Last Updated :2024/07/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Hiroshima University

Research Fields

  • Complex systems;Science education / Educational technology;Science education

Research Keywords

  • Knowledge and Skills for Data Scientist
  • Model-Based Developmental Thinking
  • Measurement and Control
  • Mechatronics education
  • Industrial education

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Curriculum Development for the Elementary School
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Introduction to Machine Application
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Data Utilization and Data Science for Solving Problems in Educational Scenes
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Practicum in Mechatronics
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Seminar on Teaching Materials for Mechatronic Applications
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Basic Practicum in Mechatronics
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Technical Drawing in Mechatronics
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Energy Applications
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Introduction to Information Applications III
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 1Term, Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Technology and Information Education)
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 1Term, Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Technology and Information Education)
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 3Term, Research into Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Technology and Information Education)
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , 4Term, Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction Sciences (Specialization in Technology and Information Education)
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Study in Technology and Information Education (Technology and Industry) A
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Study in Technology and Information Education (Technology and Industry) A
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Basic Study in Children and the Design of Teaching Materials b
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Advanced Study in Children and the Design of Teaching Materials b
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Basic Study in Manufacturing Education and the Design of Teaching Materials (Technology and Industry)
  21. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Advanced Study in Manufacturing Education and the Design of Teaching Materials (Technology and industry)
  22. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Study
  23. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Study

