Noboru Saeki

Last Updated :2025/01/07

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences(Medicine), Associate Professor
Web Site
Other Contact Details
Hiroshima Univ. Hospital, 1-2-3, Kasumi, Hiroshima, Hiroshima, 734-8551, Japan, Japan
TEL : (+81)082-257-526 FAX : (+81) 082-257-52

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 1990/06/01, 1990/11/30, Hiroshima University, Medical Hospital, Clinical Resident
  • 1990/12/01, 1992/03/31, Kitakyushu General Hospital, Medical Hospital, MD
  • 1992/04/01, 1995/03/31, Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital, Medical Hospital, MD
  • 2000/04/01, 2001/03/31, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Medicine, Research Associate, MD
  • 2001/04/01, 2001/04/30, Hiroshima University, Faculty of Medicine, Research Associate, MD
  • 2001/05/01, 2003/09/30, Hiroshima University, Medical Hospital, Research Associate, MD
  • 2003/10/01, 2004/03/31, Hiroshima University, Hospital, Division of Surgical Services, Research Associate, MD
  • 2004/04/01, 2007/03/31, Hiroshima University Hospital, Division of Surgical Services, Research Associate, MD
  • 2007/04/01, 2017/12/31, Hiroshima University Hospital, Division of Surgical Services, Research Associate, MD
  • 2018/01/01, 2020/05/31, Hiroshima University Hospital, Department of operation service, Lecturer
  • 2020/06/01, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Associate Professor

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., Hiroshima University

Research Fields

  • Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy;Clinical surgery;Anesthesiology

Research Keywords

  • endothelial cells
  • permeability
  • monitor
  • reactive oxidant
  • endothelial cells
  • circulation
  • oxygen mask

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Japan Society of Anesthesiologists
  • Japan Society of Clinical Anesthesia
  • The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine
  • Japanese Airway Management Society

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Systemic Disease Control
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Practice of Medicine I
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Intensive, Practice of Medicine II
  4. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, General Clinical Medicine and Dentistry
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Seminar on Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Advanced Seminar on Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Advanced Research on Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Advanced Research on Anesthesiology and Critical Care

