Last Updated :2025/02/03
- Affiliations, Positions
- Hiroshima University
- E-mail
- kotorii
Basic Information
Academic Degrees
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
Research Keywords
- Knot theory
- Low dimensional topology
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Introduction to topology
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Algebra
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Seminar in Mathematics I
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Seminar in Mathematics II
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Study of Mathematics and Informatics for Graduation
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Special Study of Mathematics and Informatics for Graduation
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Geometric and Algebraic Analysis Seminar
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Exercises in Mathematics
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Exercises in Mathematics A
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Exercises in Mathematics B
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Seminar in Mathematics
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Link-homotopy classes of 4-component links, claspers and the Habegger-Lin algorithm, JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS, 32(6), 202305
- 1 minute talk slide, Women in Mathematics, 202306
- Goussarov-Polyak-Viro conjecture for degree three case, JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS, 31(05), 202204
- Goussarov-Polyak-Viro's $n$-equivalence and the pure virtual braid group, Kobe J. Math., 38(1-2), 53-72, 202112
- HL-homotopy of handlebody-links and Milnor's invariants, TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 221, 715-736, 201704
- A relation between Milnor's mu-invariants and HOMFLYPT polynomials, JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS, 25(13), 201611
- Milnor invariants of length 2k+2 for links with vanishing Milnor invariants of length <= k, TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 184, 87-100, 201504
- Finite type invariants for cyclic equivalence classes of nanophrases, FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE, 225, 211-228, 2014
- The milnor μ̄ invariants and nanophrases, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 22(2), 201302
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- "Link-homotopy" of spatial graphs, Yuka Kotorii, Atsuhiko Mizusawa, Winter School on Low-dimensional Topology and Rerated Topics, 2023/12, Without Invitation, English, Institute of Basic Science, Center for Geometry and Physics (IBS-CGP), POSTECH, Korea
- Homotopy theories of colored links and spatial graphs, Yuka Kotorii, Atsuhiko Mizusawa, Center for Topology & Applications Amsterdam (CTA2), 2024/03, With Invitation, English, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Free university, Netherlands
- Entanglement of spatial graph, Yuka Kotorii, Atsuhiko Mizusawa, WPI-SKCM2 Nara Spring Symposium, 2024/03, With Invitation, Japanese, WPI-SKCM2, Nara
- Fundamental problems of knot theory and my recent research, Yuka Kotorii, Atsuhiko Mizusawa, SKCM2 2023 Winter School, 2023/12, With Invitation, English, WPI-SKCM2, Hiroshima university
- "Link-homotopy" of links, colored links and spatial graphs, Yuka Kotorii, Atsuhiko Mizusawa, Dynamics & Statistics of Chiral Topological Matter, 2023/10, With Invitation, English, WPI-SKCM2, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- On ribbon Yetter-Drinfeld modules and tangle invariants, part2, Yuka Kotorii, Kazuo Habiro, Mini-workshop on Low-dimensional Topology, 2024/06, With Invitation, Japanese, Institute of Basic Science, Center for Geometry and Physics(IBS-CGP), POSTECH, Korea,
- On ribbon Yetter-Drinfeld modules and tangle invariants part1, Yuka Kotorii, Kazuo Habiro, Mini-workshop on Low-dimensional Topology, 2023/06, With Invitation, English, Institute of Basic Science, Center for Geometry and Physics(IBS-CGP), POSTECH, Korea
