Last Updated :2025/03/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
Web Site
Other Contact Details
1-4-1,Kagamiyama,Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
TEL : (+81)82-424-7786 FAX : (+81)
My research interests are in concrete engineering.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2011/04/01, 2011/09/30, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Urban Environmental Sciences, Assistant Professor (Special Appointment)
  • 2011/10/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Institute of Engineering, Assistant Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, 2008/04, 2011/03
  • Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, 2006/04, 2008/03
  • Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, 2002/04, 2006/03

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University
  • Master of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Engineering : Cluster 4(Civil Engineering and Architecture) : Program of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Civil and Environmental Engineering Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Civil and Environmental Engineering Program

Research Fields

  • Engineering;Civil engineering;Civil engineering materials / Construction / Construction management

Research Keywords

  • Concrete Engineering
  • Fly Ash
  • Performance Evaluation of Materials

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2004/05
  • Japan Concrete Institute, 2008/01
  • The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan, 2008
  • The Society of Materials Science, Japan, 2010/07
  • Japan Society of Dam Engineers, 2016/08
  • The Society of Women Civil Engineers

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Lifestyle and the city
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Construction Materials
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Concrete Engineering
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Experiments in Civil and Environmental Engineering
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Exercises
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Environmental Chemistry of Concrete
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Design of Infrastructures
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Special Exercises on Civil and Environmental Engineering A
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Special Exercises on Civil and Environmental Engineering A
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Civil and Environmental Engineering B
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Civil and Environmental Engineering B
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Special Exercises on Civil and Environmental Engineering B
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Special Exercises on Civil and Environmental Engineering B
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Special Study on Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Effects of various ions in seawater on chloride ion behavior in mortar using ground granulated blast-furnace slag, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Proceedings of The 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction), 302, 46-51, 202303
  2. Carbonation resistance of portland blast furnace slag cement type B concrete internally cured by using roof-tile waste aggregate, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Proceedings of The 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction), 302, 68-76, 202303
  3. Influence of chloride solutions on the leaching of heavy metals from cement hydrates, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 378, 20230516
  4. Microstructure and mechanical properties of epoxy resin-reinforced geopolymer exposed to high temperatures, MATERIALS LETTERS, 331, 20230115
  5. Mechanical and microstructural evolutions of fly ash/slag-based geopolymer at high temperatures: Effect of curing conditions, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 49(2), 2091-2101, 20230115
  6. Effects of chloride ion in sea sand on properties of fresh and hardened concrete incorporating supplementary cementitious materials, JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE CEMENT-BASED MATERIALS, 11(6), 439-451, 20221102
  7. Frost Damage Resistance of Portland Blast-furnace Slag Cement Concrete Cured Internally by Using Roof-tile Waste Aggregate, Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture 2021 (ICSCEA2021), 20211029
  8. Applicability of Electrical Resistance Method to Moisture Transfer Measurement in Paste Using Mineral Admixture, Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture 2021 (ICSCEA2021), 20211029
  9. Microscopic Investigation on Interfacial Transition Zone in Fly Ash Cement Hydrates Using Roof-Tile Waste Aggregate, Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture 2021 (ICSCEA2021), 20211029
  10. Effect of GGBS Inclusion on Fly Ash-based Geopolymer Cured under Sealed Condition at Ambient Temperature, Proceedings of The 9th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF2020), 20211126
  11. Fracture Energy of Concrete and Shear Strength of RC Beams Internally Cured Using Porous Ceramic-Roof Tile Waste Aggregate, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, in CD-ROM, 9, 20130310
