Noriaki Ajima

Last Updated :2024/07/03

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
My specialty in education and research is the history of Japanese painting from the Asuka period to the Muromachi period and the related history of oriental art from the Korean Peninsula to Central Asia. When I research existing cultural properties, I apply "optical image measurement methods" such as X-rays and infrared photographs to eliminate simple impressions. I use those materials to restore the expressions and techniques of cultural properties, explore their significance in history, and build a true cultural history that goes beyond the limits of historical literature.

Basic Information

Academic Degrees

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Hiroshima University
  • Master of Arts, Gakushuin University

Educational Activity

  • [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Letters : Humane Studies : Geography, Archaeology, and Cultural Heritage
  • [Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Humanities Program
  • [Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Humanities Program

Research Fields

  • Humanities;Art studies;Fine art history

Research Keywords

  • The Buddhist Painting

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Introduction to Geography, Archaeology, and Cultural Heritage
  2. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Introduction to the Study of Cultural Heritage
  3. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Lecture on Japanese Art History -Middle class-
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Basic Practice on Cultural Heritage I
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Basic Practice on Cultural Heritage II
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Advanced Practice on Cultural Heritage I
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Advanced Practice on Cultural Heritage II
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Basic Seminar on Cultural Heritage AI
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 4Term, Advanced Seminar on Cultural Heritage AII
  10. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Special Seminar on Cultural Heritage AI
  11. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Special Seminar on Cultural Heritage AII
  12. 2024, Undergraduate Education, First Semester, Guidance on Graduation Thesis A
  13. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Guidance on Graduation Thesis B
  14. 2024, Undergraduate Education, Second Semester, Graduation Thesis
  15. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Lecture on Research Methods in Art II
  16. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Analytical Seminar on Art History I
  17. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Analytical Seminar on Art History II
  18. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , First Semester, Special Research
  19. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , Second Semester, Special Research
  20. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , First Semester, Special Research
  21. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Special Research

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. One Theory on the Construction of Subhakarasimha's Kongokai mandala, JOURNAL of Indian and Buddhist Studies, 72(2), 204-211, 20240320
  2. The Hoshino wooden skeleton, the first wooden model of a human skeleton, made during the Edo era in Japan, ANATOMICAL SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL, 82(1), 38-45, 200703
  3. Study of the Painted Images of Konjiki Fudo Myo-o The original version and Manshu-in version-, 5-176, 19940301
  4. On the Yama Mandala of the Tendai Sect of Esoteric Buddhism-a comparison betwwen the Mandala of the Kyoto Museum collction and another of the Onjo-ji collection, 1・4-25, 19911001
  5. ★, On the Painting of Amida Jodo(Amitabha’s Pure Land),Owned by the Saizen-in, 1?5・11?48, 19861101
  6. [Wooden models of human skeleton made in Edo era, Japan, with special reference to Hoshino wooden skeleton]., [Wooden models of human skeleton made in Edo era, Japan, with special reference to Hoshino wooden skeleton]., 81(1), 2006
  7. The Hoshino wooden skeleton, the first wooden model of a human skeleton, made during the Edo era in Japan., The Hoshino wooden skeleton, the first wooden model of a human skeleton, made during the Edo era in Japan., 82(1), 2007
  8. Wooden models of the human skeleton made during the Edo era in Japan(1)Hoshino wooden skeleton, 67(1), 67-73, 201401

Publications such as books

  1. 2022/04/08, Study of the Pillar Paintings in the Chancel of the National Treasure Main Hall of Saimyo-ji, one of the Koto Sanzan Temples, Keisuisya, 2022, 04, Scholarly Book, Joint work, 日本語, 英語, Noriaki AJIMA, Yukari TAKAMA, 978-4-86327-587-4, 96, 48
  2. 1997/08, Descent of AMITABHA and the heavenly multitude , 1997, 08, Scholarly Book, Single work, 178
  3. 1997/03, Toji Temple’s Five Myoos (Vidya-rajas)and Images of the Twelve Devas, A Beautiful Contrast : The Works of Daichi-bon and Kenkyu-bon , Museum of Toji Temple, 1997, 03, Scholarly Book, Single work, 208
  4. 2000/05, The Esoterc Buddhism of Japan , 2000, 05, Scholarly Book, Joint work