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Reply to Su et al. Comment on "Matsumoto et al. Remimazolam's Effects on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Are Similar to Those of Propofol after Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 5402", JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 13(4), 1002, 202402
  2. New acoustic monitoring system quantifying aspiration risk during monitored anaesthesia care, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13(1), 20231118
  3. Usefulness of new acoustic respiratory sound monitoring with artificial intelligence for upper airway assessment in obese patients during monitored anesthesia care, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INVESTIGATION, 70(3-4), 430-435, 202308
  4. Prediction of blood pressure changes during surgical incision using the minimum evoked current of vascular stiffness value under sevoflurane anesthesia, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13(1), 20231122
  5. Repetitive pain experiences modulate feedforward control of hemodynamics and modification by nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation in humans, HELIYON, 9(12), 202312
  6. Remimazolam-based anesthesia with flumazenil allows faster emergence than propofol-based anesthesia in older patients undergoing spinal surgery: A randomized controlled trial, MEDICINE, 102(46), 20231117
  7. Remimazolam's Effects on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Are Similar to Those of Propofol after Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 12(16), 202308
  8. Perioperative Management of Recurrent Hemophagocytic Syndrome in a Pregnant Woman: A Case Report, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CASE REPORTS, 24, 20230321
  9. Remimazolam Requires Less Vasopressor Support during Induction and Maintenance of General Anesthesia in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Retrospective Analysis from a Single Center, BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2022, 20221022
  10. Rapid cyclic fluctuations in blood pressure during two surgeries associated with pheochromocytoma: a case report, JA CLINICAL REPORTS, 8(1), 20221005
  11. A novel online method to monitor autonomic nervous activity based on arterial wall impedance and heart rate variability, MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, 48(4), 351-359, 2010
  12. Successful management of a patient with Marfan syndrome complicated with acute aortic dissection using landiolol during Cesarean section, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 24(2), 277-279, 20100420
  13. Successful treatment of tabetic lightning pain and visceral crisis with gabapentin, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 25(6), 952-952, 20111220
  14. Postsurgical coagulopathy in a hemophilia A patient with inhibitors: efficacy of recombinant factor VIIa, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 28(4), 621-624, 2014
  15. Abdominal Aortic Injury During Vertebroplasty, SPINE, 40(7), E439-E441, 2015
  16. Model-Based Evaluation of Reactive Hyperemia Using Strain-Gauge Plethysmography and Log-Linearized Viscoelastic Indices, JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS AND TISSUE ENGINEERING, 5(4), 334-341, 2015
  17. Anesthetic Management for Burn Patient Debridement, 28(2), 73-79, 20020615
  18. Intrathecal prednisolone sodium succinate with lidocaine for intractable postherpetic neuralgia, JJSPC, 11(4), 434-438, 20041025
  19. Quantitative Evaluation of Pain with Mechanical Nociceptive Stimuli by the Change of Arterial Wall Viscoelasticity, The Japanese journal of medical instrumentation, 80(3), 196-204, 20100601
  20. Noninvasive Monitoring of Arterial Viscoelastic Indices Using a Foil-type Pressure Sensor, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 131(9), 1518-1527, 20110901
  21. Monitoring of Vascular Conditions Using Plethysmogram, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 40(12), 1236-1242, 20041231
  22. Noninvasive Evaluation of Endothelial Function Based on Dilation Rate of Integrated Air-Cuff Plethysmogram, JJMI, 82(3), 259-266, 20120601
  23. Pulse-less Electrical Activity Provoked by Bezold-Jarisch Reflex during Lumbar Puncture for Spinal Anesthesia, JJSCA, 32(5), 781-785, 20120915
  24. A Way to Make a Mouthguard for a Patient Undergoing Surgery Using Transcranial Muscle Evoked Potential Monitoring under General Anesthesia : The Significance of Cooperation between Medical and Dental Doctors, 40(3), 309-311, 20120715
  25. A Log-linearized Arterial Viscoelastic Index and Its Application to Carotid Ultrasonography, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 48(9), 563-570, 20120930
  26. Effects of pregabalin on Japanese post-herpetic neuralgia patients, JJSPC, 19(4), 497-502, 20121025
  27. A Log-linearized Peripheral Arterial Viscoelastic Index and Its Application to Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 48(11), 731-739, 20121130
  28. Development of a Palpable Carotid Pulse Pressure Sensor Using Electromagnetic Induction, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 132(12), 1934-1942, 20121201
  29. Albumin permeability across endothelial cell monolayer exposed to reactive oxygen intermediates : Involvement of reversible functional alteration of the cell membrane Ca^<2+> channels, Medical journal of Hiroshima University, 48(5), 20001028
