Last Updated :2025/02/04
- Affiliations, Positions
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
- E-mail
- yamanen
Basic Information
Academic Degrees
- The University of British Columbia
- University of Tsukuba
- Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
Affiliated Academic Societies
- International Phonetic Association
- Association for Laboratory Phonology
- Acoustical Society of America
- Japan Society of English Language Education
- The Japan Association of College English Teachers
- Canadian Acoustical Association
- Phonetic Society of Japan
- Phonological Society of Japan
Educational Activity
Course in Charge
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, CommunicationIA
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, CommunicationIA
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, CommunicationIA
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, CommunicationIA
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Communication IIA
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 4Term, Communication IIA
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term,
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, Intensive, Study Tour Abroad for Realization and Transformation A
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special intensive course on Inclusive Asia
- 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Introduction to Phonetic Analysis
- 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Seminar in English Pronunciation
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Humanities and Social Sciences and Society(English Class) Students enrolled before AY 2023
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Humanities and Social Sciences and Society(English Class) Students enrolling in AY 2024 or later
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Experimental Linguistics
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study
- 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study
Research Activities
Academic Papers
- Short-term intervention effects on the development of pausing in read speech, Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, 2023
- Effects of speech training of mouth shaping on speech sounds, Proceedings of the 2024 Spring Meeting Acoustical Society of Japan, 1289-1290, 202403
- Pilot study of lingual movements during fast speech - Ultrasound investigation, 1291-1292, 202303
- Ultrasound Observation of Tongue Contour for Sibilant Fricatives in Fast Speech: A Pilot Study, Booklet of Extended Abstracts: Ultrafest XI, 148-150, 20240623
- Analyzing Tongue Shapes and Acoustic Characters in Japanese Vowels: Comparison between Trained Speakers and Untrained Speakers, Booklet of Extended Abstracts: Ultrafest XI, 155-158, 20240623
- ★, Off-camera gaze decreases evaluation scores in a simulated online job interview, Scientific Reports, 14(1), 20240531
- Investigating the Impact of Segmental and Syllable Structure Errors on Speaker Competence in Asian English Varieties: A Study on the Perception of Japanese University Students, Speech Communication, 202405
- Differences in Tongue Positions between Japanese Voiced and Voiceless Stops in Word Initial Position, Booklet of Extended Abstracts: Ultrafest XI, 63-67, 20240623
- Pilot Study of Tongue Movement during Rapid Speech: Ultrasound Investigation, Proceedings of the 2024 Spring Meeting Acoustical Society of Japan, 1291-1292, 202403
- Feedback Effects of Mouth Shape during Speech Training, Proceedings of Acoustical Society of Japan, 1289-1290, 202403
- Short-term intervention effects on the development of pausing in read speech, Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, 202309
- Teaching Pronunciation: Biofeedback and Laboratory Work, Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics [ICA], 59-62, 202210
- Application of ultrasound and articulatory phonology to education: Bridging theory and practice, Onsei Communication Meeting Booklet, 2(4), 7-8, 202209
- Phonetic disambiguation of "9 ji 10 pun mae" read by professional broadcasters, Proceedings of the 36th annual meeting of Phonetic Society of Japan, 162-167, 202209
- Fluency of read speech in L2 English, Ars Linguistica, 28, 68-84, 2022
- Phonological structures of '9 ji 10 pun': How semiprofessional broadcasters and actors phonetically disambiguated interpretations, Phonological Studies, 25, 21-32, 2022
- Student Reflections on the Effectiveness of Shadowing and Listening Practice, Reflections and New Perspectives, 2021(1), 182-193, 2022