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Posture Control by On-line Learning Using CMAC for Electric Wheelchairs, Proc. of IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics on CD, 6 pages without page number, 2003
  2. Attitude Control Using CMAC for Electric Wheelchairs Equipped with Hydraulic Cylinder, Proc. of IEEE Int. Symp. on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, 1312-1316, 2003
  3. A Design of Evolutionary Recurrent Neural-Net Based Controllers for an Inverted Pendulum, Proc. of the 5th Asian Control Conference, 1429-1432, 2004
  4. Positioning Control for a 3-mass System with Inertia Rotors using CMAC, Proc. of the 5th Asian Control Conference, 1568-1572, 2004
  5. Creating Swing-Up Patterns of an Acrobot Using Evolutionary Computation, Proc. of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, 6 pages without page number, 2005
  6. Design and Experimental Evaluation of a 3-Mass Speed Control System with a Hybrid Structure of Sliding Mode Controller and CMAC, Proc. of International Joint Conference in Neural Networks, 2272-2277, 2005
  7. Evolutionary Design of Robust PD Sway Control of a Lifted Load for a Crane, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 968-973, 2005
  8. Desing of a Human-Skill Based PID Controller using CMACs, Proceedings of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2008, 64-68, 2008
  9. Data-Driven PD Gimbal Control, Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control & Automation, 993-998, 2008
  10. Design and Industrial Applications of a Control performance Assessment Based PID Controller, Proc. of 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 729-734, 2009
  11. Design of a Closed-Loop Data based Evolutionary Controller, Proc. of IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 1222-1227, 201307
  12. Closed-Loop System Identification of an Overhead Travelling Crane Using Evolutionary Computation, Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, 2B36, 201408
  13. A Control Performance Assessment Method by Using Neural Networks, Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2016, 1769-1770, 201609
  14. Parameter Estimation of a Skill Evaluation Model, Proc. of the 2017 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2017), 443-436, 201701
  15. ★, Study on Assist Education of Swing Riding Using a Robot, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 29(6), 999-1004, 201712
  16. ★, Robotics Programming Learning for Elementary and Junior High School Students, Journal of Robotics and Mechatoronics, 29(6), 992-998, 201712
  17. ★, Parameter Estimation of a Skill Evaluation Model, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, 4(3), 205-208, 201712
  18. A Consideration of Contents about "Measurement and Control" in Technology Class of Junior High School and Technical High School for Development of IoT, Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Ehime University, 64, 21-26, 201712
  19. Development of Support Teaching Material for Nurturing Cooperativity through Playing, Proc. of the 2018 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2018), 502-505, 201802
  20. ★, A Consideration on Quantitative Evaluation of Gimlet Work, IEEJ, 138-C(5), 566-571, 201805
  21. Development of Teaching Support Material for Nurturing Cooperation through Play, JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS NETWORKING AND ARTIFICIAL LIFE, 5(3), 169-172, 201812
  22. Skill Model Estimation of Ability for Reading Drawings, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, 6(3), 191-194, 201912
  23. Programming Learning of Temperature Control for Science Class of Elementary School, Proc. of The 2020 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2020), 202001
  24. Practical Learning of Science for Elementary School Students via Programming and Control Experimentation [accepted], Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, 7(4), 266-268, 202012
  25. Basic Research on Parameter Tuning Skills Evaluation Based on Sensor Car Behavior Data in Technology Education, Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB2021), 73-76, 202101
  26. Mini Windmill Generator Kit for Homework for Hiroshima Univ. Monozukuri Junior Doctor Special Educational Program, Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB2021), 77-80, 202101
  27. Development of Teaching Materials to Learn the Efficient Use of Energy, Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB2021), 81-84, 202101
  28. Development of Shock Sensitive Tiny Dummy Robot for Junior High School Rescue Robot Challenge, Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB2021), 782-785, 202101
  29. Proposal of Parameter Tuning Skills Evaluation by using Sensor Car Behavior Data in Technology Education, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, 8(2), 104-107, 202109
  30. Junior High School Rescue Robot Challenge using Shock Sensitive Tiny Dummy Robot, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, 8(2), 90-93, 202109
  31. Variable Gain PD Sway Control of a Lifted Load for a Mobile Crane, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 953-958, 20010625
  32. A Design of Neural-Net Based Self-Tuning PID Controllers, Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 899-904, 20010821
  33. Gain Scheduled PD Sway Controller for a Mobile Crane, 33(1), 48-54, 20050101
  34. Modeling of Nonlinear Systems using Genetic Algorithm, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 132(6), 913-918, 20120601
  35. An Approach to Rescue RobotWorkshops for Kindergarten and Primary School Children, Journal of Robotics andMechatronics, 25(3), 521-528, 20130601
  36. Consideration on a Model between Teacher and Student Based on Control Engineering Approach, 134-C(10), 1537-1542, 20141001
  37. ★, Development of Educational Material to Support Motivation of Picking Up Rubbish for Elementary School Students, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 137-C(1), 76-81, 20170101
  38. Training to Improve Teaching Skill on Measurement and Control Technology Education for Industrial Education Teachers at Technical High Schools, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University Part.II(Arts and Science Education), 66, 25-32, 20171222
  39. ★, Visualization and Support in Education, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 138-C(5), 455-458, 20180501
  40. ★, Development of Teaching material for the Motivation of "Measurements and Controls" in Technology Education, IEEJ Trans. on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13(6), 932-933, 20180601
  41. ★, Skill Model Estimation of Ability for Reading Drawings, Proc. of The 2019 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2019), 423-426, 20190110
  42. Estimation of Programming Learning Achievement by Line Tracing Robot, Proc. of The 2019 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2019), 431-434, 20190110
  43. Development of Teaching Materials for Learning "Measurements and Controls via Programs" in Technology Education, 139(4), 334-340, 20190401
  44. ★, Development of Measurement and Control Learning Material to Promote Computational Thinking for Elemantary School Students Considering Developmental Stage, 139(4), 435-441, 20190401
  45. ★, Skill Visualization in Education, IEEJ Tans. on Electronics, Information and Systems, 139(4), 264-267, 20190401
  46. ★, Development of Basic Training for Teaching Measurement and Control to Junior High School Students, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 31(3), 419-426, 20190620
  47. ★, Evaluation for Task Achievement of Robotics Programming Based on Image Information, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 31(3), 427-433, 20190620
  48. ★, A Study on Developmentally Appropriate Programming Education Learning Materials for Lower-Elementary School Students, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 31(3), 441-451, 20190620
  49. The Basic Research to Classify the Completion of Gearbox from Operating Sound for Skill Evaluation in Technology Education, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 141(3), 345-350, 20210301
  50. Development of Regular Polygons Learning Support Robot using Elementary School Arithmetic and Programming Thinking, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 141(3), 351-357, 20210301
  51. Junior High School Rescue Robot Challenge using Shock Sensitive Tiny Dummy Robot, JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS NETWORKING AND ARTIFICIAL LIFE, 8(2), 90-93, 20210901
  52. ★, Proposal of Parameter Tuning Skills Evaluation by using Sensor Car Behavior Data in Technology Education, JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS NETWORKING AND ARTIFICIAL LIFE, 8(2), 104-107, 20210901
  53. ★, Development of Teaching Material to Design a Vehicle on Data Science in Junior High School Technology Education, IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 16, 1407-1413, 20211001
  54. A Study of Evaluation of Programming Skill by Analyzing Motion Data, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 142(3), 307-312, 20220301
  55. A Study of Basic Education of Data Science using Robot Learning Material in Junior High School Technology Education, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 142(3), 291-298, 20220301
  56. A Study of Experiential Learning Activities using Model Materials for the Kicking Motion, Proc. of The 2023 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2023), 562-565, 20230211
  57. Junior High School Rescue Robot Challenge for Fostering Problem-Solving Skills, Proc. of The 2023 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2023), 557-561, 20230211
  58. Making High Precision Single Balance in Active Learning Seminar for Hiroshima Univ. Monozukuri Junior Doctor Special Educational Program, Proc. of The 2023 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2023), 566-570, 20230211
  59. Capstone Class of "Mechatronics Innovation Project" as STEM Educational Curriculum for Teacher Training Course, Proc. of The 2023 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2023), 571-574, 20230211
  60. A Study of the Education of Model Based Development Thinking in Junior High School Technology Education, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 143(3), 289-296, 20230301
  61. Practice and Evaluation of Lessons to Nurture Model-Based Development (MBD) Thinking in High School Information Education, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 144(3), 162-168, 20240301
  62. Development of Learning Materials to Foster Problem-Solving Skills Using STEAM Education in Elementary Schools, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 144(3), 156-161, 20240301
  63. Development of a Classroom Model and Classroom Practice of Measurement and Control for Fostering Spontaneous Problem-Solving Skills in Junior High School Technology, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 144(4), 372-379, 20240401
  64. Rescue Robot Challenge to Develop Problem-Solving Skills in Junior High School Students (in press), Journal of Advances in Artificial Life Robotics, 4(3), 133-137, 2024