Last Updated :2025/02/04

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
Web Site

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2011/04/01, 2012/02/29, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Assistant Professor (Special Appointment)
  • 2012/03/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Assistant Professor

Educational Backgrounds

  • Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Japan, 2008/04, 2011/06

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Master of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Engineering : Cluster 2(Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering) : Program of Electronic Devices and Systems
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Quantum Matter Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering : Division of Advanced Science and Engineering : Quantum Matter Program

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Electronic Devices and Systems

Research Fields

  • Interdisciplinary science and engineering;Applied physics;Thin film / Surface and interfacial physical properties

Research Keywords

  • Semiconductor

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Introduction to Energy and Information Systems
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Exercise of Electromagnetism I
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Year, Graduation Thesis
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Seminar on Electronics A
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Seminar on Electronics B
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Academic Presentation in Electronics
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Exercises in Electronics A
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Exercises in Electronics A
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 3Term, Exercises in Electronics B
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Exercises in Electronics B
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Advanced Study in Quantum Matter
  14. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Advanced Study in Quantum Matter

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Extraction of interfacial thermal resistance across an organic/semiconductor interface using optical-interference contactless thermometry, APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 17(3), 036502-1-036502-4, 20240301
  2. Development of a real-time temperature measurement technique for SiC wafer during ultra-rapid thermal annealing based on optical-interference contactless thermometry (OICT), JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 62(SC), SC1075-1-SC1075-8, 20230401
  3. Millisecond Annealing by Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet and Direct Imaging of Temperature Distribution using Optical Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT), ECS. Trans., 104(4), 63-68, 202110
  4. Growth of high-crystallinity silicon films by a combination of intermittent pulse heating and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 61(SI), SI1010-1-SI1010- 6, 20220701
  5. Investigation on electrical characteristics of TFTs fabricated with germanium films crystallized by atmospheric-pressure micro thermal plasma jet irradiation, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 61(SC), SC1011-1-SC1011- 6, 20220501
  6. Crystalline Ge Layer Growth on Si(001) by Sputter Epitaxy Method, Book of 1st Int. Workshop on Si based Nano-electronics and –photonics eds by S. Chiussi, P. Alpuim, J. Murota, P. González, J. Serra, and B. León, 137-138, 20090901
  7. Ge Flat Layer Growth on Heavily Phosphorus-Doped Si(001) by Sputter Epitaxy, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51(5), 055502-1-055502-4, 20120427
  8. SiGe Sputter Epitaxy Technique and Its Application to SiGe Devices, Procedia Engineering, 36, 396-403, 20120401
  9. Direct observation of grain growth from molten silicon formed by micro-thermal-plasma-jet irradiation, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101(17), 20121022
  10. Strain Distribution Analysis of Sputter-Formed Strained Si by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Applied Physics Express, 4(2), 25701-025701-3, 20110113
  11. High-efficiency impurity activation by precise control of cooling rate during atmospheric pressure thermal plasma jet annealing of 4H-SiC wafer, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 54(6), 06GC01-1-06GC01-8, 20150527
  12. Estimation of Phosphorus-implanted 4H-SiC Layer Recrystallization by EBSD Pattern Analysis, Mat. Sci. Forum, 821, 391-394, 20150630
  13. Pre-Amorphization and Low-Temperature Implantation for Efficient Activation of Implanted As in Ge(100), ECS Trans, 64(6), 423-429, 20141012
  14. Properties of Al Ohmic contacts to n-type 4H-SiC employing a Phosphorus-Doped and Crystallized Amorphous-Silicon Interlayer, Mater. Sci. Forum, 778-780, 649-652, 20140226
  15. Si/Ge Hole-Tunneling Double-Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diodes Formed on Sputtered Flat Ge Layers, Applied Physics Express, 4(2), 24102-024102-3, 20110127
  16. Strain-Relaxed Si1-xGex and Strained Si Grown by Sputter Epitaxy, Jpn J Appl Phys, 47(4), 3020-3023, 20080425
  17. Generation of ultra high-power thermal plasma jet and its application to crystallization of amorphous silicon films, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 56(6), 06HE05-1-06HE05-4, 20170516
  18. High-temperature and high-speed oxidation of 4H-SiC by atmospheric pressure thermal plasma jet, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 56(4), 201705
  19. Extremely high-power-density atmospheric-pressure thermal plasma jet generated by the nitrogen-boosted effect, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 57(6), 06HE05-1-06HE05-4, 201806
  20. Single-Crystalline Si-CMOS Circuit Fabrication on Polyethylene Terephthalate Substrate by Meniscus Force-Mediated Layer Transfer, IEEE JOURNAL OF THE ELECTRON DEVICES SOCIETY, 7(1), 943-948, 2019
  21. Development of high-yield layer transfer process of single-crystalline silicon thin films on plastic substrate and its application to multi-functional device integration, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 59, SGGJ02-1-SGGJ02-8, 20200401
  22. In situ monitoring to visualize temperature distribution in molten silicon region formed under atmospheric pressure thermal plasma jet irradiation, APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 13(1), 015507-1-015507-5, 20200101
  23. Band-energy estimation on silicon cap annealed 4H-SiC surface using hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, SURFACE SCIENCE, 696, 121592-1-121592-5, 202006
  24. Precise measurement of the temperature of a silicon wafer by an optical-interference contactless thermometer during rapid plasma processing, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 127(20), 203302-1-203302-9, 20200529
  25. Large area annealing by magnetic field scanning of atmospheric pressure thermal plasma beam, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 59, SJJF01-1-SJJF01-6, 202006
  26. Direct observation of ultra-rapid solid phase crystallization of amorphous silicon films irradiated by micro-thermal-plasma-jet, MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, 121, 105357-1-105357-9, 202101
  27. Investigation on characteristics of millisecond solid-phase crystallized silicon films annealed by atmospheric pressure DC arc discharge micro-thermal-plasma-jet and their application to bottom-gate thin film transistors fabrication, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 60(10), 105502-1-105502-7, 20211001
  28. Direct observation of three-dimensional transient temperature distribution in SiC Schottky barrier diode under operation by optical-interference contactless thermometry imaging, APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 15(2), 026502-1-026502-4, 20220201

