Last Updated :2025/02/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
Web Site

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Master of Engineering, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
  • Doctor of Engineering, Kyushu University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Informatics and Data Science : Department of Informatics and Data Science : Computer Science Program
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Informatics and Data Science Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Informatics and Data Science Program

Research Fields

  • Informatics;Computing Technologies;Information network
  • Informatics;Computing Technologies;Information network

Research Keywords

  • Mobile Computing, Ubiquitous Computing

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Programming II
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Programming IV
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Information Society and Security
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Informatics and Data Science Exercise II
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Informatics Seminar I
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Informatics Seminar II
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Long-term Fieldwork I
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Informatics and Data Science A
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Informatics and Data Science A
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Informatics and Data Science B
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Informatics and Data Science B
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Informatics and Data Science
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Mobile Computing
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Informatics and Data Science

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. A heuristic method of generating diameter 3 graphs for order/degree problem, 2016 10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, NOCS 2016, 20160928
  2. Shared MPR sets for moderately dense wireless multihop networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, 20150101
  3. Energy-efficient fragmentation scheme for IEEE 802.11 DCF: Delay and Fairness considerations, Journal of Internet Technology, 15(4), 625-634, 20140101
  4. Development of a modeling education program for novices using model-driven development, Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education, WESE 2012, 20131024
  5. Finding more efficient multipoint relay set to reduce topology control traffic of OLSR, 2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2013, 20130916
  6. Efficient survey database construction using location fingerprinting interpolation, Proceedings - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA, 469-476, 20130808
  7. Performance evaluation of probabilistic relay in ad hoc on-demand distance vector and Ad hoc on-demand multipath distance vector under highly dynamic environments, Journal of Computer Science, 9(7), 905-921, 20130719
  8. A preliminary study of the number of votes under majority rule in crowdsourcing, Procedia Computer Science, 22, 537-543, 20130101
  9. Test collection recycling for semantic text similarity, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 286-289, 20121201
  10. Performance evaluation of AODV and AOMDV with probabilistic relay in VANET environments, Proceedings of the 2012 3rd International Conference on Networking and Computing, ICNC 2012, 259-263, 20121201
  11. Economical and fault-tolerant load balancing in distributed stream processing systems, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E95-D(4), 1062-1073, 20120101
  12. An effectively focused crawling system, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 376, 61-76, 20120101
  13. Density of multipoint relays in dense wireless multi-hop networks, Proceedings - 2011 2nd International Conference on Networking and Computing, ICNC 2011, 134-140, 20111201
  14. An evaluation of routing protocols with probabilistic relay in VANETs, IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 187-191, 20111201
  15. A web browsing behavior recording system, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6884 LNAI(PART 4), 53-62, 20110929
  16. Design and implementation of a system for finding appropriate tags to photos in Flickr from Web browsing behaviour, International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 7(1), 75-90, 20110201
  17. Probabilistic broadcast-based cache invalidation scheme for location dependent data in mobile environments, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E94-D(8), 1590-1601, 20110101
  18. Collaborative filtering for position estimation error correction in WLAN positioning systems, IEICE Transactions on Communications, E94-B(3), 649-657, 20110101
  19. Exploitation of backup nodes for reducing recovery cost in high availability stream processing systems, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 61-63, 20101215
  20. Cooperative MPR selection to reduce topology control packets in OLSR, IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 293-298, 20101201
  21. A self-recovery technique for highly-available stream processing over local area networks, IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 2406-2411, 20101201
  22. Where to crawl next for focused crawlers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6279 LNAI(PART 4), 220-229, 20101129
  23. A common key generation technique based on similarity of received signal strength for secure wireless face-to-face communication, 8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies, APSITT 2010, 20100916