  30. Estimation of Arterial Wall Impedance using Biological Signals, 2003, 2003
  31. 2P2-O09 Measurement of Pulse Wave Pressure Using a Foil-type Pressure Sensor : Estimation of arterial viscoelastic indices utilizing pulse waves of dorsalis pedis artery(Sense, Motion and Measurement), 2011, "2P2-O09(1)"-"2P2-O09(4)", 20110526
  32. 2P1-B06 Log-linearized Peripheral Arterial Viscoelastic Indices Using a Photoplethysmogram(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics), 2011, "2P1-B06(1)"-"2P1-B06(4)", 20110526
  33. 1P1-N03 Development of a Carotid Pulse Pressure Sensor Using Electromagnetic Induction(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics (1)), 2012, "1P1-N03(1)"-"1P1-N03(4)", 20120527
  34. 1P1-M02 A Vital Sign Monitoring System for the Cervical Spinal Cord Injured While Asleep : Measurement of the Augmentation Index Using the Air-pack Type Pulse Pressure Sensor(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics (1)), 2012, "1P1-M02(1)"-"1P1-M02(4)", 20120527
  35. Arterial Wall Impedance and Diagnosis Supporting System on Blood Cirulation Using Photoplethysmogram and Pulse Pressure, Journal of Life Support Technology, 18(0), 121-121, 2006
  36. Albumin Permeability Across Endothelial Cell Monolayer Exposed to Reactive Oxygen Intermediates : Involvement of Reversible Functional Alteration of the Cell Membrane Ca2+ Channels, Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences, 49(1), 57-65, 200003
  37. Estimation of Arterial Viscoelastic Properties during the Flow-mediated Dilation Test, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 49(11), 1029-1036, 2013
  39. Evaluation of Vascular Endothelial Function Based on Oscillometric Method, BME, 52(0), O-387-O-388, 2014
  40. Assessment of Sympathetic Nerve Activity for Pulse Current Stimuli Based on Log-Linearized Peripheral Arterial Viscoelastic Model, BME, 52(0), O-47-O-48, 2014
  41. An experience of pneumomediastinum during extraperitoneal laparoscopic herniotomy, 60(3), 186-189, 2007
  42. A case of large vein perforation by pumping using central venous catheter revealed by postoperative CT, 60(10), 1199-1201, 201110
  43. Procedural Definitions and Time Periods in Surgical Operation Center : Survey of National University Hospitals in Japan, 35(1), 55-61, 201402
  44. Quantification of Sympathetic Nervous Activity Based on Log-linearized Peripheral Arterial Viscoelastic Model and Its Application to Objective Assessment of Pain during Electrocutaneous Stimulation, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 51(9), 627-633, 2015
  45. Arterial Mechanical Impedance is a Sensitive Stress Response Monitor During General Anesthesia, Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences, 58(4), 75-82, 200912
  46. Self-limiting enhancement by nitric oxide of oxygen freeradical-induced endothelial cell injury: evidence against the dual action of NO as hydroxyl radical donor/scavenger., Br J Pharmacol, 119: 455-462, 19960401
  47. Low reactive-level infreared diode laser iradiation of the area over the stellate ganglopn, and stellate ganglion block in treatment of allergic rhinitis: a preliminary comoparative study., Laser Therapy, 8, 159-164, 19960401
  48. Lidocaine Reduces the Oxidations-Provoked Cytotoxicity in Endothelial Cells by Inhibiting Calcium Influx, but not by Scavenging Oxygen Free Radicals., New Balanced Anesthesia, 361-362, 19980401
  49. Cytosolic Ca2+ movemets of endothelial cells exposed to reactive oxygen intermediates: role of hydroxyl radical-mediated redox alteration of cell-membrane Ca2+ chanels., Br. J. Parmacol., 126:1462-1470, 19990401
  50. Differential action of spasmolytic vasodilators on platelet aggregation and ecdothelial cell-dependent anti-aggregation, Acta Anesthesiologica Scandinavica, 44, 417-422, 20000401
  51. Quantitive view of peripheral circulation, Crit Care Med, 28(sppl.):A62, 20000401
  52. Albumin Permiability Across Endothelial Cell Monolayer Exposed to Reactive Oxygen Intermediates:Involvement of Reversible Functional Alteration of the Cell Membrane Ca Channels., Hiroshima J. Med. Sci., 49: 57-65, 20000401
  53. Differential action of spasmolytic vasodilators on platelet aggregation and endothelial cell-dependent anti-aggregation., Acta.Anaesthesiol. Scand., 44:417-422, 20000401
  54. Albumin Permiability Across Endothelial Cell Monolayer Exposed to Reactive Oxygen Intermediates:Involvement of Reversible Functional Alteration of the Cell Membrane Ca Channels., Hiroshima.Med.J Sience, 49(1), 57-65, 20000401
  55. Glucose Loading During Primary Culture Has Opposite Effects on the Viability of Hepatocytes Exposed to Potassium Cyanide and to Iodoacetic Acid., Metabolism, 50: 342-348, 20010401
  56. Discrimination of Vascular Conditions Using a Probabilistic Neural Network, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 16(2), 138-145, 20040401
  57. Development of a diagnosis support system on vascular conditions using a probabilistic neural network, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Measurement= Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions= June=Genova= Italy, 107-112, 20040401
  58. Realtime monitoring of vascular conditions using a probabilistic neural network, ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2004, PT 2, 3174, 488-493, 2004