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Transmission du bouddhisme ésotérique -Śubhakarasiṃha, Fa-quan, Enchin-, Noriaki AJIMA, Société franco-japonaise d'histoire de l'art, 2023/07/06, Without Invitation, Japanese, Université Paris Cité, Par Zoom
  2. Cinq mandalas secrets de l'école Tendai, Noriaki AJIMA, Société franco-japonaise d'histoire de l'art, 2023/04/03, Without Invitation, Japanese, Université Paris Cité, Par Zoom
  3. Les trésors secrets du temple Onjôji (Miidera) : un nouveau regard sur le bouddhisme ésotérique japonais, Noriaki AJIMA, 2022/12/01, With Invitation, French, Université Paris Cité, Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l'Asie orientale, École pratique des hautes études, Maison de l'Asie, Ce séminaire présente une analyse du rouleau Gobushinkan du temple Onjôji (Ôtsu, département de Shiga). Ce document apporte un éclairage particulier sur les représentations des bouddhas dans le « mandala du monde du diamant ». Ce sera une occasion unique de découvrir ce trésor national datant de 855, ramené de Chine par le moine Enchin (814-891), et qui est en général inaccessible au public.
  4. Pratiques religieuses des nobles de cour à l'époque Heian, Noriaki AJIMA, 2022/11/28, With Invitation, French, Université Paris Cité, Université Paris Cité, Il s’agit de présenter les pratiques religieuses des nobles de cour de l’époque Heian à partir de documents iconographiques. M. Ajima utilisera pour cela des peintures religieuses représentatives, qui étaient utilisées lors de rituels du bouddhisme ésotérique (mikkyô), amidistes (jôdokyô) ou encore relevant du enkyô (croyances amidistes intégrées dans le bouddhisme ésotérique). On visionnera également un document vidéo montrant un rituel ésotérique pratiqué aujourd’hui.
  5. Les origines des hiragana, Noriaki AJIMA, 2022/11/16, With Invitation, French, Université Paris Cité, Université Paris Cité, Ce cours introduit les variantes de kana utilisées dans les documents japonais anciens, en se basant sur des rouleaux d’images Shigisan Engi Emaki de la période Heian. Ajima apportera des textes originaux pour vous exercer à les lire, et comme il est lui- même professeur de calligraphie, il vous apprendra aussi à les écrire.
  6. L'aube nouvelle de l'histoire de l'art japonais, Noriaki AJIMA, 2015/12/14, With Invitation, Japanese, Univertsité Didrot, Paris
  7. “Quelques réflexions sur la peinture bouddhique antique et médiévale japonaise”, Noriaki AJIMA, 2016/01/07, With Invitation, Japanese, Inarco, Paris
  8. “Cours d’initiation à l’histoire de la peinture bouddhique du Japon”, Noriaki Ajima, 2017/03/02, With Invitation, Paris-Didrot
  9. Peinture du Nirvâṇa de l’ère Ôtoku « Ôtoku-Nehan-Zu 応徳涅槃図 » datée 1086, de l’époque Heian平安., Noriaki AJIMA, 2017/11/21, With Invitation, French, Paris-Didrot
  10. Philosophie de Nirvâṇa ayant pour de fond du soutra « Daihatsu-nehan-gyô大般涅槃経 », Noriaki AJIMA, 2017/11/28, With Invitation, French, Paris-Diderot
  11. Peinture de « un chemin étroit entre deux fleuves »(二河白道図 Niga-byakudô-zu)-La lutte de grandes sectes 天台宗Tendai-Shû et 浄土Jyôdo-Shû-., 2017/12/05, With Invitation, French, Paris-Diderot
  12. Peinture de « Amitâbha descendant des cieux entouré du cortège divin pour sa croyance» -阿弥陀聖衆来迎図Amida-Shôjû-Raigô-zu)-, 2017/12/12, With Invitation, French, Paris-Diderot
  13. Une intention seconde, implicite et cachée, 2018/01/11, With Invitation, French, Paris-Diderot
  14. Comparaison des représentations picturales dans les peintures japonaises et chinoises - du 9ème au 13ème siècle -, AJIMA Noriaki, 2018/11/12, With Invitation, French, ParisVII Diderot, France

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)), 2021, 2023
  2. 2001
  3. 2002
  4. 2000
  5. 2000
  6. 2000
  7. 2000
  8. KAKENHI, Contents and age of paintings of Taishi-do in Kakurin-ji Temple, 2005, 2007
  9. KAKENHI, 2004, 2005
  10. KAKENHI, Study to restore historical landscapes of the ancient periods in Chugoku, southwest Japan, 2000, 2003
  11. KAKENHI, 1993, 1993
  12. KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)), 2017, 2019