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Atmospheric-Pressure Reactive Thermal Plasma Jet Technology for Decarbonization of Semiconductor Manufacturing, S. Higashi, H. Kato, J. Yu, K. Matsumoto, and H. Hanafusa, 244th ECS Meeting, 2023/10/08, With Invitation, English, Gothenburg, Sweden
  2. Interfacial Thermal Resistance Measurement at Polymer/Semiconductor Interface Using Optical-Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT), J. Yu, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, 4th China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE2023), 2023/12/08, Without Invitation, English, Chengdu, China
  3. Direct Measurement of silicon wafer surface temperature during plasma processing using Optical-Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT), R. Goto, J. Yu, H. Hanafusa, and S. Higashi, 44th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2023), 2023/11/21, Without Invitation, English, Nagoya, Japan
  5. Measurement of Heat Dissipation between SiC and Thermal Interface Material in Power Device Packaging Based on Optical-Interference Contactless Thermometry, J. Yu, R. Goto, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, 2023 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials(SSDM2023), 2023/09/05, Without Invitation, English, Nagoya, Japan
  6. Extraction of Organic/Semiconductor Interfacial Thermal Resisitance based on Optical Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT), J. Yu, H. Hanafusa, and S. Higashi, 2023 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD2023), 2023/07/10, Without Invitation, English, Yokohama, Japan
  7. Application of Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet for Semiconductor Device Fabrication, S. Higashi, H. Kato, H. Hanafusa, International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of advanced Materials (THERMEC'2023), 2023/07/02, With Invitation, English, Vienna, Austria
  8. Generation of Reactive Atmospheric-Pressure Micro-Thermal-Plasma-Jet and Its Application to Organic Film Etching, H. Kato, H. Hanafusa, T. Sato, S. Hayashi, S. Higashi, 43rd International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2022), 2022/11/24, Without Invitation, English, Osaka, Japan+オンライン
  9. Development of a Real-Time Temperature Measurement Technique for SiC Wafer During Ultra-Rapid Thermal Annealing Based on Optical-Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT), J. Yu, K. Matsuguchi, T. Sato, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, 2022 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2022), 2022/09/26, Without Invitation, English, Makuhari Messe + Online Conference
  10. Ultra-fast Etching of Photoresist by Reactive Atmospheric-pressure Thermal Plasma Jet, H. Kato, H. Hanafusa, T. Sato, S. Higashi, 2022 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM2022), 2022/12/12, Without Invitation, English, KFC Hall, Tokyo
  11. Single Crystalline Silicon CMOSFETs on Plastic and Their Application to Highly Sensitive Virus Detection System, S. Higashi, R. Sumichika, T. Suehiro, H. Hanafusa, and Y. Okamura, The 29th International Display Workshops (IDW'22), 2022/12/14, With Invitation, English, Fukuoka, Japan
  12. 3-D Imaging of Temperature Variations in 4H-SiC Schottky Barrier Diode under Operation based on Optical Interference Contactless Thermometry, S. Higashi, K. Fujimoto, and H. Hanafusa, 13th International Workshop on New Group IV Semiconductor Nanoelectronics, 2023/01/23, With Invitation, English, Sendai, Japan
  13. Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet Technology for Semiconductor Device Manufacturing, S. Higashi, A. Kameda, H. Kato, and H. Hanafusa, 15th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials 16th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma2023/IC-PLANTS2023), 2023/03/05, With Invitation, English, Gifu, Japan