  59. Non-invasive monitoring of arterial wall impedance, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, 984-989, 20050501
  60. Development of On-line Diagnosis Supporting System on Blood Circulation Using a Probabilistic Neural Network, The Japanese journal of medical instrumentation, 76(1), 12-20, 20060401
  61. Vascular stiffness, viscosity and inertia in the patients with cardiovascular disease, 10th International Congress of Cardiothoracic and Vascular anesthesia with Industrial Exhibits, 20060801
  62. Arterial Mechanical Impedance is a Sensitive Stress Response Monitor During General Anesthesia., Hiroshima J Med Sci, 58(4), 75-82, 20091201
  63. A novel online method to monitor autonomic nervous activity based on arterial wall impedance and heart rate variability, MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, 48(4), 351-359, 201004
  64. Successful management of a patient with Marfan syndrome complicated with acute aortic dissection using landiolol during Cesarean section, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 24(2), 277-279, 201004
  65. Successful management of a patient with Marfan syndrome complicated with acute aortic dissection using landiolol during Cesarean section, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 24(2), 277-279, 2010
  66. Tracheal obstruction caused by fluid extravasation during shoulder arthroscopy., Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 39(2), 317-318, 20110301
  67. Electroconvulsive therapy using rocuronium and sugammadex in patient with neuroleptic malignant syndrome, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 39(4), 762-763, 20110701
  68. Successful treatment of tabetic lightning pain and visceral crisis with gabapentin, Journal of Anesthesia, 25(6), 952, 20111201
  69. Noninvasive Estimation of Arterial Viscoelastic Indices Using a Foil-type Flexible Pressure Sensor and a Photoplethysmogram., International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 3(4), 498-515, 20111201
  70. Successful treatment of tabetic lightning pain and visceral crisis with gabapentin, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 25(6), 952-952, 2011
  71. A case of coronary artery spasm caused by manipulation of the neck: heart rate variability analysis, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 26(6), 905-909, 201212
  72. Pulse-less Electrical Activity Provoked by Bezold-Jarisch Reflex during Lumbar Puncture for Spinal Anesthesia, 32(5), 781-785, 20120901
  73. Estimation of arterial viscoelastic variations using an electromagnetic induction-based carotid pulse pressure sensor., Journal of latex class files, 11, 20120401
  74. A case of coronary artery spasm caused by manipulation of the neck: heart rate variability analysis, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 26(6), 905-909, 2012
  75. A log-linearized arterial viscoelastic model for evaluation of the carotid artery., Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2013, 2591-2594, 20130701
  76. Monitoring of peripheral vascular condition using a log-linearized arterial viscoelastic index during endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2013, 2587-2590, 20130701
  77. Postsurgical coagulopathy in a hemophilia A patient with inhibitors: efficacy of recombinant factor VIIa, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 28(4), 621-624, 201408
  78. Abdominal Aortic Injury During Vertebroplasty, SPINE, 40(7), E439-E441, 20150401
  79. Model-Based Evaluation of Reactive Hyperemia Using Strain-Gauge Plethysmography and Log-Linearized Viscoelastic Indices, JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS AND TISSUE ENGINEERING, 5(4), 334-341, 201504
  80. Factors related to accidental dural puncture in epidural anesthesia patients, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA, 27(8), 665-667, 201512
  81. A novel mouthpiece prevents bite injuries caused by intraoperative transcranial electric motor-evoked potential monitoring, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 30(5), 850-854, 201610
  82. Paravertebral block catheter breakage by electrocautery during thoracic surgery, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 31(3), 463-466, 201706
  83. Alteration of Arterial Mechanical Impedance Greater than that of Photoplethysmogram and Laser Doppler Flowmetry during Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 37(6), 820-825, 201712
  84. False Hyperchloremia During Anesthesia in 2 Patients Treated With Potassium Bromide for Refractory Epilepsy, JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGICAL ANESTHESIOLOGY, 29(3), 360-361, 2017
  85. Alteration of Arterial Mechanical Impedance Greater than that of Photoplethysmogram and Laser Doppler Flowmetry during Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 37(6), 820-825, 2017
  86. Quantitative Evaluation of Pain during Electrocutaneous Stimulation using a Log-Linearized Peripheral Arterial Viscoelastic Model, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8, 20180215
  87. A new arterial mechanical property indicator reflecting differences in invasive stimulus intensity induced by alteration of remifentanil concentration during laryngoscopy, MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, 84(3), 311-318, 201803
  88. Assessment of Lower-limb Vascular Endothelial Function Based on Enclosed Zone Flow-mediated Dilation, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8, 20180618
