Isamu Ohnishi

Last Updated :2024/10/01

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Associate Professor
Web Site
Other Contact Details
1-3-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
TEL : (+81)82-424-7374 FAX : (+81)82-424-7327
My specialty is an applied mathematics (control theory) of nonlinear mathematical science suggested by life phenomena as a control systems, particularly at the intersection of control engineering and mathematical science, where I conduct research to advance the theory of control and, at the same time, perform research as a practitioner that applies meaningful applications to actual engineering problems as hinted by fine mechanism of a life phenomena. Control systems governing life phenomena are a treasure trove of various theories and practical applications. Furthermore, based on my research to date, I would like to tackle specific control problems (especially engineering control problems) with a view to industry-academia collaboration in the future. Ideally, While helping with concrete engineering research, I would like to conduct specific applied mathematical research while also establishing a mathematical theoretical foundation for it. In our laboratory, the slogan is "To control, we must first understand it properly, and characterize it as precisely as possible." Keywords: mathematically scientific theoretical deterministic control theory, research for nonlinearity nonlinear mathematical science for life organization,

Basic Information

Educational Backgrounds

  • The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Mathematical Science, Japan, 1991/04, 1994/03
  • University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Dept. of Math.,, Japan, 1989/04, 1991/03
  • Waseda university, faculty of science, Dept. of Math.,, JAPAN, 1985/04/01, 1989/03/15

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D. (Mathematical Science), The University of Tokyo
  • Master of Science, The University of Tokyo

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Science : Mathematics : Mathematics
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Mathematical and Life Sciences
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Mathematical and Life Sciences

In Charge of Primary Major Programs

  • Mathematics

Research Fields

  • Mathematical and physical sciences;Mathematics;Foundations of mathematics / Applied mathematics
  • Mathematical and physical sciences;Mathematics;Mathematical analysis

Research Keywords

  • Applied Mathematics (Control Theory)
  • evolution equation theory

Affiliated Academic Societies

  • Society for Industrial and applied Mathematics, 1993
  • The Mathematical Society of Japan, 1991/10

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Mathematics for Computation B
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Special Study of Mathematics and Informatics for Graduation
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Special Study of Mathematics and Informatics for Graduation
  4. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Academic Year, Research for Academic Degree Dissertation in Mathematical and Life Sciences
  5. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Mathematical Analysis A
  6. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Topical Seminar in Mathematical Science C
  7. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 4Term, Topical Seminar in Mathematical Science D
  8. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Exercises in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science A
  9. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Exercises in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science B

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. ★, A mathematically scientific study of cyanobacterias circadian rhythm based on induced memory by hysteresis structure of covalent modification as self-feedforward auto-control system, American Journal of Engineering Research, Volume-13(Issue-6), 38-42, 20240611
  2. Memory, hysteresis and oscillation induced by multiple covalent modifications and its application to circadian rhythm of Cyanobacteria, Research Report in RIMS of Kyoto University, 1616, 144-156, 2008
  3. Memory reinforcement with scale effect and its application to mutual symbioses among terrestrial cyanobacteria of Nostochineae, feather mosses and old trees in boreal biome in boreal forests, Global Science Chronicle, 1(1), 1-7, 20170815
  4. A binary digit of memory induced by multiple covalent modifications and its application to molecular rhythm (Mathematical Aspects for nonlinear problems related to Life-phenomena), RIMS Kokyuroku, 1616, 145-154, 200810
  5. ★, Standard model of a binary digit of memory with multiple covalent modifications in a cell, J. of pure and applied math.,, 2(1), 2018
  6. ★, Characterization to behavior of time global solutions of a nonlinear parabolic equation with a certain jump term, Preprint
  7. Stability of a stationary solution for the Lugiato-Lefever equation, Tohoku Math. J., Vol. 63(No. 4), 651-663, 20111225
  8. Erratum: Stability of Stationary Solution for the Lugiato-Lefever Equation, Tohoku Math. J. (Accepted), 2020
  9. ★, A mathematical study of the one dimensional Keller and Rubinow model for Liesegang bands, J. Stat Phys, Vol.135, 107-132, 20090924
  10. Bifurcation analysis to Lugiato-Lefever equation in one space dimension, Physica D, Vol.239, 2066-2083, 20101115
  11. ★, Spectral comparison between the second and the fourth order equations of conservative type with non-local terms, JJIAM, 253-262, 19980430
  12. Symmetry other phenomena in the optimization of eigenvalues for composite membranes, CMP, 214, 315-337, 20000729
  13. ★, Analytical solutions describing the phase separation driven by a free energy functional containing a long-range interaction term, Chaos, 9(No. 2), 329-341, 19990521
  14. ★, Modified Hele-Shaw moving boundary problem related to some phase transition phenomena, Bull. Univ. Electro-Comm, 11(No. 1), 17-28, 19980930
  15. Spectral comparison between the second and the fourth order equations of conservative type with non-local terms, JJIAM, 15(No. 2), 253-262, 19980331
  16. ★, Some mathematical aspects of the micro-phase separation in diblock copolymers, Phys. D, 84(No. 1-2), 31-39, 19950505
  17. ★, Inertial manifolds for Burgers' original model system of turbulenc, Appl. Math. Lett, 7(No. 3), 33-37, 19940625
  18. A note of the existence of nonconstant critical points of free energy functionals in the gradient theory of phase transitions, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 4(No. 2)
  19. Dimension estimate of the global attractor for forced oscillation systems, JJIAM, 10(No. 3), 351-366, 19930530
  20. Dimension estimate of the global attractor for resonant motion of a spherical pendulum, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci., 68(No. 9), 302-306, 19921215
  21. A billiard problem in nonlinear and nonequilibrium systems, Hiroshima Math. J, 37(No. 3), 343-384, 20070512
  22. Physarum can solve the shortest path problem on Riemannian surface mathematically rigorously, Int. J. P. Appl. Math, 47(No. 3), 353-369
  23. Failure to the shortest path decision of an adaptive transport network with double edges in Plasmodium system, International J. Dyn. Sys. Diff. Eqn., Vol. 1(No. 3), 210-219, 20080922
  24. Standing pulse solutions for the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations, Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math., 20(No. 1), 315-337, 20000531
  25. Spectral comparison result and morphology for diblock copolymer problems, roceedings of the Second Japan-China Seminar, 14, 253-256, 19950615
  26. On global minimizes for a variational problem with non-local effect related to micro-phase separation, RIMS Report, 973, 171-176, 19960921
  27. ★, Characterization of the most stable stationary solution with fine structure in a certain nonlinear parabolic PDE, Preprint, 2020
  28. ★, On the multiple existence of steady states in the gradient theory of phase transitions, Bull. Univ. Electro-Comm., 7(No. 3), 157-166, 19940731
  29. Existence and instability of steady states in phase transition in a thin plate with non-local self-stress effects, Bull. Univ. Electro-Comm., 8(No. 1), 53-58, 19950430
  30. Mathematical analysis to an adaptive network of the Plasmodium system, Hokkaido Math. J., Vol. 36(No. 2), 445-465, 20070523
  31. Computational ability of cells based on cell dynamics and adaptability, New Generation Computing, 27, 57-81, 20090531
  32. Numerical computations of free boundary problems in quadruple precision arithmetic using an explicit metho, GAKUTO Internat. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl., 11, 193-207, 19980531
  33. Mathematical analysis to coupled oscillators system with a conservation law, RIMS kokyuroku BESSATSU, B21, 129-147, 2010
  34. A Mathematical analysis to Liesegang ring as a radially symmetric solution in n-space dimensions, Proceeding of the 6th EASIAM and AMIC 2010, 6

