Last Updated :2024/10/01

Affiliations, Positions
Harassment Consultation Office, Associate Professor
Other Contact Details
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Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2007/04/02, Hiroshima University, Harassment Consultation Office, Associate Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Nagoya University, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Sociology, Japan, 1994/04, 1998/03
  • Ibaraki University, Faculty of Humanities, Social Science, Japan, 1986/04, 1990/03

Academic Degrees

  • Master of Sociology, Nagoya University

Research Fields

  • Social sciences;Sociology;Sociology

Research Keywords

  • gender
  • sexual harassment
  • academic harassment
  • domestic violence
  • gender-based violence
  • sience and technology
  • SOGI
  • LGBT

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Japan Association of Gender and Law
  • The Women's Studies Association of Japan, 1993
  • The Japanese Association of Sociology of Law, 2001
  • The Japan Sociological Society, 1999
  • The Sociology of Science of Japan, 2012

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Gender and Society
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Gender and Academic Disciplines

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. ★, DV Victim Support in Japan Remains Fragmented -How Will the Act on Support for the Women Change the Field?, Review of gender and law, 111-123, 202312
  2. Research Report on a Japanese University Faculty Members'Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Part 2:Relationship between Attributes -Gender, Age and Academic Field and knowledge,Aversion,and Recognition of Existence, SHAKAIKAGAKU-KENKYU, 44, 213-266, 20240201
  3. Research on Japanese University Faculty Members' Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, SHAKAIKAGAKU-KENKYU, 42(2), 188-218, 20220331
  4. ★, Authorship Practices in Multi-Authored Papers in Natural Sciences at Japanese Universities, International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 80-91, 20141101
  5. A Comparative Study of Surveys on Inappropriate Authors of Scientific Papers, 75-86, 201603
  6. Domestic Violence Victim Support in Taiwan and Malaysia, 37-55, 201603
  7. Domestic Violence Victim Support in Taiwan, Journal of Asian Women's Studies, 23, 1-13, 201603
  8. ★, Gender Theory and Power: Based on R.W.Connell's Gender Theory, The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, 31-56, 19950301
  9. Actual Conditions and Measures to Address "Gende-based Violence" in Asia: Survey by Asian Network of Women's Shelters(ANWS), Japanese Journal of International Society for Gender Studies, 15, 31-53, 201712
  10. The specific characteristics of harassment on university campus, Gender and Law, 33-42, 20140801
  11. Harassment victim support and harassment on campus, GENDAI SHISOU, 41(15), 124-135, 20131101
  12. Training Program for Lawyers on the Response to Domestic Violence Victims, Hou to Jitumu, 7, 256-268, 20080501
  13. Employment Prospect for girl graduate from Technical Highschool/College(KOSEN) in Japan, CHUKYO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIOLOGY BULLETIN, 19(1), 25-43, 20041101
  14. ★, Sexual Harassment on Campus and School - It’s Concept, Structure and Policy, Quartely Education Law, 9-30, 20010301
  15. ★, Analysis of the Questionnaires of Sexual Harassment, The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, 35-60, 20000301
  16. The Meaning of Legislation against Sexual Harassment in Japan, The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, 39-64, 19980301
  17. ★, Field Report: Policies for the prevention of domestic violence against victims of all genders and sexualities in Japan, Gender and Sexuality, journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU, 95-108, 20100301
  18. Doing Gender: It's Practice and Knowledge, The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, 31-50, 19960301
  19. The Formation of Student's Attitudes to Ecological Issues, The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, 1-22, 19920301
  20. What universities must/can do about harassment on campus :A report from Hiroshima University, Quartely Education Law, 40-45, 20101001
  21. Measures Against Gender-based Violence in Japan :Progress and Challenges, Women's Studies, 25, 15-23, 20180331
  22. Impact of COVID-19 on Domestic Violence in Japan and in the World, International Women, 108-114, 202012
  23. Support for Victim of Domestic Violence in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Welfare Studies, 43-46, 202012
  24. A Research on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Policies in Japanese Universities, SHAKAIKAGAKU KENKYU, 41(2), 181-230, 20210331

Publications such as books

  1. 2017/08, Academic Harassment no Kaiketsu, Jyurosya, 2017, 8, Book(general), Joint work, Japanese, 978-4909281005, 192
  2. 1997/11, “From a movement in Nagoya Univ. to a National Network”, in Sexual Harassment on Campus—research, analysis and policy,, 1997, 11, Book(general), Joint work
  3. 2002/07, Robert W. Connell “Gender and Power” in The50. Masterpieces for Feminism, Heibonsha, 2002, 07, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation
  4. 2006/11, Chapter 8 “Worry---DV, Stalker and Gender” Sociology through a Gender Lens, Sekaishisosya, 2006, 11, Book(general), Cocompilation
  5. 2006/02, Chapter 3 From an Experience of NGO, in DV Prevention and Victim Support, MINERVA Publishing, 2006, 02, Book(general), Cocompilation

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. The History of Anti-harassment Measures on Campuses in Japan, KITANAKAChisato, Seoul National University(Korea),SNU Human Rights Center the Webinar Series, New Horizons for Human Rights and the Higher Education, 2022/01/13, With Invitation, Japanese, Seoul National University Human Rights Center, Online
  2. Implementing Beijing +25 Commitments in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, KITANAKA Chisato, UN ESCAP Asia-Pacific virtual Expert Group Meeting, 2020/09/16, Without Invitation, English
  3. Remote Service Provision for Migrant Women: Global and Local Knowledge Sharing, KITANAKA Chisato, UN Women the virtual discussion, Asia Pacific Roundtable Discussion, 2020/12/16, With Invitation, English, UN Women
  4. Researcher's ethics in multi-authorship papers in natural sciences at Japanese universities: The intersection of harassment and scientific misconduct, Y.YUKAWA,C.Kitanaka, M.YOKOYAMA, International Sociological Association Second Forum, 2012/08/01, Without Invitation, English, International Sociological Association, Buenos Aires University