Last Updated :2024/07/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
Other Contact Details
1-5-1,Kagamiyama,Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
TEL : (+81)82-424-6939 FAX : (+81)82-424-6939
My research interests are global citizenship education, peace education and education in Indonesia.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 1997/04/01, 2001/03/31, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Special Postdoctoral Researcher
  • 2001/04/01, 2004/12/31, Hiroshima University, Lecturer
  • 2005/01/01, 2007/03/31, Hiroshima University, Associate Professor
  • 2007/04/01, 2010/03/31, Hiroshima University, Associate Professor
  • 2010/04/01, 2016/03/31, Hiroshima University, International Center, Associate Professor
  • 2016/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Associate Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Hiroshima University, Japan, 1995/04, 1998/03
  • Hiroshima University, Japan, 1993/04, 1995/03
  • Ehime University, Japan, 1989/04, 1993/03

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Hiroshima University
  • Master of Education, Hiroshima University

Educational Activity

  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Educational Sciences : International Education Development Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Educational Sciences : International Education Development Program

Research Fields

  • Social sciences;Education;Sociology of education

Research Keywords

  • Local curriculum, Peace Education, Indonesia

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Japan Comparative Education Society The Japanese Society for Curriculum Studies, 1994

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Foundations of International Education Development I
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Foundations of International Education Development II
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Introduction for Comparative and International Education toward Global Peace
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineer's Ethics
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, History of Japanese Educational Development
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Project Research
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Theory and Practice of Curriculum and Instruction
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Education for Peace Society
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Fieldwork Methodology in Educational Development
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Local Curriculum Development
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study(April 2024 Master's Students)
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study(October 2024 Master's Students)
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study(April 2024 Doctoral Students)
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study(October 2024 Doctoral Students)
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, International Environmental Cooperation Studies

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. On The Syllabus for Teacher Training of Art Education in Malaysia, Journal of Hokkaido University of Education. Education, 50(1), 257-268, 199908
  2. A Study of "Muatan Lokal" in Indonesian Education--Regulation between National Culture and Ethnic Culture, Comparative education, 21, 73-82,213-215, 1995
  3. Art education in Indonesian basic education: from a view "Bhinneka tunggal ika (Unity in diversity)", Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University, 49, 121-136, 1999
  4. A Critical Study on the Functions of the "Local Curriculum" ( "Muatan Lokal" ) in Indonesia, Comparative education, 23, 113-127,167-169, 1997
  5. Education and Peace-building(Open Symposium,Report on the 69th Annual Conference of Japanese Educational Research Association), Japanese journal of educational research, 78(1), 59-63, 20110331
  6. Comparative Study on Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), The Japanese journal of curriculum studies, 45-59, 20040331
  7. Development and Examination of The Curriculum Building "Cross-Cultural Competency", The Japanese journal of curriculum studies, 89-102, 20050331
  8. A study on competency based curriculum in Indonesia, The journal of educational research, 19-28, 200703
  9. A Study of "Muatan Lokal" in Indonesian Education : Regulation between National Culture and Ethnic Culture , Comparative education, 73-82, 1995
  10. A Study on School-Based Management for Improving Educational Quality in Indonesia, Journal of international cooperation in education, 8(2), 51-62, 200510
  11. A Study of "Muatan Lokal" in Indonesian Education:Regulation between National Culture and Ethnic Culture, Comparative Education, 1995(21), 73-82,213, 1995
  12. A Critical Study on the Functions of the"Local Curriculum"("Muatan Lokal")in Indonesia., Comparative Education, 1997(23), 113-127,167, 1997
  13. Overcoming Ethnic Conflict through Multicultural Education: The Case of West Kalimantan, Indonesia, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION, 20(1), 118-137, 2018
  14. Meanings of International High School Education in Indonesia and Japan, JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION, 18(3), 310-325, 201912
  15. ★, Citizenship Education in Indonesia and Japan: A Dynamic Endeavour to Form National Character, Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 15(1), 45-62, 202003

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Designing Technological Citizenship Education in Japan and Indonesia, Ayami Nakaya, Akimasa FUjiwara, the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) 2021 Conference, 2021/03/12, Without Invitation, English, the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  2. Global Citizenship Education in Social Studies in the Era of the New Normal, Ayami Nakaya, 5th International Seminar on Social Studies and History Education themed 'Promoting Global Competency in the Era of New Normal in Social Studies and History Learning, 2020/11/03, With Invitation, English, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
  3. Global Citizenship and Educating on Globalization, Gajamada Univesity, IIS Globalization Talk, 2020/02/24, With Invitation, English, Gajamada University, Gajamada University
  4. Peace Education in Japan: From Anti WAR/A-bomb education to Global Citizenship Education, AYAMI NAKAYA, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PEACE EDUCATION, 2019/12/11, With Invitation, English, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
  5. Multicultural Education to Overcome Ethnic Conflict from Global Citizenship Perspective, Nakaya Ayami, 17th International Conference on Education Research (ICER), 2016/10/14, Without Invitation, English, Seoul University, Seoul University.
  6. Social Identity and Local Curriculum in West Sumatra, Indonesia: Towards Local Development, Nakaya Ayami, 2016/11/26, Without Invitation, English