- The Effect of Shadowing and the Ability of Japanese EFL Learners to Evaluate L2 English Pronunciation, Osaka Jogakuin University Journal, 18, 109-126, 2022
- Exploratory study of acoustic characteristics listeners perceive unpleasant, JACET-CSCRB 2022, 19, 1-18, 2022
- Emotional prosody of love and sorrow: L1 English, TTS and EFL learners, Proceedings of the 12th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, 12, 2022
- Emotional Prosody of Condolence Letter Reading among English L1, L2 and TTS, Phonological Studies, 24, 15-22, 2021
- Unveiling Consonant Harmony: Nonlexical reduplication in English, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. I, Studies in human sciences, 14, 13-24, 20191231
- Relationship between Changes in Lip Motor Cortex Excitability and Speech Imitation Ability during Tongue Movement Video Observation, 202103
- Introduction: Prosody and Body, Proceedings of the 34th general meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan, 34, 202009
- Mirroring Beat Gestures: Effects on EFL Learners, Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 19, 3523-3527, 201908
- The Perception of Prosodic Focus Marking, Proceedings of The 7th workshop on Phonological Externalization of Morphosyntactic Structure: Universals and Variables, 7, 201903
- Japanese EFL Learners' Production of Pronouns in English: Evidence for L2 Prosodic Structure, Ars Linguistica, 25, 201903
- The Perception of Prosodic Focus Marking, Proceedings of The 7th workshop on Phonological Externalization of Morphosyntactic Structure: Universals and Variables, 7, 201903
- The kinesthetic effect on EFL learners' intonation, Proc. ISAPh 2018 International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, 136-141, 201804
- Haptic Techniques for Teaching English Prosody, Proceedings of the annual conference of Phonetic Society of Japan, 201709
- Pedagogy of English Sounds for Prospective Teachers - Introduction, Proceedings of the annual conference of Phonetic Society of Japan, 201709
- Toward a Method to Uncover L1 Japanese Sociophonetic Transfer to L2 English, Canadian Acoustics, 201708
- The development of CALL materials for learning L2 English prosody, Conference Proceedings of ICT for Language Learning, 8th edition, 249-254, 201511
- ★, 'Placeless' consonants in Japanese: an ultrasound investigation, 201301
- Development of L2 Prosody: The Case of Information Focus, XV Selected Proceedings of GASLA 15 (Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition), 15, 2020
- Deep Learning for Automatic Tracking of Tongue Surface in Real-time Ultrasound Videos, Landmarks instead of Contours, Proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2785-2792., 2785-2792, 2020
- ★, Sibilant Fricative Merging in Taiwan Mandarin: An Investigation of Tongue Postures using Ultrasound Imaging , 2020 Dec, LANGUAGE AND SPEECH, 63(4), 877-897, 2019
- Redefining roundness, protrusion and compression: In the case of Tokyo Japanese /u/, Phonological Studies, 22, 59-66, 2019
- Some aspects of phonetic features of native L1 English speakers and Japanese EFL learners, Proceedings of the 31st annual conference of Phonetic Society of Japan, 227-232, 2017
- Using optical flow analysis on ultrasound of the tongue to examine phonological relationships, Canadian Acoustics, 45(1), 15-24, 2017
- Using Multimedia Resources to Integrate ultrasound Visualization for Pronunciation Instruction into Postsecondary Language Classes, Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching, 8(2), 173-188, 2017
- Comparing Instructional Reinforcements in Phonetics Pedagogy, Proceedings of ISAPh2016 - Diversity in Applied Phonetics, 2017
- Using optical flow analysis on ultrasound of the tongue to examine phonological relationships, Canadian Acoustics, 45(1), 15-24, 2017
- The acquisition of prosodic focus marking in English dialogs and narratives, Proceedings of PacSLRF 2016, ed. by The Japan Second Language Association, 53-57, 2017
- Applications of Ultrasound to L2 Pronunciation Education: Experimental Studies, Current Trends of Phonology: Past and Future of Phonological Society of Japan, 216-219, 2017
- Interlanguage prosody in English dialogs and narratives: An L1 transfer issue, Proceedings of Chubu ward Conference of English Education, 45, 9-15, 2016
- Effects of mouthing and interlocutor presence on movements of visible vs. non-visible articulators, Canadian Acoustics, 44(1), 17-24, 2016
- Japanese EFL Learners' Production of Pronouns and Articles in English: Evidence for L2 Prosodic Structures, Canadian Acoustics, 44(3), 2016