  12. Mechanical Properties of Portland Blast Furnace Cement-Type B Concrete Cured Internally with Porous Ceramic Aggregate, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, 587-593, 20130527
  13. Properties of concrete containing a molten slag as fine aggregate, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, 252-257, 20130527
  14. Structural performance of RC beams containing a molten slag as fine aggregate, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, 760-765, 20130527
  15. Effect of Porous Ceramic Aggregate Produced from Roof Tile Waste on Carbonation of Fly Ash Concrete, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, 246-251, 20130527
  16. Effect of Porous Ceramic Coarse Aggregate on Strength Development of High-Strength Fly Ash Concrete, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials & Technologies, 9, 20130818
  17. An Effective Flexural Stiffness Equation for Long Term Deflection of Prestressed Concrete with and without Cracks, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete, 451-458, 20130922
  18. A study on pozzolanic reaction of fly ash cement paste activated by an injection of alkali solution, Construction and Building Materials, 94, 28-34, 20150701
  19. Effect of internal alkali activation on pozzolanic reaction of low-calcium fly ash cement paste, Materials and Structures, 49(8), 3039-3053, 201608
  20. Pozzolanic Reaction of Fly Ash Cement Paste in the Presence of Alkali Activator, 37(1), 157-162, 20150615
  21. Applicability of Waste Aggregates Derived from Municipal and Ceramic Roof Tile Wastes to Ultra-High-Strength Concrete, Proc. of Concrete Innovation Conference, 11, 20140611
  22. Shear Strengths of PC Beams Made with Ultra High Strength Concrete Using Porous Ceramic Aggregate Derived from Roof Tile Waste, Proc. of Concrete Innovation Conference, 10, 20140611
  23. Heavy Metal Desorption from Cement Hydrates Caused by Chloride Solutions, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Durability of Concrete Structures, 219-225, 201407
  24. Effect of Porous Ceramic Waste Aggregate on Properties of Steam Cured Fly Ash Concrete, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, 1287-1291, 20140921
  25. Effect of Alkali Activator on Pozzolanic Reaction of Fly Ash Concrete, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, 530-534, 20140921
  26. Internal Curing Effect of Roof Tile Waste Aggregate on Flexural Crack Width of RC Beams Made of Blast Furnace Cement, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues, 83-101, 20150714
  27. Effect of Porous Ceramic Aggregate on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Steam-Cured Fly Ash Concrete, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues, 323-336, 20150714
  28. Effects of porous ceramic waste aggregate as an internal curing agent on steam-cured high strength fly ash concrete, Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Structural Concrete, 66-76, 20150915
  29. Experimental Studies on Effective Creep Coefficient in Prestressed Concrete Girder, Proceedings of the tenth international Conference on Creep Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete (CONCREEP-10), 1340-1349, 20150921
  30. Effect of lime stone aggregate on drying shrinkage and shear strength of RC beam, Proceedings of the tenth international Conference on Creep Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete (CONCREEP-10), 687-696, 20150921
  31. An Experimental Study on the Effect of Internal Curing with Roof Tile Waste on Relative Humidity of Fly Ash Concrete, Proceedings of the Fourteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), 1215-1222, 20160106
  32. Effect of Internal Activation on Pozzolanic Reaction in Fly Ash Cement Paste by Using Sodium Hydroxide Solution, Proceedings of the Fourteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), 1192-1199, 20160106
  33. Influence of High Temperature History on Chloride Penetration of Concrete Using Waste-Derived Aggregate, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS16), 699-707, 20160613
  34. Effect of Internal Alkali Activation on Long-Term Pozzolanic Reaction of Fly Ash in Cement Paste, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS16), 1215-1226, 20160613
  35. Applicability of Molten Slag and Porous Ceramic-Roof Tile Waste Aggregates to Massive Structural Concrete, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT4), 10, 20160807
  36. Effects of Roof Tile Waste-Coarse Aggregate and High Temperature History at Early Ages on Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams Made of Portland Blast-furnace Slag Cement Type B, roceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT4), 10, 20160807
  37. Effect of Injection of NaOH solution on pozzolanic and hydration reactions in low-calcium fly ash cement paste, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 10, 20160807
  38. Effect of internal alkali activation on pozzolanic reaction of low-calcium fly ash cement paste, MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 49(8), 3039-3053, 201608
  39. Electrical Resistance Measurement to Assess Moisture Transfer in Cement-Based Mortar Through Water Absorbing and Drying Processes, 38(1), 813-818, 20160706