- Links, linking numbers and link invariants, Yuka Kotorii, SKCM2 weekly online seminar, 2022/12, With Invitation, English
- Link invariants and link-homotopy, Yuka Kotorii, SKCM2 Kick-off Symposium Hiroshima Uni-
versity, 2023/03, With Invitation, English
- On ribbon Yetter-Drinfeld modules and tangle invariants, Yuka Kotorii, Kazuo Habiro, Mini-workshop on Low-dimensional Topology, 2023/04, With Invitation, English, Institute of Basic Science, Center for
Geometry and Physics(IBS-CGP)
- Linking numbers of random links, 2021/03, With Invitation, Japanese
- クラスパーを用いた4成分絡み目のlink-homotopy類の分類, Yuka Kotorii; Atsuhiko Mizusawa, 日本数学会2019年度秋季総合分科会, 2019/09
- On Levine's classification of link-homotopy classes of 4- component links, Yuka Kotorii, Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, advanced mathematical institute, 2019/07, 大阪市立大学数学研究所
- Introduction to Milnor invariant -from classical knots to handlebody-links-, Yuka Kotorii, ハ ンドル体結び目とその周辺12, 2019/07, 筑波大学
- Link-homotopy classes of 4-component links and clasper theory, Yuka Kotorii, Young Topologist meeting 2019, 2019/07, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
- On Milnor's invariants and handle body-links, Yuka Kotorii, Young Topologist meeting 2019, 2019/07, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL)(EPFL), Switzerland
- On link-homotopy classes of 4-component links and clasper presentations, Yuka Kotorii, The 2nd Meeting on Spatial Graph Theory, 2019/07
- On the degree three case of Goussarov-Polyak-Viro conjecture of knot, Noboru Ito; Yuka Kotorii, 日本数学会2018年度年会プログラム, 2019/03
- On random knot, Yuka Kotorii, 第二回理研AIP数学系合同セミナー, 2019/03
- 結び目のトポロジー, Yuka Kotorii, 第2回自然科学の数学的原理, 2019/02, Kyoto University
- On random models of links and linking numbers, Yuka Kotorii, 京都大学高等研究院平岡研究室セミナー, 2019/01, Kyoto University
- On combinatorial formulas of finite type invariant for knots, 2018/11
- Goussarov-Polyak-Viro's finite type invariant and a local move on virtual knots, Yuka Kotorii, 10th KOOK-TAPU workshop, 2018/07
- On a local move related to Goussarov-Polyak-Viro’s finite type invariant on virtual knots, Yuka Kotorii, Tsuda-Gakugei Topology Workshop, 2018/07
- Topology and machine leaning, Yuka Kotorii, 2018/04
- $C_n$-move on long virtual knot and Goussarov-Polyak-Viro's finite type invariants, Yuka Kotorii, 日本数学会2017年度年会プログラム, 2018/03
- On Goussarov-Polyak-Viro’s finite type invariants and a virtual Cn-equivalence on long virtual knots, Yuka Kotorii, 2018/01
- On virtual Cn-moves on virtual knots, Yuka Kotorii, 2017/12
- Virtual $C_n$-moves on long virtual knots, Yuka Kotorii, Manturov seminar, Moscow State University, Lando-Kazarian Seminar, Russia, 2017/09, Moscow State University, Russia
- Milnor's link-homotopy invariants for handlebody-links, Yuka Kotorii, Geometric Topology Seminar, Higher School of Economics, 2017/09
- Virtual Cn-moves on long virtual knots, Yuka Kotorii, Lando-Kazarian Seminar, Higher School of Economics, Russia, 2017/08
- On Δ-link homotopy, Yuka Kotorii, Geometric Topology Seminar, Higher School of Economics, Russia, 2017/08
- On higher order linking numbers for handlebody-links, Yuka Kotorii, 大阪大学幾何セミナー, 2017/07
- \On link-homotopy classes of handlebody-links, Yuka Kotorii, Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Osaka city university advanced mathematical institute, 2017/04
- Milnor invariant for bouquet graphs, Yuka Kotorii, 第40回伊豆トポロジーセミナー, 2017/03
- 結び目理論について, Yuka Kotorii, 神戸研究発表会, 2016/12, 理化学研究所
- Milnor invariant and its relationship with Alexander polynomial, Yuka Kotorii, 筑波大学トポ ロジーセミナー, 2016/11
- Milnor invariant for handlebody-links, Yuka Kotorii; Atsuhiko Mizusawa, 日本数学会2016年度秋季総合分科会プログラム, 2016/09
- On Milnor's invariants for handlebody-links, Yuka Kotorii, 2016/09