- Intonation Learning for Japanese L2 Learners: A Flipped Classroom Approach, CAJLE 2016, Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education, 2016
- Japanese Learners' Acquisition of English L2 Prosody: L1 Transfer and Effects of Classroom Instruction, Ars Linguistica, 22, 105-118, 2016
- Prosodic transfer from Japanese to English: Pitch in focus marking, Phonological Studies, 19, 97-104, 2016
- Interlanguage prosody in English dialogs and
narratives: An L1 transfer issue, 45, 2016
- Placeless vs. Pharyngeal for Japanese /h/, Phonological Studies, 18, 177-188, 2015
- Japanese Moraic Dorsalized Nasal Stop, Phonological Studies, 18, 75-84, 2015
- *K in Conflation Theory: When a Language Has Transguttural Harmony, Phonological Studies, 10, 39-48, 2007
- Harmony in Gitksan, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115(5), 2-2542, 2005
- Bimodal Schwa: Evidence from Acoustic Measurements, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115(5), 2542-2542, 2004
- Chain Shifts in Intervocalic Stops in Japanese, A New Century of Phonology and Phonological Theory: A Festschrift for Professor Shosuke Haraguchi on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, 121-139, 2003
- What is Great about the Great Vowel Shift? An Optimality Theoretic View, English Linguistics, 19(2), 392-416, 2002
- Gravity and Reranking Algorithm: Toward a Theory of Diachronic Change in Grammar, Phonological Studies, 5, 135-140, 2002
- The Predictability of Diachronic Sound Change in Phonological Theory: The Case of sC Clusters, Onsei Kenkyu, 3(1), 29-40, 1999
- Review of Takeshi Otake and Anne Cutler eds. 1996, Phonological Structure and Language Processing: Cross-Linguistic Studies, Onsei Kenkyu, 1(2), 59-62, 1997
- Japanese Verbal Conjugation and the Theory of Underspecification, Tsukuba English Studies, 12, 269-272, 1993
- On the Mechanisms of the GVS, Studies in Modern English, 8, 1-8, 1992
- Effects of Ultrasound Visual Feedback, Impact, 2020(8), 35-37(3), 202012
Publications such as books
- 2023/12, Speech Pathologists National Exam Master Note, Medical View, 2023, 12, Textbook, Joint work, 日本語, ISBN978-4-7583-2086-3, 240, 278-291, Chapter 5: Phonetics & Linguistics, Section 1: Phonetics
- A dictionary of technical terms of English linguistics, Sanseido, 1999, Dictionary/Encyclopedia, Contributor, 日本語, Kazuo Araki (ed)
- 2020/02, kotoba no fushigi no kuni: gengogaku no miryoku ga wakaru hon [Wonderland of Language: What is interesting about Language], Chapter 1: Past and Present of English Pronunciation, Chapter 2: Secret of Attractive Voice, (English pronunciation, Great Vowel Shift, devoicing, Ventriloquist effect, enunciation, focus), Maruzen, 2020, 2020, 2, Scholarly Book, Contributor, 日本語, Shibata, M., Machida, A., Yamane, N., ISBN-13 : 978-4621304891, 166, 38
- 2019/11, Gengo no intaafeesu [Interface Studies of Language], Voice and Sociolects (Sociophonetics Introduction), rhoticity, social class, voice quality, occupation, culture, gender, sexuality, Kaitakusha, 2019, 2019, 9, Scholarly Book, Contributor, 日本語, Nishihara, T., Miyakoda, I., Nakamura, K., Yonekura, Y., Tanaka, S. (eds), 9784758922791, 304, 122-136
- 2005, Voicing in Japanese [Series of Studies in Generative Grammar 84]:, The Implicational Distribution of Prenasalized Stops in Japanese, Mouton de Gruyter, 2005, 2005, Scholarly Book, Contributor, English, Weijer, J., Nanjo, K., Nishihara, T., Kubozono, H., Rice, K., Ohno, K., Nasukawa, K. Vance, T. J., Fukazawa, H., Kitahara, M., Yamane-Tanaka, N., Zamma, H. Takayama, T. Suzuki, K., Maekawa, K. Kikuchi, H., Kondo, M., Sugito, M., Tanaka, S., 123-156
- 2004, Current Phonological Handbook, Autosegmental Phonology, Eihosha, 2004, Textbook, Joint work, 日本語, 63-80
- 2004, English Structure: Its Underlying Principles, Chapter 2: Sound Structure, Kinseido, 2004, Textbook, Joint work, 日本語, Ono, T., Yamane, N., Ono, N., Kondo, M., Fujimoto, K., Kurafuji, T., Tabata, K., Kiryuu, K., Shimada, M., Matsuoka, K., Kamiya, M., 23-49, Chapter 2: Sound Structure
- 2001, Issues in Japanese Phonology and Morphology, The sC Clusters as Complex Segments: Evidence from the Contrastive Phonology of English and Japanese (in Chapter 3: Studies in Contrastive Japanese-English Phonetics and Phonology), Mouton de Gruyter, 2001, 2001, Scholarly Book, Contributor, English, 357-387
- Phonetics and Phonology: The Kenkyusha bibliographical guide to English linguistics and philology, Review of Ellis Visch 1990, A Metrical Theory of Rhythmic Stress Phenomena, Foris, Dordrecht, vii+249pp, Kenkyusha, 1999, Scholarly Book, Contributor, 日本語, Shimaoka, T., Masuya, Y., & Haraguchi, S. (Eds)