  40. Strength development of cement-treated soils: Effects of water content, carbonation, and pozzolanic reaction under drying curing condition, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 134, 703-712, 20170301
  41. Shear Strength of Reinforced Limestone Aggregate Concrete Beams, ACI Structural Journal, 114(4), 1007-1017, 2017
  42. Long-term Pore Structure of Internally Cured Fly Ash Cement Paste by an Injection of Water, 39(1), 109-114, 201707
  43. Internal curing of Class-F fly-ash concrete using high-volume roof-tile waste aggregate, Materials and Structures, 201708
  44. Internal curing of Class-F fly-ash concrete using high-volume roof-tile waste aggregate, MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 50(4), 201708
  45. Effect of internal water content on carbonation progress in cement-treated sand and effect of carbonation on compressive strength, CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, 85, 9-21, 201801
  46. Shear Strength of Reinforced Limestone Aggregate Concrete Beams, ACI Structural Journal, 114(4), 1007-1017, 2017
  47. Long-term pozzolanic reaction of fly ash in hardened cement-based paste internally activated by natural injection of saturated Ca(OH)(2) solution, MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 51(6), 201812
  48. Penetration of Moisture, CO2, and Cl Ions in Concrete after Exposure to High Temperature, JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY, 17(1), 1-15, 201901
  49. Carbonation and chloride penetration into concrete after high temperature exposure, 40(1), 591-596, 201806
  50. Influence of sulfate activator of fresh properties and compressive strength of fly ash-cement paste, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainability in Civil Engineering, 274-278, 201811
  51. Effects of Sodium-Sulfate Addition on Consistency, Setting Time and Compressive Strength at Early Ages of Fly Ash-Cement Paste, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF 2018), 335-342, 201811
  52. Compressive strength, permeability and sorptivity of sea sand concrete containing supplementary cementitious materials, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF 2018), 559-567, 201811
  53. Effects of Shirasu volcanic ash and limestone powder on chemical resistance of concrete, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF 2018), 483-493, 201811
  54. An investigation on moisture and water absorption in cement paste with electrical resistance method, Proceedings of the International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures (ICDCS), 581-686, 201807
  55. Effect of co-existing ions on lead leaching behaviour from hardened cement paste, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), 6, 201807
  56. Microscopic investigation on concrete cured internally by using porous ceramic roof-tile waste aggregate, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), 7, 201807
  57. Leaching behaviors of heavy metals from mortar in various types of solutions, SP-326 Durability and Sustainability of Concrete Structures - 2nd Workshop Proceedings, ACI Special Publication, 483-490, 201806
  58. An Evaluation of Cementing Efficiency of Fly Ash on Strength Development of Mortar by Ratio of SiO2/C3S, Proceedings of the 2nd ACF Symposium 2017, 1-7, 201711
  59. Reaction degree of fly ash in internally alkali-activated cement paste, Proceedings of 10th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete (ICCM2017), SP-320-31, 14, 201710
  60. Influence of coarse aggregate shape on optimum fine to total aggregate ratio using a virtual voids-ratio diagram in concrete compaction, CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, 106, 202002
  61. Effects of porous ceramic roof tile waste aggregate on strength development and carbonation resistance of steam-cured fly ash concrete, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 236, 20200310
  62. Effects of Shirasu natural pozzolan and limestone powder on the strength and aggressive chemical resistance of concrete, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 239, 20200410
  63. Effect of Sodium Sulfate Activator on Compressive Strength and Hydration of Fly-Ash Cement Pastes, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, 32(6), 20200601
  64. Mechanical properties and carbonation resistance of sea sand concrete containing ground granulated blast furnace slag under accelerated carbonation, 41, 383-388, 20190615
  65. Deterioration of concretes containing shirasu natural pozzolan and limestone powder exposed to aggressive chemical environment, 41, 647-652, 20190615
  66. An investigation on correlation between fly ash reaction and cementing efficiency factor for strength development of concrete, 41, 245-250, 20190615
  67. Effect of ggbs addition on properties of fly ash-based geopolymer at high temperatures, 41, 1991-1996, 20190615
  68. Difference in Strength Development between Cement-Treated Sand and Mortar with Various Cement Types and Curing Temperatures, MATERIALS, 13(21), 202011
  69. Evaluation of the cementing efficiency factor of low-calcium fly ash for the chloride-penetration resistance of concretes: A simple approach, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 270, 20210208
  70. Effects of chloride ions on the durability and mechanical properties of sea sand concrete incorporating supplementary cementitious materials under an accelerated carbonation condition, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 274, 20210308