  24. Symbolic device for short-range wireless pairwise communication, 8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies, APSITT 2010, 20100916
  25. Improving a news recommendation system in adapting to interests of a user with storage of a constant size, Advances in Web Technologies and Applications - Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2010, 109-115, 20100709
  26. Tag recommendation for Flickr using web browsing behavior, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6017 LNCS(PART 2), 412-421, 20100520
  27. Redundant TC message senders in OLSR, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E93-D(12), 3269-3272, 20100101
  28. Estimation algorithms of popular objects on distributed hash table using local lookup logs, Proceedings of the 2009 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Its Applications, CSA 2009, 20091201
  29. Highly efficient multipoint relay selections in link state QoS routing protocol for multi-hop wireless networks, 2009 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks and Workshops, WOWMOM 2009, 20091201
  30. Introducing group participation support into P2P web caching systems, Proceedings - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA, 868-875, 20091005
  31. Name resolution middleware using relative positional relationship to support wireless visiblearea communication, Proceedings - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA, 443-450, 20091005
  32. A mutual authentication method on wireless visible area network, Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University, 14(2), 77-82, 20090901
  33. Large scale business-academia collaboration in master education course, CSEDU 2009 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2, 159-166, 20090721
  34. Multipoint relay selections with QoS support in link state routing protocol for multi-hop wireless networks, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E92-A(9), 2118-2226, 20090101
  35. A spam filtering method learning from web browsing behavior, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5178 LNAI(PART 2), 774-781, 20081224
  36. Extracting user preference from Web browsing behaviour for spam filtering, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 1(2), 126-138, 20080401
  37. Introducing fault tree analysis into product line software engineering for exception handling feature exploitation, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, SE 2007, 229-234, 20071201
  38. UDSS: Sensor device for context awareness in home network, 4th International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems, INSS, 196-200, 20071201
  39. WiPS: Location and motion sensing technique of IEEE 802.11 devices, Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, ICITA 2005, II, 346-349, 20051201
  40. Positioning technique of wireless LAN terminals using RSSI between terminals, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Pervasive Systems and Computing, PSC'05, 47-53, 20051201
  41. Access point determination method considering route stability on the hybrid Ad-hoc network, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN'05, 348-353, 20051201
  42. Design of a context-aware message exchange system in an ad-hoc network, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA'04, 3, 1142-1146, 20041201
  43. Product line based component unification and exploiting unified components in FORM, Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC, 559-563, 20041201
  44. Node mobility aware routing for mobile ad hoc network, IEICE Transactions on Communications, E87-B(7), 1926-1930, 20040101
  45. A context-aware middleware mapping processes and user-context subspaces, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 4, 1591-1597, 20031201
  46. Proposal of wireless peer-to-peer system using the wireless multi-hop network to access wireless hot spot, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 2, 877-881, 20031201
  47. Design of a context-aware email delivery system, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 2, 744-750, 20031201
  48. Mobility Based Algorithm for Mobile Ad-hoc Network, IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings, I, 334-337, 20031107
  49. Wireless LAN Based Indoor Positioning System WiPS and Its Simulation, IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings, I, 272-275, 20031107
  50. Design and implementation of the Lambda μ-kernel based operating system for embedded systems, Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, EW 10, 178-181, 20021201
  51. Location estimation system using wireless ad-hoc network, International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC, 1, 305-309, 20020101
  52. Loop parallelization technique for linear dependence vector, Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, 285-289, 19950101
  53. Low-cost IMU and GPS Fusion Strategy for Apron Vehicle Positioning, Proc. 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON’17), 1-6, 20171105
  54. A Basic Consideration of Semi-Scheduled Contacts and Delivery Time Estimation of Delay Tolerant Networks, IEICE technical report, 117(115), 37-41, 20170706
  55. A Study for Performance of Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols in VoIP, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 2004(44), 75-80, 20040514
  56. An Application of Motion Detection of Wi - Fi Terminals using the Positioning System WiPS, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 2004(114), 95-102, 20041111
  57. A Consideration of Communication Gray Zone Problem in Ad-hoc Networks using Wireless LAN, 2004(62), 7-11, 20040611