- Phonetics and Phonology: The Kenkyusha bibliographical guide to English linguistics and philology 6, Review of John A. Goldsmith 1990, Autosegmental and Metrical Phonology, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, viii+376pp, Kenkyusha, 1999, Scholarly Book, Contributor, 日本語, Shimaoka, T, Masuya, Y. & Haraguchi, S. (Eds)
Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation
- Effects of Pedagogical Reinforcements on Emotional Prosody Observed in Voiceover Acting, Kaneko, I. and Yamane, N., AILA [Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée] World Congress, 2023/07, Without Invitation, English, Lyon
- Investigation on speech training in terms of mouth corner height, Takumi Shitara, Nao Yasuda, Tatsuya Kitamura, Toko Makino, Noriko Yamane, Annual Meeting of Acoustical Society of Japan, 2023/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Acoustical Society of Japan, Hokusei Gakuen University
- Effect of Listener Background on English L2 Speech Ratings, Philip Head, Noriko Yamane, Jon Clenton, JALT2023 International Conference: Growth Mindset in Language Education, 2023/09, Without Invitation, English, JALT, Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal Tsukuba), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
- Ultrasound visualization of tongue contours of vowels: Experienced vs. inexperienced speakers, Toko Makino, Xiaofeng Tan, Noriko Yamane, Acoustical Society of Japan, Kansai branch, Youth interaction meeting, 2023/12, Without Invitation, Japanese, Acoustical Society of Japan, Kindai University
- Feedback effects of mouth shape during speech training, Takumi Shitara, Tatsuya Kitamura, Toko Makino, Noriko Yamane, Acoustical Society of Japan, Kansai branch, Youth interaction meeting, 2023/12, Without Invitation, Japanese, Kindai University
- Effects of pedagogical reinforcements on emotional prosody observed in voiceover acting, Ikuyo Kaneko, Noriko Yamane, Brian Teaman, AILA World Congress, 2023/06/17, Without Invitation, English, AILA Organizing Committee, Lyon, hybrid
- Voiceover Practice: Comparison between two visual feedback approaches, Ikuyo Kaneko, Noriko Yamane, Atsushi Fujimori, Hawaii International Conference in English Language and Literature Studies (HICELLS 2023), Without Invitation, English, HICELLS 2023, University of Hawaii, Hilo
- Generative Learning in Phonetics and Phonology, Noriko Yamane, Asia-Pacific Applied Behavior Analysis Network, 2024/03/15, With Invitation, Japanese, Asia-Pacific Applied Behavior Analysis Network, Online
- Differences in Tongue Positions between Japanese Voiced and Voiceless Stops in Word Initial Position, Xiaofeng Tan, Noriko Yamane, Ultrafest XI, 2024/06/25, Without Invitation, Japanese, Ian Wilson, Ai Mizoguchi, Jeremy Perkins, Julian Villegas, Noriko Yamane, University of Aizu
- Analyzing Tongue Shapes and Acoustic Characters in Japanese Vowels: Comparison between Trained Speakers and Untrained Speakers, Toko Makino, Xiaofeng Tan, Noriko Yamane, Ultrafest XI, 2024/06/25, Without Invitation, English, Ian Wilson, Ai Mizoguchi, Jeremy Perkins, Julian Villegas, Noriko Yamane, University of Aizu
- Ultrasound Observation of Tongue Contour for Sibilant Fricatives in Fast Speech: A Pilot Study, Misato Shimizu, Misato Shimizu, Takayuki Arai, Ai Mizoguchi, Maho Morimoto, Weiyu Li, Noriko Yamane, Ultrafest XI, 2024/06/25, Without Invitation, English, Ultrafest, University of Aizu
- Ultrasound Observation of Tongue Contour for Sibilant Fricatives in Fast Speech: A Pilot Study, Misato Shimizu, Misato Shimizu, Takayuki Arai, Ai Mizoguchi, Maho Morimoto, Weiyu Li, Noriko Yamane, Ultrafest XI, Without Invitation, English, Ultrafest, University of Aizu
- Comparing listener perceptions of male and female speech comprehensibility: A qualitative analysis, Philip Head and Noriko Yamane, Osaka JALT's 14th annual spring conference, 2024/04/28, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Association for Language Teaching, Osaka Jogakuin University, Fairness in speech evaluation is important, but all humans have biases. In this mixed-methods study, 200 raters (70 male, 130 female) responded to the statement “Men and women are equally easy to understand when speaking a second language”. While 67% reported no difference, 28% responded women were easier to understand, compared to 5% for men. Written reasons given for percieved gender differences in comprehensibility were coded and their implications for speech assessment will be discussed.