  71. ★, Contribution of fly ash to the strength development of mortars cured at different temperatures, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 276, 20210322
  72. Effect of silica fume on efflorescence formation and alkali leaching of alkali-activated slag, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 315, 20210915
  73. Alkali leaching and mechanical performance of epoxy resin-reinforced geopolymer composite, MATERIALS LETTERS, 304, 20211201

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Flexural Crack Width of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Roof Tile Waste Aggregate, Martin Mwangi Macharia, Yuko Ogawa, Katsumi Yamaguchi, Kenji Kawai, and Ryoichi Sato, the Thirteenth International Conference Ottawa, 2015/07, Without Invitation, English, Ottawa Canada
  2. Effect of sodium-silicate treatment for recycled concrete aggregate on slump and compressive strength of concrete, Tan Phat Huynh, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, ICSCEA2019, 2019/10, Without Invitation, English, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam
  3. Properties of Steam-Cured Fly Ash Concrete Using Porous Ceramic Waste Aggregate, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Naoki Doi, Kenji Kawai, and Ryoichi Sato, the Thirteenth International Conference Ottawa, 2015/07, Without Invitation, English, Ottawa Canada
  4. Microstructure and mechanical properties of FA/GGBS-based geopolymer, Apriany Saludung, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, the 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), 2018/07, Without Invitation, English, Solo Baru Indonesia
  5. Degree of Fly Ash Reaction in Internally Alkali-Activated Cement Paste, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai and Kenji Kawai, The 10th Aci / Rilem International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete ICCM2017, 2017/10, Without Invitation, English, Montreal, Canada
  6. Effect of Chloride Solution on Adsorption and Desorption of Lead in Cement Hydrates, 10. Shaojun Zhou, Masaharu Yamasaki, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai, 16th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering ICCEE2017, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English
  7. Behavior of Moisture and Carbonation in Mortar Containing Polypropylene Fibers after Exposed to High Temperature, Totsawat Daungwilailuk, Tatsuya Kitagawa, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai, 16th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering ICCEE2017, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English
  8. Performance Evaluation of Fly Ash as Supplementary Cementitious Material for Contributing to Strength Development of Hardened Mortar Using SiO2/C3S, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English
  9. An Evaluation of Cementing Efficiency of Fly Ash on Strength Development of Mortar by Ratio of SiO2/C3S, Tan Phat Huynh, Masashi Hajiri, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai, The 2nd ACF Symposium 2017 Innovations for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructures, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  10. A Study on Moisture Transfer in Hardened Cement in a Drying Process Using Electrical Resistance Method, Tatsuya Kitagawa, Totsawat Daungwilailuk, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai, The 2nd ACF Symposium 2017 Innovations for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructures, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  11. pH Dependency of Lead Ion Adsorption on Hardened Cement, Masaharu Yamasaki, Zhou Shaojun , Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai, The 2nd ACF Symposium 2017 Innovations for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructures, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  12. Pozzolanic Reaction of Fly Ash in Internally Cured Cement Paste by an Injection of Water in a Long Term, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai and Kenji Kawai, The 2nd ACF Symposium 2017 Innovations for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructures, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English
  13. Influence of sulfate activator of fresh properties and compressive strength of fly ash-cement paste, Phuong Trinh Bui, Anh Kiet Nguyen, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainability in Civil Engineering, 2018/11, Without Invitation, English
  14. Effects of Sodium-Sulfate Addition on Consistency, Setting Time and Compressive Strength at Early Ages of Fly Ash-Cement Paste, Phuong Trinh Bui, Anh Kiet Nguyen, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF 2018), 2018/11, Without Invitation, English
  15. Compressive strength, permeability and sorptivity of sea sand concrete containing supplementary cementitious materials, Quoc Viet Dang, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF 2018), 2018/11, Without Invitation, English
  16. Effects of Shirasu volcanic ash and limestone powder on chemical resistance of concrete, Van Toan Pham, Phalkong Meng, Yuko Ogawa, and Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF 2018), 2018/11, Without Invitation, English