  89. Assessment of Lower-limb Vascular Endothelial Function Based on Enclosed Zone Flow-mediated Dilation, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8, 2018
  90. A new arterial mechanical property indicator reflecting differences in invasive stimulus intensity induced by alteration of remifentanil concentration during laryngoscopy, MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, 84(3), 311-318, 2018
  91. Postoperative thoracic and low back pain following endovascular aortic repair associated with stenting location, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 33(1), 75-79, 201902
  92. Estimation of Arterial Viscosity Based on an Oscillometric Method and Its Application in Evaluating the Vascular Endothelial Function, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9, 20190222
  93. Unconstrained Vital Sign Monitoring System Using an Aortic Pulse Wave Sensor, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9, 20191125
  94. Branched-chain amino acids-induced cardiac protection against ischemia/reperfusion injury, LIFE SCIENCES, 245, 20200315
  95. Assessment of postoperative nutritional status and physical function between open surgical aortic valve replacement and transcatheter aortic valve implantation in elderly patients, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INVESTIGATION, 67(1-2), 139-144, 202002
  96. Recurrent probabilistic neural network-based short-term prediction for acute hypotension and ventricular fibrillation, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10(1), 20200720
  97. Evaluation of a new face mask concept for oxygen administration: a crossover study in healthy volunteers, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 34(6), 950-952, 202012
  98. Neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists for postoperative nausea and vomiting: a systematic review and meta-analysis, REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ANESTESIOLOGIA, 70(5), 508-519, 2020
  99. Intraoperative responses of motor evoked potentials to the novel intravenous anesthetic remimazolam during spine surgery: a report of two cases, JA CLINICAL REPORTS, 6(1), 20201209
  100. Novel technique for identification of the pulmonary intersegmental plane using manual jet ventilation during pulmonary segmentectomy, VIDEOSURGERY AND OTHER MINIINVASIVE TECHNIQUES, 16(1), 169-174, 202103
  101. Pharmacokinetics of intraperitoneal and subcutaneous levobupivacaine in anesthetized rats, JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, 35(2), 168-174, 202104
  102. Cardiorespiratory synchronisation and systolic blood pressure correlation of peripheral arterial stiffness during endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11(1), 20210316
  103. Peripheral arterial stiffness during electrocutaneous stimulation is positively correlated with pain-related brain activity and subjective pain intensity: an fMRI study, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11(1), 20210224
  104. Prediction of blood pressure change during surgical incision under opioid analgesia using sympathetic response evoking threshold, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11(1), 20210505
  105. Acute-onset paraplegia as an unexpected complication under general anesthesia in supine position during abdominal endovascular aneurysm repair: a case report, JA CLINICAL REPORTS, 7(1), 20210602
  106. Impact of fentanyl on acute and chronic pain and its side effects when used with epidural analgesia after thoracic surgery in multimodal analgesia: a retrospective cohort study, ANNALS OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE, 10(5), 5119-5127, 202105
  107. Relationship Between the Loaded Pressure and Flow Rate of Packed Red Blood Cells and Various Infusion Solutions in Normal Infusion Lines and Catheters, ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, 133(5), 1107-1115, 202111
  108. Paradoxical increase in the photoplethysmography amplitude in response to nociceptive stimulation induced by tracheal intubation : A case report, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INVESTIGATION, 68(3-4), 383-385, 202108
  109. Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia does not increase the risk of postoperative delirium compared to patient-controlled epidural analgesia: a propensity score-matched retrospective cohort study, ANNALS OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE, 10(10), 10160-10169, 202110
  110. Leucine imparts cardioprotective effects by enhancing mTOR activity and mitochondrial fusion in a myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury murine model, DIABETOLOGY & METABOLIC SYNDROME, 13(1), 20211120
  111. The effects of dantrolene in the presence or absence of ryanodine receptor type 1 variants in individuals predisposed to malignant hyperthermia, ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE, 50(4), 312-319, 202207
  112. Electroencephalogram evaluation of accidental cerebral congestion during unexpected superior vena cava clamping: a case report, JA CLINICAL REPORTS, 8(1), 20220609
  113. Real-time assessment of swallowing sound using an electronic stethoscope and an artificial intelligence system, CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DENTAL RESEARCH, 8(1), 225-230, 202202

