaluation of the Feeling for Earthenware, Yuta Susawa, Takamune Kawashima, Kazuo Kawada, 2024/01/06, Without Invitation, Japanese, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Matsue, Japan
  2. Reexamination of Prehistoric Salt Production at the Hirohata Shell Midden, Takamune Kawashima, 4th International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 2022/10/16, Without Invitation, English, International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, US
  3. EARLY MODERN MERCURY PRODUCTION AT IDRIJA, SLOVENIA: RESULTS FROM THE EXCAVATION AT THE MERCURY ORE ROASTING SITES, Kawashima Takamune, Rupnik Janez, Hudson Mark, Uchiyama Junzo, Pelloli Claudio, 28th EAA Annual Meeting (European association of Archaeologists), 2022/09/01, Without Invitation, English, European association of Archaeologists, Budapest
  4. Salt Production and Marine Resource Exploitation in the Jomon, Takamune Kawashima, WAC-9 World Archaeology Congress, 2022/07/08, Without Invitation, English, World Archaeology Congress, Prague
  5. Preliminary report of the excavation at early modern mercury production sites in Idrija, Slovenia, Takamune KAWASHIMA, ,Janez RUPNIK, Mark J. HUDSON, Junzo UCHIYAMA, Japan Association for Quaternary Research Annual Meeting 2020, 2020/12/27, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for Quaternary Research, Online
  6. The meaning of regional differences in salt pottery in the Jomon period, Takamune Kawashima, 2nd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, 2017/10/14
  7. History and folklore of salt in Japan, Takamune Kawashima, 2nd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, 2017/10/14
  8. The underground Anthropocene: Mining, mountains and modernity in the European Alps, Mark J. Hudson; Takamune Kawashima, International Symposium Creating the Anthropocene — Natural and Cultural Histories, 2017/02/11, published, sympo201702_abstract.pdf
  9. Ethnographical Perspective on Salt in Japan, Takamune Kawashima, First International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 2015, ヤシ大学歴史学部古代史・考古学研究科, Iasi, Romania
  10. Archaeometric Analyses on Briquetages from Minogahama Site, Japan (ca. 6th?7th century AD), Kei Aoshima; Takamune Kawashima; Viorica Vasilache; Ion Sandu; Felix Tencariu, First International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 2015, ヤシ大学歴史学部古代史・考古学研究科, Iasi, Romania
  11. Archaeology and Ethnology of Salt in Japan, Takamune Kawashima, First International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 2015, ヤシ大学歴史学部古代史・考古学研究科, Iasi, Romania
  12. 山口県の貝塚について, 川島尚宗, 第26回中四国縄文研究会高知大会 中四国の縄文貝塚, 2015, 中四国縄文研究会, 高知県宿毛市
  13. 日本における製塩の歴史, Takamune KAWASHIMA, RomaniaJapan International Seminar on Salt Studies, 2015, 山口大学人文学部, Yamaguchi, Japan
  14. イドリアにおける初期水銀開発について, 川島尚宗, 公開シンポジウム 水俣とイドリア 〜日本と中欧における近代化と水銀公害〜, 2015, 西九州大学, Kanzaki, Japan
  15. Concepts and methods for exploring sustainability and resilience in the archaeological record, Mark Hudson; Mami Aoyama; Kawashima, T, 20th EAA Annual Meeting, 2014, European Association of Archaeologist, Istanbul, Turkey
  16. Food processing and consumption in the Jomon, Takamune KAWASHIMA, 20th EAA Annual Meeting, 2014, European Association of Archaeologist, Istanbul, Turkey
  17. J?mon social complexity: eastern and western Japan, 川島尚宗, 14th EAJS international conference, 2014, European Association for Japanese Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  18. スロヴェニアってどんな国?, 川島尚宗, 国際交流特別講演会, 2014, 西九州大学, Kanzaki, Japan
  19. 縄文時代の環境変化と人類社会のレジリアンス, 川島尚宗; マーク=ハドソン, 第9回地球システム・倫理学会学術大会, 2013, 地球システム・倫理学会, Tsukuba, Japan
  20. Prehistoric salt production in Japan: Focusing on the period of transition from hunting-gathering to agricultural society, Takamune KAWASHIMA, 19th EAA Annual Meeting, 2013, European Association of Archaeologists, Pilsen, Czech
  21. Social change in the end of Middle Jomon: a perspective from resilience theory, Takamune KAWASHIMA, 19th Neolithic Seminar, 2012, Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  22. スロベニアの墓制?「論文技術」指導の試み?, Takamune KAWASHIMA, The 2nd International Symposium of the Department of Asian and African Studies, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana University, 2012, Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  23. Craft Production and Emerging Identity in Jomon period, Takamune KAWASHIMA, International Symposium on Japanese Studies “Self and Other in Japan ? Mutual Representations”, 2012, Center for Japanese Studies, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
  24. Increasing regional diversity of production and emerging local identities, Takamune KAWASHIMA, 18th Neolithic Seminar, 2011, Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  25. Burial Practices and Social Change in the J?mon, Takamune KAWASHIMA, The 1st International Symposium of the Department of Asian and African Studies, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana University, 2011, Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  26. The burial practices and social complexity: a case of Jomon, Takamune KAWASHIMA, 17th Neolithic Seminar, 2010, Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  27. 縄文時代のマツリと盛土遺構?東北地方を事例として?, 川島尚宗, 平成21年度特別史跡三内丸山遺跡報告会, 2010, 青森県教育庁文化財保護課・三内丸山遺跡保存活用推進室, Aomori, Japan
  28. Mounds and rituals in the Jomon period, Takamune KAWASHIMA, 16th Neolithic Seminar, 2009, Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  29. Images of culture and tradition in the past, Takamune KAWASHIMA, Living with Diversity, 1st Slovenia Japan University Cooperation Network Graduate Student Forum, 2008, 筑波大学人文社会科学研究科・リュブリャーナ大学文学部, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  30. Food consumption in the Jomon: an assessment of the social complexity of hunter-gatherers, Takamune KAWASHIMA, 15th Neolithic Seminar, 2008, Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  31. Feasting and inter-village networks, Takamune KAWASHIMA, 14th Neolithic Seminar, 2007, Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  32. Salt production and social complexity in the Jomon, Takamune Kawashima, 18th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Congress, 2006/03/23, Without Invitation, English, Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Manila (Philippines)
  33. Salt production and social complexity in the Jomon, Takamune KAWASHIMA, 18th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Congress, 2006, Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Manila, Philippines
  34. The context of clay figurines in Japan, Takamune KAWASHIMA, 11th Neolithic Seminar, 2004, Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. Takanashi Foundation for Arts and Archeology, Important role of feasting in the Jomon society, 2006/04, 2007/03
  2. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Elucidation of millennium inundation of flood water and debris from the viewpoint of time-related disaster prevention study integrated by geotechnical history and disaster tradition, 2019/04/01, 2024/03/31
  3. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Elucidation of millennium inundation of flood water and debris from the viewpoint of time-related disaster prevention study integrated by geotechnical history and disaster tradition, 2020/04/01, 2020/03/31
  4. 2017/04, 2019/03
  5. KAKENHI Challenge Project, 2015/04, 2016/03

Social Activities

Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.

  1. Romania-Japan International Salt Studies Seminar