  14. Research on Real-Time Temperature Measurement for SiC Wafer during Ultra-Rapid Thermal Annealing Based on Optical-Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT), Jiawen Yu, K. Fujimoto, K. Matsuguchi, T. Sato, H. Hanafusa and S. Higashi, International Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2022, in Memory of M. Hirose (IWNT2022), 2022/03/11, Without Invitation, English
  15. Growth of High Crystallinity Silicon Films by Intermittent Pulse Heating assisted Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, T. Nojima, H. Hanafusa, T. Sato, S. Hayashi, S. Higashi, 42nd International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2021), 2021/11/19, Without Invitation, Japanese
  16. Visualization of Transient Internal Temperature Changes during SiC-Schottky Barrier Diode Operation using Optical-Interference Contactless Thermometry, K. Fujimoto, H. Hanafusa, T. Sato, S. Higashi, 13th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM 2020.2021), 2021/10/24, Without Invitation, English, Tours, France and Virtual conference
  17. Effects of Crystallization Conditions on the Electrical Characteristics of P-type Ge TFTs Formed by Atmospheric Pressure Micro-Thermal-Plasma-Jet Irradiation, T. SATO, H. HANAFUSA, S. HIGASHI, 2021 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2021), 2021/09/08, Without Invitation, English
  18. Characteristics of Millisecond Solid Phase Crystallized Silicon Films Formed by Micro-Thermal-Plasma-Jet and Their Application to Bottom-Gate Thin Film Transistor, Hoa ThiKhanh Nguyen, H. Hanafusa, R. Kawakita, K. Segawa, S. Higashi, 2021 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2021), 2021/09/08, Without Invitation, English, ALL-VIRTUAL conference
  19. Estimation of Phosphorus-implanted 4H-SiC Layer Activation by EBSD pattern analysis, H. Hanafusa, K. Maruyama, S. Hayashi, S. Higashi, 10th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM2014), 2014/09/21, Without Invitation, English, Grenoble, France
  20. 電子線後方散乱法を用いたリン注入4H-SiCの結晶性評価, 花房宏明、丸山圭祐、林将平、東清一郎, 平成26年度第4回半導体エレクトロニクス部門委員会 第1回講演会・見学会, 2015/01/24, Without Invitation, Japanese, 広島大学 東広島キャンパス
  21. Atmospheric Pressure Thermal-Plasma-Jet Oxidation of 4H-SiC, R. Ishimaru, H. Hanafusa, K. Maruyama, S. Higashi,, 68th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference/9th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas/33rd Symposium on Plasma Processing (ICRP-9/GEC-68/SPP-33), 2015/10, Without Invitation, English, Honolulu, Hawaii
  22. High Efficiency Activation of Phosphorus Atoms in 4HSiC by Atmospheric PressureThermal Plasma Jet Annealing, H. Hanafusa, K. Maruyama, R. Ishimaru, S. Higashi, 16th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM 2015), 2015/10/04, Without Invitation, English
  23. Investigation on Crack Suppression Mechanism in Micro-Thermal-Plasma-Jet Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon Films on Flexible Glass Substrate, T. Hieda, H. Hanafusa, and S. Higashi, Int. Workshop Nanodevice Technologies 2017 (IWNT2017), 2017/03/02, Without Invitation, English, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
  24. Formation of Ohmic Contact for N-type 4H-SiC Layer by Silicon Cap Annealing, T. Taniguchi, H. Hanafusa, and S. Higashi, Int. Workshop Nanodevice Technologies 2017, 2017/03/02, Without Invitation, English
  25. Development of Self-Align Process Technique for 4H-SiC MOSFET with Thermal-Plasma-Jet Annealing, J. Inoue, H. Hanafusa, and S. Higashi, Int. Workshop Nanodevice Technologies 2017, 2017/03/02, Without Invitation, English, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
  26. Micro-thermal-plasma-jet Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon Films on Flexible Glass Substrate, T. Hieda, R. Shin, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, 34th Symposium on Plasma Processing (SPP34) / The 29th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials, 2017/01/16, Without Invitation, English
  27. Generation of Ultra High Power Thermal Plasma Jet (Super TPJ) and Its Application to Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon Films, R. Nakashima, R. Shin, H. Hanafusa and S. Higashi, Int. Symp. Dry Process, 2016/11/21, Without Invitation, English