- Global Experiences' impact on Attitudes towards Asian Englishes: Status and Accentedness, Yuta Sato, Noriko Yamane, Osaka JALT's 14th annual spring conference, 2024/04/28, Without Invitation, English, JALT Osaka, Osaka Jogakuin University, This study compared the perceived status/competence of L2 English speakers to that of L1 speakers, between an experimental group with overseas experience and a comparison group without. Implicitly, perceptions did not differ significantly between groups; however, explicitly, the SGE group showed a more neutral and analytical attitude. The analysis delves into the underlying causes of these observations and provide suggestions for future action.
- Pilot Study of Tongue Movement during Rapid Speech - Ultrasound Investigation, Shimizu, M., Arai, T., Mizoguchi, A., Morimoto, M., Li, E. Yamane, N., Acoustical Society of Japan, Spring Meeting, 2023/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Acoustical Society of Japan, Takushoku University, Bunkyo campus
- Effects of Speech Training Focusing on Mouth Shape, Shitara, T., Kitamura, T., Makino, M., Yamane, N., Acoustical Society of Japan, Spring Meeting, 2024/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Acoustical Society of Japan, Takushoku University, Bunkyo campus
- Feedback Effects of Mouth Shape during Speech Training, Shitara, T., Kitamura, T., Makino, M. Yamane, N., Acoustical Society of Japan, Kansai Branch, Meeting for Young Researchers, 2023/12, Without Invitation, Japanese, Acoustical Society of Japan, Kinki University, Higashi Osaka campus
- Tongue Contours of Japanese Vowels: Ultrasound Comparison between Experienced vs. Inexperienced Speakers, Makino, M., Tan, X., 26th Annual Meeting of the Acoustic Society of Japan, Kansai Branch, Meeting for Young Researchers, 2023/12, Without Invitation, Japanese, Acoustic Society of Japan, Kansai branch, Kinki University, Higashi Osaka campus
- Effect of Listener Background on English L2 Speech Ratings, Head, P. and Yamane, N. and Clenton, J., JALT2023 International Conference: Growth Mindset in Language Education., 2023/11, Without Invitation, English, JALT, Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal Tsukuba), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
- Exploration of Speech Training: Height of Lip Corners, Shitara, T., Yasuda, N., Kitamura, T., Makino, M., Yamane, N., Shitara, T., Yasuda, N., Kitamura, T., Makino, M., Japanese Society of Japan, 2023/09, Without Invitation, Japanese, Hokusei Gakuen University, published
- Confidence and Challenges in Rating L2 Speech: A Comparative Study of Japanese and Canadian Raters, Head, P., Yamane, N., and Clenton, J., Head, P., Clenton, J., 9th International Conference of Asian Association of Language Assessment (AALA), 2023/09, Without Invitation, English, Asian Association of Language Assessment (AALA), Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Effects of Pedagogical Reinforcements on Emotional Prosody Observed in Voiceover Acting, Kaneko, I. and Yamane, N., AILA World Congress, 2023/07, Without Invitation, English, AILA [Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée], Lyon (hybrid)
- Voiceover Practice: Comparison between two visual feedback approaches, Kaneko, I, Yamane, N. & Fujimori, A., Hawaii International Conference in English Language and Literature Studies (HICELLS 2023), 2023/03/10, Without Invitation, English, University of Hawaii, Hilo
- Teaching Pronunciation: Biofeedback and Laboratory Work, Yamane, N, Fujimori, A., Teaman, B. D, and Kaneko, I., Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics [ICA], 2022/10/28, With Invitation, English, International Congress on Acoustics [ICA], Korea
- Ultrasound, Articulatory Phonetics, and Application to Classroom - Bridging Theory and Practice -, Noriko Yamane, 2022/09/30, With Invitation, Japanese
- Oral disambiguation of "9 ji 10 pun mae" read by professional broadcasters, Makino, T. & Yamane, N., The 36th Annual Conference of Phonetic Society of Japan, 2022/09/25, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Short-term intervention effects on the development of pausing in read speech, Fujimori, A., Yamane, N., Kaneko, I., & Teaman, B., Fujimori, A., Yamane, N., Kaneko, I., & Teaman, B., International Symposium of Applied Phonetics, 2022/09/14, Without Invitation, English
- Does the location and the degree of articulatory contrast of l and r correlate with the degree of intelligibility?, Yamane, N., Sun, K., Wilson, I., and Perkins, J., International Symposium of Applied Phonetics, 2022/09/14, Without Invitation, English, Lund University