  17. Influence of contact solutions on adsorption properties of lead in calcium silicate hydrate, Shaojun Zhou, Takumi Nishiwaki, Masaharu Yamasaki, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2018 (ICCEE-2018), 2018/10, Without Invitation, English
  18. Permeability of high strength concrete cured internally by using porous ceramic waste aggregate, Azusa Shigeta, Yuko Ogawa, and Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2018 (ICCEE-2018), 2018/10, Without Invitation, English
  19. Applicability of waste indicator in venous industry including cement industry, Yugo Shibazaki, Yuko Ogawa,Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2018 (ICCEE-2018), 2018/10, Without Invitation, English
  20. Leaching behavior of lead from hardened cement paste immersed in chloride solutions, Takumi Nishiwaki, Shaojun Zhou, Masaharu Yamasaki, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2018 (ICCEE-2018), 2018/10, Without Invitation, English
  21. A study of moisture transfer in cement paste during moisture and water absorption, Manami Mizoguchi, Tatsuya Kitagawa, Totsawat Daungwilailuk, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2018 (ICCEE-2018),, 2018/10, Without Invitation, English
  22. Effects of curing temperature on degree of fly ash reaction and strength development of mortar, Yuki Miyoshi, Tan Huynh Phat, Yuko Ogawa, and Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2018 (ICCEE-2018), 2018/10, Without Invitation, English
  23. Concrete deterioration subject to alternate wet and dry cycles of sulfuric acid, Yoshinobu Kanao, Keisuke Tsubone, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2018 (ICCEE-2018), 2018/10, Without Invitation, English
  24. Effects of chloride ion on properties of fresh and hardened concrete containing ground granulated blast furnace slag, Quoc Viet Dang, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2018 (ICCEE-2018), 2018/10, Without Invitation, English
  25. An Evaluation of Cementing Efficiency of Fly Ash on Strength Development of Mortar by Ratio of SiO2/C3S, Tan Phat Huynh, Masashi Hajiri, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa,Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of the 2nd ACF Symposium 2017, 2017/11, Without Invitation, English
  26. Reaction degree of fly ash in internally alkali-activated cement paste, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of 10th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete (ICCM2017), 2017/10, Without Invitation, English
  27. Effect of Curing Temperature on Degree of Fly Ash Reaction and Contribution of Fly Ash to Strength Development of Mortar, Yuki Miyoshi, Tan Phat Huynh, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, 3rd ACF Symposium on Assessment and Intervention of Existing Structures, 2019/09, Without Invitation, English
  28. Effect of Water-to-Binder Ratio on Cementing Efficiency Factor of Fly Ash Regarding Compressive Strength of Concrete, Tan Phat Huynh, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture 2019, 2019/10, Without Invitation, English
  29. Properties of Fly Ash/Slag-based Geopolymer Exposed to High Temperature and Sulfuric Acid, SALUDUNG Apriany, AZEYANAGI Takumu, OGAWA Yuko, KAWAI Kenji, The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM13), Without Invitation, English
  30. Lead Adsorption on Cement Paste at Various pH Values Controlled by Different Methods, Takumi Nishiwaki, Masaharu Yamasaki, Shojyun Zhou, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai, Lead Adsorption on Cement Paste at Various pH Values Controlled by Different Methods, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture 2019, 2019/10, Without Invitation, English
  31. Investigation on moisture transfer in mortar after exposure to high temperature, M. Mizoguchi. T. Kitagawa, T. Daungwilailuk, Y. Ogawa, K. Kawai, International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture 2019, 2019/10, Without Invitation, English
  32. Influence of molar concentration of sodium hydroxide solution on high temperature resistance of geopolymer paste, Takumu Azeyanagi, Apriany Saludung, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai, International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture 2019, Without Invitation, English
  33. Chemical Change of C3A Hydrates Reacted with Sulfuric Acid at Early Stage, Kentaro Utsumi, Tatsuo Shinmi, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, The 18th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE 2019), 2019/10, Without Invitation, English
  34. Effect of Seawater curing on Compressive Strength and Static Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete using Sea Sand and Seawater, Aoi Okada, Quoc Viet Dang, Yuko Ogawa Kenji Kawai, The 18th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE 2019), 2019/10, Without Invitation, English
  35. Examination of Contribution of Fly Ash to Strength Development of Mortar under Steam Curing and Internal Curing, Ryo Insako, Yuki Miyoshi, Tan-Phat Huynh, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, The 18th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE 2019), 2019/10, Without Invitation, English
  36. Influence of Chloride Ion in Sea Sand on Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash Concrete Exposed to Accelerated Carbonation, Quoc Viet Dang, Aoi Okada, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai, International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture 2019, 2019/10, Without Invitation, English