Publications such as books

  1. 2011/05, Chapter Title: A Log-linearized Viscoelastic Model for Measuring Changes in Vascular Impedance. in Early Detection and Rehabilitation for Dementia: Neuroscience and Biomedical Application., 2011, 05, Joint work, 9
  2. 2007/12, Non-invasive Monitoring of Arterial Wall Impedance. in Complex Medical Engineering. , 2007, 12, Scholarly Book, Compilation, 9784431309611 (Print) 9784431309

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Safety management in OR, 2015/05/22, With Invitation, English, Taichung, Taiwan
  2. Safety management in OR, 2015/05/23, With Invitation, English, Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists, Taichung, Taiwan
  3. A Novel Face Mask For Comfortable Oxygen Administration, Noboru Saeki, World Airway Management Meeting 2015, 2015/11/12, Without Invitation, English, World Airway Management Meeting, Dublin, Irland
  4. Evaluation of novel face mask for oxygen administration: crossover study with healthy volunteers, Noboru Saeki, Euroanesthesia 2015, 2015/05/31, Without Invitation, English, Berlin, Germany


  1. 2023/07/01, Best Abstract, Japanese society of Airway Management, 肥満患者の感歯科麻酔管理での誤嚥リスクを可視化するAI音響モニタリングシステム
  2. 2021/09/01, World congress of Anaesthesiologists 2021 BEST200, 17th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Educcation, Preventing bronchial intubation in children using a computer-assisted auscultation system
  3. 2012/07/03, The 2012 International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering Best Student Paper Finalist, Conference Chair, Institute of Complex Medical Engineering , Conference Chair, Institute of Complex Medical Engineering
  4. 2015/11/14, TOP30 Abstract award, WAMM, A Novel Face Mask For Comfortable Oxygen Administration
  5. 2003/00/06, The 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Best Presentation Award


  1. Patent, JP4590630, 2010/09/24
  2. Patent, JP4992145, 2012/05/18
  3. Patent, JP5062809, 2012/08/17
  4. Patent, 8814801, 2014/08/26

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)), 2021, 2023
  2. KAKENHI, Monitoring system for analgesia based on vascular viscoelasticity, 2009, 2011
  3. KAKENHI, 2001, 2002
  4. 2016/04/01, 2019/03/31
  5. 2020
  6. 2016, 2018
  7. 2021, 2021

Social Activities

Other Social Contributions

  1. Poen leture for high school student: - World Brain Week Event - "What a fun! Science in Brain and heart", Heart express your heart: autonomic nerve system, Hiroshima University, 2015/08/01, 2015/08/01, Lecturer, Lecture, High school students

History as Peer Reviews of Academic Papers

  1. 2022, Scientific Reports, Editor, 9
  2. 2015, Anesthesia and Resuscitation, Others, Associate Editors, 7