- Intonation Caused by Different Interpretations of Semantically Ambiguous Time Expression "9 ji 10 pun mae", Makino, T., Yamane, N., Phonological Society of Japan, 2021/06, Without Invitation, Japanese, Phonological Society of Japan
- Haptic, Kinematic, Phonetic Learning: Introduction - Prosody and Body, Yamane, N., Teaman, B., Yamane, N., Teaman, B., The Thirty-Fourth General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan, 2020/09/26, Without Invitation, English
- Emotional prosody of love and sorrow: L1 English, TTS and EFL learners, Kaneko, I. & Yamane, N., 12th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, 2021/06, Without Invitation, English, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON
- Relationship between Changes in Lip Motor Cortex Excitability and Phonetic Imitation Ability during Tongue Motion Video Observation, Tan, X., Funase, K. and Yamane, N., Tan, X., Tanaka, S., Tian, H., Funase, K. and Yamane, N., Phonology Forum, 2020/08/30, Without Invitation, English, Phonological Society of Japan, Zoom online, University of Tokyo
- Ultrasound and Shadowing for Japanese College Students Learning English L and R, Sun, K., Yamane, N., Sun, K., Watanabe, M., Wilson, I., and Yamane, N., Phonology Forum, 2020/08/30, Without Invitation, English, Phonological Society of Japan, Zoom online, University of Tokyo
- Mirroring, Shadowing, and Gesture Alignment in Interlanguage English Speech, Yamane, N., Shinya, M., Teaman, B., Yamane, N., Shinya, M., Teaman, B., and Fujimori, A., Online Conference of Laboratory Phonology, 2020/07/07, Without Invitation, English, Association of Laboratory Phonology, University of British Columbia
- Shadowing Native vs. Non-Native Speech, Head, P., Yamane, N., Head, P., Yamane, N., Phonology Spring Conference, 2020/06/19, Without Invitation, Japanese, Phonological Society of Japan, Zoom online
- Deep Learning for Automatic Tracking of Tongue Surface in Real-time Ultrasound Videos, Landmarks instead of Contours, Mozaffari, M. H., Yamane, N., Won-Sook, L., IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2020, Without Invitation, English
- Emotional Speech: Condolence Letter, Kaneko, I., Yamane, N., Kaneko, I., Yamane, N., Phonology Spring Conference, 2020/06/19, Without Invitation, English, Phonological Society of Japan, Zoom online
- Japanese Phonological Development up to 2 Years Old, Yamane, N., Kansai Linguistic Society, 2020/06/13, With Invitation, Japanese, Kansai Linguistic Society, Ritsumeikan University
- ABA early intervention program: phonetic imitation steps for the first 2 years of life, Yamane, N., Minagawa, Y., Yamane, N., Minagawa, Y., Annual Meeting of ABA Therapist Research Group, 2020/03/22, With Invitation, Japanese, Together LLC, Zoom online
- Investigating the effects of listener background on L2 English speech ratings, Head, P., Yamane, N., Head, P., Yamane, N., Clenton, J., and Shinya, M., New Directions, 2019/12/08, Without Invitation, Japanese, British Counsil, Yokohama Pacifico
- Development of L2 Prosody: The Case of Information Focus, Atsushi Fujimori, Mineharu Nakayama, Noriko Yoshimura, Atsushi Fujimori, Mineharu Nakayama, Noriko Yoshimura, Noriko Yamane, Brian Teaman and Kiyoko Yoneyama, The 15th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference, University of Nevada, Reno, 2019/03/22, Without Invitation, English, Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference, University of Nevada, Reno
- Haptic Effect on Intonation Learning, Noriko Yamane, Brian Teaman, Noriko Yamane, Brian Teaman, Atsushi Fujimori, Ian Wilson, and Noriko Yoshimura, International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, University of Aizu, 2018/09/19, Without Invitation, English
- Haptic Techniques for Teaching English Prosody, Brian Teaman & Noriko Yamane, Phonetic Society of Japan, 2017/10/01, Without Invitation, English, University of Tokyo, Hongo campus
- Pedagogy of English Pronunciation for Prospective Teachers of English, Noriko Yamane, Phonetic Society of Japan, 2017/10/01, Without Invitation, Japanese, University of Tokyo, Hongo campus
- Phonetic Features of Articles produced by Native Speakers of English and Japanese EFL learners, Kiyoko Yoneyama, Noriko Yamane, Atsushi Fujimori & Noriko Yoshimura, Phonetic Society of Japan, 2017/09/30, Without Invitation, Japanese, University of Tokyo, Hongo campus
- Teaching Focal Stress of English: Auditory vs. Haptic Techniquesv, Yamane, N. and Teaman, B., J-SLA The 17th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, 2017/06/04, Without Invitation, English, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