  58. Evaluation of a Program Specialization Method Tradeoff between Execution Time and the Code Size, 2004(62), 29-34, 20040611
  59. A Caching Model of a Context-aware Message Exchange System in an Ad-hoc Network, 2004(106), 37-42, 20041104
  60. A Consideration of Gray Zone Problem in Ad-hoc Network Routing, 2005(34), 1-6, 20050323
  61. Indoor Location Sensing Technique Using Wireless Network, 44(10), 131-140, 20030715
  62. Design and Implementation of the Lambda μ-Kernel Based Operating System for Embedded Systems with Automatic Transformer to Monolithic Structure, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, 43(6), 1725-1734, 20020615
  63. Design and Implementation of the Lambda μ-Kernel Based Operating System for Embedded Systems with Automatic Transformer to Monolithic Structure, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, 43(6), 1725-1734, 20020615
  64. A Case Study of Development of a Java Bytecode Analyzer Framework Using AspectJ, IPSJ Transaction on Programming, 46(1), 65-77, 20050115
  65. Logic-based Binding Time Analysis for Java Using Reaching Definitions, IPSJ Digital Courier, 46(1), 121-133, 20050115
  66. Global Exception Detection and Demand Driven Exception Handling, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2003(19), 7-13, 20030227
  67. Consideration about the Management Method of the System that provides the Internet Connectivity by using Ad - hoc Network, 2004(46), 111-116, 20040514
  68. A Loop Parallelization Technique for Linear Dependence Vector, 94(65), 25-32, 19940721
  69. Semi -Auto Specializing Technique of Multi- Purpose Operating System for Application Specific, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2002(13), 95-100, 20020214
  70. The memory management system of the Lambda µ - kernel based operating system for embedded systems, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2002(13), 141-146, 20020214
  71. Realization of Lambda Operating System on Linux, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2002(60), 133-140, 20020627
  72. Trial and Evaluation of an Education Program on Embedded Software Development with Using a Model, 2005(118), 31-36, 20051122
  73. A Proposal and Evaluation of Fast Reconnect Ad-Hoc Network Routing Protocol, IEICE technical report, 103(10), 1-4, 20030418
  74. A Study of Keeping of Plural Spare Routes in Ad-Hoc Network, IEICE technical report, 103(386), 45-48, 20031017
  75. A Study for Performance of Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols in VoIP, IEICE technical report, 104(38), 5-10, 20040507
  76. An Embedded Software Development Method using a Simulator, Technical report of IEICE. SS, 103(102), 25-30, 20030530
  77. A Consideration of Processing and Interpretation of Contexts for Adapting to Various Environments, IEICE technical report, 105(357), 33-36, 20051013
  78. Semi-Auto Specializing Technique of Multi-Purpose Operating System for Application Specific, 2002(13), 95-100, 20020214
  79. The memory management system of the Lambda μ-kernel based operating system for embedded systems, 2002(13), 141-146, 20020214
  80. Information Sharing Space that Opens the Future of ITSociety : Seamless Computing for Information Sharing Space, IPSJ Magazine, 48(2), 142-147, 20070215
  81. A Consideration on UML Representation of Existing Feature Models, IEICE technical report, 106(522), 31-36, 20070125
  82. Introducing User Interface Modeling in PLUS Product Line Development Process, IEICE technical report, 106(523), 37-42, 20070126
  83. CAMPUS : A High Performance and Dependability Oriented Context - Aware Middleware, 2004(4), 69-76, 20040120
  84. Power Aware Dynamic Source Routing and Its Preliminary Evaluation, 2002(55), 13-18, 20020607
  85. Load Balancing Routing for Wireless Ad-hoc Network and Its Preliminary Evaluation, 2002(55), 19-24, 20020607
  86. Load Balancing Routing for Wireless Ad-hoc Network and Its Preliminary Evaluation, 2002(55), 19-24, 20020607
  87. Perliminary Evaluation of Wireless LAN based Indoor Position System WiPS, 2003(26), 27-32, 20030307
  88. Estimating Core Assets Modification Cost in a Software Product Line, 2007(112), 17-24, 20071119
  89. A Proposal of a New Framework for Advanced Event Notifications Provided by Sensors in Home Networks, 2007(118), 1-8, 20071129
  90. OLSR-based Routing Protocols Using Quality of Links, IEICE technical report, 107(446), 31-36, 20080117
  91. WiPS : Positioning System Using Wireless LAN Devices, IEICE technical report, 107(446), 81-82, 20080117
  92. A Framework of Sensor Devices Designed for Home Networks, IEICE technical report, 107(446), 83-84, 20080117
  93. WiPS : Positioning System Using Wireless LAN Devices, IEICE technical report, 107(447), 97-98, 20080117
  94. A Method for Feature-Oriented Unit Test for Software Product Lines, IEICE technical report, 107(505), 1-6, 20080225
  95. Evaluation of a Selection Scheme of High Throughput Routes For Solving Gray Zones Problem in MANET, 2008(60), 1-8, 20080620
  96. RAS Based Representation of core Assets for Software Product Line, IEICE technical report, 108(242), 7-12, 20081009
  97. B-15-1 Effectiveness Evaluation of Visual Information in Mutual Authentication Methods for Wireless Visible Area Network, Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 2009(1), 20090304
  98. Design and Evaluation of Name Resolution Middleware Using Relative Positional Relationship in Wireless Visible Area Communication, IEICE technical report, 108(290), 45-50, 20081106
  99. A Hybrid Approach Using Principal Component Analysis for Wireless LAN Based Location Estimation, IEICE technical report, 108(290), 39-44, 20081106
  100. Device Normalization for Wireless LAN-based Positioning System, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 2009(8), 79-85, 20090122