  37. Effects of Amounts and Moisture States of Clay-Brick Waste as Coarse Aggregate on Slump and CompressiveStrength of Concrete, Phuong Trinh Bui, Xuan Nam Nguyen, My Ngoc Tang, Yuko Ogawa, and Kenji Kawa, Congrès International de Géotechnique - Ouvrages - Structures, 2019/10, Without Invitation, English
  38. Evaluation of waste recycling in venous industry using environmental indicator, Yugo Shibazaki, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai, 16th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC16), 2019/12, Without Invitation, English
  39. Leaching behaviors of heavy metals from mortar in various types of solutions, Shaojun Zhou, Takumi Nishiwaki, Yuko Ogawa and Kenji Kawai, SP-326 Durability and Sustainability of Concrete Structures - 2nd Workshop Proceedings, ACI Special Publication, 2018/.6, Without Invitation, English
  40. Microscopic investigation on concrete cured internally by using porous ceramic roof-tile waste aggregate, Azusa Shigeta, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), 2018/.7, Without Invitation, English
  41. Effect of co-existing ions on lead leaching behaviour from hardened cement paste, Takumi Nishiwaki, Shaojun Zhou, Masaharu Yamasaki1, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), 2018/.6, Without Invitation, English
  42. An investigation on moisture and water absorption in cement paste with electrical resistance method, Manami Mizoguchi, Tatsuya Kitagawa, Totsawat Daungwilailuk, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, Proceedings of the International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures (ICDCS), 2018/.7, Without Invitation, English
  43. Carbonation and chloride penetration into concrete after high temperature exposure, Totsawat Daungwilaliuk, Tetsuya Kitagawa,Yuko Ogawa,Kenji Kawai, 2018/.6, Without Invitation, English
  44. Early Age Deformation, Its Resultant Stress and Creep Properties of Concrete with and without Internal Curing Subjected to High Temperature History at an Early Age, Yuko Ogawa, Ryoichi Sato and Kenji Kawai, The Control of Cracking of Mass Concrete and Related Issues concerning Early Age Cracking of Concrete Structures (CONCRACK5), 2017/04/24, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo, Japan
  45. An Experimental Investigation of Hardness and Pore Structure of Low-Calcium Fly Ash Cement Paste Internally Alkali Activated Using Roof Tile Waste Aggregate, BUI Phuong Trinh, OGAWA Yuko, NAKARAI Kenichiro and KAWAI Kenji, Durability of Building Materials and Components (DBMC2017), 2017/05/29, Without Invitation, English, Ghent, Belgium
  46. Micro-hardness and porosity of fly ash cement paste internally alkali-activated using roof-tile waste aggregate, Yuko Ogawa, Phuong Trinh Bui, Kenichiro Nakarai and Kenji Kawai, Third International Conference on Chemically Activated Materials( CAM2017), 2017/08/08, Without Invitation, English, Gold Coast, Australia
  47. Degree of fly ash reaction and pore structure in internally alkali-activated fly ash cement paste, Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai and Kenji Kawai, Third International Conference on Chemically Activated Materials( CAM2017), 2017/08/08, Without Invitation, English, Gold Coast, Australia
  48. Influence of High Temperature History on Chloride Penetration of Concrete Using Waste-Derived Aggregate, Ogawa Yuko, Fujiyama Akihiro, Sato Ryoichi, Kawai Kenji, Ooishi Hiroshi, The Second International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS16), 2016/06/13, Without Invitation, English, Madrid, Spain
  49. Effect of Internal Alkali Activation on Long-Term Pozzolanic Reaction of Fly Ash in Cement Paste, Bui Phuong Trinh, Ootaichi Kazuki, Ogawa Yuko, Nakarai Kenichiro and Kawai Kenji, The Second International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS16), 2016/06/13, Without Invitation, English, Madrid, Spain
  50. Applicability of Molten Slag and Porous Ceramic-Roof Tile Waste Aggregates to Massive Structural Concrete, Ogawa Yuko, Fujiyama Akihiro, Kawai Kenji, and Sato Ryoichi, The Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT4), 2016/08/07, Without Invitation, English, Las Vegas, Nevada
  51. Effects of Roof Tile Waste-Coarse Aggregate and High Temperature History at Early Ages on Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams Made of Portland Blast-furnace Slag Cement Type B, Fujiyama Akihiro, Macharia Martin Mwangi, Ogawa Yuko, Kawai Kenji, and Sato Ryoichi, The Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT4), 2016/08/07, Without Invitation, English, Las Vegas, Nevada
  52. Effect of Injection of NaOH solution on pozzolanic and hydration reactions in low-calcium fly ash cement paste, Bui Phuong Trinh, Ogawa Yuko, Nakarai Kenichiro, and Kawai Kenji, The Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 2016/08/07, Without Invitation, English, Las Vegas, Nevada
  53. Effect of Internal Activation Using Porous Ceramic Aggregate on Hardness and Pore Structure of Fly Ash Cement Paste, Ootaishi Kazuki, Bui Phuong Trinh Ogawa Yuko, and Kawai Kenji, The Eighth International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions Environment and Loading (CONSEC), 2016/09/12, Without Invitation, English, Lecco, Italy
