Last Updated :2025/02/05

Affiliations, Positions
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
Web Site
sugiki(please type )hiroshima-u.ac.jp
My fields of specialization are Indian and Nepali Buddhism and Hinduism (mainly their esoteric traditions and Buddhist ethics), the theories in Religious Studies and the comparatice studies of religions.

Basic Information

Major Professional Backgrounds

  • 2016/04/01, 2020/03/31, Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor
  • 2015/04, 2016/03, Kaichi International University, Professor
  • 2011/04, 2015/03, Nihonbashi Gakkan University, Lecturer, and Professor since 2013
  • 2007/04, 2010/03, Waseda University, Assistant Professor, and Associate Professor since 2009
  • 2003/01, 2007/02, The University of Tokyo, Specially Appointed Researcher

Educational Backgrounds

  • The University of Tokyo
  • Graduate School at the University of Tokyo

Academic Degrees

  • The University of Tokyo
  • The University of Tokyo

Educational Activity

Course in Charge

  1. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 2Term, Rethinking Violence from the Perspective of Comparative Religion
  2. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 1Term, The Religions of South Asia
  3. 2024, Liberal Arts Education Program1, 3Term, Comparative Religion
  4. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Comparative Civilization
  5. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Seminar in Comparative Civilization
  6. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 1Term, Theories of Religious Studies - Comparative Religion
  7. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Hinduism and Buddhism in South Asia
  8. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 2Term, Hinduism and Buddhism in South Asia
  9. 2024, Undergraduate Education, 3Term, Invitation to World Literature
  10. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Second Semester, Project Research
  11. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 1Term, Religious Studies
  12. 2024, Graduate Education (Doctoral Program) , Academic Year, Special Study
  13. 2024, Graduate Education (Master's Program) , 2Term, Seminar in Integrated Arts and Sciences

Research Activities

Academic Papers

  1. Texts of the Yoga of the Donkey-Shaped (Gardabhākārayoga) and the Seven-Birth (Saptajanman) from the Buddhist Yoginītantras: A Sanskrit Edition and Translation of Sādhananidhi 11, 14, and 49, Vajraḍāka 35, Mahāmudrātilaka 24, and Ḍākārṇava 50.2.1–14, Wias Research Bulletine, 15, 5-41, 202303
  2. The Consumption of Food as a Practice of Fire-oblation in Esoteric Buddhism in Medieval South Asia., International Journal of South Asian Studies, 3, pp. 53-79, 2010
  3. The Homa System of the Vajradakatantra: A Critical Edition and a Preliminary Analysis of its Homa System., Tantric Studies, 1, pp. 131-154, 2008
  4. Cycle of Time, Calendars and Fortune-tellings in the Catuspitha and the Cakrasamvara Buddhist Literatures., The Memoirs of the Institute of Oriental Culture, 146, pp. 159-229, 2005
  5. Five Types of Internal Mandala Described in the Cakrasamvara Buddhist Literature: Somatic Representations of One's Innate Sacredness., The Memoirs of the Institute of Oriental Culture, 144, pp. 157-231, 2003
  6. Book Review Article: David B. Gray, The Cakrasamvara Tantra (The Discourse of Sri Heruka): A Study and Annotated Translation., Journal of International Association of Buddhist Studies, 31, pp. 505-541, 2010
  7. Kambala's Sadhananidhi - Critical Editions of the Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts of Chapters from 4 to 7., Kaichi Kokusai Daigaku Kiyo (Kaichi International University Bulletin), 15, pp. 19-44, 201603
  8. Examples of the Subtle Yoga in the Vajradakatantra - Critical Editions of the Vajradakatantra Chapters 11 and 15., Waseda Daigaku Koto Kenkyujo Kiyo (WIAS Research Bulletin), 8, pp. 39-64, 201603
  9. Signes pr'ecurseurs de mort, esquive de mort et yoga de mort: Une sc`ene de mort du haut Moyen ^Age en Inde., Bulletin of Death and Life Studies, 3, pp. 42-51, 2007
  10. The Soul-departing Procession in Hinduism and the Cultural Practice of Sexual Minorities., Shisei Gaku Kenkyu (Journal of Death and Life Studies), 7, pp. 505-523, 2006
  11. Perfect Realization (Sadhana) of Vajradaka and His Four Magical Females - Critical Editions of the Sanskrit Vajradakamahatantra Chapters 12 and 13., Waseda Daigaku Koto Kenkyujo Kiyo (WIAS Research Bulletin), 9, pp. 5-31, 201703
  12. A Mandala and Sadhana Practices of Mundane Deities - A Japanese Translation of the Vajradakatantra Chapter 19 -, Chisan Gakuho (Journal of Chisan Studies), 66 (80), pp. 47-64, 201703
  13. Rethinking the Buddhist Discourse on Holy Sites in the Ḍākārṇava: A Critical Edition and a Translation of the Sanskrit Ḍākārṇava Chapter 50-3, WIAS Research Bulletin, 39-90, 201803
  14. The Sādhana of the “Adamantine Body” Maṇḍala: A Critical Edition and a Translation of the Sanskrit Ḍākārṇava Chapter 50-8, Journal of Chisan Studies, 67, 45-87, 201803
  15. A Buddhist View of Punishment and Warfare Found in the Indian Mahayana Satyakaparivarta: The Moral Characteristics of Kingship in Accordance with the Ten Good Deeds, Journal of Oriental Studies, 57(2), 2-25, 201811
  16. Buddhist Mantras in the Form of Maṇḍala Deities: A Critical Edition and a Translation of the Sanskrit Text of the Abhidhānottaratantra, Chapters 37, 51, 52, and 59, WIAS Research Bulletin, 31-102, 201903
  17. The Earthly Four Jewels in the Form of Maṇḍala Deities: A Critical Sanskrit Edition and a Translation of Kambala’s Sādhananidhi, Chapter 8, Journal of Chisan Buddhist Studies, 68, 1-64, 201903
  18. Selecting Letters to Make the Fundamental Mantra of Heruka: A Critical Edition and Translation of the Sanskrit Abhidhānottaratantra, Chapters 57 and 58., WIAS Research Bulletin, 12, 33-91, 20200330
  19. An Aspect of Indian Buddhist Views of Capital Punishment and Severe Physical Punishment, Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, 68(3), 63-69, 202003
  20. Compassion, Self-Sacrifice, and Karma in Warfare: Buddhist Discourse on Warfare as an Ethical and Soteriological Instruction for Warriors, Religions, 11(2), 1-22, 202001
  21. The Structure and Meanings of the Heruka Maṇḍala in the Buddhist Ḍākārṇava Scriptural Tradition, Proceedings of the 17th World Sanskrit Conference (Vancouver, 2018), 17, 1-25, 20200630
  22. Warriors Who Do Not Kill in War: A Buddhist Interpretation of the Warrior's Role in Relation to the Precept against Killing (Special Issue: Religious Representations in and around War), Religions, 11(10), 1-20, 20201016
  23. Tantric Appearances and Non-Tantric Meanings: Four Systems of the "Maṇḍala of Mantra" in the Buddhist Cakrasaṃvara Literature., International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture, 31(1), 217-255, 20210630