- On Milnor's $\bar{\mu}$-invariants for handlebody-links, Yuka Kotorii, International Workshop on Spatial Graphs 2016, 2016/08
- 結び目の不変量, Yuka Kotorii, 無限群と幾何学の新展開のアウトリーチについての研究会, 2016/06, 東京大学玉原国際セミナーハウス, 東京大学
- On handlebody-links and Milnor's link-homotopy invariants, Yuka Kotorii, Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology, 2016/06, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan
- On Milnor's link-homotopy invariants for handlebody-links, Yuka Kotorii, 東京大学トポロ ジー火曜セミナー, 2016/05, 東京大学玉原国際セミナーハウス, 東京大学
- ハンドル体絡み目のミルナー不変量とHL-ホモトピー分類について, Yuka Kotorii, 東京女子大学トポロジーセミナー, 2016/04
- 絡み数が消えた3成分ハンドル体絡み目のHBL-homotopy類について, Yuka Kotorii; Atsuhiko Mizusawa, 日本数学会2015年度春季総合分科会プログラム, 2016/03
- On HBL-homotopy classes of 3-component handlebody-links with vanishing linking numbers, Yuka Kotorii, The 11th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, 2016/01, Osaka City University, Japan
- ハンドル体絡み目のHBL ホモトピーとMilnor 不変量, Yuka Kotorii, 生命ダイナミク スの数理とその応用, 2015/12, 東京大学
- 結び目理論とその応用, Yuka Kotorii, 数理科学と分子生物学を融合する研究・教育のアウトリー チについての研究会, 2015/06
- Relationship between the Milnor's $\mu$-invariant and HOMFLYPT polynomial, Yuka Kotorii, Topology, Geometry and Algebra of low-dimensional manifolds, RIMS seminar, 2015/06
- Milnor 不変量とその応用, Yuka Kotorii, 東京大学第9回ミニ数理デザイン道場, 2015/04
- 結び目のHOMFLY多項式を用いたMilnorの$\mu$-不変量の表現, Yuka Kotorii, 第11回数学総合 若手研究集会, 2015/03, 北海道大学
- ストリング絡み目のMilnor不変量とHOMFLY多項式との関係について, Yuka Kotorii, 東京女子大学トポロジーセミナー, 2014/10
- Representing Milnor's $\mu$-invariant by HOMFLY polynomials, Yuka Kotorii, 九州大学トポロジー金曜セミナー, 2014/10
- ミルナーの$\mu$不変量とHOMFLYPT多項式の関係について, Yuka Kotorii, 日本数学会2014年度秋季総合分科会プログラム, 2014/09, 広島大学
- A relation between Milnor's $\bar{\mu}$-invariant and HOMFLYPT polynomial, Yuka Kotorii, International Congress of Woman Mathematicians 2014 (ICWM 2014), 2014/08, Ewha Womans University, Seoul Korea
- On relation between the Milnor's $\mu$-invariant and HOMFLYPT polynomial, Yuka Kotorii, 東京大学トポロジー火曜セミナー, 2014/06
- On triple linking numbers, Yuka Kotorii, 2014琉球結び目セミナー, 2014/06
- 絡み目のMilnor不変量とホンフリー多項式の関係について, Yuka Kotorii, 第11 回城崎新人セミナー~幾何学を中心とした現代数学の進展~, 2014/03
- Relation between the Milnor's $\bar{\mu}$-invariant and HOMFLYPT polynomial, Yuka Kotorii, Knots in Washington XXXVII, 2014/01, Washington University, USA
- The relation between Milnor $\mu$-invariant and HOMFLYPT polynomial for links, Yuka Kotorii, Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Osaka city university advanced mathematical institute, 2013/11
- On a relation between Milnor invariant and HOMFLYPT polynomial, Yuka Kotorii, Buck's group seminar, Imperial College London, 2013/06
- Milnor不変量とHOMFLYPT多項式について, Yuka Kotorii, Spring Workshop 2013 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications, 2013/03, 名城大学
- On cyclic equivalence classes of nanowords and finite type invariants, Yuka Kotorii, Knots in Washington XXXV; Knots, Algebras, and Quandles; Geometric Aspects; Quantum Computing, 2012/12, George Washington University, USA
- Finite type invariants for cyclic equivalence classes of nanophrases, Yuka Kotorii, 第8回数学総合若手研究集会~数学を中心とした広範な知識の交流~, 2012/02
- $\bar{\mu}$ invariant of nanophrases, Yuka Kotorii, The 8th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, 2012/01, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
- $\bar{\mu}$ invariant of nanophrases, Yuka Kotorii, 結び目の数学IV, 2011/12, 東京女子大学
- Arnold basic invariants and finite type invariants, Yuka Kotorii, CompView GCOE Final Symposium, 2011/12
- $\bar{\mu}$ invariant of nanophrases, Yuka Kotorii, 東京工業大学村上斉研究室グループセミナー, 2011/10
Social Activities
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- トポロジーとコンピュータ2022, 2022/10, 2022/10
- Topology and Geometry of Low-dimensional Manifolds, 2023/11, 2023/11
- 数理・情報系研究集会@広島大, 2023/11, 2023/11
- Topology and Geometry of Low- dimensional Manifolds, 2022/11, 2022/11
- 2021/08, 2021/08
- Topology and Geometry of Low- dimensional Manifolds, 2022/01, 2022/01