  54. Deterioration of Concrete Immersed in Sulfuric Acid for a Long Term, Tsubone Keisuke, Yamaguchi Yoshiki, Ogawa Yuko and Kawai Kenji, The Eighth International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions Environment and Loading (CONSEC), 2016/09/12, Without Invitation, English, Lecco, Italy
  55. Effects of Early Age High Temperature and Roof Tile Waste Aggregate on Shear Strength of RC Beams Using Slag Cement, Koki Kawabata, Akihiro Fujiyama, M. Mwangi Macharia, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai and Ryoichi Sato, The 6th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, 2016/10/30, Without Invitation, English, Hanoi, Vietnam
  56. Effects of Internal Curing with High-volume Roof Tile Waste on Compressive Strength and Porosity of Fly Ash Concrete, P. Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenji Kawai and Ryoichi Sato, The 6th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, 2016/10/30, Without Invitation, English, Hanoi, Vietnam
  57. Effect of Roof Tile Waste Aggregate on Mechanical Properties and Shear Strength of Blast Furnace Slag Cement-Type B Concrete Subjected to High Temperature History, Koki Kawabata, Akihiro Fujiyama, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, 15th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering( ICCEE2016), 2016/10/17, Without Invitation, English, Hiroshima,Japan
  58. Degradation in Concrete Attacked by Sulfuric Acid for a Long Term, Keisuke Tsubone, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai, 5th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering( ICCEE2016), 2016/10/17, Without Invitation, English, Hiroshima,Japan
  59. Effect of starting time of alkali activation on pozzolanic reaction of fly ash cement paste, BUI P.Trinh, 2015/05, Without Invitation, Japanese
  60. Internal Curing Effect of Roof Tile Waste Aggregate on Flexural Crack Width of RC Beams Made of Blast Furnace Cement, Macharia Martin Mwangi, Ogawa Yuko, Kawai Kenji and Sato Ryoichi, The 13th International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues, 2015/07/14, Without Invitation, English, Ottawa, Canada
  61. Effect of Porous Ceramic Aggregate on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Steam-Cured Fly Ash Concrete, Bui Phuong Trinh, Ogawa Yuko, Kawai Kenji and Sato Ryoichi, The 13th International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues, 2015/07/14, Without Invitation, English, Ottawa, Canada
  62. Effects of porous ceramic waste aggregate as an internal curing agent on steam-cured high strength fly ash concrete, Trinh Phuong Bui, Yusuke Muragishi, Yuko Ogawa, Kenji Kawai and Ryoichi Sato, International Conference on Sustainable Structural Concrete, 2015/09/15, Without Invitation, English, La Plata, Argentina
  63. Experimental Studies on Effective Creep Coefficient in Prestressed Concrete Girder, Ogawa Yuko, Kameta Shoichi, Sato Ryoichi, Nakarai Kenichiro and Kawai Kenji, The tenth international Conference on Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete (CONCREEP-10), 2015/09/21, Without Invitation, English, Vienna, Austria
  64. Effect of lime stone aggregate on drying shrinkage and shear strength of RC beam, Nakarai Kenichiro, Sato Ryoichi, Ogawa Yuko and Kawai Kenji, The tenth international Conference on Creep (CONCREEP-10), 2015/09/21, Without Invitation, English, Vienna, Austria
  65. Effects of Porous Ceramic Coarse Aggregate on Autogenous Shrinkage and Mechanical Properties of Portland Blast-Furnace Slag Cement Type B Concrete under High Temperature History, Fujiyama Akihiro, Macharia Martin Mwangi, Ogawa Yuko, and Kawai Kenji, International conference on civil and environmental engineering, 2015/11/08, Without Invitation, English, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  66. Effect of Limestone Aggregate on Shear Strength of RC Beams, Kawai Nao, Sakamoto Yuto, Ogawa Yuko, and Nakarai Kenichiro, International conference on civil and environmental engineering, 2015/11/08, Without Invitation, English, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  67. Influence of Type of Immersion Solution on Lead Leaching from Mortar, Tanaka Shinya, Ogawa Yuko, and Kawai Kenji, International conference on civil and environmental engineering, 2015/11/08, Without Invitation, English, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  68. An Experimental Study on the Effect of Internal Curing with Roof Tile Waste on Relative Humidity of Fly Ash Concrete, Ogawa Yuko, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kawai Kenji, and Sato Ryoichi, The Fourteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), 2016/01/06, Without Invitation, English, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
  69. Effect of Internal Activation on Pozzolanic Reaction in Fly Ash Cement Paste by Using Sodium Hydroxide Solution, Bui Phuong Trinh, Ogawa Yuko, Kenichiro Nakarai, and Kawai Kenji, The Fourteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), 2016/01/06, Without Invitation, English, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
  70. Influence of curing conditions on carbonation of fly ash concrete, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Ogawa Yuko, Ono Yuki, Uji Kimitaka and Ueno Atsushi, 4th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implication, Physical Properties and Constitutive Response, 2009/08/24, Without Invitation, English, Nagoya