  101. Evaluation of Load-balancing Technique for Name Resolution Middleware Using Relative Location Information, IEICE technical report, 109(22), 89-94, 20090430
  102. Evaluation of a Mutual Authentication Method on Wireless Visible Area Network, IEICE technical report, 108(448), 13-18, 20090226
  103. Event-Driven Processing Framework Supporting Sensor Cooperation for Home Networks, The IEICE transactions on communications B, 92(7), 1050-1060, 20090701
  104. A Name Resolution Middleware Using Relative Location Information Supporting Wireless Visible Area Communication, The IEICE transactions on communications B, 92(4), 643-655, 20090401
  105. Hybrid Localization Scheme Using Principle Component Analysis in Wireless LAN Environment, The IEICE transactions on information and systems, 93(10), 1876-1884, 20101001
  106. Device Adaptation Technique Using Canonical Correlation Analysis for Localization System in Wireless LAN Environment, The IEICE transactions on information and systems, 93(10), 1885-1893, 20101001
  107. A Consideration of Dynamic Time Warping Distance to Recognize Motions at Different Paces, IEICE technical report, 109(380), 69-74, 20100114
  108. A Consideration on the Number of TC Message Sender Nodes in OLSR, IEICE technical report, 109(380), 75-79, 20100114
  109. An Approach to Foster Highly Skilled ICT Personnel through Large Scale Business-academia Collaboration, 49(8), 2830-2842, 20080815
  110. A Hybrid Server/P2P Streaming System for Video-on-Demand Services, IEICE technical report, 110(21), 37-42, 20100419
  111. A Consideration of Daily Activity Recognition Method with the Combination of Simple Activities Using DTW, 72(0), 87-88, 20100308
  112. A Consideration of Features for Fatigue Estimation by Gait Analysis Using Accelerometer, 2011(27), 1-8, 20110228
  113. A Consideration of Activity Switching Time Recognition Using DTW, 2011(28), 1-8, 20110228
  114. A Consideration of an Individual Identification Method by Gait Using a Markerless Motion Capture Device, 2012(9), 1-7, 20120707
  115. An Accurate Interpolation Scheme of Training Data for Indoor WLAN Positioning Systems, 54(4), 1609-1618, 20130415
  116. A Study on Transmission Timing Control for Wireless Mesh Networks, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 2014(27), 1-6, 20140508
  117. A Method Considering Frequency Selective Fading for WLAN-based Indoor Localization, IEICE technical report. MoNA, Mobile network and applications, 114(308), 25-29, 20141118
  118. A Method to Estimate Message Arrival Time in Message Ferry DTN, IEICE technical report. MoNA, Mobile network and applications, 114(308), 49-54, 20141118
  119. B-15-9 An Analysis of Social Network of University Students through Registerd Classes, Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2015(1), 20150825
  120. Wireless LAN Based Indoor Positioning System WiPS and Its Simulation, IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 0, 272-275, 2003
  121. Load Reduction Technique for Name Resolution Middleware Using Relative Location Information, 15(2), 99-104, 20100924
  122. A Web Browsing Behavior Recording System, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6884, 53-62, 2011
  123. A mutual authentication method on wireless visible area network, Research reports on information science and electrical engineering of Kyushu University, 14(2), 77-82, 200909
  124. A Proposal of Enhancement of Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocol OLSR to Reduce Control Packets, Record of Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu, 2009(0), 112-112, 2009
  125. A method of privacy protection for location-based service on inter-vehicle communication using k-Anonymity, Record of Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu, 2009(0), 115-115, 2009
  126. A Consideration of Fatigue Estimation of Long-term Walking Using a 3-Axis Accelerometer, Record of Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu, 2009(0), 39-39, 2009
  127. A Consideration of Estimation Methods of Expert’s Skill Using Accelerometer to Improve Pitching Form, Record of Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu, 2009(0), 40-40, 2009
  128. A Consideration of Features in Using Phase-Only Correlation for Image Retrieval, Record of Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu, 2013(0), 341-341, 2013
  129. Execution of Distributed Software Transactional Memory(DSTM) Applications on many nodes in Amazon EC2, Record of Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu, 2013(0), 328-328, 2013
  130. A Parallel Computer Architecture for Volume Rendering, 1992(97), 113-120, 19921203
  131. Mobility Based Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Network, 2003(21), 21-26, 20030306
  132. The Concept of Context Oriented Process Control on Wearable and Mobile Computing, 2002(115), 145-151, 20021128
  133. An Application of Model Driven Development (MDD) of Modeling Education for Software Beginners, 2011, 15-1-15-9, 20111012
  134. MANET, 2011, 44-51, 20110630
  135. An Application of Model Drive Development (MDD) in Software Modeling Education, 2012(5), 1-10, 20120128
  136. Ad Hoc Perceptive Communication Software between Neighbors Using Location Information, 2006, 199-202, 20060110
  137. An approach to reducing recovery cost for high-availability stream processing systems, DBSJ journal, 9(1), 29-34, 201006


  1. 2016/11/22, Widest Improvement Award Graph Golf 2016, General Chair of CANDAL Organizing Committee
  2. 2017/11/22, CANDAR 2017 General Graph Widest Improvement Award & Grid Graph Deepest Improvement Award, CANDAR 2017 Organizing Committee
  3. 2018/11/27, Graph Golf 2018 General Graph Deepest Improvement Award, CANDAR Organizing Committee