- Teaching Focal Stress of English: Auditory vs. Haptic Techniques, Noriko Yamane & Brian Teaman, S-SLA The 17th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, 2017/06/04, Without Invitation, English, Shizuoka University of Arts and Culture
- Teaching Focal Stress and Rhythm: Auditory vs. Haptic Techniques, Noriko Yamane, Brian Teaman and William Acton, TESOL 2017 International Convention and English Language Expo, 2017/03/23, Without Invitation, English, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Identifying syntax driven intonation phrases in native and non-native Japanese, Atsushi Fujimori, Noriko Yamane, and Noriko Yoshimura, The 24th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, 2016/10/14, Without Invitation, English, The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo
- Japanese EFL Learners' Production of Pronouns and Articles in English: Evidence for L2 Prosodic Structures, Noriko Yamane, Noriko Yoshimura, and Atsushi Fujimori, Noriko Yamane, Noriko Yoshimura, and Atsushi Fujimori, Canadian Acoustic Association, 2016/09/21, Without Invitation, English, The Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Formation of AP and IP by English JFL learners, Noriko Yamane, Noriko Yoshimura, and Atsushi Fujimori, 8th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT) Conference: The Role of Technology in L2 Pronunciation Research and Teaching, 2016/08/12, Without Invitation, English, University of Calgary, Canada
- Investigating the effects of listener background on L2 English speech ratings, Head, P., Yamane, N., Clenton, J., and Shinya, M., New Directions, 2019/12, Without Invitation, English, British Counsil, Pacifico Yokohama
- L2 Japanese Prosody of Contrastive Focus and Information Focus, Fujimori, A., Yamane, N., Fujimori, A., Nakayama, M., Yamane, N., Yoshimura, N., Yusa, M., Yoneyama, K, New Sounds, 2019/08, Without Invitation, Japanese, The 9th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, Waseda University
- Mirroring Effects on Duration of EFL Learners, Noriko Yamane, Noriko Yamane, Masahiro Shinya, Brian Teaman, Marina Ogawa, New Sounds, 2019/08, Without Invitation, English, The 9th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, Waseda University
- Mirroring Beat Gestures: Effects on EFL Learners, Noriko Yamane, Noriko Yamane, Masahiro Shinya, Brian Teaman, Marina Ogawa, and Soushi Akahoshi, International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2019/08, Without Invitation, English, Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc., Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
- Complexity of sounds and ultrasound training, Yamane, N., Circle of Phonology and Morphology of Korea, 2019/06, With Invitation, English, Korea National Open University
- The acquisition of prosodic focus marking in English dialogs and narratives, Atsushi Fujimori, Noriko Yoshimura, and Noriko Yamane, Pacific Second Language Research Forum 2016 (PacSLRF 2016), 2016/09/09, Without Invitation, English, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
- A comparison of L1, TTS and L2: Love Letter Readings, Noriko Yamane, Ikuyo Kaneko & Donna Erickson, Noriko Yamane, Ikuyo Kaneko & Donna Erickson, Phonology Festa, 2019/03, Without Invitation, English, NINJAL, Tokyo Phonology Circle, Phonological Assocation in Kansai, Meikai University, Urayasu campus
- Japanese /u/, Akitsugu Nogita and Noriko Yamane, Akitsugu Nogita and Noriko Yamane, Phonology Forum, 2018/08, Without Invitation, English, Phonological Society of Japan, Nagoya
- Prosodification of Articles by Japanese EFL Learners, Fujimori, A., Yoneyama, K., Yamane, N., and Yoshimura, N., 3rd Workshop on Second Language Prosody [SLaP3], 2017/11, Without Invitation, English, Bangor, UK
- Toward a Method to Uncover L1 Japanese Sociophonetic Transfer to L2 English, Noriko Yamane & Karen Carter, Canadian Acoustic Association, 2017/10, Without Invitation, English, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
- Some aspects of phonetic features of native L1 English speakers and Japanese EFL learners, Yoneyama, S., Yamane, N., Fujimori, A. & Yoshimura, N., Phonetic Society of Japan, 2017, Without Invitation, Japanese
- Japanese learners' production of pronouns and articles in English: Evidence for L2 prosodic structures, Yamane, N., Fujimori, A., and Yoshimura, N, Acoustics Week in Canada, 2016/10, Without Invitation, English, Canadian Acoustical Association