Publications such as books

  1. 2024/12/30, Secret Signs of Heroines and Heroes, A Critical Edition and Translation of Chapters 26–27 of the Ḍākārṇava and Chapters 3 and 38–45 of the Abhidhānottara., MDPI, 2024, 12, Scholarly Book, Single work, 英語, Sugiki, Tsunehiko, 978-3-0365-9732-4, 362, 362
  2. 2022/08/18, The Oxford Handbook of Tantric Studies (edited by Richard K. Payne and Glen Hayes), On the Chronology of the Buddhist Tantras, Oxford University Press, 2022, 08, Scholarly Book, Contributor, 英語, Tsunehiko Sugiki, 9780197549919, 1057-1082
  3. 2022/06/03, The Ocean of Heroes: Critical Edition, Translation, and Analysis of the Ḍākārṇava, Chapter 15, and Jayasena's Meditation Manual., MDPI, 2022, 06, Scholarly Book, Single work, 英語, Sugiki, Tsunehiko, 978-3-0365-2032-2, 420, 420
  4. 2005, System and Historical Development of Secret Signs as Communication Media., In (Chisan Kangaku Kai ed.) Jihi to Chie no Sekai., pp. 207-234, Seichi Publisher, 2005
  5. 2007, Sekai no Shukyo wo Manabu - Sono Hassei kara Kindai made - (An Introduction of Religions in the World)., Kadokawa Gakugei, 2007
  6. 2007, Samvara kei Mikkyo no Shoso - Gyoja, Seichi, Shintai, Jikan, Shisei - (Aspects of Samvara Esoteric Buddhism - Practitioners, Holy Sites, Body, Time, and Death and Life)., Toshindo, 2007
  7. 2009, The Structure and Traditions of the Systems of Holy Sites in Buddhist Samvara Cycle and its Related Scriptural Cycles in Early Medieval South Asia: The Geography of Esoteric Buddhism in the Eyes of the Compilers of Scriptures., In (Shingo Einoo ed.) Genesis and Development of Tantrism., pp. 515-562, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo, 2009
  8. 2015, Samvara., In (Jonathan A. Silk ed.) Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Vol. 1, pp. 360-366, Brill, 2015
  9. 2016/01, Oblation, Non-conception, and Body: Systems of Psychosomatic Fire Oblation in Esoteric Buddhism in Medieval South Asia., In (Richard K. Payne & Michael Witzel ed.) Homa Variations: The Study of Ritual Change across the Longue dur'ee., pp. 167-213, Oxford University Press, 2016, 1
  10. 2016/03, A Mandala and Sadhana Practices of Mundane Deities in the Vajradakatantra - A Critical Edition of the Vajradakatantra Chapter 19., (Chisan Kangaku Kai ed.) KOMINE Michihiko Sensei KOYAMA Norio Sensei Koki Kinen: Tenporin no Ayumi (Journal of Chisan Studies, 65)., pp. 283-342, Seishi Shuppan, 2016, 3
  11. 2017/03, Rei to Koryu Suru Hitobito - Baikaishya no Shukyoshi - (Those Communicating with the Supernatural: Historical and Ethnological Studies of Religious Intermediaries from the West to the East)., LITHON, 2017, 03, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 日本語, Sugiki, Tsunehiko & Takai, Keisuke
  12. 2018/12, Rei to Koryu Suru Hitobito - Baikaishya no Shukyoshi - (Those Communicating with the Supernatural: Historical and Ethnological Studies of Religious Intermediaries from the West to the East), LITHON, 2018, 12, Scholarly Book, Cocompilation, 日本語, Tsunehiko Sugiki and Keisuke Takai ed.