  28. Crystallization and Activationof P+ Dope a-Ge Film by Atmospheric Pressure Micro-Thermal-Plasma-Jet, H. Harada,, R. Shin, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, 2016 Int. Conf. Solid State Dev. Mat., 2016/09/26, Without Invitation, English
  29. High-temperature Oxidation of 4H-SiC by Thermal-Plasma-Jet, H. Hanafusa,, R. Ishimaru, S.Higashi, 11th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, 2016/09/25, Without Invitation, English
  30. Silicidation-Less Ohmic Contact Formation on N-Type 4H-SiC with Silicon Cap Annealing, H. Hanafusa, T. Taniguchi and S. Higashi, International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM 2017), 2017/09/17, Without Invitation, English
  31. Extremely High-power-density Atmospheric Pressure Thermal-Plasma-Jet Generated by Nitrogen-boost Effect, H. Hanafusa, W. Nakano, R. Nakashima and S. Higashi, Int. Symp. Dry Process (DPS2017), 2017/11/16, Without Invitation, English
  32. Activation of High-temperature-implanted Phosphorus Atoms in 4H-SiC by Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet Annealing, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, 2018 18th Int. Workshop Junction Tech. (IWJT-2018), 2018/03/08, With Invitation, English
  33. Millisecond Annealing of 4H-SiC Wafer for Impurity Activation by Nitrogen-boosted Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet, S. Kawasaki, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM 2018), 2018/09/05, Without Invitation, English
  34. Investigation on Contact Property on Silicon-Cap-Annealed n-type 4H-SiC, D. Todo, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM 2018), 2018/09/03, Without Invitation, English
  35. Ultra-High-Speed Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon Films on Flexible Glass Substrate by Thermal-PlasmaJet Irradiation Using Cylindrical Rotation Stage, W. Nakano, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, 2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2018), 2018/09/10, Without Invitation, English
  36. Analysis of a Molten Region on Amorphous Silicon Film By High-Speed Camera and Contactless Temperature Measurement during Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet Annealing, Y. Mizukawa, H. Hanafusa, and S. Higashi, 2018 ECS and SMEQ Joint Int. Meeting, 2018/09/30, With Invitation, English
  37. Capless Annealing of Mg Implanted GaN (0001) Face Using Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, and K. Shiozaki, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN2018), 2018/11/12, Without Invitation, English
  38. Visualization of Temperature Field in Molten Silicon Formed by Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet Irradiation, Y. Mizukawa, H. Hanafusa and S. Higashi, Int. Symp. Dry Process (DPS2018), 2018/11/14, Without Invitation, English
  39. Batteryless Operation of Single Crystalline Silicon CMOS Logic Circuits on a Flexible Substrate by Perovskite Photovoltaic Cells, S. Nagasawa, H. Hanafusa, S. Higashi, 15th Int. Thin-Film Transistor Conf. (ITC2019), 2019/03/01, Without Invitation, English
  40. Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet Oxidation for 4H-SiC, H. Hanafusa, Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2019, 2019/03/08, Without Invitation, English


  1. 2023/12/10, 4th China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE2023) Best Oral Presentation, General Chair:Southwest Jiaotong University,University of Electronic Science and Technology, Interfacial Thermal Resistance Measurement at Polymer/Semiconductor Interface Using Optical-Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT)
  2. 2020/09/28, SSDM Young Researcher Award, General Chair, Organizing Committee, SSDM2020, Development of High Yield Layer Transfer Process of Single Crystalline Silicon Thin Film on Plastic Substrate and Its Application to Floating Gate Memory Fabrication