- When dynamics conflict: Flap dynamics and palatalization in Japanese, Noriko Yamane, Phil Howson, Masaki Noguchi, and Bryan Gick, LabPhon15: Speech Dynamics and Phonological Representation, 2016/07/13, Without Invitation, English, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
- Ultrasound-enhanced multimodal approaches to pronunciation teaching and learning, Abel, J., Allen, B., Burton, S., Kazama, M., Kim, B., Noguchi, M., Tsuda A., Yamane, N., and Gick, B., Acoustics Week in Canada, 2015/10, Without Invitation, English, Canadian Acoustical Association
- Comparing Instructional Reinforcements in Phonetics Pedagogy, Jennifer Abel, Heather Bliss, Bryan Gick, Masaki Noguchi, Murray Schellenberg, and Noriko Yamane, 1st International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, 2016/03/25, Without Invitation, English, Chubu University, Nagoya, Japan
- Ultrasound-integrated Pronunciation Tutorials, Yamane, N., Tsuda, A, Yamane, N., Kim, B., Kazama, M., Burton, S., and Gick, B., 35th Annual Conference Achieving Harmony: Tuning into Practice, 2015/10, Without Invitation, English, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE)
- The development of visual CALL materials for learning L2 English prosody, Yamane, N., Yoshimura, N., and Fujimori, A., International Conference ICT for Language Learning, 2016, Without Invitation, English, Florence, Italy
- Ultrasound-integrated Pronunciation Tutorials, Yamane, N., Tsuda, A, Yamane, N., Kim, B., Kazama, M., Burton, S., and Gick, B., 35th Annual Conference Achieving Harmony: Tuning into Practice, 2015, Without Invitation, English, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Ultrasound-integrated pronunciation teaching and learning, Yamane, N., Abel, J., Allen, B., Burton, S., Kazama, M., Noguchi, M., Tsuda A., and Gick, B., Ultrafest, 2015, Without Invitation, English
- An Ultrasound Examination of Taps in Japanese, Yamane, N., Howson, P., and Wei, P.-C., 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2015, Without Invitation, English, International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, University of Glasgow
- Contrastive tongue shape of three sibilant fricatives in Taiwan Mandarin read speech, Noguchi, M., Chiu, C., Wei, P.-C., Yamane, N., Acoustics Week in Canada, 2015, Without Invitation, English, Canadian Acoustical Association
- Potentials of ultrasound imaging applications to Japanse pronunciation instructions, Yonemoto, K., Noguchi, M., Hayashi, H., Tsuda, A. & Yamane, N., Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (CAJLE), 2014, Without Invitation, English, Montreal, ON
- The Japanese unrounded back vowel /ɯ/ is in fact rounded central [ʉ], Nogita, A., Bird, S., and Yamane, N., Ultrafest VI, 2013, Without Invitation, Japanese, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
- Harmony in Gitksan, Yamane-Tanaka, N. and Fujimori, A., Acoustical Society of America, 2005/05, Without Invitation, English, Vancouver
External Funds
Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds
- Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Prosodic hierarchy in terms of articulatory phonology and gesticulation, 2022, 2025
- KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists), Effects of ultrasound visual feedback, 2018, 2020
Social Activities
History as Committee Members
- Organizing committee, 2024/03, 2024/07, Hiroshima University Integrated Arts and Sciences 50th Anniversary Symposium
- Organizing committee, 2024/01, 2024/06, Ultrafest XI
- Featured Articles, Editor, 2023/04, 2024/03, Phonetic Society of Japan
- Onsei Kenkyu Editorial board, 2022/04, 2025/03, Phonetic Society of Japan
- Lecturer, 2020/11, 2022/11, Hiroshima International University
- Reviewer, 2017, Japan Society of Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders
- International Communicator, 2017, 2020, Phonological Society of Japan
- Editor, 2006, 2006, International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages
Organizing Academic Conferences, etc.
- Ultrafest XI
- Phonetics and phonology invited lecture series, 2022/01, 2022/01
Other Social Contributions
- Expanding Asia: Summer School, Ultrasound use in pronunciation, International Office, 2022/08, Hiroshima University, Lecturer, Lecture, College students
History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers
- 2022, Onsei Kenkyu, Others, Reviewer
- 2023, Cognitive Studies, Others, Reviewer
- 2022, Onsei Kenkyu, Editor, Editor
- 2022, Journal of Japanese Linguistics, Others, Reviewer
- 2021, Journal of Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, Others, Reviewer
- 2019, Journal of Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education, Others, Reviewer
- 2019, New Sounds, Others, Reviewer