Invited Lecture, Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation

  1. Theories of Pilgrimage in Esoteric Buddhism in South Asia., International Association for the History of Religion 2005. Takanawa Prince Hotel (Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan), March 23-30, 2005, Without Invitation, English
  2. Theories on the Cycle of Time, Calendar, and Fortunetelling Introduced in the Tantric Buddhism in the Classic Indian Context., International workshop on Tantrism 2005. Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo (Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan), October 3-5, 2005, With Invitation, English
  3. Death Sign, Cheating Death, and Death Yoga: An Example of How Practitioners Accept Death in the Early Medieval INdia., Death and Its Other Side. University of Tokyo, (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo), February 18-19, 2006, With Invitation, Japanese
  4. The Food-homa of Esoteric Buddhism in India., The XVth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia, USA), June 23-28, 2008, Without Invitation, English
  5. Systems of Psychosomatic Fire-oblation in Esoteric Buddhism in South Asia: Practice of Oblation, Non-conceptual Meditation, and Subtle-body Yoga., Variations of Homa: From Vedic to Hindu and Buddhist. Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA), October 1-3, 2010, With Invitation, English
  6. The Formation of Esoteric Buddhism within Mahayana Buddhism: An Interpretation of the Subahupariprccha., The XVIIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. Universitaet Wien (Wien, Austria), August 18-23, 2014, Without Invitation, English
  7. Mandalas of Mantras in the Cakrasamvara Buddhist Literature: Kambala's Sadhananidhi Chapter 8, the Abhidhanottara Chapters 37, 51, 52, and 59, and the Two Sadhanas from the Sadhanamala., 1st Zurich International Conference on Indian Literature and Philosophy, "Transgression and Encounters with the Terrible in Buddhist and Saiva Tantras." University of Zurich, February 19-20, 2016/02, With Invitation, English
  8. Rethinking the Buddhist Discources on Politics and Physical Violence, Tsunehiko Sugiki, Peaceful Development of South Asia, 2018/01/06, With Invitation, English, INDAS-South Asia and Martin Chautari, Kathmandu
  9. The Structure and Meanings of the Heruka Mandala in the Buddhist Dakarnava Scriptural Tradition, Tsunehiko Sugiki, World Sanskrit Conference 2018, 2018/07/11, Without Invitation, English, International Association of Sanskrit Studies, Vancouver
  10. Southeast Asia Inter-religious Dialogue (Roundtable), Tsunehiko Sugiki, The 4th Asia Future Conference, 2018/08/25, With Invitation, English, Atsumi International Foundation, K Hotel, Seoul


  1. 2004/05, Chisan Encouragement Prize, Association for Chisan Studies
  2. 2004/05, Dharma Protection Prize, Goho Kai
  3. 2008/09, Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Japanese Association for Religious Studies

External Funds

Acceptance Results of Competitive Funds

  1. 2012, 2016
  2. 2016, 2017
  3. 2017, 2019
  4. 2020, 2024