Publications such as books

  1. 2005, The Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shell (H. Meinhardt), Book Review, Book Review, Nonlinear PDE, Nihon Hyouron Sha, 2005, Scholarly Book, Single work, 日本語, Isamu Ohnishi
  2. 2003, Nonlinear Analysis to Pattern formation –Liesegang phenomena, in Japanese, nonlinear PDE, Nihon Hyouron Sha, 2003, Scholarly Book, Single work, 日本語, Isamu Ohnishi
  3. 2008, mathematical seminar, modeling, Evolution equation theory, Scholarly Book, Single work, Isamu Ohnishi

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Structure of steady state solutions of a type of nonlinear parabolic PDE system and evolution equations, Isamu Ohnishi, Hatten Houteisiki Kenkyuukai, 2019/12/24, Without Invitation, Japanese, Japan Wemens university
  2. Existence theorem and some properties of modified Keller-Rubinow system, Isamu Ohnishi, Annual meeting of Math. Soc. JAPAN (2019), 2019/03, Without Invitation, Japanese
  3. Existence theorem and some properties of modified Keller-Rubinow system by use of subdifferential, Isamu Ohnishi, 2018/12, Without Invitation, Japanese
  4. Standard model of a binary digit of memory with multiple covalent modifications in a cell, Isamu Ohnishi, 2018/09, Without Invitation, Japanese
  5. micro-structure of the most stable steady state of Turing Pattern, Isamu Ohnishi, Kansuu-Houteisiki-Bunkakai, Shuuki-Sougou-Bunkakai, Mathmatical Society of Japan, 2019/09/17, Without Invitation, Japanese, Mathematical society of Japan, Kanazawa University
  6. mathematical analysis for one-dimensional Keller-Rubinow model in Liesegang phenomena, Isamu Ohnishi, R. v.d. Hout, D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura, soukai Math Soc. JAPAN 2018 Sep., Without Invitation, Japanese
  7. Memory reinforcement with scale effect and its application to mutual symbioses among terrestrial cyanobacteria of Nostochineae, feather moss and old trees in boreal forests, Isamu Ohnishi, nothing, The 7th EAFES, 2016/04/20, Without Invitation, English, EAFES, Daegu, Korea
  8. A binary digit of memory induced by multiple covalent modifications and its application to molecular rhythm, Isamu Ohnishi, Special lecture in Sep. Math. Soc. JAPAN, 2008/09, With Invitation, Japanese

Works, etc.

  1. ペンネームでの雑感想文, Isamu Ohnishi, I keep a record of my daily thoughts and impressions in the form of impressions and miscellaneous notes., 2023/04, 2024/03,, The Others
  2. 講義の記録, Isamu Ohnishi, Formal lectures: Lectures on Applied Mathematics A and Computational Mathematics B (30 lectures in total), a brief introduction to the specialty for third-year students (45 minutes), and an explanatory lecture for the graduation research assignment (just under 20 minutes) are available on YouTube., 2023/04, 2024/02, Hiroshima University, Educational Materials
  3. 講義資料, Isamu Ohnishi, Draft of lecture contents for "High school university mock lecture" related to high school-university collaboration, 2023/06, 2023/10, Kure-Mitsuta High-School Mihara High School, Educational Materials
  4. 講義録(, Isamu Ohnishi, The notes summarizing the main points of the lectures have been compiled in a book format and published for 30 weeks., Lecture Hall in Hiroshima Univ., Educational Materials
  5. 講義録(3、4年生、修士学生用), Isamu Ohnishi, Lecture hall in Hiroshima Univ. youtube:, Educational Materials
  6. 研究の軌跡とこれからへ向けての布石, 2021/07, Educational Materials