  71. Effect of Alkali Activator on Pozzolanic Reaction of Fly Ash Concrete, Bui Phuong Trinh, Ito Yuhei, Ogawa Yuko and Kawai Kenji, The 6th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, 2014/09/21, Without Invitation, English, Seoul, Korea
  72. Effect of Porous Ceramic Waste Aggregate on Properties of Steam Cured Fly Ash Concrete, Muragishi Yusuke, Ogawa Yuko, Kawai Kenji and Sato Ryoichi, The 6th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, 2014/09/21, Without Invitation, English, Seoul, Korea
  73. Heavy Metal Desorption from Cement Hydrates Caused by Chloride Solutions, Hayashi Akihiko, Ogawa Yuko and Kawai Kenji, The 4th International Conference on the Durability of Concrete Structures, 2014/07/24, Without Invitation, English, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
  74. Shear Strengths of PC Beams Made with Ultra High Strength Concrete Using Porous Ceramic Aggregate Derived from Roof Tile Waste, Sakuma Kazuhiro, Ogawa Yuko, Sato Rryoichi, Ohta Seiji and Asai Hiroshi, Concrete Innovation Conference, 2014/06/11, Without Invitation, English, Oslo, Norway
  75. Applicability of Waste Aggregates Derived from Municipal and Ceramic Roof Tile Wastes to Ultra-High-Strength Concrete, Ogawa Yuko, Suzuki Masahiro, Sato Rryoichi, Ohta Seiji and Kameta Shoichi, Concrete Innovation Conference, 2014/06/11, Without Invitation, English, Oslo, Norway
  76. An Effective Flexural Stiffness Equation for Long Term Deflection of Prestressed Concrete with and without Cracks, Sato Ryoichi, Nakarai Kenichiro, Ogawa Yuko and Kawai Kenji, The ninth international Conference on Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete, 2013/09/22, Without Invitation, English, Cambridge, USA
  77. Effect of Porous Ceramic Coarse Aggregate on Strength Development of High-Strength Fly Ash Concrete, Ogawa Yuko, Doi Noki, Kawai Kenji, Sato Ryoichi and Ishimori Shinichiro, The Third International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials & Technologies, 2013/08/18, Without Invitation, English, Kyoto
  78. Structural performance of RC beams containing a molten slag as fine aggregate, Nakarai Kenichiro, Kawamura Kazumasa, Ogawa Yuko and Sato Ryoichi, The First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, 2013/05/27, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo
  79. Mechanical Properties of Portland Blast Furnace Cement-Type B Concrete Cured Internally with Porous Ceramic Aggregate, Macharia Martin Mwangi, Ogawa Yuko, Kawai Kenji, Sato Ryoichi, and Wasaki, Masanori, The First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, 2013/05/27, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo
  80. Properties of concrete containing a molten slag as fine aggregate, Kawamura Kazumasa, Ogawa Yuko, Macharia Martin Mwangi, Nakarai Kenichiro and Sato Ryoichi, the First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, 2013/05/27, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo
  81. Effect of Porous Ceramic Aggregate Produced from Roof Tile Waste on Carbonation of Fly Ash Concrete, Ogawa Yuko, Kawai Kenji, Sato Ryoichi, and Ishimori Shinichiro, The First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, 2013/05/27, Without Invitation, English, Tokyo
  82. Fracture Energy of Concrete and Shear Strength of RC Beams Internally Cured Using Porous Ceramic-Roof Tile Waste Aggregate, Macharia Martin Mwangi, Ogawa Yuko, Kawai Kenji, and Sato Ryoichi, 8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2013/03, Without Invitation, English, Toledo
  83. Effect of Fly Ash in Low Fraction, Ogawa Yuko, Uji Kimitaka and Ueno Atsushi, fib symposium: Concrete Structures for Sustainable Community, 2012/06/11, Without Invitation, English, Stockholm,Sweden
  84. Evaluation of fly ash contribution to mortar qualities using k-value, Ogawa Yuko, Uji Kimitaka and Ueno Atsushi, 10th ACI International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues, 2009/10/13, Without Invitation, English, Seville, Spain


  1. 2013/06/14, Yoshida Award for Research Encouragement, Japan Society of Civil Engineers
  2. 2013/06/14, JSCE Incentive Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers
  3. 2014/07/11, Award for encouragement of outstanding paper, Chair of the 36th JCI Annual Convention, PCスラブ桁の鋼材ひずみに基づくクリープ係数算定方法の提案
  4. 2014/09/23, The 6th International Conference of Asian Concrete FederationBest Paper Award, Chair of Scientific Committee of ACF2014Secretary of Scientific Committee of ACF2014, EFFECT OF ALKALI ACTIVATOR ON POZZOLANIC REACTION OF FLY ASH CEMENT PASTE
  5. 2015/05/13, The 43th Japan Cement Association Best Paper Award, Japan Cement Association, Capturing in Cement Paste of Heavy Metal Added with Different Methods
  6. 2015/09/17, The International Conference on Sustainable Structural Concrete the Most Outstanding Paper, President Organising Committee President Scientific Committee, EFFECTS OF POROUS CERAMIC WASTE AGGREGATE AS AN INTERNAL CURING AGENT ON STEAM-CURED HIGH STRENGTH FLY ASH CONCRETE
  7. 2016/08/11, SCMT4 Award Winning Paper, Chair and Co-Chair of SCMT4 Organizing Committee, Applicability of Molten Slag and Porous Ceramic-Roof Tile Waste Aggregate to Massive Structural Concrete